
Taiwan urges China to cease threats after Ma-Xi Meeting

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/11 15:03
Last update time:2024/04/11 15:03
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Taiwan urges China to cease threats after Ma-Xi Meeting (TVBS News) Taiwan urges China to cease threats after Ma-Xi Meeting
Taiwan urges China to cease threats after Ma-Xi Meeting (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday (April 10) called on Beijing to immediately cease its threats against Taiwan, respect the country's mainstream public opinion, and restart dialogue with Taiwan government. This statement came in response to the meeting between former Taiwan president Ma and China's Xi.


The ministry expressed that China's military intimidation, diplomatic suppression, economic threats, legal warfare, and cognitive warfare against Taiwan are what the people concern about. It pointed out that China is the party unilaterally changing the status quo across the Taiwan Strait.


The ministry noted that Beijing's propaganda surrounding the meeting cannot conceal China's ambition to embody the "One China Principle" and eliminate Taiwan's sovereignty through the so-called "1992 Consensus."


The ministry emphasized that peace in the Taiwan Strait is a global focus and urged Beijing to meet international expectations as well as promote the healthy development of cross-strait relations.


As for the future foreign policy, the ministry stated that Taiwan will continue to cooperate with like-minded countries such as the United States to jointly maintain the status quo of peace in the Taiwan Strait.


As this year marks the 45th anniversary of the U.S. "Taiwan Relations Act", Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu released a video on social media, stating that the "Taiwan Relations Act" is key to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.


He stated that the Act demonstrates the U.S.'s rock-solid commitment to Taiwan and will further promote commercial, cultural, and other exchanges between Taiwan and the U.S.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# China# Beijing# Xi Jinping# Ma Ying-jeou# Taiwan Relations Act# Taiwan Strait# Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs# China’s military intimidation against Taiwan# 45th anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act
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