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    scam 結果共17筆

  • Taiwanese tourist rescued from scam at Australian airport

    Discover the story of Yu-Ming Lu, a Taiwanese woman who vanished in Australia but was found before she could be scammed. Learn about the efforts of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brisbane and the importance of the "Scam Prevention Strategy 123" for Taiwanese tourists.
    2024/05/03 17:47
  • Cambodia PM condemns Taiwanese YouTubers for kidnap stunt

    Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Manet condemns YouTubers "Good Night Chicken" and "Anow" for staging a fake kidnapping in Cambodia, leading to their imprisonment. Former Prime Minister Hun Sen calls for justice, urging the judiciary to deny clemency.
    2024/02/19 16:23
  • 扮老奶奶誘詐騙仔上鉤 駭客YTR調出個資對方痛哭求饒

    隨著電話與網路詐騙案件愈發頻繁,各種破解或反擊詐騙的影片,經常觀眾直呼過癮。國外一名駭客出身的YouTuber「Scam Sandwich」,數周前上傳一支影片,他扮演一名老奶奶誘使詐騙集團上鉤,一步步要引導她在假網站上,輸入銀行帳號資料,藉此騙取她的金錢;沒想到整件事後續發生大逆轉,駭客展現「反入侵」能力,逐一搜出對方各種資料與身份,反倒讓詐騙女子痛哭並求他手下留情。
    2023/12/21 10:33
  • Taiwan CIB nabs 20 in SMS phishing scam crackdown

    The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has apprehended 20 suspects and seized 15 illegal operations involved in a smartphone SMS phishing scam in Taiwan. The "Info Thunder Project" was deployed to combat the scam, which sent out an average of 4,000 to 5,000 fraudulent text messages per day. The criminal syndicate posed as representatives from legitimate entities, such as the Taiwan Water Corporation and telecom companies, to deceive recipients with misleading alerts. The fraudsters enticed victims to click on malicious links and enter their credit card and bank account details. The CIB’s intelligence analysis team conducted comprehensive studies of phishing cases, leading to the arrests. Evidence seized in two operations includes modem pools, mobile phones, SIM cards, computers, Wi-Fi routers, and application forms for phone numbers. Director-General Chou Yu-wei urged the public to remain vigilant against suspicious text messages and to refrain from clicking on dubious links. The police will continue to dismantle these fraudulent networks and protect citizens from cyber threats.
    2023/12/12 16:57
  • Hou criticizes Taiwan’s anti-fraud efforts amid rising scams

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes Taiwan’s anti-fraud efforts, claiming that fraud cases are increasing despite an investment of NT$2.7 billion into the national anti-scam team. Hou attributes the problem to lenient penalties for fraud, leading to high recidivism rates. He proposes a three-pronged policy approach, including steeper penalties reflective of the amount scammed, interdepartmental cooperation, and stronger cross-strait and international cooperation. Hou also blames existing anti-fraud agencies for a lack of coordinated strategy and vows to improve collaboration if elected. Hou’s running mate, Jaw Shau-kong, compares the treatment of fraudsters in Taiwan and mainland China, stating that Taiwan’s sentences are lenient compared to the death penalty in the mainland. Jaw highlights that modern con artists often target the elderly, posing as utility bill collectors.
    2023/12/07 19:29
  • Police identify 68 victims in cardless installment scam

    Taichung City Police have identified 68 victims of a cardless installment scam involving purchases of electronic products. Two suspects, both surnamed Lin, including a communications store owner, have been arrested for targeting university students in central Taiwan. The police seized evidence including mobile phones, computers, cash, passbooks, and contract documents. The suspects deceived students by promising them NT$5,000 cash for purchasing electronics through cardless installments, but the victims discovered the deceit when they received payment notifications from debt collectors.
    2023/10/28 18:06
  • Imposter salesman swindles millions from Taichung students

    The Taichung City’s 6th Precinct Police Department is investigating a fraud case targeting students from Feng Chia University and Tunghai University. A man surnamed Lin posed as a telecommunications salesman in Taichung City’s Xitun District and cheated students out of millions.
    2023/10/27 15:46
  • Woman wanted for scamming Taiwanese in Australia

    The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia has alerted Australian law enforcement agencies to help apprehend a Taiwanese con artist. The fraudster, identified as a woman named Yang, has defrauded several Taiwanese citizens of approximately NT$20 million. Yang, who is on the wanted list, fled from Singapore to Australia and has been hiding in various states. She has used multiple aliases and previously targeted Taiwanese holiday workers in Australian meat processing factories, promising to help them obtain Permanent Residencies through "visa laundering." Recently, she has posed as an immigration consultant in LINE group chats and defrauded Taiwanese individuals through investment migration schemes. Authorities are urging the public to use legal immigration channels and remain vigilant against this wanted scam artist.
    2023/10/25 16:21
  • 新加坡成全球詐騙最慘國家 每人平均損失13萬

    隨著網路與社群發展,也讓詐騙活動遍及各世界每個角落,《海峽時報》引述全球反詐騙聯盟(Global Anti-Scam Alliance)研究報告,發現截至8月為止,過去一年時間內,全球一共因為詐騙損失的財物高達1.02兆美元(約新台幣32兆9800億元),是近三年來新高紀錄。倘若從各國平均損失金額排名,新加坡自己就是最慘的第一名,該國受害者平均因詐騙損失4031美元(約新台幣13萬344元),比第二、三名的瑞士和奧地利高出不少。
    2023/10/20 13:43
  • Suspect in Taiwan fraud case to compensate victims’ families

    Last year, a horrifying scam that led to the deaths of three people shocked Taiwan as a fraudulent group deceived and held job seekers captive. The main suspect has now been ordered to compensate each of the families of the three victims with NT$1.8 million.
    2023/09/28 17:37
  • Unsolicited packages unveil new fraud scheme in Taiwan

    A new parcel scam has surfaced in Taiwan. A Miaoli resident was targeted, forced to pay for an order she didn’t make. Police urge vigilance, especially in online shopping.
    2023/09/27 11:51
  • Prison vest scam: CEO faces indictment for fraud

    The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has indicted Lin Sheng-che, head of Best Style Safety Industrial Co., for defrauding the Agency of Corrections. Lin presented false documents and unlawfully profited from a bulletproof vest contract, sparking an investigation into his actions.
    2023/08/13 13:53
  • Digital transaction boom in Taiwan coincides with scams rise

    As digital transactions simplify everyday life for many in Taiwan, they have also become a convenient tool for scammers targeting unsuspecting victims. Statistics provided by the National Policy Agency (NPA) under the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) reveal that Taiwan has witnessed over 20,000 annual scam cases since 2017.
    2023/07/11 16:59
  • Taiwan sneaker seller scammed NT$680,000 by fake buyer

    A cautionary tale has emerged regarding the perils of online trading, as a sneaker vendor recently fell victim to a fraudulent customer, losing a significant sum of NT$680,000.
    2023/02/21 15:22
  • 不只柬埔寨!全球反詐騙組織「點名5國家」:別去就對了

    台灣人近期被誘騙至柬埔寨的案例頻傳,被害者不僅受到毆打、軟禁,甚至有女子慘遭多人性侵,引起社會關注。非營利組織 「全球反詐騙組織」(Global Anti Scam Org,簡稱GASO)也指出,台灣人在當地就是「行走的黃金」,坦言現在這段時間非常危險,並點名5個國家,直喊「不管什麼工作機會,不要去就對了」。
    2022/08/09 08:42
  • 他曝柬埔寨詐騙救援血淚內幕 台灣人被當「行走的黃金」

    台灣人遭詐騙到柬埔寨及東南亞國家工作卻慘淪肉票的案件頻傳,非營利組織「全球反詐騙組織」(Global Anti Scam Org,簡稱GASO)先前曾救出多名受害民眾,該組織成員Sammy近日也透露柬埔寨現況,更提到對當地人來說「台灣人跟中國人在當地就是行走的黃金,你被看到就被綁走了」。
    2022/08/08 16:37
  • 詐騙集團害死人! 自閉少年誤信驚慌自盡

    (圖片來源:Fake Police Email Scam in Memory of Joseph Edwards 臉書)
    2015/01/29 14:59
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