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    Richard 結果共466筆

  • 工作太無聊「重創大腦」?釀失智警訊 研究驚:風險飆增37%

    2024/04/25 17:54
  • Computex 2024: Navigating the next wave of AI innovation

    Computex is set to return with a bang this year as Taiwan’s PC manufacturing powerhouses such as Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, and Foxconn look to ride this new generative AI wave.
    2024/04/08 19:49
  • Taipei expo showcases AI’s transformative power in cities

    Explore how the Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei unveiled AI, IoT, and 5G technologies reshaping urban and rural landscapes, highlighting innovations in disaster response, smart infrastructure, and agriculture for a sustainable future.
    2024/03/22 17:58
  • 蘇格蘭夫妻戶頭「突進帳4.4億」成富翁!兌現瞬間崩潰了

    驚喜賺到意外之財!蘇格蘭一對夫妻理查德(Richard Warnock)與潔奎琳(Jacqueline Warnock)日前驚喜發現,兩人在全球投資公司Abrdn的股票帳戶,竟突然多出1080萬英鎊(約新台幣4.4億元)的鉅額資金,驚呼「我們中了大獎」。孰料,最終真相卻傻眼了。
    2024/03/22 10:10
  • 等不到人體器官用豬的 美六旬洗腎男成功移植豬腎創先例

    NBC等媒體報導,美國波士頓的醫療團隊完成了醫學史上首次成功案例,他們成功在一名62歲男性病患身上,進行全球首次基因改造的豬腎臟移植手術,這是世界上第一個被移植到人體的基因改造豬腎。報導指出,這名病患名為理查‧史萊曼(Richard Slayman),他長年罹患末期腎衰竭,必須面臨長期洗腎。在經過長達4小時馬拉松手術後,醫療團隊對外表示,史萊曼術後恢復良好,應該很快就能出院。過去也曾有類似的基改動物器官移植,但不幸的是,兩名接受豬心臟移植的男子,都在數個月內去世。
    2024/03/22 09:47
  • MediaTek unveils AI-enhanced automotive cockpit platform

    MediaTek is targeting the automotive market with the launch of the Dimensity Auto Cockpit SoC (system-on-chip) platform at Nvidia GTC.
    2024/03/19 20:16
  • TSMC joins Apple in Restore Fund ESG Initiative

    TSMC has announced that it is partnering with Apple to invest in the Restore Fund, a pioneering venture dedicated to investing in sustainable and high-quality nature-based carbon removal projects while also protecting critical ecosystems around the world.
    2024/03/14 17:09
  • 好市多即將調漲年費? 資深財務長暗示:尋找適合時機點

    美式賣場好市多(Costco)是許多人日常採購的首選賣場,該公司上周公布2024年的第2季財報時,外界原先推測會在電話會議上宣布調漲年費,不過最終仍未實現,但將於本月退休的財務長加蘭蒂(Richard Galanti)語帶保留地表示「這個決定(調漲會費)要交給下任財務長處理」。
    2024/03/12 12:56
  • Taipei Cycle Show 2024 drives innovation in bicycle industry

    The Taipei Cycle Show 2024 showcased the bicycle industry’s leap towards innovation, emphasizing e-mobility, smart technologies, and sustainability as keys to overcoming the post-pandemic slowdown.
    2024/03/11 22:36
  • TSMC inaugurates first fabrication plant in Japan

    TSMC, the leading semiconductor manufacturer, has inaugurated its first fabrication plant in Kumamoto, Japan, marking a pivotal step in its global expansion. This strategic move aims to enhance Japan’s chip industry and TSMC’s manufacturing capabilities, with plans for a second fab and a commitment to sustainability.
    2024/03/03 18:31
  • HTC pushes boundaries in XR, spatial computing at MWC 2024

    Explore how HTC is reshaping the future of XR and spatial computing with its latest innovations at MWC 2024, from the first VR headset designed for space to advanced AI-driven virtual platforms enhancing global communication and collaboration.
    2024/03/03 18:14
  • Hon Hai acquires land in Mexico for AI server expansion

    Hon Hai Technology Group, known as Foxconn, announces a strategic investment in El Salto, Mexico, to enhance its AI server production, aligning with global demand and expanding its manufacturing footprint.
    2024/03/01 17:07
  • AMD, Qualcomm set the stage for AI PC showdown at COMPUTEX

    COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei has become the focal point for the tech industry, with AMD and Qualcomm leading the charge in the emerging AI PC market. Keynotes by Dr. Lisa Su and Christian Amon highlight the event’s significance in shaping the future of computing.
    2024/02/27 21:20
  • Taiwan’s tech sector set to shine at MWC 2024 in Barcelona

    Taiwanese tech companies seize the spotlight at MWC Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2024, showcasing cutting-edge innovations in AI, 5G, and immersive technologies, reaffirming Taiwan’s pivotal role in telecom advancement.
    2024/02/26 18:42
  • Intel Foundry to challenge TSMC in semiconductor race

    Intel launches Intel Foundry, aiming to produce the world’s fastest chips by 2025. With endorsements from Microsoft and a robust roadmap, Intel aims to challenge TSMC and become a dominant force in the semiconductor industry.
    2024/02/25 13:33
  • 好市多資深財務長宣布退休 會員憂「年費、熱狗都變貴」

    美式賣場好市多(Costco)是許多人日常採購的首選賣場,然而隨著擔任公司財務長將近40年的加蘭蒂(Richard Galanti)近日宣布退休,會員們紛紛擔心售價1.5美元(約新台幣47元)的「熱狗汽水組合」是否會出現首度漲價,另外多年未變的會員年費也有調漲的可能性,讓外界相當關注好市多高層變動後的走向。
    2024/02/16 16:17
  • 陳沂遭當街痛毆!22歲嫌犯全身名牌太扯 手戴鑽錶吐真相糗了

    2024/02/07 10:48
  • 上網徵才「幹票大的」 3男信義區搶千萬名錶、幕後首腦落網

    台北市信義區去年底發生千萬名錶搶案,43歲王姓男子佯裝成手錶玩家,在信義區某咖啡廳中的VIP包廂內企圖搶走價值超過千萬的Richard Mille理查米勒的限量款手錶,但王男當場落網。警方進一步追查,發現幕後藏鏡人為34歲蔡男,警方在日前循線將他逮捕到案,他才坦承在臉書與Telegram上發送訊息「幹票大的」,藉此招募搶匪跟司機,檢警複訊後將其羈押。
    2024/01/31 11:38
  • Intel and UMC to team up to develop 12nm semiconductor tech

    Intel and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) have embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration to develop a 12-nanometer semiconductor manufacturing process, targeting a wide range of high-growth markets and setting the stage for Intel to become a global foundry leader by 2030.
    2024/01/26 16:23
  • The AI PC: A turning point for PC market recovery?

    The global PC market, after years of decline, is at a crossroads with the launch of AI PCs. Leaders like Intel and Nvidia are optimistic, while Taiwanese manufacturers showcase these innovations at CES. The market’s future hinges on further software developments and the adoption of AI-driven user experiences.
    2024/01/26 12:30
  • CES highlights MediaTek’s impact on AI device innovation

    Discover how Taiwan’s MediaTek is reshaping the generative AI device market with its Rabbit R1 AI companion and ElliQ 3 eldercare robot, as revealed at CES. These innovative products challenge tech giants like Intel and Nvidia and offer a glimpse into the future of smart, affordable AI technology.
    2024/01/24 09:15
  • 澳網/「小蠻牛」回歸 艾卡拉茲首戰輕鬆直落三老將晉級

    西班牙「小蠻牛」艾卡拉茲(Carlos Alcaraz)16日在澳網首戰中,成功以7:6(7:5)、6:1、6:2,擊敗資深法國好手加斯凱(Richard Gasquet),他是今年男單會內賽參賽年齡第三長的球員。「小蠻牛」首盤被迫進入「搶七」,但他成功贏得首盤,並在接下來的兩盤中只讓對手拿下3局。這場勝利讓年僅20歲的艾卡拉茲,獲得第二輪比賽資格。
    2024/01/17 09:17
  • 假扮玩家預約賞千萬限量名錶 男朝老闆娘噴辣水行搶慘被壓制

    台北市信義區逸仙路附近一間咖啡廳因附設私人VIP包廂,平時也有在替愛錶的玩家們寄賣經典、限量款手錶,民眾若是喜歡則可和店家洽談約看,沒想到會就此成為嫌犯的下手目標!日前王姓男子假冒成買家上門,進入包廂後看準Richard Mille理查德米勒的限量款手錶,市價超過1000萬,老闆娘協助接待介紹,沒想到王姓男子嘴上說沒有要買,卻趁著包廂門打開時朝老闆娘噴灑辣椒水,之後一把搶走手錶就想跑。好在老闆娘死命拉住人並大喊,其他員工才聽到上前幫忙並報警,當場將人逮捕。
    2023/12/31 10:54
  • 路邊火球驚見1幼童!滿地燒毀焦黑 怪男瘋喊「幫驅魔」斃命

    美國一起冷血攻擊案引起討論,警消人員接獲火警通報,到場後不僅發現是惡意縱火,甚至還是為了傷害無辜一名孩童,39歲主謀漢姆(Richard Ham)更是在見到警察後,揮舞鐵棍發動攻擊,最終被當場擊斃;而該名孩童則是幸運脫逃後,確認傷勢相對輕微、治療後送往安置,警方事後也在漢姆的車輛中發現大量槍械、毒品,詳情仍待進一步調查。
    2023/12/23 08:20
  • MLB/不是索托!洋基、紅襪罕見世仇交易 「3換1」拿回韋杜戈

    隨著MLB的冬季會議開跑,各隊在休賽季的動作也會變得更為頻繁。其中,本來傳出有意爭取教士巨砲索托(Juan Soto)的洋基,反而是在台灣時間今(6)日罕見地與同屬美聯東區的「世仇」紅襪合作,將陣中3名投手交易出去,並拿回27歲的外野手韋杜戈(Alex Verdugo)。
    2023/12/06 11:15
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