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    line 結果共3,774筆

  • Taiwan’s CEC battles misinformation on TikTok

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has filed 105 complaints with TikTok regarding false or misleading election-related content, with 10 made before the election and 95 following it. As of now, 54 of the posts have been taken down, and the cases are ongoing. TikTok has been circulating a substantial amount of inaccurate or untruthful audio-visual information related to the election. The CEC Vice Chairman, Chen Chao-chien, explained that candidates have the right to request the removal of deepfake videos under the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, as well as the Public Officials Election and Recall Act. Online social platforms have also established contact channels with the CEC to prevent false or misleading election-related content, in line with their community principles and for the sake of fair elections. The CEC has declined to comment or respond on specific online platforms on a case-by-case basis.
    2024/01/22 18:37
  • Hou Yu-ih aids homeless in cold snap initiative

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih personally visits homeless individuals, distributing cold-weather supplies to aid the less fortunate during the winter chill. The city government has initiated cold-weather care protocols, providing temporary housing and resources for the homeless. District offices, volunteer groups, and community chiefs proactively comfort solitary seniors by phone, providing cold-weather health information and checking on their well-being. The government also reminds residents to prioritize line safety and ventilation when using heating equipment or water heaters to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. These measures aim to ensure a safe and comfortable winter season for all in New Taipei City.
    2024/01/22 17:57
  • Commuters’ rage boil over during rush hour on Taipei MRT

    Rush hour chaos on Taipei’s Wenhu Line as overcrowded trains lead to unintentional physical contact among commuters. Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s solution aims to ease the overcrowding.
    2024/01/22 17:06
  • 台灣人離不開LINE!完勝這款昔稱霸APP  用戶:1功能太強

    2024/01/22 14:44
  • 黃偉晉淚別媽媽!生前未送出訊息曝光 懊悔做錯這件事

    2024/01/22 07:00
  • 抓包偷腥妻!綠帽夫怒po「毀三觀對話」:用小王的X潤滑真刺激

    2024/01/19 22:52
  • 八點檔男星「LINE群組拉票」違法 本人發聲認收警方通知

    2024/01/19 13:21
  • 超商春節限定!限時刮刮樂抽咖啡買1送1 加碼抽雙人巴黎遊

    2024/01/18 14:07
  • 11 aircraft crossing Taiwan Strait median line: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) has detected 11 aircraft crossing the median line of the strait within a 24-hour period. The Republic of China Armed Forces are closely monitoring these aircraft, along with 24 other aircraft and five vessels engaged in activities around the Taiwan Strait. Some of the aircraft have exceeded the median line and entered Taiwan’s airspace. The closest distances to Taiwan were approximately 42 nautical miles from Keelung in the north and 85 nautical miles from Cape Eluanbi in the south. The MND highlights the changing security environment and threat model faced by Taiwan, asserting that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using cognitive warfare and military actions to impact Taiwan. The MND emphasizes the need to constantly adjust the mode of disclosure to avoid being influenced by the enemy. The Republic of China Armed Forces are employing aircraft, vessels, and shore-based missile systems to closely monitor and prepare for response scenarios.
    2024/01/18 12:24
  • LINE登入方式-1!不再支援「Facebook」帳號

    LINE貼出最新公告,表示自113年1月14日起,結束支援「以Facebook帳號移動LINE帳號」與同步臉書帳號的功能,等同以後民眾不能再以臉書帳號進行登入,須改以Apple ID 與 Google 帳號登入,或是以行動條碼來登入。
    2024/01/18 08:36
  • 安晨妤爆「下指導棋」逼醫師人夫離婚! 入侵家庭群組搶當後媽

    2024/01/16 08:31
  • 台北101首推LINE貼圖 加好友就送100元抵用券

    台北1011月16日首度推出《台北101明星IP賀歲貼圖》,貼圖台北101明星IP「熊樂樂&熊歡歡」及「Damper Baby」16種新年吉祥話為設計主題,;同時,1月16日至2月29日加入LINE好友,即贈送發財金電子抵用券新台幣100元以及賀歲貼圖紙膠帶。
    2024/01/15 15:05
  • 八點檔男星恐違選罷法!疑似在群組「拉票」 本人回應了

    2024/01/13 23:58
  • President Tsai accused of illegal election day campaigning

    During Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections, President Tsai Ing-wen faced criticism after her official LINE account displayed election slogans of Lai Ching-te from the Democratic Progressive Party, leading to accusations of illegal campaigning. The image was later removed from the account. This incident prompted online users to question the authority of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and suggest filing complaints against the president. The CEC had previously warned that campaigning on social media platforms like LINE and Facebook was prohibited on polling day, with violators facing penalties ranging from NT$100,000 to NT$1 million. Political parties, candidates, and their employees or agents could face even higher penalties of NT$200,000 to NT$2 million. The investigation into this alleged violation could have significant financial consequences.
    2024/01/13 14:20
  • 中選會快看!蔡英文發LINE「驚見這句」 他轟:投票日違法宣傳?

    2024/01/13 13:24
  • 饗賓董事長要員工「投賴」 公司證實:個人名義請託

    2024/01/12 16:36
  • 賴蕭凱道造勢超時9分鐘 最重恐挨罰60萬

    2024/01/12 15:46
  • 被搭訕狂要LINE!妹子怒喊「我只用IG」 意外掀兩派論戰

    2024/01/12 14:37
  • 偶像男神遭質疑整形!同劇女星近距離檢查 當面問:鼻子墊的嗎?

    陳星旭、章若楠主演的都會愛情劇《你也有今天》,目前在LINE TV熱播中,劇情講述一位高冷又傲嬌的毒舌律師,遇上樂天派下屬,意外同居並相愛相殺的故事。男主角陳星旭過去因演出《射雕英雄傳》、《東宮》知名度大增,他與宋茜搭擋的另一部職場愛情劇《我們的翻譯官》,甚至與《你也有今天》播出檔期意外重疊,形成「陳星旭網內互打」的局面,好在雙雙飆出好成績。
    2024/01/12 07:00
  • LINE 2功能「全面停止」!照片全看不到 未更新停用了

    2024/01/11 09:51
  • 她靠LINE Pay抓男友開房間 內行一看「這細節」直指是老司機區

    抓姦招式無奇不有,一名女網友近期在論壇分享,「女生的第六感真的準」,他的男友聲稱和朋友唱歌且喝到爛醉,但她一滑下男友手機通知中心,就發現他凌晨3時許用Line Pay花新台幣2000元,在台北市汽車旅館消費。貼文引發討論,就不少內行網友指出,該處根本就是「老司機」專區。
    2024/01/10 21:13
  • 差點摳摳全沒了!「寶貝」親密用語讓阿北沖昏頭

    2024/01/10 12:49
  • 投資就送20萬國安基金!他真領到了…下場就是慘賠300萬

    2024/01/09 12:58
  • 鐵票動搖了?台大醫曝「醫師LINE群內幕」 一面倒轉投藍

    2024/01/08 10:25
  • Jaw Shaw-kong urges China for peace ahead of elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong has called on China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to demonstrate goodwill ahead of Taiwan’s elections. He urged them to refrain from sending military aircraft across the median line of the Taiwan Strait, advocating for peace in the region. Jaw’s plea comes after a Newsweek report revealed that 1,709 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone in 2023, representing a 76% increase from the previous year. Although the number decreased to 80 in December, military aircraft continued to intrude in 2024. Jaw specifically named the TAO in his message, asking them to relay it to the PLA. The persistent disruptions by China with military aircraft, ships, and floating balloons have heightened tensions as Taiwan’s final presidential election of 2024 approaches, affecting both the electorate and candidates and reflecting the complex dynamics of cross-strait relations and the election.
    2024/01/07 15:59
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