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    flying 結果共35筆

  • 迴轉轎車擊落台南千萬賓利!右車頭全毀 網驚呼:撞到房子!

    台南永康永大路三段今(14)日上午9時許發生一起擦撞車禍,一輛價值超過千萬的黑色賓利Flying Spur,與一輛迴轉的白色Suzuki發生擦撞,車主立即下車查看,雙方車頭皆有損毀,警方獲報趕往現場協助,雙方駕駛均未受傷,亦無酒駕情事。有網友看見畫面,直呼:「撞到房子了!」
    2024/05/14 15:45
  • Black Eagles wow fans at Kaohsiung Airport stopover

    The South Korean Air Force Black Eagles Aerobatic Team captivated aviation enthusiasts with a stopover at Kaohsiung International Airport, showcasing their precision flying and promoting military aircraft technology.
    2024/03/07 17:23
  • Mid-air miracle: Woman gives birth on EVA Air flight

    A pregnant woman gave birth on an EVA Air flight from Tokyo to Taipei, with both mother and child reported safe. The Civil Aeronautics Administration confirmed the successful landing at Taipei Songshan Airport. EVA Air has specific guidelines for pregnant passengers, including restrictions on flying after 36 weeks for single pregnancies and after 32 weeks for multiple pregnancies. Pregnant women between 28 and 35 weeks must complete a medical information sheet approved by the company’s doctor before flying.
    2024/02/15 15:18
  • Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia shines on ELLE cover

    Golden Horse Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia, known for her breakthrough role in Taiwan’s first-generation family comedy "A Happy Family," graces the cover of lifestyle magazine ELLE. From period dramas like "Flying Dragon in The Sky" to "The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber" and "Secret History of Princess Taiping," Chia’s diverse talent shines. Her career took a turning point with the drama "The World Between Us," delving into capital punishment and mental health issues. Off-stage, Chia shares a close bond with her husband, Hsiu Chieh-kai, supporting each other personally and professionally. Chia emphasizes the importance of encouragement and empathy in their relationship, constantly learning and improving together.
    2024/02/07 14:43
  • Giant panda Yuan Zai passes health check with flying colors

    Yuan Zai, the beloved giant panda, has been deemed to be in good health after undergoing a comprehensive medical examination at the Taipei Zoo. The examination, conducted by a team of experts in anesthesiology, dentistry, and radiology, included various tests such as ophthalmology, hematology, and a full-body CT scan. Results showed that Yuan Zai is normal and weighs 114 kilograms. However, zoo officials have highlighted the need for caution regarding her previously broken incisor, which has undergone a root canal treatment. Despite some loss of filling material, the root of the incisor remains healthy. The zoo has also announced plans for a health check for another giant panda, Yuan Bao, in February. As a reminder, the public, particularly panda enthusiasts, are encouraged to prioritize their own health checks and regular dental visits.
    2024/01/17 14:41
  • Embassy reflects on Shih Ming-te’s democratic hopes

    The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to the Holy See commemorated a previous visit by Shih Ming-te, the former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman, in 2019. Shih expressed elation at the sight of Taiwan’s flag waving in foreign lands and desired to see justice fulfilled and the flag flying everywhere. The embassy’s Facebook post highlighted the contrasting positions of the free world and China’s authoritarian regime toward Taiwan, emphasizing how China undermines Taiwan’s democracy and freedom diplomatically. The post also mentioned the severance of ties between Taiwan and Nauru, reflecting Taiwan’s persistence in democratic transformation and progress despite challenges.
    2024/01/16 12:08
  • Santa soars over Taiwan sky on Christmas Eve, NORAD reports

    Santa Claus flew over Taiwan’s skies on Christmas Eve, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). This tradition, dating back to 1955, began when a local newspaper misprinted a Santa hotline number, leading to NORAD’s predecessor’s number being inundated with calls from curious children. Rather than disappoint, the command started reporting Santa’s location. This year, Santa departed from the North Pole in a sleigh with the call-sign "HOHOHO," flying over Japan, Korea, China, and finally Taiwan. NORAD shares Santa’s flight trajectory, destinations, times, and the number of gifts distributed on their official website each Christmas Eve. They also rely on 1,100 to 1,200 volunteers to answer calls from children worldwide, receiving up to 260,000 calls in 2022. Platforms like Google and Flightradar24 also offer trackers to keep up with Santa’s movements.
    2023/12/25 13:30
  • Starlux Airlines joins TSA PreCheck program

    Starlux Airlines has announced its participation in the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) PreCheck program, allowing qualified passengers to enjoy expedited security checks when traveling to or transiting through the United States. Eligible travelers on Starlux flights to the U.S. will have access to a dedicated security lane where they can keep their shoes, belts, light jackets, electronics, and liquids in their carry-on luggage. Passengers eligible for PreCheck will receive a Known Traveler Number (KTN) to provide when booking flights or during airport check-in. The program also extends its benefits to children aged 12 and under. TSA PreCheck is available at over 200 airports in the United States.
    2023/12/20 18:30
  • Taiwan monitors 6 PLA aircraft, 2 vessels near island

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) has reported six instances of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and two Chinese naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait between 6 a.m. on Sunday and 6 a.m. on Monday. In response, Taiwan’s military has deployed aircraft, ships, and missile systems for monitoring and appropriate response. The MND has also disclosed the sighting of two suspected Chinese weather balloons crossing the Taiwan Strait median line at the northern end. The balloons were approximately 110 nautical miles northwest of Keelung, flying below an altitude of about 27,000 feet, and drifting eastward. These developments occur amidst increased Chinese military activities around Taiwan, as Beijing considers the island a renegade province to be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary.
    2023/12/18 14:22
  • 男極限跳傘撞到機翼「高空斷頭慘死」 飛行員判決出爐

    經驗豐富的法國極限跳傘員加利(Nicolas Galy),2018年進行飛鼠裝滑翔運動(Wingsuit flying)時,從高空跳下短短20秒後遭飛機機翼打中,頸部徹底撕裂,身首異處。當時駕駛飛機的飛行員面臨過失殺人指控,在經過長達5年的訴訟後,判決結果於22日出爐,法院判定飛行員犯下過失殺人罪,判處12個月緩刑並禁飛1年。
    2023/11/23 11:15
  • 極限滑翔「遭機翼斬首」!跳機20秒斷頭 法男慘死4千米高空

    任何運動都有風險存在,更別說被列為「極限運動」的各種活動,擁有豐富跳傘經驗的法國男子加利(Nicolas Galy),曾在2018年一次從事飛鼠裝滑翔運動(翼裝飛行,Wingsuit flying)時,不慎被飛機的機翼打中頸部,當場頸骨碎裂如同斬首,在4000公尺高空瞬間死亡,而經過長達5年的審判,當時負責駕駛飛機的飛行員也將面臨過失殺人指控。
    2023/09/22 15:02
  • 改裝廠太有才!千萬賓利房車變身皮卡 貨斗如置身豪華遊艇

    雖然歐洲豪華品牌想要打造皮卡車的計畫一直並不是很順遂,但是對於改裝玩家而言,來自歐洲的奢華車款與皮卡車的結合,這種反差感受正式最吸引人的地方。而先前曾經有設計師試圖把Bentley Bentayga,以合成的方式改造成皮卡車,幾可亂真的程度也讓不少網友敲碗希望可以實現。
    2023/08/21 16:06
  • 日老翁峇里島搭「飛魚船」遭拋飛 3公尺高空墜慘死

    一名60歲日本老翁,近日與家人一同前往印尼峇里島旅遊。沒想到一行人前往巴東海邊玩水上設施「飛魚船」(FLYING FISH)時,他和兒子卻在高空中遭到拋飛。老翁從將近3公尺高空墜海,送醫後宣告不治,美好的家族旅行頓時變成一場惡夢。
    2023/08/19 17:36
  • Rescuers focus efforts on far end of Pingtung waterfalls

    Taiwan authorities announced on Monday (May 22) that rescue teams will continue operations and concentrate efforts on the southern end of the Flying Dragon Waterfall in Pingtung County as three people from a river tracing group remain missing.
    2023/05/22 16:29
  • Taiwan flag makes surprising cameo in U.S. Air Force video

    A recent U.S. Air Force promo video released by Moody Air Force Base has caused a stir amongst keen-eyed viewers for its unexpected inclusion of the national flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan). 
    2023/03/17 18:26
  • 美情報部門2年收366件UFO目擊報告 一半無法解釋

    不明飛行物(Unidentified Flying Object, UFO)一向是科幻小說和電影中常見的題材,研究人員、一般大眾都對UFO充滿了神秘的想像;據《CNBC》報導,從2021年3月以來,將近2年的時間,美國情報機構共新增了366份目擊UFO的報告,平均下來幾乎每2天就新增1件,其中有一半經調查後仍無法解釋,更加引發外界好奇心。
    2023/01/13 10:31
  • Flying Spur不屬於賓利? 竟被對手註冊在這產品

    根據USPTO美國專利商標局的公開資料顯示,Rolls-Royce申請註冊了「Flying Spur」的商標。等等?Flying Spur不是屬於Bentley旗下的車系,照理來說商標應該早就註冊,所有權也屬於Bentley才對?這是因為商標並非一體適用於所有領域,並不會因為你註冊了Flying Spur,其他人在任何領域都不能用這個名字。
    2022/12/30 09:51
  • 貧窮限制想像!網紅開箱富豪車庫 全新法拉利竟「拿來切」

    有最有錢Youtuber封號的超哥,目前擁有Bentley Flying Spur、Lamborghini Aventador大牛等豪車與超跑,但這次超哥來到新加坡,要來開箱的是超級富豪友人的私人車庫,裡面所收藏的車款就連見過大風大浪的超哥也感到十分驚訝。
    2022/11/16 10:39
  • 網紅擦撞賓利30萬輪圈受損 發豪語「再撞就換勞斯萊斯」

    有最有錢Youtuber封號的超哥在不久之前入手賓利Bentley Flying Spur奢華房車,不料沒過多就他的愛車就發生了擦碰,讓超哥感到非常心疼。事情的起因是超哥有次經過天母一帶的小路,在行經彎道時不小心讓愛車的右後輪擦撞到水泥路緣,讓價值30萬的輪圈刮出大約15公分的傷口。
    2022/10/12 21:47
  • 女生開豪車不適應?「全台最有錢」網紅借賓利給老婆試駕

    有全台最有錢Youtuber封號的網紅超哥,除了時常在頻道中分享自己的所見所聞之外,也不吝跟觀眾朋友分享自己所擁有的愛車。而這次超哥則是有意跟朋友購買Bentley Flying Spur奢華房車,但由於這台車的車身尺碼特別霸氣,超哥也擔心入手之後太太蘇菲可能為無法駕馭。因此超哥決定先借來試開看看,也順便徵詢太座意見,如果蘇菲喜歡的話再決定入手。
    2022/08/26 13:53
  • 中信「飛牡蠣」電競戰隊成立!隊名曝光網友秒聯想他

    中國信託繼棒球「中信兄弟」、籃球「中信特攻」後,今(27)日宣布成立職業電競戰隊「中信飛牡蠣CTBC Flying Oyster」(簡稱「CFO」),該戰隊將參戰2022年英雄聯盟太平洋職業聯賽(Pacific Championship Series, PCS),並且宣示要前進世界大賽。不過網友們見到新隊名出現,紛紛歪樓,並且聯想到「那個男人」。
    2022/01/27 20:02
  • 憲哥變心不愛Tesla? 深夜感性貼文暗示將入主Taycan Turbo

    有「本土綜藝天王」之稱的吳宗憲,近期在臉書發表一篇176字的感性貼文,描述自己「不快樂」的原因,文中又提到:「看完台東玩很大的完結篇,突然間自己悲傷的哭了起來⋯」,讓人不免聯想到是去年吳宗憲一直有意栽培的接班人小鬼黃鴻升驟逝,讓它再度感傷了起來。不過貼文似乎有些圖文不符,因為貼文附圖是一個拿著紅色氣球的小女孩於Porsche展示間手指Taycan Turbo的照片,讓人不免聯想,難到憲哥又要牽新愛駒了嗎?
    2021/10/26 16:19
  • 原價1,200萬賓利Flying Spur庫存新車賣多少? 錢毅:只要五折!

    Bentley全新車的售價肯定突破千萬元,但這次來到《地球黃金線》的一輛「全新」Flying Spur,達人Money錢毅直接破題說:它只賣五折!這台車是由外匯車商引進、2017年生產的車款,庫存了4年都沒人開過,也就是說,它算是一台全新庫存車。
    2021/10/26 12:10
  • Bentley後座娛樂新功能爽看網飛又打遊戲 網嘆:只羨賓利哥不羨仙

    2021/09/03 14:18
  • 賓利賣翻創百年之最! 疫情助攻奢侈品CEO也傻眼

    2021/08/03 14:33
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