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    festival 結果共211筆

  • Dutch film ’Invisible Nation’ casts Taiwan in new light

    "Invisible Nation," a documentary portraying Taiwan’s path to democracy and featuring President Tsai Ing-wen, premiered at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, drawing acclaim for its unbiased and unique perspective.
    2023/11/19 16:26
  • ID.Buzz台灣首現身 福斯商旅:預計2024可引進

    從全球首演以來,ID.Buzz就以致敬T1的俏皮外表以及靈活空間機能受到各界矚目,而在貿易商公布平行輸入引進版ID.Buzz售價之後,台灣福斯商旅也藉由舉辦VanLife Festival嘉年華活動機會向原廠商借一輛右駕版ID.Buzz標準軸距版在台灣展出,11月10日至11月13日於101水舞廣場展演,並將巡迴台灣演出。台灣福斯商旅表示,ID.Buzz預計明年下半年在台發表,並且同步評估具有7人座機能的長軸車型。
    2023/11/12 10:32
  • Patty Tsai sparks speculation with election campaign image

    Patty Tsai, daughter of the founders of the Red Bean Dining Group and wife of Kuomintang (KMT) deputy chairman Sean Lien, sparked speculation of a political run after posting a picture resembling an election campaign on her Facebook page. However, the picture was actually promoting her brand’s participation in the Double 11 Shopping Festival in 2023. Tsai’s intention was to combat unscrupulous products, address food safety risks, and provide better services and culinary products to the public. Her playful evocation of an election campaign garnered support online, with many users endorsing her and referring to her as "Legislator Tsai."
    2023/11/09 12:37
  • Kites of marine life fill the sky at Lukang’s ocean party

    Experience the festive Lukang Kite Festival in the historic port town of Lukang, as kites in various marine animal shapes soar in the skies. Despite a lack of wind in the morning, a breeze picked up in the afternoon, attracting numerous spectators. Reflecting Lukang’s identity as a small fishing town with a rich seafood production, the festival embodied an ocean party theme.
    2023/11/05 21:19
  • 哈瑪斯酷刑羞辱「扒光遊街」 23歲女刺青師遺體尋獲

    以色列外交部今天表示,巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義運動組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日在諾瓦音樂節(Nova Festival)綁架的23歲德、以雙重國籍女子盧克(Shani Louk)已證實死亡。
    2023/10/30 22:11
  • 周湯豪唱一半全身濕透被拱脫衣 突脫口「好消息」台下嗨翻

    「全能天王」周湯豪上週末受邀於新加坡One Love Asia Festival 音樂節演出,已經6年沒在新加坡演出的他,一連帶來11首經典歌曲,長達40分鐘演出誠意滿滿,有趣的是,以往他潮流icon的舞台魅力總是High到獲女粉脱「罩」致敬,來到新加坡,飆唱到濕身喊熱的他,反而被粉絲拱脫衣,周湯豪笑回:「你很色、很變態喔,叫我脫掉。不行啦!我吃太多海南雞飯了。」
    2023/10/30 13:38
  • 蕭秉治開唱講錯話「竟被粉絲糾正」 揭憂鬱過往感嘆全說了

    蕭秉治日前受邀參加第2屆加拿大音樂節Jade Music Festival,帶來30分鐘的精彩演出,他開心向歌迷打招呼,「上次來加拿大好像是6年前,很開心又來到溫歌華!」不過台下歌迷「糾正」他,其實上次見面是2015年9月,一轉眼已過了8年的時間,他感謝歌迷這些年都沒忘記他,更透過專輯《凡人》、《狂人》向粉絲展現自己的成長。
    2023/10/26 17:29
  • Ocean-themed kites take test flight ahead of Kite Festival

    Get ready for the Lukang Kite Festival as colorful kites fill the skies! Featuring ocean-themed kites, professional kite players, and a showcase of Lukang’s karasumi industry, it’s a cultural celebration not to be missed.
    2023/10/25 18:15
  • Elderly receive free rides for Double Ninth Festival

    Celebrate the Double Ninth Festival in Taiwan with special benefits for elderly citizens. Those aged 65 and above can enjoy complimentary rides on the Taipei MRT and Maokong Gondola by presenting their electronic elderly ticket. Take advantage of these discounts to explore the city.
    2023/10/23 15:33
  • 趙德胤再傳捷報! 金馬後再入圍「紀錄片奧斯卡」歸功吳可熙

    由《灼人秘密》導演趙德胤耗時6年拍攝、製作,吳可熙首度跨刀助陣擔任剪輯的全新紀錄片《診所》,風光提名第60屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片,昨(18)晚更確定入圍全球最大的紀錄片影展、有「紀錄片界的奧斯卡」美譽的2023荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展(International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, IDFA)「國際競賽」單元,將代表台灣與世界各地11部作品角逐首獎。
    2023/10/20 18:16
  • Chiayi County gifts cash to elderly for Double 9th Festival

    The Bureau of Social Affairs in Chiayi County is distributing cash to elderly residents in local villages, with over 100,000 beneficiaries expected. In honor of the Double Ninth Festival, the Chiayi County Government is providing monetary gifts to those aged 65 and above, with varying amounts of NT$3,000, NT$6,000, or NT$9,000.
    2023/10/17 15:45
  • Amis Music Festival resumes in Taitung after 3-year hiatus

    The Amis Music Festival resumed its melodious celebrations on Oct. 8 and Oct. 9 in Taitung after a 3-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Amis performers took to the stage to belt out their songs and swayed to the beat while the crowds below basked in the energetic music.
    2023/10/15 20:00
  • THSR apologizes for massive crowds at Taichung station

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) issued an apology for the overcrowding experienced at its Taichung station on Sunday, with some passengers waiting for three hours without boarding. In preparation for the upcoming National Day holiday, the THSR promised to improve passenger guidance, divert passengers accordingly, and enhance crowd control measures.
    2023/10/02 16:09
  • Roundest moon in a decade for Mid-Autumn Festival

    The Taipei Astronomical Museum announces that the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival will feature the roundest moon in a decade, with peak brightness at 5:57 p.m. This rare occurrence offers you a chance to witness a 100% full and bright moon, a phenomenon that happens only about one in three times on the same day as the festival.
    2023/09/28 20:07
  • Northeast monsoon to impact Mid-Autumn Festival weather

    Taiwan braces for a rainy Mid-Autumn Festival as the northeast monsoon dominates the weather. While central and southern regions offer better moon-watching opportunities, northern Taiwan faces isolated showers. Stay prepared with rain gear.
    2023/09/28 19:59
  • Taiwan braces for rainfall over Mid-Autumn Festival

    Taiwan is preparing for a three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, but may also face heavy rain and a potential typhoon. The Central Weather Bureau predicts rainfall from Oct. 1-2, possibly lasting for five consecutive days.
    2023/09/28 17:25
  • THSR increases passenger capacity for Mid-Autumn Festival

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will increase passenger capacity during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2. Nearly half a million tickets have been sold, with high demand for southbound trains on Sept. 28 and 29 and northbound trains on Oct. 1 and 2.
    2023/09/27 16:13
  • Moisture brings showers to southern and northeastern regions

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s weather updates for Wednesday and beyond. Discover the latest on occasional showers, thundershower potential, and more. Get insights into southern Taiwan’s ideal moon-viewing conditions during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    2023/09/27 11:17
  • Ang Lee named president of jury for 60th Golden Horse Awards

    Director Ang Lee will serve as the president of the jury for the 60th Golden Horse Awards, marking his return to the role after a decade. Lee, who previously acted as president of the jury for the 50th Golden Horse Awards, expressed his anticipation and excitement for the event.
    2023/09/26 17:58
  • Taipei Poetry Festival brings poems into people’s lives

    The opening ceremony of the Taipei Poetry Festival unfolded on Saturday (Sept. 23) at the Zhongshan Hall. Organized by Taipei City’s Department of Cultural Affairs, the festival features international poets who traveled to Taiwan for the occasion. 
    2023/09/25 20:17
  • 徐乃麟不相信!苦等1小時嗆吳姍儒宮縮「別演了」 她擁11代言揭價碼

    吳姍儒(Sandy)主持TVBS《萌寵明星粗乃玩》第三季,累積一票鐵粉,她日前帶著毛小孩「呵喜」參與2023 YouTube Festival 創作者見面會,分享錄影時的各種驚奇。活動中吳姍儒親自澄清在「綜藝大哥」徐乃麟和徐新洋那集晚到一小時的真相,也接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,談及《萌寵》無緣金鐘的心情。
    2023/09/25 13:07
  • 專訪/吳姍儒健身「旁邊是胡瓜」互動微妙! 合體吳宗憲再戰金鐘被敷衍

    吳姍儒(Sandy)主持TVBS《萌寵明星粗乃玩》第三季,帶著毛小孩「呵喜」出外景,與藝人來賓感性談心,玩遊戲,將寵物友善景點分享給大家。吳姍儒日前參與2023 YouTube Festival 創作者見面會,與《萌寵》鐵粉暢聊拍攝心情,會後她接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,雖本屆無緣金鐘獎,但她不氣餒,期待在新的一季端出意想不到的驚喜給觀眾。
    2023/09/25 10:42
  • Thunderstorms expected in southern Taiwan, rain gear advised

    Southern Taiwan is under a thunderstorm warning due to a Pacific high-pressure system. Rain is expected in Greater Taipei later this week, with a potential typhoon on the horizon. Stay updated and prepare for changing weather conditions.
    2023/09/18 19:43
  • 金馬導演威尼斯影展奪獎! 《五月雪》爆雙喜入選溫哥華國際影展

    本屆金馬60的開幕片《五月雪》,近日奪下第80屆威尼斯影展「電影藝術獎」(Cinema&Arts Awards),讓導演張吉安喜出望外。而昨(7)日《五月雪》更連傳雙喜獲選溫哥華國際影展(Vancouver International Film Festival)的好消息,該影展策展人歐陽寶珠(Pochu AuYeung)更盛讚《五月雪》「神秘且悲傷,令人難忘!」
    2023/09/08 14:56
  • President Tsai, TPP Ko, KMT Hou aim to secure Hakka votes

    President Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, and Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih attended the Hsinchu Hakka Yimin Festival on Monday (Sept. 4).
    2023/09/04 19:06
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