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    festival 結果共211筆

  • 泰國潑水節狂歡後 破千人「新冠中鏢」其中3人死亡

    泰國目前正處於俗稱「潑水節」的宋干節(Songkran festival)慶典期間,吸引大批遊客前往朝聖狂歡,但今年的慶典似乎問題重重,除了狂歡導致交通大打結、各種意外事故頻傳,如今當地媒體更傳出,當地醫院通報,過去一星期以來,在經歷潑水狂歡後,超過千人感染新冠肺炎(Covid-19)病毒;還有數十名兒童疑似在潑水過程,接觸不乾淨水源,出現腹瀉等症狀。
    2024/04/22 12:08
  • ’Wandering in Taitung’ showcases Taiwan’s beauty in Tokyo

    Explore how Taitung County’s recent tourism promotion event in Tokyo aimed to captivate Japanese visitors with the region’s natural beauty and cultural offerings.
    2024/04/18 20:00
  • 表演接連「翻車」?3實力女團人氣狂飆 超狂LIVE舞台一次看

    近日韓國女團ILLIT、LE SSERAFIM舞台表演被網友點名翻車,真實live實力引起韓網熱議,女團ILLIT在安可舞台上開麥演唱,就有韓國網友開酸「為什麼讓她們用這種實力出道?」,而人氣女團LE SSERAFIM近期在科切拉音樂節(Coachella Festival)的全開麥表演,因頻頻走音也被網友批評,「真的是歷代級」、「音準完全不對」。
    2024/04/17 14:49
  • 人氣女團大翻車?網酸唱功「水牛咆哮」 成員疑發中指照洩憤

    人氣女團LE SSERAFIM出道2年就在海內外累積超高人氣,近日他們登上了美國科切拉音樂節(Coachella Festival),整場表演40分鐘麥克風全開,怎料卻被抓到頻頻走音,甚至被網友嘲笑根本是「水牛咆哮」。日籍成員宮脇咲良昨(15日)透過社群發聲,稱「這是我們展現的舞台中最棒的舞台」,再度引發輿論,直呼她根本是「日本式的精神喊話」。
    2024/04/16 19:44
  • 文策院攜手榮耀基金會 共推臺灣音樂劇創投媒合平台

    文化內容策進院(文策院)今(9)日與榮耀基金會合作,並由榮耀基金會串聯相關文化內容產業創投天使夥伴,共同推出「讀劇匯—音樂劇創投媒合平台 Taiwan Musical Reading Festival」,期待未來透過資金挹注、人才培育以及產業社群的串連,孵化更多作品,開拓臺灣音樂劇市場。
    2024/04/09 17:09
  • Festival honors democracy advocate Deng Nan-jung’s legacy

    Here is a meta description for the story: Tʻai-chung "Born 2 Be Free Festival" chʻu-hsing 35 chou-nien chi-nien Teng Nan-jung shih-chieh chi Tʻai-yang-hua Hsüeh-yün 10 chou-nien, tʻui-hsiang yen-lun tzu-yu chia-chih, chʻüan-li min-chung liao-chieh kuo-chʻü jen-chʻüan pei-hai li-shih, cheng-fu yin-chih chih-chʻi huo-tung.
    2024/04/09 11:14
  • Hengchun peninsula thrives during 2024 Taiwan Music Festival

    The 2024 Taiwan Music Festival attracts over a million attendees, boosting the local economy of the Hengchun Peninsula and generating NT$ 1 billion in revenue for businesses. The event provides a platform for independent music and enhances musical tourism in the region.
    2024/04/08 17:41
  • Taitung eyes South Korean market to enhance tourism ties

    Taitung’s City Government officials visit Seoul to promote the region’s unique cultural and natural attractions, aiming to attract more Korean tourists and enhance Taiwan-Korea tourism cooperation.
    2024/04/04 20:00
  • Rainy Tomb Sweeping weekend predicted for northern Taiwan

    Stay informed about the weather in Taiwan with updates from Consulting Director Chia Hsin-hsing of Taiwan Integrated Disaster Prevention of Technology. Be prepared for scattered showers in various regions starting next Thursday, coinciding with the Tomb Sweeping Festival. Stay alert for possible thunderstorms and heavier rainfall in central and southern areas in the coming days.
    2024/03/27 10:35
  • New Taipei’s online memorial hits record users

    Discover how New Taipei City’s online memorial service system has seen a significant surge in users ahead of the Qingming Festival. Learn about the system’s evolution since its launch in 2013 and the recent enhancements made by the New Taipei City Civil Affairs Bureau. Explore the unique features of this digital platform and how it complements traditional grave visitations during this solemn period.
    2024/03/26 11:05
  • 恭喜!福地祐介入圍紐約電視節最佳男主角 冷酷間諜獲認可

    日本男星福地祐介日前主演電視劇《Last Madame Sisters of the Night》,憑藉其精湛的演技受到肯定,成功入圍2024紐約電視節最佳男主角獎(New York Festival 2024 - Shortlist Best Performance),獲得了國際評審的高度認可。
    2024/03/25 16:23
  • President Tsai joins record-breaking Matsu pilgrimage

    Experience the vibrant Matsu festival pilgrimage from Miaoli to Yunlin, led by President Tsai Ing-wen. Join the record-breaking 180,000 participants in this nine-day journey of devotion and celebration.
    2024/03/18 17:20
  • 老婆剛懷孕!金曲男星遠赴菲律賓工作 語言不通心聲曝

    《金曲國際音樂節》策略聯盟計畫,是透過GMA平台與國際重要音樂節建立合作關係,增加國內藝人與樂團赴海外展演機會,「Wanderland Music & Arts Festival」至今已辦理10屆,為菲律賓地區最大規模的音樂節之一,李權哲、雲端司機於3月10日登上「Wanderland」舞台,一連帶來九首歌曲,將近30分鐘的演出誠意滿滿,也讓台下歌迷感受到音樂魅力。
    2024/03/18 14:41
  • 賭王千金砸千萬搶救!老公大動脈爆裂近況曝 鬆口:還要動手術

    已故澳門賭王何鴻燊千金何超儀,2010年組團「何超與海膽仔(Josie & The Uni Boys)」,以藝名「何超」擔任樂團主唱,今年她首度擔任音樂節召集人,舉辦香港規模最大的搖滾音樂節「The Wild Ones Music Festival」,就連吳彥祖都驚喜現身支持。而她右腳在英國拍戲受傷骨裂,帶傷開唱的她依舊爆發力十足,她的老公陳子聰歷經大動脈爆裂,這次跟著所屬嘻哈團體「廿四味」重回舞台,讓粉絲感動不已。
    2024/03/06 12:29
  • Over 3M attendees light up New Taipei lantern festival

    The 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, with a record-breaking three million attendees, featured nine main lantern areas and a special ’golden lantern’ from Kotonocho, Japan. The festival concluded on March 3, with all lantern decorations relocated to local offices for future use.
    2024/03/06 11:41
  • 滅火器領軍!美國南方音樂節台灣卡司曝光 驚見人氣金曲新人

    一年一度的全球音樂產業盛會美國南方音樂節(SXSW Music,South by Southwest Music Festival) 將於3月11日至16日舉行,SXSW官方日前公布「Taiwan Beats Showcase」演出日程及活動詳情,臺灣演出團隊包括滅火器、持修、Gummy B、Mong Tong、恐龍的皮、Majin等6組音樂人,於當地時間12日晚間接力演出,
    2024/03/05 17:26
  • Miami celebrates Taiwan’s rich culture at Asian Festival

    Miami-Dade County Commissioner Anthony Rodriguez praises Taiwan’s hospitality and cuisine during the 33rd annual Asian Cultural Festival in Florida, where Taiwan showcased its traditional culture through various elements like electronic music and puppet theater. Taiwan’s representative office in Miami offered calligraphy scrolls and high-mountain tea to promote the nation’s culture, with Director-General Chou Chi-yu expressing gratitude to the festival’s organizers for fostering cultural understanding. Rodriguez and Chou encouraged attendees to explore Taiwan’s vibrant cultural scene firsthand.
    2024/03/05 11:00
  • Taoyuan Lantern Festival goes out with a bang

    The Taoyuan Lantern Festival concluded with breathtaking dragon dances, music, and circus acrobatics, connecting two venues with the Taolin Line Bikeway and setting the stage for the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival.
    2024/03/03 16:33
  • CDC announces flu vaccines open to public from March 5

    Taiwan’s CDC announces government-funded flu vaccines will be available starting March 5 for those unvaccinated for over six months, amidst a surge of over 112,486 reported cases in a week. With stocks dwindling to 70,000 doses, eligible individuals urged to seek early inoculation.
    2024/02/27 17:47
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • New Taipei collects 160kg of litter post-Lantern Festival

    Join over a hundred volunteers in New Taipei City as they collaborate to clean up mountains, removing 160 kilograms of litter, including sky lanterns. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection, these efforts aim to balance tourism and natural preservation.
    2024/02/26 11:19
  • Dazzling New Taipei Lantern Festival draws record crowds

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, featuring a stunning 12-meter-high dragon lantern, international and indigenous art displays, and diverse activities for attendees. Join in the celebration of the Year of the Dragon and the Spring Lantern Festival at New Taipei Metropolitan Park.
    2024/02/24 17:00
  • 《火上鍋》如美食饗宴 影評餓著肚子看完:媲美任何烹飪經典的佳作

    法國電影《火上鍋》(The Taste of Things)曾入選第96屆奧斯卡金像獎15強、導演陳英雄更藉由這部作品獲得第76屆坎城影展(Cannes Film Festival)「最佳導演獎」,這部由曾榮獲奧斯卡最佳女配角獎的茱麗葉畢諾許(Juliette Binoche)和坎城影帝班諾馬吉梅(Benoît Magimel)聯合主演的電影更被影評人譽為「能與其他經典美食電影相媲美的電影饗宴」。
    2024/02/23 16:48
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an wishes Kao Chia-yu election luck

    Incumbent Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an wishes former DPP legislator Kao Chia-yu luck in securing a nomination from the DPP. Kao openly reveals her aspirations to compete for the Taipei mayorship in the 2026 elections after failing to secure a legislative seat in 2024.
    2024/02/22 12:47
  • Taoyuan Lantern Festival 2024 kicks off on Feb. 21

    Experience the enchanting "Sparkling Taoyuan" Lantern Festival in Nanchang City Park and Hutoushan Innovation Hub. Witness a unique fusion of light sculpture, music, ancient elements, and vibrant performances from Feb. 21 to March 3, 2024.
    2024/02/21 10:39
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