
Rainy Tomb Sweeping weekend predicted for northern Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/27 10:35
Last update time:2024/03/27 10:35
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Rainy Tomb Sweeping weekend predicted for northern Taiwan (TVBS News) Rainy Tomb Sweeping weekend predicted for northern Taiwan
Rainy Tomb Sweeping weekend predicted for northern Taiwan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Consulting Director Chia Hsin-hsing of Taiwan Integrated Disaster Prevention of Technology warned Wednesday (March 27) of scattered, brief showers in northern Taiwan, Nantou, Chiayi mountain areas, and Yilan and Hualien starting next Thursday, the beginning of the Tomb Sweeping Festival.

Meanwhile, he added that mountainous areas and the Yilan-Hualien regions will also experience sporadic rain on Friday.


Looking to today, Chia noted that the northeastern monsoon will begin to weaken during the day, while brief showers may be expected in the Hualien and Taitung areas and in the mountains in the afternoon.

On Thursday afternoon, Yunlin southward, and the Taichung, Nantou mountain area may see brief showers or thunderstorms.

On Friday, areas north of Taichung and the mountains may experience brief showers in the afternoon. The same is expected for the Taichung and Nantou mountain regions on Saturday.

Early Sunday morning, Tainan and Kaohsiung coastal areas may see brief showers. The western half may experience showers or thunderstorms from Sunday afternoon to Monday, with brief showers in Yilan and Hualien in the afternoon. There is a higher chance of heavier rainfall in some central and southern areas.

Next Tuesday afternoon, brief showers are expected in the northernmost part of the mountains, and the same is expected for the northern mountain areas next Wednesday afternoon.

Chia urged the public to stay updated as forecasts for more than five days out are uncertain.

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#Taiwan weather forecast# Tomb Sweeping Festival weather# Taiwan rain forecast# Taiwan disaster prevention# Taiwan monsoon season# Taiwan weather warning# Taiwan forecast update# Brief showers in northern Taiwan# Thunderstorms in Taichung and Nantou
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