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    chill 結果共105筆

  • 海浪聲佐調酒!台東「露天祕境」地點曝 營火氛圍超Chill

    2024/05/19 09:51
  • 徐乃麟被按喇叭「死亡凝視」怒瞪! 遭兒子爆料急喊:我痛改前非了

    莎莎、蔡黃汝、徐新洋攜手主持東森超視《Chill Chill懂事長》,首集邀請徐乃麟來幫兒子站台。徐乃麟笑說,「節目首錄找我當來賓,希望大家不要有壓力,我的個性早就痛改前非了!」徐新洋立刻爆料,其實爸爸在家很溫柔,只是一開車就會出現很嚴重的「路怒症」,若是被後方車輛按喇叭,還會使用「死亡凝視」瞪路人。
    2024/05/07 06:59
  • 莎莎爆「約卜學亮一夜情」沒跟長輩做過! 他笑嗆:有趕時間嗎

    東森超視《Chill Chill懂事長》於今(3)日舉辦開棚記者會,主持人卜學亮、佛瑞德、莎莎、蔡黃汝(豆花妹)及徐新洋齊聚一堂跟大家見面。記者會上豆花妹透露,先前曾被網友問過「能不能賣原味絲襪」,她笑說:「看對方開多少錢!沒有啦!我開玩笑的!」不僅如此,徐新洋也曾被酸民攻擊「靠著星二代的光芒」才順利出道,對此徐新洋幽默回應:「不是七彩光芒,是萬丈光芒。」
    2024/05/03 19:26
  • 余天女婿爆「跟李亞萍討錢」私下行徑曝光 余祥銓不忍全說了

    余天和李亞萍的女兒余苑綺在2022年罹癌過世,留下兩個年幼子女,小孩平時都是由她的老公陳鑒(Gary)照顧,未料陳鑒爆出淪為詐騙集團車手頭被逮,余祥銓今進棚錄東森《Chill Chill懂事長》,表示目前仍找不到兩個外甥,很擔心外甥的情況,氣炸怒轟姊夫:「瞎,瞎透了,丟臉,可恥。」無奈表示對天上的余苑綺感到不捨。
    2024/05/03 15:08
  • 余天2外孫失聯!爆余苑綺「留千萬遺產」恐遭扣押 余祥銓轟姊夫可恥

    余天和李亞萍的女兒余苑綺在2022年罹癌過世,留下兩個年幼子女,小孩平時都是由她的老公陳鑒(Gary)照顧,未料陳鑒爆出淪為詐騙集團車手頭被逮,兩個小孩已兩天沒去上學,對此余天痛心嘆:「很後悔把綺綺嫁給他,真的很不值得。」弟弟余祥銓今進棚錄東森《Chill Chill懂事長》,談到姊夫狀況,他氣炸怒轟:「瞎,瞎透了,丟臉,可恥。」透露現在仍找不到兩個小孩,非常焦急。
    2024/05/03 14:44
  • 男星凌晨被雙胞胎兒吵醒 哄到四點苦嘆:腦子一片空白

    2024/04/30 18:50
  • 遭指偷吃謝和弦!陳芳語怒喊告 Keanna開砲「不如公開證據」

    2024/04/15 20:20
  • 不相信吧!Matzka預告減重10公斤當偶像 竟是為這件事

    2024/03/13 19:10
  • Taipei shivers as cold front brings 11.5°C chill

    Stay updated on Taipei’s weather as a strong cold air mass from China brings chilly temperatures and rainy conditions across the island. Expect lows of 10-11 degrees in the north and highs of 25-27 degrees in the south. Weather forecasters predict a shift in conditions with temperatures possibly reaching 30-31 degrees by Tuesday, before a potential cold air mass brings a drop in temperatures by Wednesday.
    2024/03/01 10:38
  • Northern Taiwan to feel chill as monsoon intensifies

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan on Thursday, with cooler temperatures and brief showers expected in eastern regions, Hengchun Peninsula, and northern hills. The Matsu area will also experience intermittent showers. As a front passes and the northeastern monsoon intensifies, cold weather will sweep across the north and northeast parts of Taiwan, bringing brief showers to these regions as well as the east and Hengchun Peninsula. Daytime temperatures will range from 25 to 29 degrees Celsius, with the south mountainous area possibly reaching 29-30 degrees. Night temperatures in the north and northeast will drop to 13-15 degrees, while other areas will hover between 16-19 degrees. On Friday morning, there will be a significant temperature drop in northern Taiwan as the front passes and the northeast monsoon strengthens. Saturday morning will see a decrease in temperatures due to radiative cooling, but northern Taiwan’s temperature will rebound during the day. From Sunday to next Tuesday, the western regions will experience large temperature differences between day and night, with cloudy to clear weather. On Wednesday, a brief shower is projected for the east and northern mountainous regions as a front approaches, while other areas will continue to enjoy sunny weather. Stay informed and plan your activities accordingly.
    2024/02/15 09:59
  • 過招難搞親戚!陳佩賢、Jocelyn合體開嗆 他嚇到喊「會閉嘴」

    Hit Fm聯播網賀歲迎新春,小年夜起到大年初五每天下午1點,播出龍年新春特別節目,今(10)日大年初一由「CHILL DJ」李拾壹跟「新生代創作女聲」陳佩賢(Jesslyn),以及自選秀節目《聲林之王3》發跡的Jocelyn 9.4.0一同主持,李拾壹更替2人特訓如何在年節期間和親戚過招。
    2024/02/10 13:01
  • 過年爽放假太CHILL!醫列「5懶豬行為」示警:尿道變滑水道

    2024/02/08 13:18
  • 李多慧在台賺很多?1手勢洩心情 豪氣宣布台北、台中、高雄買3房

    2024/02/03 16:28
  • Hou Yu-ih aids homeless in cold snap initiative

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih personally visits homeless individuals, distributing cold-weather supplies to aid the less fortunate during the winter chill. The city government has initiated cold-weather care protocols, providing temporary housing and resources for the homeless. District offices, volunteer groups, and community chiefs proactively comfort solitary seniors by phone, providing cold-weather health information and checking on their well-being. The government also reminds residents to prioritize line safety and ventilation when using heating equipment or water heaters to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. These measures aim to ensure a safe and comfortable winter season for all in New Taipei City.
    2024/01/22 17:57
  • Taipei school unveils first ’cold day off’ amid Taiwan chill

    Amid a cold snap in Taipei, Yangmingshan Elementary School has taken a historic step by issuing Taiwan’s first "cold day off," prompting discussions on the need for structured risk assessments for future weather-related school closures.
    2024/01/22 17:05
  • 不能在這裡chill!車輾壞草坪 最高罰5萬

    2024/01/15 13:11
  • 隱匿在山崖中!全台最南海景餐廳「海丘」 法式下午茶必嘗

    2024/01/13 14:26
  • Taiwan feels the chill as northeast monsoon hits

    The weather in Taiwan was cooler on Sunday (Jan. 7) due to the northeast monsoon, primarily affecting the northern and northeastern regions, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA). Miaoli and Nantou experienced particularly chilly conditions with temperatures reaching lows of 10 degrees Celsius, prompting a cold advisory. Yilan and the western half of Taiwan had milder lows between 12 and 16 degrees, while Hualien and Taitung felt temperatures between 17 and 18 degrees. The highest temperatures of the day, ranging between 24 and 26 degrees, were reported in southern and central Taiwan. The coldest areas were Gongguan Township in Miaoli with 10.2 degrees, Zhongliao Township in Nantou with 10.6, and Fenyuan Township in Changhua County with 11.1. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) suggests that the chill from the northeast monsoon will subside slightly on Monday and Tuesday, although northern regions will remain cool. Warmer daytime temperatures are expected in central and southern regions, though rain seems to be on the horizon. Wednesday could see a notable drop in temperatures due to an advancing cold front from the mainland, increasing the chances of light, localized showers in the north and east. From Thursday through election day on Saturday, residents can expect stable and clear weather, albeit with a touch of chill in the mornings and nights. Residents should stay tuned to CWA’s special forecasts as temperatures under 10 degrees are possible in some flatland regions on Thursday and Friday mornings.
    2024/01/07 11:51
  • 賀瓏真的來辯論場! 笑虧趙少康「真Chill」

    2024/01/01 19:36
  • Northern Taiwan chills, southern warms up as monsoon weakens

    Explore the latest weather trends in Taiwan as the island experiences a mix of chilliness in the north and warmth in the south due to the weakening northeast monsoon. Find out how the weather is set to change in the coming days, with a forecast of temperature fluctuations across different regions.
    2023/11/27 17:21
  • 「Chill桃.桃園嚴選創意市集」11/25登場 30在地品牌線上線下同步銷售

    桃園首創虛實整合創意市集,將在今(112)年11月25日於桃園神社盛大登場,匯集桃園中路電商基地30家優選的在地品牌,當天還有桃園嚴選線上商城全館免運,團購八折優惠,讓民眾好康拿不完,邀請市民朋友一起來逛市集、選好物。 台灣電商產業歷經近20年的高速成長,去年營業規模達3,103億元,首度突破3,000億元大關,亦首次與百貨、超商同列3,000億元等級零售業別,電商現今的蓬勃發展,也是數位行銷管道之一,而今年桃園市政府成立了全台第一處OMO(Online merge Offline,虛實融合)電商拓展加速器基地「T-SELECT中路電商基地」,一站解決你的電商難題,提供多元化的軟硬體服務,從創業初期的商品開發、行銷推廣,到後期的營運管理,都能提供全方位的支援與諮詢服務。
    2023/11/24 18:58
  • Sudden chill hits Taiwan rivaling a continental air mass

    Taipei experienced a sudden drop in temperature on November 14, with the morning low reaching 15.2 degrees Celsius. This is due to an intense cold air mass moving southward, which is expected to bring temperatures down to around 10 degrees Celsius throughout the week, particularly affecting coastal and plain areas. National Central University Atmospheric Sciences Professor Wu Der-Romg explained that a weather front arrived on Thursday, causing drastic changes in weather conditions. This front is accompanied by an arctic air mass, resulting in the strongest wave of cold air so far this autumn season. Professor Wu expects the impact of the cold air mass to continue until Saturday morning, with a gradual return to normal temperatures exceeding 20 degrees Celsius the following day. However, the Central Weather Administration (CWA) warned of the return of brisk temperatures as a typhoon approaches Taiwan in the coming weeks. The CWA is closely monitoring the tropical depression brewing east of the Philippine Sea, as it may disrupt future weather patterns in Taiwan.
    2023/11/14 19:21
  • 2023食創獎入圍名單揭曉!49件脫穎而出 12/6公佈星等榮耀

    被譽為「台灣飲食產業奧斯卡獎」的全台唯一飲食產業創新專業評鑑「食創獎」2023年盛大迎來第五個年頭,由飲食產業專業媒體《食力foodNEXT》、台灣第一飲食募資平台《拾光Food Chill》、TVBS共同舉辦!2023食創獎延續第四屆規格,共有「產業組」、「大學組」和「學生組」三大組別,鼓勵產、學資源整合,多向扎根。
    2023/11/13 09:54
  • 比chill! 連鎖比薩尬傢俱搶「年末party」商機

    2023/11/07 20:10
  • 影音/美國工作薪水高又chill 台男曝「休假1個禮拜起跳」

    2023/11/04 11:02
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