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    Taiwanese people 結果共72筆

  • Ma Ying-jeou’s ROC gaffe clarified by foundation head

    Former ROC President Ma Ying-jeou visits China, meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Ma’s executive director Hsiao Hsu-tsen clarifies Ma’s "Republic of China" gaffe, praises Xi’s attentiveness to Taiwanese students, and urges Taiwan’s Lai Ching-te government to seize opportunity for improved cross-strait ties.
    2024/04/12 14:04
  • Greek tourist saves 12 in Taiwan earthquake rockslide

    Discover the incredible story of Greek tourist Dimitris Belbas, who became a hero in Hualien’s Taroko National Park by saving 12 people during a devastating rockslide triggered by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake. Married to the daughter of a former Taiwanese ambassador, Belbas utilized his boy scout rope skills to navigate the perilous Baiyang Trail, demonstrating humility and a profound connection to Taiwan amidst chaos.
    2024/04/08 16:58
  • Chiu Tai-san remains neutral about Ma’s visit to China

    Mainland Affairs Council Minister Chiu Tai-san comments on former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, noting the potential benefits of cross-strait communication and expressing hope for the safety of all Taiwanese in China. Chiu refrains from commenting on questions of national dignity regarding Ma’s visit, highlighting its private nature and the varied forms of address used for Ma in China.
    2024/04/08 16:10
  • Former president Ma’s trip to China sparks debate

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s second trip to China draws criticism from DPP caucus whip Rosalia Wu over his support for the 1992 Consensus. Wu questions Ma’s representation of Taiwan’s sovereignty and public sentiment, cautioning him to avoid turning his trip into a fool’s errand.
    2024/04/01 14:18
  • Former president Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China sparks debate

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming second visit to China ignites debate among scholars on its implications for cross-strait relations. Some view it as a potential easing of tensions, while others interpret it as part of China’s united front strategy. Ma’s visit, scheduled from April 1 to 11, aims to engage with Chinese culture and students. The trip, in response to a mainland China invitation, is seen as an opportunity to bridge political divides and showcase diverse Taiwanese perspectives on cross-strait relations. However, critics like Taiwan Thinktank researcher Wu Se-chih perceive the visit as aligning with the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda to promote Chinese culture and influence Taiwanese society before the new president’s inauguration.
    2024/03/26 17:28
  • Premier urges Ma Ying-jeou to uphold democracy in China tour

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China from April 1 to 11, including stops in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Beijing, is closely monitored by both sides amid heightened cross-strait tensions. Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of Ma upholding Taiwanese values during his trip, including sovereignty, democracy, and rule of law. Chen’s cautious approach underscores the delicate balance between cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s democratic principles.
    2024/03/26 11:10
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • Taiwan vows swift probe in Chinese fishing boat incident

    A recent fishing boat incident involving a Chinese fishing boat illegally crossing boundaries and subsequently capsizing due to the Taiwanese coast guard’s expulsion efforts has caused tension between Taiwan and China. Two individuals tragically drowned in the incident. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council has assured prompt communication of investigation results with Chinese authorities, aiming to maintain solid cross-strait ties. China has accused Taiwan of precipitating such events, blaming aggressive boat seizures and assertive treatment of mainland fishermen. The Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has strongly condemned the incident, laying blame on the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Former Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin has criticized Taiwan’s law enforcement, suggesting it may constitute involuntary manslaughter. In 2023 alone, there were 1,191 registered cases of Chinese fishing boats crossing the maritime boundary, consistently surpassing a thousand annually. Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration, in accordance with the "Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area," retains the right to expel, detain, hold in custody, fine, confiscate fishing equipment, and seize hauls and boats.
    2024/02/15 17:17
  • Taiwan halts tour solicitations to China amid tensions

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has abruptly halted the solicitation of tours to China, reversing its previous policy. Originally scheduled to open on March 1, tours from Taiwan to China were limited to a daily reference cap of 2,000 people, with the possibility of adjustments based on the travel industry’s ability to attract customers. The decision to halt the tours immediately was made in response to China’s failure to organize tours to Taiwan and its unilateral change of the M503 flight route without goodwill, which poses a threat to flight safety. The Tourism Administration, a part of the MOTC, believes that given the current circumstances, it is not in the best interest of Taiwanese nationals to travel to China. They continue to appeal to China to demonstrate goodwill and promote cross-strait tourism exchange. Tours that have already been solicited and are due to depart between March 1 and May 31, 2024, will proceed as planned to protect passenger rights, but tours after June 1 are not permitted to depart. Travel companies are urged to refrain from soliciting customers to avoid potential disputes.
    2024/02/07 17:06
  • Taiwan VP Lai Ching-te’s sympathy letter to Japan published

    Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te’s letter expressing sympathy to Japan for the Noto Peninsula earthquake was published in the Hokkoku Newspaper on February 1. Lai’s message, along with a similar one from Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, emphasized Taiwan’s willingness to assist in the relief and recovery efforts. Lai mentioned that the Taiwanese government promptly offered aid, including a contribution of 60 million Japanese yen, while private donations from Taiwan have reached 2.5 billion yen. Lai also paid tribute to Yoichi Hatta, an engineer from Ishikawa Prefecture who worked on infrastructure projects in Taiwan, demonstrating the enduring gratitude of the Taiwanese people. The newspaper also featured a photo of Lai’s visit to the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa in 2011 when he was the mayor of Tainan.
    2024/02/01 16:50
  • Taiwan and Lithuania strengthen ties in defense of democracy

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun met with a Lithuanian delegation led by Matas Maldeikis, chairman of the Lithuania-Taiwan parliamentary friendship group. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s recent election, which had a voter turnout of over 70%, as a clear message from the Taiwanese people to defend democratic freedom and national sovereignty. The delegation included three deputy speakers of the Lithuanian parliament and eight other cross-party lawmakers. Speaker You noted that 2024 is a "super election year" globally, with Taiwan being the second country to hold elections this year. He also expressed his wishes for Lithuania’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in May and October 2024. The speaker emphasized that elections represent the "possibility of choice," "freedom to participate in politics," and "protection of speech," which are rights unfathomable under authoritarian rule. He called on global democratic allies to unite in facing authoritarian challenges and safeguarding democracy and prosperity worldwide. Speaker You expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s support and highlighted the countries’ cooperation on humanitarian aid, particularly in helping Ukrainian students return to school.
    2024/01/26 18:06
  • Taiwanese American director’s film nominated for Oscar

    "Island in Between," a documentary by Taiwanese American director S. Leo Chiang, has been nominated for Best Documentary Short Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The film provides an outsider’s perspective on the everyday life of the Kinmen Islands, exploring the complex relationship between Taiwan, Kinmen, and China through the lens of Chiang’s father’s military service memories. Chiang, who was born in Taiwan and raised in the U.S., aims to offer a unique perspective on the Taiwan Strait crisis by sharing the experiences of the people living in the region. The winners of the 96th Academy Awards will be announced on March 10.
    2024/01/24 14:19
  • Han Kuo-yu joins forces with Johnny Chiang in legislature

    Former Kaohsiung mayor Han Kuo-yu and Kuomintang legislator Johnny Chiang have announced their joint bid for the positions of President and Vice President of the Legislative Yuan. The Kuomintang made a triumphant return to the legislature in the 2024 election, becoming the largest party after eight years. Han, who received considerable attention as a potential presidential nominee within the legislature, aims to revitalize the Legislative body’s supervisory and balancing responsibilities. Han and Chiang, in their partnership called "Han-Chiang," seek to restore oversight and balance of power roles in the legislature. Chiang has agreed to collaborate in order to fulfill promises made to over 8 million voters and achieve unity within the opposition. However, Chiang hopes to prioritize the vice-president candidacy for a nominee put forth by the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). Han remains committed to tirelessly working for the welfare and benefits of the Taiwanese people, regardless of the outcome.
    2024/01/18 15:58
  • Financial strains lead Nauru to sever ties with Taiwan

    Taiwan expresses strong regret and denounces the Republic of Nauru’s decision to sever diplomatic relations and establish ties with China as misguided and not beneficial for its people or regional stability. The Taiwanese Presidential Office highlights that Beijing’s diplomatic suppression is seen as retaliation against democratic values and a challenge to international stability. This move by Nauru reduces Taiwan’s diplomatic allies to twelve, marking the loss of its tenth ally since Tsai Ing-wen became president in 2016. Financial shortfalls resulting from the closure of Australia’s Nauru Regional Processing Center and other factors, such as Nauru’s request for economic aid and the closure of the Nauru branch of the Australian Bendigo Bank, have contributed to the strained Taiwan-Nauru relations.
    2024/01/16 11:27
  • Report unveils misconceptions on Taiwan’s political stance

    A report by the German think-tank Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom (FNF) argues that the issue between Taiwan and China is "not unification but forced unification." The report, written by National Taiwan University’s sociology Ph.D. candidate, Sie Da-wun, and FNF Global Innovation Hub’s Program Officer, Lai Yu-fen, challenges the common misinterpretation of Taiwanese political parties. They assert that assuming the Kuomintang (KMT) supports unification because it is pro-China and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) supports independence because it is anti-China is an oversimplification. The report highlights that since Taiwan’s democratization, the Taiwanese people have consistently opposed "annexation" or "unification" imposed by the Beijing government.
    2024/01/04 14:54
  • Lai Ching-te urges Taiwan to vote despite Chinese meddling

    Taiwanese presidential candidate Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has called on the Taiwanese people to use their votes as a defense against what he considers the most serious Chinese interference in the upcoming elections. Lai emphasized that while China has interfered in Taiwan’s elections before, the current situation is the worst. He believes that the best way to counter this interference is to ensure that the candidate supported by China does not win. Lai urged citizens to stand up against this interference by using their ballots to continue Taiwan’s progress and guarantee societal stability, economic growth, and the well-being of its people. He positioned the DPP’s battle not only against opposition parties but also against the Chinese Communist Party, underscoring the importance of maintaining a majority in the legislative yuan to prevent potential government functioning disputes. Lai kicked off his election campaign across 22 counties and cities, stating that this election is crucial for Taiwan’s future and Indo-Pacific peace stability. He encouraged the people to maintain the spirit of the past, choose the right person, and follow the right path.
    2024/01/03 15:45
  • China’s Taiwan Affairs Director urges peaceful unification

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao urges Taiwan’s people to promote the peaceful unification process and return cross-strait relations to the correct track. This comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the historically inevitable reunification of the motherland in his New Year’s address. The forthcoming presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan make these remarks noteworthy. Song’s message, titled "Keep the Direction, Forge Ahead," was published in the "Cross-Strait Relations" magazine, highlighting mainland China’s strides in establishing its commanding position and initiative in cross-strait affairs in 2023. The bold declarations from China could potentially influence Taiwanese voters’ perceptions and choices at the polls.
    2024/01/02 13:41
  • Over 500 Taiwanese stranded in Japan after earthquake: MOFA

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has reported that 547 Taiwanese people are currently stranded in Japan following a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture. All Taiwanese tour group members have been confirmed safe. Tourists from four travel agencies, including Colatour, Lion Travel, Richmond Tours, and Star Travel, were affected by the disaster. Additionally, 20 individual travelers are stuck at Niigata Airport due to its closure. The earthquake has resulted in at least six fatalities, dozens of injuries, and severe damage, including house fires, collapses, road fractures, and airport closures. More than 30,000 homes in Ishikawa and 1,100 homes in Niigata are without power, with disruption to water supplies. Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior is preparing an international rescue team to dispatch to Japan, and the Japanese government has been informed of Taiwan’s readiness to help. MOFA advises Taiwanese citizens to contact the consulate in Osaka for assistance.
    2024/01/02 10:40
  • President Tsai touts Taiwan’s indispensable global role

    President Tsai Ing-wen highlights Taiwan’s growing global relevance and indispensability, as she reflects on the substantial changes during her seven-year presidency. Taiwan’s GDP has risen from NT$17.5 trillion to an impressive NT$23 trillion under her administration, thanks to initiatives aimed at investment and infrastructure development. Advanced semiconductor chip production has thrived, contributing to Taiwan’s economic stability and rapid advancement, surpassing the progress of the Four Asian Tigers. Tsai attributes this success to the unity and resilience of the Taiwanese people. She hopes that her administration’s efforts will have a lasting impact, sustaining Taiwan’s forward momentum for future leaders.
    2023/12/30 21:04
  • Ko highlights Taiwan’s challenges under DPP rule

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticized the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) governance in Taiwan, pointing out various shortcomings such as shortages of land, water, electricity, talent, and labor during Lai Ching-te’s tenure as premier. Ko also claimed that Taiwan is currently lacking eggs, pork, vaccines, health screening resources, and even toilet paper. He further highlighted present issues including low birthrates, national security risks from an aging population, wage stagnation, inflation, slow industrial transformation, and high housing costs. Ko accused the government of not allocating special budgets for expenditures, resulting in an alleged surplus of NT$900 billion, and criticized their lack of transparency. He expressed disappointment with the DPP’s failure to address issues left by the Kuomintang (KMT) after eight years in power. Additionally, Ko mentioned that Taiwanese people generally feel insecure about the current status of the Taiwan Strait, which has caused societal discord, political factions, and cross-strait unrest.
    2023/12/30 17:05
  • TSMC sets date for new Japan factory launch in Kumamoto

    Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) plans to open a factory in Japan’s Kumamoto precinct on Feb. 24, 2023, according to Japanese daily newspaper Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun. Construction of the plant began in April 2022, with mass production expected by the end of 2024. The office building at the Kumamoto site has already started operations, and manufacturing equipment installation began in October 2021. TSMC has previously expressed Kumamoto as the preferred location for a second factory in Japan, likely adjacent to the original plant. The factory is expected to employ approximately 1,700 people, and staff recruitment efforts are progressing smoothly.
    2023/12/30 16:44
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih slams DPP’s COVID-19 response in debate

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for their mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic during a live presidential debate. Hou specifically targeted DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, accusing him of neglect during the outbreak. Hou further claimed that Lai focused on issues surrounding his family home’s illegal expansion claim instead of caring for the public. As the former mayor of New Taipei City, Hou stated that any pandemic-related advice proposed to the central government was denied. He also criticized the DPP government for shortages of anti-epidemic supplies and food safety issues. Hou emphasized the need to establish a special investigation team to probe malpractices in the DPP’s pandemic approach. Additionally, he questioned Lai’s advocacy for Taiwanese independence, suggesting that it could escalate cross-strait tensions. Hou criticized Lai’s tactics as underestimating the intelligence of the Taiwanese people and disrespecting the Republic of China (Taiwan). He portrayed Lai as ungrateful and not trustworthy for Taiwan.
    2023/12/30 15:23
  • China allegedly pressures Mayday before Taiwan vote

    Chinese authorities are allegedly pressuring Taiwanese rock band Mayday to make pro-China statements ahead of Taiwan’s major election in January 2024, according to foreign media reports. China’s National Radio and Television Administration has reportedly asked Mayday to endorse Beijing’s claim that "Taiwan is part of China" and align with China’s media propaganda on Taiwan. The aim is believed to be influencing the votes of young people in Taiwan. Mayday’s management company, B’in Music, has not responded to inquiries, and higher authorities from the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council have also not commented on the matter.
    2023/12/28 16:48
  • Lai-Hsiao ticket leads in latest 2024 presidential polls

    According to a recent poll conducted by ETtoday, the "Lai-Hsiao" (Lai Ching-te, Hsiao Bi-khim) ticket of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is leading in Taiwan’s presidential election in 2024 with 38.1% of voter support. The "Hou-Jaw" (Hou Yu-ih) ticket of the Kuomintang (KMT) follows closely behind with 34.8%, while the "Ko-Wu" (Ko Wen-je, Cynthia Wu) ticket of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) stands at 19.2%. The approval rating for the Lai-Hsiao ticket has increased by 1.9 percentage points since the last poll, while the Hou-Jaw ticket has remained constant, and the Ko-Wu ticket has experienced a slight decrease of 1.5 points. As a result, the gap between Lai and Hou has grown from 1.4 to 3.3 points. In terms of demographics, Lai is leading in Taiwan’s southern regions and among people aged 40-49, with respective approval ratings of 49.7% and 38.1%. Hou, on the other hand, is leading in the north, outlying eastern islands, and among those aged 60 and older, with approval ratings at 38.6%, 42.5%, and 52.7%, respectively. Ko is leading among younger voters aged 20-39. Lai’s support has seen a significant increase of 15.9 points among voters aged 50-59, indicating improvement in a previously weaker demographic. However, Lai’s support has decreased by 20 points among DPP supporters. In contrast, Hou’s support has remained steady, and Ko’s approval has surged by 10.6 points among pan-DPP supporters. The poll was conducted on December 25-26, surveying Taiwanese aged 20 and older about the 2024 presidential elections. The sample size was 1,618, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.44% and a confidence level of 95%.
    2023/12/27 14:33
  • Tax benefits for disabled, long-term care rise in Taiwan

    In 2021, approximately 664,000 Taiwanese taxpayers received disability deductions and 354,000 received long-term care deductions from their individual income tax, in accordance with the rules of the "Income Tax Act." The total deductions for disability and long-term care amounted to NT$137.4 billion and NT$42.5 billion, respectively. Since 2014, the number of households benefiting from disability deductions has exceeded 600,000, reaching 635,000 in 2021. The income tax reform in 2018 increased the disability deduction to NT$200,000, resulting in a rise from NT$89.1 billion in 2017 to NT$135.2 billion, with subsequent years remaining around NT$138 billion. Starting from 2019, individuals could deduct up to NT$120,000 for long-term care. By 2021, a total of NT$42.5 billion was deducted, benefiting 330,000 households, which accounted for 5.1% of all reporting households. Over the past five years, the number of individuals benefiting from disability deductions ranged from 664,000 to 698,000, representing 55.2% to 59.6% of all disabled Taiwanese. The number of individuals benefiting from long-term care deductions has been increasing annually for the past three years, with 336,000, 350,000, and 354,000 people, respectively. The beneficiaries of the long-term care 2.0 service also experienced an increase, from 389,000 in 2019 to 554,000 in 2021, indicating an improvement in the capabilities of the long-term care service.
    2023/12/26 21:34
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