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    Panda 結果共24筆

  • 扯!泰海關逮捕印度走私客 行李搜出小貓熊、蛇共87隻動物

    泰國海關官員日前在曼谷的蘇凡納布米國際機場(Suvarnabhumi airport),逮捕六名印度國民,因為他們試圖將數十隻野生動物,包括小熊貓(red panda)、棉頂狨猴與蛇類,從該國走私出去海外;海關人員隨後還在嫌疑人行李中,發現87隻動物,包括巨蜥、鳥類和蛇類,這群印度人當時正試圖闖關搭機飛往下一站孟買。由於泰國豐富的生物多樣性和地理位置,讓該國成為全球非法野生動物走私的主要樞紐,這是一種每年上看數十億美元交易額的跨國交易,走私者利用泰國作為轉運點,將動物運往中國和越南出售,近年來走私到印度的情況也增加不少。
    2024/03/07 15:42
  • Daniel Wu slams Barbie’s new Asian doll stereotypes

    Hong Kong actor Daniel Wu criticizes Barbie’s new doll collection, claiming it perpetuates stereotypes about Asians. The dolls were released following the success of the "Barbie" film in 2023, which grossed over US $1.4 billion. The Asian doll in the collection, portrayed as a violinist or a panda doctor, has faced strong backlash from Wu and others. Wu expressed his concerns on Weibo, suggesting that the limited options for the Asian doll reinforce parental expectations rather than promoting genuine diversity. His post has garnered widespread support online, with many users agreeing that the doll design demonstrates a lack of understanding of Asians by the toy’s creators.
    2024/01/22 18:01
  • Giant panda Yuan Zai passes health check with flying colors

    Yuan Zai, the beloved giant panda, has been deemed to be in good health after undergoing a comprehensive medical examination at the Taipei Zoo. The examination, conducted by a team of experts in anesthesiology, dentistry, and radiology, included various tests such as ophthalmology, hematology, and a full-body CT scan. Results showed that Yuan Zai is normal and weighs 114 kilograms. However, zoo officials have highlighted the need for caution regarding her previously broken incisor, which has undergone a root canal treatment. Despite some loss of filling material, the root of the incisor remains healthy. The zoo has also announced plans for a health check for another giant panda, Yuan Bao, in February. As a reminder, the public, particularly panda enthusiasts, are encouraged to prioritize their own health checks and regular dental visits.
    2024/01/17 14:41
  • U.S. national zoo to return giant pandas to China

    The Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. is preparing to send three giant pandas back to China, potentially leaving the U.S. without a giant panda for the first time in 50 years. All giant pandas rented by the United States are scheduled to return to China by 2024, and no new agreements have been signed. Rising tensions between the U.S. and China, as well as high costs, have led countries to either return pandas early or not renew contracts. China has engaged in "panda diplomacy," sending 21 giant pandas to various countries since 2014, with the average lease time extended from 10 to 15 years. In the event of a panda’s death during the rental period, China can claim damages ranging from NT$16 million to NT$32 million from the leasing country.
    2023/11/07 16:01
  • 吃飯先別看!荒謬食物大集合 有效日期竟「印在醬料上」

    無論是在餐廳內用或外帶,吃東西時偶爾會不小心吃到意外的物體,例如廚師的頭髮、菜蟲或是包裝紙等。專門分享趣味內容的立陶宛網站「無聊的貓熊(Bored Panda)」近期就整理了一系列荒謬的食物照片,內容包括各地網友們在食物內發現的意外之喜或是詭異物品;網站的編輯團隊也提醒大眾,食物下肚前還是要格外小心,才不至於吃壞肚子。
    2023/11/02 18:10
  • 租借大貓熊究竟有多貴? 日經:中國獲利高達3億美元

    2023/11/01 16:25
  • Yuan Zai celebrates 10th birthday with custom birthday cake

    Taipei Zoo’s giant panda Yuan Zai celebrated its 10th birthday on Thursday (July 6) with a custom birthday cake using the panda’s favorite daily treats: grapes, carrots, kiwi, sugarcane, and pineapple.
    2023/07/06 16:42
  • 運費快要比餐貴!外送平台爆「退坑潮」 過來人揭2大敗筆

    2023/06/05 11:44
  • Apink開唱吸3千粉!普美羞曝浴袍片 獨寵台粉「新歌搶先公開」

    2023/04/01 20:11
  • Apink完整體4月來台! 狂列「超內行台灣美食清單」指名去2地玩

    韓國人氣女團Apink從去(2022)年年底開始成員們陸續訪台,現在又有好消息,宣布4月1日要來台開唱,讓台灣PANDA(Apink粉絲暱稱)睽違5年後,終於能再度看到完整體!Apink化身「Pink Lady」坐在敞篷車展現新氣象,象徵全員回歸將啟程出發,她們也預告這次台北演唱會將演唱許多經典夯曲跟新歌,過去訪台都特地準備中文歌曲的她們,更放話大家能拭目以待本次活動的驚喜。
    2023/02/28 17:10
  • Apink恩地台北開唱 放送招牌笑眼 驚喜獻上這首歌!

    韓國人氣女團Apink主唱恩地,於昨(14)日晚上6時在台北台大綜合體育館一樓舉行“2023 JEONG EUN JI CONCERT [Travelog] IN TAIPEI”演唱會。為時隔四年與台灣歌迷見面,恩地也為粉絲(PANDA)準備了18首歌曲,在超過兩小時的演出當中,為觀眾送上一個完美的音樂之旅。
    2023/01/15 10:08
  • Giant panda gifted by China to Taiwan remembered by fans

    TAIPEI (TVBSNews) — Animal lovers in Taiwan have expressed their sadness following the passing of the beloved Taipei Zoo giant panda Tuan Tuan (團團), 18, which passed away on Saturday (Nov. 19). 
    2022/11/21 17:41
  • Taipei Zoo Panda Tuan Tuan weak after suffering 4 seizures

    Taipei Zoo’s giant panda Tuan Tuan suffered another health scare on Thursday evening (Nov. 17) after being overcome by four seizures.
    2022/11/18 19:25
  • Taipei Zoo Panda Tuan Tuan waiting for Chinese medical help

    Mainland China sent two giant pandas, Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, to Taiwan in 2008 during Jason Yeh’s tenure as the director of the Taipei Zoo. The former city official expressed concerns on Monday that Tuan Tuan was recently diagnosed with a brain lesion, meaning that the endangered animal’s health is under threat.
    2022/11/02 10:43
  • Mirai一輛換一輛!  英汽車網紅James May認愛氫燃料車

    英國BBC著名的汽車媒體Top Gear前主持人之一James May,與Jeremy Clarkson等人離開Top Gear之後依然活躍在各式媒體平台,後來更與老搭檔成立DriveTribe社群媒體,當起汽車頻道網紅。以他的資歷、名聲與財力,要擁有一屋子的名車想來是一點都不難。事實上,從車王勞斯萊斯、法拉利、保時捷到義大利國民車Fiat Panda…他所有擁有的一拖拉庫名車恐怕車庫都要塞不下!當然,做為一個KOL,像他這類話題人物(或說是專門製造話題的人物),不論開什麼車或買了什麼車勢必都會引來關注。
    2021/07/05 11:33
  • 「支援收銀」超洗腦! 超市推周邊商品「吸粉」

    連鎖超市店員結帳時經常會廣播「請支援收銀」,許多民眾耳熟能詳,甚至也會跟著唸,現在這句Slogan變身周邊商品,包括筆、計算機和襪子上面都印著這句話,吸引年輕人目光,網路上更引爆話題。另外還有外送food panda也推出兒童制服、保溫杯等,uber eats則是有雨衣帽子等周邊商品,鞏固粉絲,也能增加收入。
    2020/12/07 19:32
  • 年輕人不覺得丟臉?他轟綠營想害死Uber Eats

    日前接連有美食外送員發生死亡車禍,雖平台業者主張雙方為「承攬關係」,但勞動部認定業者與外送員屬「僱傭關係」,要求平台業者提出所有外送員的勞工名卡、工資清冊和出勤紀錄,否則開罰175萬。對此,今(18日)資深媒體人羅友志怒轟民進黨「趕走Uber,又要害死Uber Eat(s)」,反問年輕人「你們不覺得丟臉嗎?」
    2019/10/18 12:38
  • 真的「熊貓」來外送 網笑:老闆親自服務

    外送平台當道,隨手一摳不久後就能有熱騰騰食物送上門,但你有遇過真的熊貓來送外送嗎?日前,有名網友在臉書爆廢公社貼出一張照片,發現知名身穿外送平台Food panda制服的外送員,竟然帶上熊貓頭套來取餐,讓網友笑翻表示「老闆親自上陣服務,賺到了」,更有網友直言「贊成每個foodpanda都帶這個」!
    2019/10/05 15:02
  • 美食平台拚風味! 鼎泰豐、添好運設外送區

    Uber Eats和鼎泰豐合作,推出35分鐘內送達外送餐,為了保有風味,限定時間、地區還特別劃分外送取餐處,免去長長排對人龍,添好運則是和food panda外送平台合作,距離不得超過4到5公里,也有外送領餐窗口。
    2019/05/06 22:29
  • 外送app多如毛?想訂熱騰騰美食到府 這4點必注意

    2018/02/23 15:37
  • 吊環突斷裂!女特技員4公尺高空墜地 脊骨粉碎

    真的是用「生命」在表演!美國一名空中特技員薩姆(Sam Panda),日前在印尼峇里島表演吊環特技,當時她在4公尺的高空中準備鑽過吊環時,鋼索突無預警的斷裂,薩姆瞬間從半空中摔落舞台,頭部著地,造成脖子斷裂、第5節脊骨粉碎。
    2017/11/07 11:20
  • 外送比拚! 推37分送達抽日住宿折扣搶客

    外送市場競爭激烈,其中像是Uber EATS、food panda、饕客送就各搶下3成市佔,也因此各家紛紛祭出噱頭、優惠搶客,像是UberEATS,推出「37分送達挑戰」,無論成功與否都有獎,food panda則是滿額抽日本住宿,但GOGOVNA卻反而宣布,4月起將調價,甚至服務項目也將調整。
    2017/03/26 18:44
  • 【美國新創業潮】一年新開50家店 「貓熊快餐」崛起奇蹟

    美國因為地大、人口多,到處都可以看到連鎖店,在美國相當有名的Panda Express貓熊快餐,平均以一年增加50家店的速度,在全球快速擴張,而他們的創辦人,小時候就是在台灣長大,TVBS記者林宏宜、李偉華,今天帶您到Panda Express企業總部,看看他們崛起的奇蹟。
    2014/01/29 21:24
  • 一週不見! 亞特蘭大貓熊寶寶新影片

    美國聯邦政府關門,隸屬於史密森尼博物館的華府國家動物園因此不對外開放,就連原本24小時直播的華府貓熊動態Panda Cam也一片黑,過去一個禮拜,華府民眾完全不知道一個多月大的貓熊寶寶近況,反而亞特蘭大動物園的貓熊不受聯邦政府關門影響,園方也公布了貓熊雙胞胎的最新影片。
    2013/10/07 08:29
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