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    Metro 結果共63筆

  • Coldplay breaks attendance record with 85K fans in Kaohsiung

    Coldplay’s concert in Kaohsiung attracted a record-breaking attendance of nearly 85,000 people, surpassing the previous record set by BLACKPINK in March 2023. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced the unprecedented high of 84,858 individuals in the stadium’s vicinity. After the concert, transportation authorities reduced the Metro frequency to three minutes to disperse the large crowd, taking a total of 82 minutes to completely clear the stadium. The Transportation Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government reported that around 30,000 concertgoers took the city’s metro to the venue, out of a total daily transportation volume of approximately 266,000. The bureau encouraged the use of public transportation due to traffic control near the concert venue.
    2023/11/12 16:14
  • Taipei Metro celebrates 13 billionth passenger milestone

    Taipei Metro celebrates a major milestone as it records its 13 billionth passenger. The lucky rider embarked from Zhongxiao Fuxing station on the Bannan Line and alighted at Xindian station on the Songshan-Xindian Line. In recognition of this achievement, Taipei Metro gifted annual metro passes to the lucky recipient, as well as the five commuters preceding and following them. Additionally, the 13 billionth passenger received a voucher for a presidential suite at a vacation resort worth NT$88,000 and free metro travel for one year. The metro authority tracks ridership by counting entrance times of ticket cards and selects the winner from registered metro card members’ data. Passengers are encouraged to stay updated by following the official Taipei Metro fan page, "Fun with the Metro." Fans can participate in predictive activities on Facebook for a chance to win a voucher for a presidential suite at the Crystal Resort in Sun Moon Lake or a metro card. Taipei Metro is committed to promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concepts, aiming to convey the ideals of sustainable development and zero emissions to its riders as part of the city’s green transformation.
    2023/11/04 12:36
  • 首爾地鐵擁擠如地獄 擬設部分「無座位車廂」緩解人潮

    通勤時間的捷運車廂,乘客們常常擠得像沙丁魚,是許多通勤族每天的噩夢,北捷文湖線也將部分列車的座椅拆除,希望能增加空間、容納更多人上車。而人口密度極高的南韓首爾地鐵也將採取類似做法,首爾地鐵公司(Seoul Metro)日宣布,將在明年開始導入「無座位車廂」,移除車廂內的座椅,讓更多乘客能搭上車,將來再視成效決定是否要擴大此計畫。 據《SBS》、《MBC》報導,首爾地鐵公司1日宣布,將於明年1月份在地鐵的4號線和7號線,設立2節上下班尖峰時段的「無座位車廂」,透過取消所有座椅增加站立空間,來容納更多乘客。倘若無座位車廂試辦順利,此計畫將會擴大到更多地鐵路線。 根據首爾地鐵公司的數據,截至今年第3季,首爾地鐵4號線和7號線在尖峰時刻的載客率分別達到193%和164%,這意味著乘客人數最多會達到最大載客數的2倍。南韓民眾甚至把這種過度擁擠的地下鐵稱作「地獄鐵」,從字面意思就可看出通勤時段的慘烈程度,甚至有人表示連呼吸都很困難。 拆除座位後,4號線和7號線的載客率預計可分別下降到153.4%和130.1%。此外,首爾地鐵也設立了長期目標,要增加4號線和7號線的運行列車班次數量。不過要設立無座位車廂的消息傳出後,仍有民眾質疑搭乘狀況能否得到改善,「就算清空2節車廂(的座位),也只是讓更多月台上排隊的人搭上車,我想可能沒有太大的意義。」
    2023/11/02 16:31
  • 有片/記者揭「地下加薩」面紗  曝哈瑪斯地道不給平民用原因

    以色列與哈瑪斯的戰爭進入地面部隊交鋒的第二階段,等待以色列的是如同「蜘蛛網」般、蜿蜒長達300英里(約482公里)、被譽為加薩地鐵(Gaza Metro)的地下隧道,《今日俄羅斯》記者先前跟著武裝份子腳步,罕見進入地道帶觀眾一窺真面目。
    2023/11/01 15:48
  • Magnitude 6.2 earthquake shakes eastern Taiwan

    An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 struck off the coast of Taiwan, causing tremors felt in various parts of the country. The quake originated east of the Hualien County Government Office and had a shallow depth of 5.7 kilometers. Some areas reported a seismic intensity of level 3, while others experienced a level 2 intensity. The Taipei Metro Company alerted riders of reduced speeds, but operations continue as usual. So far, there have been no reports of casualties or significant structural damage. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as necessary.
    2023/10/24 08:13
  • Taoyuan Metro unveils Double Tenth Day themed train

    Celebrate Taiwan’s Double Tenth National Day in style with Taoyuan Metro’s new themed train and Instagrammable wall. The initiative, led by the Taoyuan City Government, also features a six-meter-long national flag display at the MRT Laojie River Station and a special social media check-in wall at the A13 Airport Terminal 2 station.
    2023/10/09 17:04
  • KMT candidate vows to build Taoyuan Metro Brown Line

    Kuomintang presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, pledges to start construction of the Taoyuan Metro Brown Line within a year if elected. Former Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan is criticized for not fulfilling his promise to begin construction by 2022.
    2023/10/04 14:38
  • Transport minister mulls priority seat changes

    Taiwan’s Transportation Minister considers changes to priority seat rules following a public transit etiquette debate sparked by author Li Ang’s recent experience on the Taipei Metro. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications reviews the existing system amid questions about its effectiveness. Explore the ongoing discussion on priority seating and its impact.
    2023/09/22 20:21
  • 種族歧視!被圍毆「站務人員當空氣」 亞裔女怒告洛杉磯地鐵

    美國洛杉磯(Los Angles)今年5月曾有1名亞裔婦女在乘坐地鐵時被「圍毆」,對方甚至用種族歧視字眼誹謗她,且過程持續長達11分鐘都沒有任何站務人員出面制止,這名婦女近日一氣之下將洛杉磯地鐵(Los Angeles’ Metro)告上法院。
    2023/09/02 14:14
  • TPASS commuter monthly pass sees 420K card sold

    The TPASS Commuter Monthly Pass has hit a milestone as it reaches its one-month mark on the market, with an impressive 419,000 cards sold in the Greater Taipei and Taoyuan metropolitan area. 
    2023/07/20 19:05
  • Taipei to conduct Wan An air raid drill on July 24

    The Department of Transportation, Taipei City Government, reminded passengers on Thursday (July 20) that the metro lines will operate normally during the Wan An air raid drill. However, entry and exit to the stations will be restricted.
    2023/07/20 18:30
  • Taipei Metro launches emergency stop buttons on Wenhu Line

    Taipei Metro launched two emergency stop buttons at a Wenhu Line station on Thursday (July 13) to enhance safety measures following the deadly accident on the Taichung Metro in May.
    2023/07/13 20:12
  • New Taipei Sanying Line construction reaches 70% completion

    The construction of the Sanying Line, a metro line connecting Sanxia and Yingge in New Taipei City, is progressing smoothly, with an overall completion rate of 70%. 
    2023/07/05 19:38
  • TPASS sets new standard for public transportation in Taiwan

    President Tsai Ing-wen visited Taipei Main Station on Monday (July 3) to oversee its implementation of the TPASS, a newly introduced monthly public transportation pass launched two days earlier, and ask for feedback from commuters. 
    2023/07/03 16:02
  • NT$1.2K monthly transit pass available for sale from June 15

    Taipei City Government announced on Saturday that the new NT$1,200 monthly public transport pass program will be available for sale from June 15, ahead of the originally planned start date of July 1. The new program is expected to attract approximately 420,000 commuters during the first wave of sales.
    2023/05/15 19:34
  • Public calls for faster safety measures after TMRT accident

    Taichung MRT has come under scrutiny following an incident involving a crane boom that fell onto the tracks, resulting in the death of one passenger and injuries to ten others. 
    2023/05/12 20:29
  • All Taichung MRT lines resume operations after accident

    Taichung MRT (TMRT) lines resumed full operations on Thursday (May 11), 18 hours of emergency repairs after a crane boom from a construction site fell onto a track, resulting in one death and ten injuries.
    2023/05/11 18:27
  • Multiple injuries, 1 dead in Taichung MRT Train accident

    A fatal accident occurred at the Taichung Mass Rapid Transit (TMRT) when a crane fell from a nearby construction site and struck a passing carriage, resulting in eight injuries and one reported death. 
    2023/05/11 15:55
  • 北捷慶生!3月壽星這天免費領下午茶 再抽AirPods

    台北捷運自1996年3月28日通車至今已經走過27歲了,服務超過125億人次。台北捷運公司將於3月28日下午2時在「Metro Corner臺北車站」舉辦慶生會,邀請3月份壽星一起過生日,除了有價值千元的下午茶可以領之外,還有機會抽到AirPods、Nespresso膠囊咖啡機等好禮。
    2023/03/26 12:48
  • 太冷睡不好!專家曝「睡前暖身5秘訣」 不開暖氣也能溫暖入睡

    全台受寒流影響,將冷到週五(26日),清晨更可能會來到7度低溫。不少人因寒冷導致睡眠品質受影響,除了在屋內使用暖氣,英國睡眠專家馬丁(Martin Seeley)與外媒《METRO》分享5點能在睡前有效提高體溫的簡單秘訣。
    2023/01/23 22:00
  • Controversial claw machines coming to Taipei Metro

    Taipei Metro is combining transportation and leisure by lending spots for stores, including 11 claw machine stores rented across Taipei stations.
    2023/01/09 18:15
  • AirDropping pornography in Taiwan fined up to NT$100K

    Taiwanese police officers remind iPhone users to set AirDrop to receiving from contacts only as some people use AirDrop to send inappropriate photos or videos to strangers. 
    2022/12/26 18:39
  • Taoyuan Metro rolls out multilingual AI anime to man station

    Taiwan’s Taoyuan Metro debuted its first multilingual AI robot to man its station and assist passengers on Monday (Dec. 12).  
    2022/12/13 17:07
  • Tai Tzu-ing’s fans praise new decorated Taipei MRT carriage

    Taipei Metro rolled out on Monday (Nov. 7) a new carriage on the blue line decorated with photos of Taiwanese badminton player Tai Tzu-ing.
    2022/11/08 18:15
  • 防梨泰院恐怖奪命!台北跨年擠爆「祭3措施」保平安

    南韓梨泰院29日發生嚴重踩踏意外,統計死亡人數已上升至156人,消息震驚全球。面對跨年活動即將到來,台北捷運公司審慎規劃疏運計畫,與警方、市府相關單位密切合作,進一步提升各項因應措施,例如於重點管制車站出入口擴大緩衝區域、加強人員舉牌宣導、運用自行研發的Metro TIMES「捷運人流資訊管理系統」,利用科技人流監控管制及預警智慧化,提前進行列車調度及車站人潮管制,全系統將投入超過2,800名人力因應,務必讓所有旅客平安返家。
    2022/11/01 12:52
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