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    Mawar 結果共23筆

  • Taiwan experiences chilly weather with temperature drop

    Taiwan’s lowest temperature dipped to 19.7°C in Miaoli County on Thursday (Oct. 12). The weather forecast predicts clouds, occasional rain, and isolated thunderstorms in mountainous regions. Super Typhoon Bolaven matches Typhoon Mawar as the strongest storm of 2023, but fortunately, it poses no threat to Taiwan.
    2023/10/12 11:05
  • Relief as Mawar weakens: Typhoon heads to Miyako Island

    Downgraded to a moderate typhoon on Thursday (June 1), Typhoon Mawar continues to have a lingering impact on Taiwan.
    2023/06/01 18:13
  • Typhoon Mawar’s sea warning lifted

    As Typhoon Mawar approaches its closest proximity to Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) urged residents to exercise caution amid expectations for heavy rainfalls and strong winds from Wednesday through Thursday morning.
    2023/05/31 18:02
  • Approaching Typhoon Mawar threatens Taiwan’s eastern coast

    Coast guards erected barricades along the eastern coast beaches on Tuesday (May 30) to impede individuals from venturing into perilous areas. Coastal residents are urged to maintain vigilance against high waves and to refrain from approaching the water.
    2023/05/30 15:51
  • 有片/強颱瑪娃重創關島復原龜速 議員上推特找馬斯克幫忙

    強烈颱風瑪娃(Mawar)動向極為緩慢,夾帶驚人雨量與強大風勢逼近菲律賓外海,持續北上前往台灣與日本。在抵達菲律賓之前,瑪娃靠著強大風雨重創關島(Guam),造成大批建築損毀、機場交通設施故障、通訊系統中斷等嚴重災情,加上當地政府慢半拍的救災重建計畫,迫使關島的眾議院代表聖尼古拉斯(Michael San Nicolas)在推特求助馬斯克(Elon Musk),希望他提供星鏈(starlink)衛星系統,幫助關島民眾度過風災難關。
    2023/05/30 14:44
  • SUV swept away by powerful waves in Hualien

    A silver SUV found itself trapped in a dangerous situation on the beach of Hualien on Sunday (May 28), relentlessly battered by formidable waves. The tumultuous spectacle worsened when a massive wave crashed into the ill-fated vehicle, forcefully sweeping it away.
    2023/05/30 11:11
  • 颱風瑪娃襲擊菲律賓北部 近5000人緊急撤離

    2023/05/29 18:12
  • Approaching Typhoon Mawar raises concerns in Taiwan

    Taiwan is bracing for the impact of Typhoon Mawar as the storm edges closer this week. The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has warned that the typhoon will be closest to Taiwan from Wednesday to Thursday, with its effects already being felt since today and expected to persist until Friday.
    2023/05/29 17:49
  • Search continues for junior high student swept into ocean

    Local authorities are diligently continuing their search on Monday (May 29) for a female middle school student who went missing after being swept into the ocean a day earlier. The incident occurred at Neipi Beach near Nanfang’ao in Yilan County.
    2023/05/29 17:36
  • 氣候異常!西班牙冰雹北非大旱 強颱重創關島

    國際氣象組織警告:今年夏天暴風雨與乾旱將衝擊多國,因為東太平洋海水異常升溫的聖嬰現象(El Niño),可能再度出現。突尼西亞是最新的氣候災民:三年大旱讓穀物歉收,連麵包都缺貨。天降大雨也不一定幸運,西非的獅子山共和國,與南歐的西班牙,都在本週遭暴雨侵襲釀災。但更可怕的是颱風:號稱「今年地表各大洋最強颱風」,強颱瑪娃(Mawar)可能在下周一影響台灣,但24日瑪娃已侵襲關島,讓這個有6800多位美軍駐紮的島嶼受災慘重,尼米茲號航母戰鬥群已前往馳援。
    2023/05/26 19:54
  • Typhoon Mawar’s impact on Taiwan remains uncertain, says CWB

    As Typhoon Mawar looms closer, Taiwan braces for the potential impact of the powerful storm expected to make its northward shift around Sunday to Monday. The extent of its effects will be determined by the timing and trajectory of this crucial turn, according to Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau (CWB).
    2023/05/26 16:42
  • 5月史上最強颱!「瑪娃」威力續增強 可能襲台、菲律賓

    2023/05/26 14:25
  • Typhoon Mawar gains strength, threatens Taiwan next week

    Typhoon Mawar, the second typhoon of the year, regained strength on Thursday (May 25) as it escalated to a severe typhoon at 8 a.m., according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). Moving west-northwest at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour, the typhoon is expected to impact Taiwan next week.
    2023/05/25 17:35
  • 瑪娃強襲關島!車被掀翻、飯店泡水 航母戰鬥群趕赴救災

    2023/05/25 11:59
  • 21年最強!「瑪娃」撲關島15萬人急撤 恐斷水電數週

    今年第2號颱風「瑪娃」(Mawar)目前以每小時9公里速度直撲美國關島(Guam),七級風暴風半徑 250公里,且仍在持續增強;關島氣象局警告,這可能是2002年以來直襲當地的最強風暴,威力等同5級颱風。
    2023/05/24 11:17
  • Unpredictable twist: Typhoon Mawar alters course

    Typhoon Mawar, currently classified as a Category 2 typhoon, is rapidly approaching with significant force, raising concerns about potential heavy rainfall in Taiwan over the next 48 hours.
    2023/05/23 16:56
  • 日氣象廳宣布「瑪娃」已轉強颱 最新路徑曝對台暫無影響

    2023/05/23 10:54
  • 瑪娃恐今年第一個強颱!颱風「迴力鏢大轉彎」北上 4條路線曝

    2023/05/23 08:25
  • 06:00天氣即時報/「瑪娃」生成對台影響最新分析 下波鋒面這時候報到

    2023/05/21 05:09
  • 今年第2號颱風「瑪娃」生成!最新路徑出爐 對台影響曝

    2023/05/20 15:26
  • 瑪娃最快今生成!「可能路徑」這樣走 下週又一鋒面通過

    2023/05/20 10:01
  • 今年第16號颱風「瑪娃」形成 週末全台有雨

    2017/09/01 08:44
  • 又有颱風!16號「瑪娃」最快明生成 週末外圍掃台

    2017/08/29 18:24
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