
Approaching Typhoon Mawar threatens Taiwan’s eastern coast

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/05/30 15:51
Last update time:2023/05/30 18:07
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Coast guards erected barricades along the eastern coast beaches on Tuesday (May 30) to impede individuals from venturing into unsafe areas. Coastal residents are urged to maintain vigilance against high waves and avoid approaching the water.

According to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), Typhoon Mawar presently resides in the southeastern sea of Taiwan and is progressively advancing with considerable intensity. Authorities issued a maritime warning on Monday at 8:30 p.m. as Typhoon Mawar moves closer to Taiwan.


The typhoon is anticipated to traverse the waters near Hualien and Green Island on May 31 before gradually veering away from Taiwan. If this projection holds true, it will extend the streak of Taiwan unaffected by typhoon landfalls for 1,373 consecutive days. The most recent tropical storm to landfall was Typhoon Bailu in August 2019.

Although the likelihood of Mawar making landfall is minimal, the potential for heavy rainfall should not be underestimated. The peripheral wind circulation will impact the Yilan, Hualien, and Taitung areas from today until noon on June 1st, resulting in substantial precipitation in these regions. 

With the formal issuance of the marine warning, individuals who disregard it and venture to the coast to observe the waves will be subject to significant fines ranging from NT$50,000 to NT$250,000.

It is advised that individuals take necessary precautions at home to ensure their safety during the typhoon. Recommended measures include securing essential supplies such as flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food items, an ample water supply, and medications for prompt emergency response.

For further information on typhoon prevention and disaster preparedness, please visit the website of the National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior: https://www.nfa.gov.tw/eng/index.php 

For the latest updates on Typhoon Mawar, please visit the CWB website: https://www.cwb.gov.tw/V8/E/P/Typhoon/TY_WARN.html

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