
SUV swept away by powerful waves in Hualien

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/05/30 11:11
Last update time:2023/05/30 11:12
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HUALIEN (TVBS News) — A silver SUV found itself trapped in a dangerous situation on the beach of Hualien on Sunday (May 28), relentlessly battered by formidable waves. The tumultuous spectacle worsened when a massive wave crashed into the ill-fated vehicle, forcefully sweeping it away.

On the fateful afternoon, the outer seas of Hualien were engulfed by a ferocious onslaught of surging waves. Despite the increasingly treacherous coastal conditions, a few individuals engaged in beach activities, as an official sea warning had yet to be issued.


The SUV's owner ventured toward the Yanliao coastal area, unaware of the impending danger that awaited. Unfortunate circumstances led to the vehicle becoming marooned amidst the unstable sea conditions, with water almost completely submerging it. Providentially, the owner managed to extricate themselves just in the nick of time, narrowly escaping potential harm.

As the impending Typhoon Mawar loomed, coastal regions endured prolonged and heightened wave activity. In light of these hazardous conditions, authorities emphasized utmost caution. 

Once the sea warning is officially issued, individuals who disregard it and venture to the coast to observe the waves will face substantial fines, ranging from NT$50,000 to NT$250,000.

Given the mounting risks posed by the impending typhoon, residents residing in coastal areas are urgently advised to remain vigilant and exercise caution to ensure their safety.

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