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    MIRROR 結果共98筆

  • 凱米颱風/陳美鳳戴千萬珠寶驚險上工 狂念「觀世音菩薩」求平安

  • Taipei envoy denies misuse of public funds

    Discover the truth behind allegations of public funds misuse by Alexander Tah-ray Yui, as he defends himself and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarifies purchases.
    2024/06/26 08:58
  • 陳美鳳被邱澤夫妻閃瞎「看到都很羨慕」 親曝許瑋甯肚皮動靜

    2024/05/09 16:24
  • 又萬人空巷!姜濤歡慶25歲生日「銅鑼灣塞爆」 姜糖請全港搭電車

    2024/05/01 00:23
  • 姜濤提前歡慶25歲生日!千名粉絲擠爆香港海洋公園 浮誇場面曝光

    2024/04/25 13:03
  • 袁劍偉新片未合作前妻林嘉欣真相曝 嚴禁女兒走演藝圈:會澆熄她興趣

    2024/04/17 19:49
  • 金馬奇幻影展開幕片曝!《陰陽師0》國際首映 日名導來台揭幕

    2024金馬奇幻影展今(13)日公布本屆開幕片,邀來日本名導佐藤嗣麻子率山崎賢人、染谷將太主演的奇幻新作《陰陽師0》(The Yin Yang Master Zero),為史上最強咒術師安倍晴明寫下全新篇章。另外,香港導演袁劍偉集結新一代偶像MIRROR呂爵安、盧瀚霆、姜濤聯手的劫盜喜劇《盜月者》(The Moon Thieves),也將在金馬奇幻影展首映。佐藤嗣麻子和袁劍偉兩位導演也確定將出席映後座談。
    2024/03/13 21:04
  • Taiwan People’s Party slams NCC for recycled report content

    The National Communications Commission (NCC) faces criticism from Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Legislator Huang Kuo-chang over a report presented to the Transportation Committee of the Legislative Yuan. The TPP calls for a special investigation team amid allegations of copied content and unresolved disputes related to Mirror TV application. Accusations of NCC Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang’s influence and regulatory shortcomings add fuel to the ongoing controversy.
    2024/03/11 13:26
  • Tainan prepares grand displays for Lantern Festival 2024

    The Taiwan Lantern Festival 2024 will be held in Tainan on February 3, featuring lantern areas in Anping and the High Speed Rail (HSR), covering a combined area of about 50 hectares. The Anping Lantern Area will be open from February 3 to March 10, while the HSR Lantern Area will be open from February 24 to March 10. The HSR lantern area, spanning about 28 hectares, is located around the International Convention Center Tainan (ICC Tainan) and consists of three main sections: the main exhibit, "Light in the City," and a "green-energy" zone. The main exhibit will have 11 themes, while "Light in the City" will guide visitors through Tainan’s 400-year history using sound, light, and art. One of the main attractions in "Light in the City" is the art installation called "Infinity Cube," a 16-meter-high structure funded by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) at a cost of over NT$10 million. The Infinity Cube is made up of thousands of mirror-reflective plates, creating diverse visual effects that reflect the surrounding environment during the day and illuminate the city at night. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed gratitude to TSMC for its sponsorship and believes it will attract more visitors to the festival. TSMC sees this artwork as an embodiment of its ESG vision, focusing on green manufacturing, responsible supply chains, a diverse workplace, talent development, and caring for the underprivileged.
    2024/01/29 14:27
  • 性感女王拍片太入戲「男主角撞破頭」 外媒讚白靈:招牌肉慾加了瘋狂

    開春最讓人驚嚇的正宗港產鬼片《七月返歸》由「性感女王」白靈及香港天團「MIRROR」Anson Kong主演,上映後廣受好評,不只獲得多項國際獎項肯定,《衛報》更稱讚白靈表現極佳:「在招牌的肉慾上增添了一些悲劇性和瘋狂的東西!」觀眾走出戲院也難以忘懷:「光看預告就好可怕,在電影院更是全程都不敢放鬆,看完全身痠痛。」甚至有觀眾表示「看到哭出來」。
    2024/01/22 11:26
  • 英國哈利王子告英國媒體竊聽 法官判獲賠561萬元

    一名英國法官今天裁定,哈利王子是英國小報發行商鏡報報業集團(Mirror Group Newspapers)雇用記者的電話竊聽行為受害者,判決賠償他14萬600英鎊(約新台幣561萬元)。
    2023/12/16 09:43
  • DPP decries false media claims on presidential debates

    The spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office expressed regret over inaccurate and malicious media reports about the upcoming presidential debates. The spokesperson demanded corrections from outlets that claimed certain media were favored during the debates and alleged a coalition aiming to gang up on fellow candidates Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je. It was emphasized that the decision for 11 media organizations to jointly host the debates is a longstanding practice resulting from two rounds of negotiations without interference from any campaign offices. The spokesperson also highlighted misinformation circulated by China Times, one of the debate co-hosts, despite its involvement in the meetings. The 2024 presidential election debates are scheduled to be held at Public Television Service (PTS) on December 30 at 2 p.m., with the vice presidential debates tentatively scheduled for January 1, 2024, also at 2 p.m. The 11 media entities collaboratively organizing the debates include Central News Agency (CNA), China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, SET News, Taiwan Television, Formosa Television, Chinese Television System (CTS), Mirror Media, TVBS News, and Public Television Service. PTS will produce and broadcast the debates, including comprehensive sign language services for the hearing impaired.
    2023/12/09 15:34
  • Taiwan health official admits affair, seeks forgiveness

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has addressed reports of an extramarital affair involving Secretary General Hsu Chao-cheng, expressing hopes that he will handle the matter appropriately. Hsu himself acknowledged the affair on Facebook, apologizing to his wife, family, and colleagues. The affair was brought to light by Mirror Media, which revealed frequent interactions between Hsu and a female subordinate, identified as Chen. Colleagues reported seeing them together watching movies and shopping. Deputy Minister Jih-Haw Chou of the Ministry of Health and Welfare stated that if any aspect of the affair relates to official duties, it will be further investigated.
    2023/12/06 20:34
  • 羅志祥突發黑底白字文「公開重大消息」 無奈認:怕你們失望

    羅志祥(小豬)2024年1月7將在香港亞洲博覽館舉辦「2023 羅志祥演唱會 Evolution」演唱會,這是他睽違8年與香港歌迷相聚,不僅他期待不已,就連粉絲也摩拳擦掌,備戰明(27)日進行搶票大戰,豈料售票開賣前一天他突在社群發布黑底白字文,更公開重大消息,引發粉絲熱議。
    2023/10/26 16:56
  • 不瞞了!頂流男星無預警「認愛」 驚爆秘戀台灣正妹女星

    2023/10/23 09:34
  • 再傳舞台意外 陸女團成員遭布景重壓倒地手抖畫面曝光

    2023/10/22 18:10
  • 後記/香港頂流「台上台下2個人」 姜濤曝最大恐懼:曾怕到暈倒

    2023/10/10 07:00
  • 場面驚人!姜濤來台狂吸3000粉追隨 擠爆「西門町變姜濤町」

    2023/09/12 15:41
  • 姜濤首演台片「台灣腔這樣學」 宋芸樺苦練英文揭童年傷疤

    2023/09/08 18:52
  • 姜濤羞讚宋芸樺「本人更漂亮」 台灣腔竟從《豬哥會社》學

    2023/09/07 20:06
  • 快捕捉!「香港知名男星」抵台宣傳新作 勝利V手勢掀網暴動

    香港知名男藝人「姜濤」現身台灣!現年24歲的他為香港男子組合MIRROR成員,近年來更開始進軍影視界。2018年他曾參加香港主辦的偶像選秀節目「Good Night Show全民造星」成為冠軍且人氣直線上升,而今(6日)早上9點他現身香港機場,準備來台宣傳新作品「我的天堂城市」,不僅吸引大批粉絲前往送機,台灣也有粉絲守候在機場迎接他的到來。姜濤同時也在IG曝光最近動態,大批粉絲湧入留言「工作順利」、「盡情享受台灣之旅」、「玩得開心」。
    2023/09/06 17:45
  • 金鐘影帝無預警對愛妻怒吼 搥桌失控畫面曝光

    2023/08/10 13:50
  • Hou addresses youth concerns in open letter

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih penned a letter titled "A Letter to the Youth," published in Mirror Media on Wednesday (Aug. 2). 
    2023/08/02 21:55
  • 超紅鮮肉男星曝台灣行程 粉絲曾擠爆銅鑼灣!出動警力維持秩序

    由宋芸樺、姜濤、姚淳耀、魏蔓合演的新片《我的天堂城市》,今(21)日曝光正式海報,再宣告香港人氣偶像姜濤確定會在上映前來台,屆時會與主演們一同出席宣傳活動。香港演員姜濤2018年奪得香港選秀節目冠軍,進而組成偶像團體Mirror出道,他個人單曲《Dear My Friend,》在YT有2372萬點擊,進入史上最高點擊粵語歌前十。近期他更與團員一起登上日本FIRST TAKE頻道獻唱,人氣超旺。
    2023/07/21 12:46
  • 陳零九古惑仔上身打群架 帥臉掛彩「受傷照」全公開

    陳零九推出新專輯《Sing to L9VE》,其中揪心情歌〈我們都是別人口中的壞人〉與香港火紅男團MIRROR成員呂爵安(Edan)合作,除共同演唱歌曲,也親自演出微電影規格的MV,帶出引人入勝的感情故事線,他更以古惑仔造型入鏡,加上演技再突破,帥氣模樣讓歌迷大讚超適合。
    2023/07/19 19:01
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