
Taipei envoy denies misuse of public funds

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/26 08:58
Last update time:2024/06/26 10:33
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Taipei envoy denies misuse of public funds (TVBS News) Taipei envoy denies misuse of public funds
Taipei envoy denies misuse of public funds (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Alexander Tah-ray Yui (俞大㵢), the representative to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States, vehemently denied allegations of misusing public funds on Tuesday (June 25).

The top Taiwanese official in the U.S. stated emphatically, "I absolutely will not accept such slander against me and my wife." The accusations surfaced in a Mirror Media (鏡週刊) report on Monday, which suggested Yui had misappropriated funds for lavish spending on a representative vehicle and upscale home furnishings totaling over NT$6 million.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA, 外交部) responded by stating that Yui's furniture purchases complied with existing regulations and clarified that they had denied his request for a new representative vehicle. At a press conference in Washington D.C., Yui addressed the allegations, refuting claims about purchasing extravagant household items and explaining that his vehicle request was intended to replace two aging official cars, not for personal luxury.

Yui acknowledged using a government vehicle to view cherry blossoms within city limits. He dismissed concerns about the impact of the media exposé on his duties by directing queries to Taipei. He urged domestic investigative bodies to thoroughly review the facts and clear his and his wife’s names.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei representative# public funds misuse# Alexander Tah-ray Yui# Mirror Media allegations# MOFA Taiwan# government spending scandal# official vehicle purchase# allegations against Taipei official# Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office


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