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    ID 結果共260筆

  • 假的!「最萌小小店長」招募要LINE、電話 全家發聲了:不要給

    全家便利商店緊急澄清「最萌小小店長招生中」是詐騙訊息!近日網路瘋傳一則全家要找「小小店長」的廣告連結,要求民眾填寫姓名、LINE ID和電話號碼。對此,官方粉絲專頁「全家在這里」發布澄清聲明,強調「假的!絕對不要隨意提供資料」,並列出4大重點提醒民眾,勿相信、勿轉傳。
    2024/04/21 08:39
  • iPhone SE4手機殼照曝光 仿14增「瀏海」設計

    蘋果即將推出的新一代平價手機iPhone SE 4,外觀設計將有重大變革。根據外媒《IT之家》的報導,iPhone SE 4將採用與先前機型截然不同的全螢幕設計,取消實體Home鍵,整體外型將更加接近最新的iPhone機型。有網友近日在網路上曝光,疑似是iPhone SE 4的手機殼間諜照,讓外界能一窺這款新手機的設計細節。從照片可以看出,iPhone SE 4將配備6.1吋的京東方OLED螢幕,並採用打孔螢幕設計,螢幕上方中央有一個小型瀏海,用於容納前置鏡頭和Face ID感測器,取代了先前的實體Home鍵和Touch ID指紋辨識功能。這意味著,自iPhone 6時代以來的經典設計,將在iPhone SE 4上畫下句點。
    2024/04/01 11:37
  • iPhone被「重設密碼通知」轟炸? 專家警告:駭客新手法

    2024/03/27 18:10
  • Legislative Yuan probes digital ID card policy delay

    Legislators in Taiwan’s Internal Administration Committee discuss the "Digital ID card replacement policy and budget execution," leading to a special investigation team being set up. The Executive Yuan’s decision to postpone the project in 2021 resulted in contract disputes and mediation, with a reduced payout of NT$280 million. The Ministry of the Interior allocated NT$63.75 million in the 2024 budget for suspension costs. Legislators questioned the project’s total expenditure, with Minister Lin Yu-chang clarifying that the project is postponed, not terminated, due to heightened information security demands.
    2024/03/18 15:07
  • 西斯板女神狂騙4年!辣照抓包全是盜圖 老司機崩潰:上錯車了

    2024/03/10 23:00
  • Taiwan delays digital ID rollout pending data safety agency

    Premier Chen Chien-jen announces postponement of decisions on digital national ID cards amid personal data protection concerns. Plans for new system halted in 2021 due to security worries, with suppliers seeking compensation. Settlement limited to NT$280 million, drawing public criticism. Government to establish Personal Data Protection Commission for oversight. Future reconsideration of new-style ID cards pending commission’s establishment.
    2024/03/05 16:20
  • Taiwan’s failed digital ID project costs taxpayers NT$280M

    Vice President Lai Ching-te’s failed digital ID card policy during his tenure as Premier resulted in a NT$280 million payout to suppliers, to be absorbed by taxpayers. Despite efforts to replace traditional ID cards with digital ones in 2021, security concerns halted implementation, leading to supplier compensation demands exceeding NT$1 billion. After six rounds of mediation, an agreement was reached to limit the payout. The incident has raised questions about accountability as Lai transitions to the presidency.
    2024/03/04 16:42
  • 「要多久」沒帶ID換不成發票 男怒推超商女店員

    2024/03/03 15:39
  • Premier rejects push for shorter ID wait for Chinese spouses

    Premier Chen Chien-jen discusses the differing treatment of spouses from China and other nations in Taiwan, sparking debate in the Legislative Yuan. KMT proposes reducing the time for Chinese spouses to obtain Taiwanese IDs, while DPP opposes the amendment citing national security concerns. Taiwan People’s Party takes a different stance, emphasizing the importance of upholding the rights of Chinese spouses.
    2024/03/01 17:16
  • 白紙運動推手、公安調查粉絲背景 政治網紅「李老師」發緊急通知

    2024/02/27 20:21
  • 快打旋風6卡普空盃台灣選手Kagami奪冠 抱走3千萬獎金

    《快打旋風6》台灣選手Kagami(卡嘎咪,比賽ID為UMA327)在26日的卡普空盃決賽擊敗香港選手Chris Wong,奪得卡普空盃冠軍,也順利抱走100萬美元(約新台幣3158萬元)的獎金。
    2024/02/26 16:18
  • 突被陌生人加LINE「詢問是否進群組」 內行人曝經驗:當逛街

    2024/02/19 14:48
  • 想入手Vision Pro要注意!蘋果示警:非美國用戶限制多

    蘋果首款頭戴式裝置「Vision Pro」已經在美國開放預購,全球有不少果粉無懼3499美元(約10.9萬新台幣)的高額售價準備入手,但蘋果就警告,若從海外購入恐會有許多功能無法使用。
    2024/01/24 10:59
  • iOS 17.3加入遭竊防護功能 運作方式、如何啟用一次看

    蘋果昨(23)日釋出iOS 17.3更新,帶來6大新功能,其中最大亮點就是加入「遭竊裝置防護」功能,未來即使手機失竊,且小偷得知iPhone的解鎖密碼,也無法隨意更改Apple ID以及手機設定。
    2024/01/24 10:01
  • 快更新!蘋果iOS 17.3新增遭竊防護 修復15項漏洞

    蘋果今(23)日釋出iOS 17.3更新,是自去年6月發布iOS 17以來,第3個重大更新版本,此次官方帶來6大新功能,其中最大亮點就是加入「遭竊裝置防護」功能,即使手機失竊,且小偷得知iPhone的解鎖密碼,也無法隨意更改Apple ID以及手機設定。
    2024/01/23 14:28
  • LINE登入方式-1!不再支援「Facebook」帳號

    LINE貼出最新公告,表示自113年1月14日起,結束支援「以Facebook帳號移動LINE帳號」與同步臉書帳號的功能,等同以後民眾不能再以臉書帳號進行登入,須改以Apple ID 與 Google 帳號登入,或是以行動條碼來登入。
    2024/01/18 08:36
  • Taiwan’s voting procedure and polling station rules

    As Taiwan approaches its general election on January 13, voters are reminded to bring essential items like their ID, chop, and voter notice. Strict rules at polling stations and a ban on electioneering highlight the importance of adherence to procedures for a smooth election process.
    2024/01/09 20:09
  • Voters in Taiwan can verify data online: MOI

    The Ministry of the Interior (MOI) has announced that the public can check their voting rights information by using their ID card and birth date on the Department of Household Registration website from December 26 to December 28. People can also visit local township, city, or district offices to check the list of eligible voters and request a correction if there is inaccurate data. To have voting rights, individuals must be at least 20 years old and have continuously resided in the free area of the Republic of China for at least six months for presidential elections, and at least four months in the respective constituency for legislative elections. The voters’ list will be compiled using records from 20 days before election day. The Department of Household Registration will also enable online inquiries about polling station locations from January 8 to 13, 2024, to assist individuals who do not live at their registered addresses or have not received a voting notification.
    2023/12/26 15:55
  • 知道密碼也無法破解!蘋果將為iPhone加入全新防竊機制

    蘋果日前發布iOS 17.2正式版更新後,緊接著也向開發者釋出了 iOS 17.3測試版,有外媒發現,蘋果準備替iPhone加入全新的「防偷竊保護機制」(Stolen Device Protection),即使竊賊得知iPhone的解鎖密碼,也不能隨意更改Apple ID以及手機設定。
    2023/12/15 09:52
  • Over 35,000 to take English listening test this Saturday

    The College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC) has announced that the second session of the high school English listening test will take place this Saturday, with 35,986 registered candidates. The test will be conducted in the morning across 30 districts, 44 zones, and 1,067 venues. Test-takers are advised to check their personal examination information and test location layout on the CEEC’s website. Valid identification, such as an ID card or passport, must be brought to the exam. Mask-wearing is optional for most test-takers, but those who have tested positive for COVID-19 or have respiratory symptoms must wear a mask throughout the examination. Candidates causing noise may be relocated to a reserve venue to avoid disturbing others.
    2023/12/12 18:30
  • 發明Touch ID指紋辨識 蘋果副總裁傳將離職退休

    根據外媒《彭博社》報導,蘋果公司(Apple)的副總裁Steve Hotelling將離職,他在公司負責觸控螢幕技術、健康感應器和Face ID等項目,知情人士透露Steve Hotelling即將退休,但蘋果內部尚未公布此消息。
    2023/12/07 14:06
  • iPhone SE 4估2025上市 激似i14拔指紋辨識改用Face ID

    繼iPhone 15系列以後,平價版的iPhone SE終於要更新了!根據外國媒體MacRumors 報導,蘋果即將推出新的iPhone SE 4,將採用原本iPhone 14為基礎設計,但也就是將拔掉實體Touch ID首頁鈕,改用Face ID作為生物辨識手段。
    2023/11/10 15:43
  • Atayal tribesman wins case for romanized name registration

    The Taipei High Administrative Court ruled in favor of indigenous Atayal tribesman Bawtu Payen, allowing him to register his Romanized name at a household registration office in Luzhou. The court upheld the constitutional right of indigenous people to determine their names and stated that refusing to allow the Romanized version of indigenous names infringes upon this right. Payen had previously been denied using his Romanized tribal name on his ID card, prompting him to take the case to the administrative court. This is the first ruling in favor of an indigenous person registering their tribal name in Roman letters. The Ministry of the Interior respected the ruling and has been considering allowing indigenous people to register in their traditional names or Roman pinyin since February 2022. Payen argued that forcing indigenous people to write their names in Chinese infringes upon their cultural identity and naming rights, emphasizing the historical and socio-cultural significance tribal names hold for indigenous groups.
    2023/11/09 10:05
  • THSR early bird tickets require real-name registration

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will implement an early bird discount program with passenger registration starting from December 1st, with advance purchases available from November 3rd. Passengers who do not present a valid ID will be considered ticketless travelers and charged an additional 50% of the traveled section fare. The early bird discount tickets require the passenger’s national identity card or passport number and can only be used by the person named on the ticket. Changes to the ID number will not be accepted once the early bird reservation is complete.
    2023/10/31 16:03
  • 「臉蛋天才」車銀優昔遭女友狠甩!入手破億豪宅 男神大小事一次看

    2023/10/17 15:44
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