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    ICE 結果共78筆

  • Chinese cuisines gain popularity in Taiwan

    Discover the rising popularity of Chinese cuisines like Luosifen noodles and Sichuan ice jelly in Taiwan, driven by social media trends and cultural connections. Despite cross-strait sensitivities, diverse options attract Taiwanese food enthusiasts seeking new culinary experiences. #TaiwanFood #ChineseCuisine
    2024/02/22 16:22
  • 葛萊美獎出事了!史上最大出包「得獎人是錯的」 網看傻眼

    第66屆葛萊美獎在台灣時間5日上午舉行,今年同樣許多大咖入圍,包含泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)、SZA、麥莉(Miley Cyrus)等人,不過官方卻出大包,錯誤宣布歌手妮琪米娜(Nicki Minaj)與Ice Spice合作的《Barbie World》得獎,引起網友不滿。
    2024/02/05 11:01
  • Mount Hehuan wows visitors with 10 cm snow blanket

    Experience the breathtaking beauty of Mount Hehuan covered in a 10-centimeter snowfall. Despite the sunny skies, the snow remained intact due to the mountain’s high altitude and low temperatures. Enthusiasts flocked to witness the mesmerizing scene, with ice pellets gracefully falling alongside the snow. The recent cold spell from the mainland caused temperatures to plummet, creating a chilly blanket across Taiwan. The Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency of Nantou Branch advised using four-wheel-drive vehicles with snow chains for safety. Stay warm and properly equipped with crampons, ice axes (or trekking poles), helmets, and sufficient warm clothing for a winter mountain climbing adventure.
    2024/01/24 13:57
  • 電動車崛起 特斯拉Model Y躍居歐洲第一熱銷車款

    特斯拉(Tesla)Model Y,2023年躍居歐洲最熱銷的車型,這個成就不僅限於電動車(EV)類別,而是橫跨所有車型,包括混合動力(PHEV)和內燃機車輛(ICE)。也是歐洲歷史上首次,有一款電動車成為銷量冠軍,Model Y過去一年在歐洲的銷售量,達到驚人的25萬4822輛,超越其他任何車型,最近該車型在歐洲的售價還進行調整。
    2024/01/19 11:09
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Fusion flavors shine on Yongkang Street

    Embark on a culinary adventure along Taipei’s Yongkang Street, where a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese flavors comes to life. Discover the best of Taipei’s diverse cuisine, from savory scallion pancakes and classic milk tea to Michelin-recognized Shanghainese dishes and flavorful shaved ice.
    2024/01/03 21:15
  • Convenience chain launches Sichuan peppercorn ice cream

    Discover a new winter ice cream flavor in Taipei, featuring vanilla and a Sichuan peppercorn oil infusion. This collaboration between a convenience chain and a spicy hotpot restaurant offers a sweet and numbing taste without intense spiciness. With winter ice cream sales reaching over a million units, this co-branding strategy could result in double growth. Primarily popular among customers over 40 years old, winter ice cream flavors tend to be richer compared to refreshing summer varieties. Explore the unique business opportunities and challenged consumer perceptions created by promoting ice cream during the winter season.
    2024/01/03 19:48
  • LE SSERAFIM to make Taiwan debut at 2024 concert

    LE SSERAFIM, a South Korean girl group, will be the special guest at the 2024 Red White Superstar Concert in Taipei, Taiwan. This will be their first performance in Taiwan as a group. Leader Kim Chae-won expressed honor at the invitation and promised a spectacular stage performance. Member Kazuha also shared a warm message to fans, expressing excitement to meet FEARNOT from different regions and hoping to transmit positive energy through their performance. The group members, Sakura and Kazuha, also expressed anticipation for Taiwanese cuisine, with Sakura loving bubble milk tea and Kazuha eager to try the famous mango ice. The concert will be broadcast on Taiwan Television and MyVideo on Lunar New Year’s Eve, and audiences can participate in a ticket lottery for a chance of admission by downloading the TTV app.
    2023/12/26 20:27
  • Taipingshan welcomes first snowfall amid -6 degrees Celsius

    Experience the first snowfall of 2023 in Taipingshan, Yilan County, as freezing temperatures dropped to minus 6 degrees Celsius. The lightly covered statue of an owl added a touch of winter charm to the area. Despite the strong winds, the snowfall was not significant, and there was no observed increase in the trend. To ensure safety, the management urged all visitors to descend the mountain from 4 p.m. to avoid road ice. Tourists seeking snow experiences have booked local accommodations, highlighting the enthusiasm for the snowfall. For safety reasons, there will be a dynamic total volume control for vehicular entrance into the park, halting new entries once the limit of 1,000 vehicles is reached.
    2023/12/22 12:00
  • Yushan records -6.6 degrees Celcius amid dense fog

    The Yushan Weather Station in Taipei recorded a temperature of minus 6.6 degrees Celsius and dense fog with visibility down to 50 meters. Rime ice appeared on the North Peak of Yushan due to the cold spell. The Central Weather Bureau (CWA) warned that Yushan could experience more rime ice formations and below-freezing temperatures. The CWA also predicted significant rainfall in northern and central mountainous areas, as well as in the Yilan-Hualien region, due to the influence of the northeast monsoon and moisture from the southern coast of China. Snowfall above 3,500 meters is expected in the central mountain ranges. Daytime temperatures in northern Taiwan are around 20 degrees Celsius, dropping to 15-16 degrees at night. Outside the north, nighttime temperatures are expected to range between 17 and 20 degrees. Residents and visitors in affected areas are advised to dress warmly and stay updated on weather conditions, especially those planning to traverse or visit elevated mountain regions.
    2023/12/06 20:26
  • 你沒看過的羽生結弦 最新寫真集聯手蜷川實花秀嶄新面貌

    日本花滑王子羽生結弦11日將與知名攝影師蜷川實花攜手合作,推出最新寫真集《羽生結弦 孤高的原動力》。羽生剛在埼玉超級競技場結束首次單獨巡演「Yuzuru Hanyu ICE STORY 2nd “RE_PRAY” TOUR」,現在這位孤高的表演者,將在蜷川實花的鏡頭中呈現出嶄新面貌。
    2023/11/08 14:13
  • Ice cream industry hits production value of NT$2.8B in 2022

    Taiwan’s ice cream industry has reached a record-high production value of NT$2.8 billion in 2022, with an average year-on-year growth of 8.3% over the past five years, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). This growth is attributed to Westernized eating habits, health-conscious consumption, and the introduction of new flavors that cater to Taiwan’s hot climate. The rise of the ice cream sector has also contributed to the steady growth of Taiwanese dairy consumption, which reached a peak production value of over NT$40 billion in both 2021 and 2022. Despite this growth, Taiwan primarily relies on dairy imports, with an annual increase of 11.1%. New Zealand is the main import source, followed by the U.S., France, and Australia, accounting for 12.6%, 8.7%, and 7% respectively. These imports mainly consist of cheese, dry cheese, and dairy-based spreads.
    2023/11/07 13:11
  • iPhone 15 Pro系列實機照外流?邊框超窄、機身更輕

    蘋果預計在下個月推出iPhone 15,隨著發表的日子越來越近,不少爆料客也陸續放出新的爆料資訊,知名爆料客「ICE UNIVERSE」近日就在推特貼出一張疑似iPhone 15 Pro Max(Ultra)的諜照,可見到其螢幕邊框如同先前傳聞一樣非常窄,且機身有望變得更輕。
    2023/08/29 08:28
  • 從K-Pop到K-Ice! 韓國產冰品外銷創新高國內價格卻飆漲

    2023/08/02 13:50
  • 遇中暑別慌!先叫救護車 再掌握「降溫為先」

    2023/07/19 19:58
  • 捲醜聞慘丟工作!泰女星抑鬱纏身 私訊喊「我愛媽媽」送醫搶救

    2012年參演《愛情大凸搥》一炮而紅、在網上有逾260萬粉絲的「泰版全智賢」波麗雀亞・彭檀娜妮可(Ice Preechaya)驚傳意外送醫;據了解,波麗雀亞是因為無辜捲入今(2023)年5月的一起氰化物謀殺案,導致手上代言、戲約全面喊卡,讓身心俱疲的她最終想不開走上絕路,所幸波麗雀亞的母親發現及時才未釀成憾事,事發後3天波麗雀亞也透過IG簡單報平安。
    2023/07/07 10:36
  • Curious monkey lunges at tourist to get ice cream

    Kaohsiung’s Shoushan, also known as "Monkey Mountain," is known for its Formosan rock macaques, which often walk side-by-side with visiting tourists.
    2023/06/17 16:08
  • 28歲男星驚傳驟逝!參演《冰原歷險記》走紅 粉絲錯愕致哀

    美國28歲男星詹森潘尼蒂爾(Jansen Panettiere)傳出離世消息,因參與《陰屍路(Walking Dead)》、《冰原歷險記(Ice Age)》等作品而走紅的他,是好萊塢女星海蒂潘妮迪亞(Hayden Panettiere)的親弟弟,感情相當好的姊弟倆時常相伴出現在公眾場合;如今突傳詹森死訊也讓一眾粉絲錯愕不已。
    2023/02/21 11:50
  • 南極巨大冰山崩離 面積相當於大倫敦地區

    科研組織英國南極勘測(British Antarctic Survey,BAS)指出,南極一座冰山最近從布倫特冰架(Brunt Ice Shelf)崩離,面積相當於大倫敦地區。
    2023/01/26 09:09
  • 白冰冰39年前絕美嫩照出土!網全嚇壞「超像周子瑜」太離譜

    縱橫演藝圈近50年的67歲「綜藝大姐大」白冰冰,近日因為節目爆收攤改版以及跨年夜演唱宇多田光的〈First Love〉,屢屢掀起話題。儘管被許多網友狠酸,她EQ的表現被大讚根本「教科書等級的回應」。近日一張冰冰姐39年前的超仙舊照,再次引起話題,因為當年的她竟美得神似女神周子瑜,讓不少網友驚呆。
    2023/01/11 11:35
  • 破解冰河時期壁畫密碼 學者:神秘符號記錄動物繁殖期

    英國一名業餘考古愛好者與學者合作,分析2萬年前冰河時期(ice age)的洞穴壁畫,結果發現這些畫上面的點線等符號,是當時狩獵採集者使用的陰曆(lunar calendar)系統,用於記錄動物的繁殖週期,破解了多年來難解的密碼。
    2023/01/06 12:41
  • Creative running track brings joy to Taiwan school children

    KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News)  —  An elementary school in Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan, built five ice cream-shaped hills on its running track, making people think the tracks are damaged due to recent earthquakes. 
    2022/12/01 18:52
  • 拒打疫苗慘損近3億!饒舌大佬上節目飆罵:我XX才不需要

    美國饒舌大佬冰塊酷巴(Ice Cube)曾出演過不少電影,他於去(2021)年原本將與好萊塢男星傑克布萊克(Jack Black)聯手主演喜劇《Oh Hell No》,卻在中途放棄演出,損失900萬美金(約2億8千萬台幣)的片酬,當時引起不少粉絲揣測。就在前(22)日,他在節目受訪時表示,自己當時因拒絕劇組要他接種新冠疫苗的要求,而被踢出去,不過他至今仍堅持己見喊:「我XX才不需要。」
    2022/11/24 13:28
  • 圖輯/拜登「赦免」火雞 諷期中選舉「紅色浪潮」在自家

    美國總統拜登於22日在白宮舉辦「赦免」火雞的典禮,該典禮可追溯至1863年林肯的兒子懇求他放過本該成為感恩節大餐的火雞,而前總統老布希則將此傳統確立下來。 這次赦免的火雞名字叫「巧克力」(Chocolate)和「脆片」(Chip),名字由來則是拜登最喜歡的冰淇淋口味 「巧克力脆片口味」(Chocolate Chip Ice Cream)。在典禮中,拜登暗諷共和黨在期中選舉稱的「紅色浪潮」並未發生,唯一發生的紅潮是自家愛犬「指揮官」(Commander)用翻了蔓越莓醬,引在場來賓大笑。巧克力及脆片之後將於北卡羅來納州立大學度過餘生。
    2022/11/22 11:38
  • 吳建豪《披荊斬棘》排名墊底逆轉! Solo後空翻秀大肌

    吳建豪(Van Ness)先前在《披荊斬棘》初舞台空降演出,炸翻全場。隨著節目來到第四次公演,吳建豪與任賢齊、ICE楊長青合作加分賽〈空空〉,讓原先團隊墊底名次,直接逆轉勝成為該場演出第一名!
    2022/10/16 13:35
  • 少女心大噴發!粉紅小貨卡變身「夢幻冰淇淋車」在這可看

    Mini車款受到不少年輕人的歡迎,而老Mini更是許多收藏玩家的愛車之一,在1960年9月的時候,更推出了老Mini的Pickup車款,雖然小巧可愛的老Mini就算變成皮卡也沒有太多載物空間,但其模樣實在太過吸引人,而Cummins Ice Cream更將這輛車變成了冰淇淋車款,其中一輛成為了BMW集團Classic的系列之一,粉紅色的模樣更是吸引了眾人目光,可說是讓人少女心爆發,當然小孩看到這輛車更是興奮,因為這代表著有冰淇淋可以吃了。
    2022/09/29 14:39
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