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    China policy 結果共83筆

  • Premier Chen urges respect for Taiwan’s democratic views

    Premier Chen Chien-jen on Tuesday (July 18) called the "1992 Consensus" and "One China Policy" from mainland China unacceptable to the Taiwanese people, urging respect for Taiwan’s views from the Chinese government and society.
    2023/07/18 16:09
  • Expert shares insights on Taiwan’s role in global trade

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu in TVBS Meeting Room, Wendy Cutler, vice president of Asia Society Policy Institute and former acting deputy of the U.S. Trade Representative, shared her insights on globalization and the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade.
    2023/04/27 17:32
  • Taiwan requires PCR tests for visitors from China, HK, Macau

    Mainland China’s COVID-19 prevention policy has taken an unexpected turn, going from a zero-tolerance policy to a complete mass opening.
    2023/01/05 20:01
  • Wenchi Yu ponders U.S. role in future cross-strait ties

    Taiwan and China have a complex relationship recently brought into the spotlight due to Taipei’s ardent push for democratic values and Beijing’s firm belief in autocratic control. The United States is also involved in this dynamic, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, who asked two foreign policy experts what’s next for cross-strait relations in the latest episode of TVBS Meeting Room.
    2022/12/21 18:44
  • Beijing, Shanghai White Paper protests spread to Hong Kong

    Protesters gathered in Hong Kong on Monday (Nov. 28) holding white papers in a demonstration against the government’s strict zero-COVID policy.
    2022/11/29 22:05
  • U.S. ambassador to China: One China policy has not changed

    The U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, reiterated at the Asia Summit that the One China policy has not changed, and America will continue to adhere to it.
    2022/10/04 08:12
  • MIT scholar expects no changes in U.S.-Taiwan policy

    Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party slated on Oct. 16, TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu invited MIT scholar Professor M. Taylor Fravel to share insights on Washington’s possible involvement in the cross-strait stalemate.
    2022/09/23 14:03
  • 快訊/遵守一中政策! 烏干達宣布不參加世大運

    世大運本週六就要開幕,沒想到烏干達世界越野協會媒體公關執行長,在自己的Twitter上爆料,因為烏干達得遵守One China Policy,也就是一中政策,因此不准他們的代表隊來台北參加今年的世大運,求證世大運組委會,烏干達報名5項比賽,共48名選手,組委會將連絡烏干達是否參賽!
    2017/08/14 20:53
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