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    400��������� 結果共6,530筆

  • 基隆坍塌樓房 市府今天強制拆除

    2023/12/22 10:01
  • 大阪必吃「三く拉麵」進駐台灣壽司郎 台中限定滿4百送1盤

    海鮮控不能錯過!壽司郎即日起推出新菜色,就是從日本空運來台與鮪魚並駕齊驅的人氣食材「鰤魚」,此外還還把大阪必吃拉麵「烈志笑魚油 麺香房 三く」引入店內。還有台中限定的活動,單筆消費滿400元就再送1盤。
    2023/12/21 12:50
  • Military Police process 415 drug cases, arrest 27 in 2023

    The Military Police Command (MP) in Taipei processed 415 drug cases in 2023, resulting in the apprehension of 27 suspects and the seizure of 50.2 kilograms of drugs. The MP, in close collaboration with law enforcement agencies, carried out specialized drug interdiction operations as part of the government’s anti-drug strategy. Unannounced inspections by military police teams, accompanied by drug-sniffing dogs, led to the confiscation of over 50 kilograms of narcotics. More than 400 individuals were referred to judicial authorities for prosecution. The MP serves as judicial police officers and plays an integral role in the anti-drug task force, with a commitment to combat drug trafficking. The MP’s Forensic Science Center supports these efforts by analyzing controlled substances and urine samples collected during operations. These measures aim to protect the living environment and security of the nation’s people.
    2023/12/20 14:46
  • 台南400活動起跑!市府號召遊客前來跨年兼敲鐘祈福

    2023/12/19 22:09
  • 甘肅6.2強震!零下低溫.水電道路中斷 受困居民苦等救援

    2023/12/19 13:00
  • 高價火鍋搶市! 萬元海鮮盒PK專人剝殼涮肉

    2023/12/17 19:02
  • 赴大阪點燈! 黃偉哲帶台南「小西門城」跨海參展

    2023/12/16 23:27
  • 天冷「羊肉爐」客滿! 店家嘆:羊肉天價貴1到2成

    2023/12/16 18:08
  • 搶第一手資訊!美食旅遊節目合作「400位部落客」

    2023/12/15 21:27
  • 再砸400萬整頓!鼓山魚市場重啟 婆媽嫌魚貨貴

    2023/12/15 18:05
  • Tainan Art Museum hosts National Palace treasures

    Discover the captivating exhibit "Once Upon a Tainan Charm: Treasures from the National Palace Museum" at Tainan Art Museum, featuring rare artifacts from Taiwan’s esteemed collection. Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the dynamic nature of the exhibition, which coincides with Tainan City’s 400-year anniversary. Experience a journey through time as the exhibition unveils 15 precious items, including the Jadeite Cabbage, Vase with lotus and dragon decoration, and Jade Plate with Dragon Pattern. Don’t miss this unique cultural experience from Dec. 16, 2023, to Mar. 10, 2024, offering a winter of enriched historical engagement for locals and visitors alike.
    2023/12/15 16:42
  • 與名模女友高調炫超跑、豪宅 英富豪半年後破產欠債近3百億

    聲稱自己坐擁百億英鎊和一家房地產企業,英國商人布爾(Bob Bull)6個月前,曾高調邀請媒體記者採訪豪宅,甚至秀出他總價值高達400萬英鎊(約新台幣1億5798萬元)12輛超跑收藏,沒想到僅僅半年時間,布爾就面臨破產,而且累積積欠7億2500萬英鎊(約新台幣286億3500萬元)債務。《每日郵報》報導,布爾一共累積22份債務擔保,他的公司最輝煌時間,市值估算高達40億英鎊(約新台幣1580億元),但債務完全拖垮他,讓布爾在12月1日正式被宣告破產。
    2023/12/12 17:42
  • Vietnam wins big as Chinese, US investment surges

    Chinese companies are increasingly establishing supply chains in Vietnam as U.S. companies like Apple move production there, according to Japanese media reports. Export restrictions on advanced semiconductors and semiconductor production equipment to China by the Biden Administration have led to difficulties for Chinese manufacturers, prompting a shift in investment towards alternative manufacturing bases like Vietnam. Approved foreign direct investment in Vietnam increased by 15% from January to November 2023, with Chinese investment, including from Hong Kong and Macao, doubling from the previous year. Chinese investment in Vietnam is even higher when routed through subsidiaries based in Singapore and Thailand. Notable investments include Shandong Haohua Tire Co. Ltd.’s US$500 million investment and Trina Solar Co., Ltd.’s US$420 million decision. BYD Company also announced an expansion investment of US$144 million, bringing its total investment in Vietnam to over US$400 million. Japanese experts believe that Chinese enterprises must engage in joint advancements in cutting-edge technology with local entities to be seen as partners by the Vietnamese.
    2023/12/12 16:02
  • Taiwan captures 400 iguanas overnight, sparks online buzz

    A story about the capture of a record number of 400 green iguanas in southern Taiwan has sparked online discussion. One photo, in particular, shows a green iguana kneeling before a Mazu temple in Neipu, Pintung, leading to humorous comments suggesting the iguana was "applying to be a divine steed." Experts clarified that while green iguanas pose no threat to humans, they do cause problems for farmers by nibbling on crops. To protect local agriculture, the government has intensified measures to remove these non-native creatures and maintain ecological balance.
    2023/12/11 21:20
  • 新北耶誕城巨星演唱會湧進上萬人 轄區警半小時疏導散場

    上個周末新北歡樂耶誕城「巨星耶誕演唱會」盛大舉辦,10日雙壓軸巨星,有「情歌王子」李聖傑獻唱〈最近〉、〈眼底星空〉及〈你那麼愛他〉等膾炙人口的歌曲,還有男神周湯豪帶來〈GOOD LIFE〉、〈我做的是愛不是夢〉和〈帥到分手〉等嗨歌,吸引大批粉絲到場。散場時,如何疏散也成為警方一大考驗,轄區海山警分局表示,2日共出動400多名警力,順利在半小時成功完成疏導。
    2023/12/11 15:47
  • 昔夜抓400隻!綠鬣蜥天后宮「跪拜」 網笑:跑路中求心安

    2023/12/11 10:52
  • 人氣手搖TOP20!五桐號掉到10名外 第一名近30年老牌

    2023/12/10 15:38
  • 又辣、又甜、又鹹! 來看南韓最新熱門小吃「麻辣燙+糖葫蘆」

    2023/12/10 13:53
  • 跟「打龜號」同款!懷疑感情糾紛遭砸 維修50萬起

    2023/12/10 12:43
  • 男家教時薪破400元!遇國中妹「1請求」 7天火速辭職

    2023/12/08 20:25
  • 機車情侶遭撞釀1死 肇駕「屢傳未到」通緝被逮!判決出爐

    2023/12/05 18:54
  • 林俊傑砸「400萬學舞」遭惡搞暴怒 2明星急刪模仿片自保

    2023/12/05 11:21
  • Taiwan exports to hit US$400B, third-highest on record

    Taiwan’s exports for 2023 are projected to exceed US$400 billion, making it the third-highest on record. Minister of Finance Chuang Tsui-yun expressed confidence in the sustained positive trend, with monthly exports in the fourth quarter expected to surpass US$30 billion each. The country has accumulated US$355.1 billion in export figures for the first ten months, putting it on track to achieve the forecast. Year-end stockpiling needs, emerging technologies, and opportunities in artificial intelligence contribute to cautious optimism for November and December’s export performance. Taiwan’s full-year exports are anticipated to trail behind the US$446.4 billion seen in 2021 and the US$479.4 billion in 2022. Since 2017, Taiwan’s annual exports have consistently surpassed US$300 billion, a significant increase from the figures prior to 2016. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics forecasts a 6.3 percent export growth rate for the coming year.
    2023/12/04 20:31
  • 兄弟啦啦隊23人全到!球迷搶見面會400個名額

    2023/12/04 19:44
  • Taiwan’s 2023 exports on track to hit US$400B milestone

    Taiwan’s Finance Minister, Chuang Tsui-yun, projects that Taiwan’s total export value for this year will exceed US$400 billion, marking the third-highest record in Taiwan’s history. The nation’s exports for the first ten months of the year have already reached US$355.1 billion. Despite a slight decline in October, Taiwan’s export sector has shown signs of resilience, with positive growth in September. Chuang advises industry leaders and government departments to closely monitor global economic factors, such as inflation and the interest rate hike cycle, which may impact exports. Cautious optimism is emphasized for exports in the fourth quarter and beyond.
    2023/12/04 14:03
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