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    ���������2021 結果共5,719筆

  • 貪汙百億逃亡美國20年 陸銀前行長遭判終身監禁

    2023/12/15 15:40
  • 不敢住!郵局改建釀鄰損 水泥牆塞紙箱擋光

    2023/12/15 15:27
  • 心碎!人氣美劇《荒唐分局》霍特局長驚傳離世!享壽61歲

    人氣美劇《荒唐分局》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)2021年以8季完結,幽默、無厘頭的劇情陪伴許多人成長,是許多人的年少回憶,即使已經完結,仍有許多「99粉」盼望全員能夠團聚,但遺憾的是,劇中飾演「霍特局長」的安德魯布瑞格(Andre Braugher),昨晚傳出離世,享壽61歲,令粉絲非常心碎。
    2023/12/13 10:37
  • 血小板低下纏身!周海媚病逝 「3器官」最怕紅斑狼瘡攻擊

    2023/12/13 10:23
  • 離婚2年!理科太太遭爆「身邊有個伴」鬆一下入住精品飯店

    2023/12/13 08:43
  • 周海媚1病纏身40年!醫曝5症狀是警訊恐「腦出血」 疲勞注意了

    2023/12/12 21:16
  • 張立東GG!籃籃新對象是奧運金牌 張文綺親曝剛結束姐弟戀

    2023/12/12 17:13
  • 要命菜頭湯! 司機涉下毒「案發2週」就離職

    2023/12/12 13:27
  • Taipei to offer free HPV vaccines to junior high boys

    Starting September 2024, Taipei’s male junior high school students will receive the 9-valent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for free, as announced by the Taipei City Department of Health. The aim of this initiative is to enhance herd immunity, reduce HPV infections, and lower the incidence of related cancers by vaccinating both male and female students. With a vaccination rate of 91% among junior high school girls in 2021, the Health Commissioner decided to extend the program to boys. Consent from students and parents will be required, and a health assessment will be conducted by a physician. Vaccination sites will be set up in 93 schools, and there are also 115 contracted medical institutions available for students who cannot receive the vaccine at school. The vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infections and reducing the risk of related cancers is supported by medical studies. The World Health Organization recommends that 90% of girls under 15 receive the HPV vaccine, with boys included as a secondary priority group. The Health Promotion Administration has been providing the vaccine to female junior high students at public expense since 2018, establishing a strong foundation for safeguarding boys against HPV as well.
    2023/12/12 13:19
  • Taiwan’s manufacturing sector shows signs of recovery

    Taiwan’s manufacturing sector shows signs of recovery with increased overtime hours in October, according to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS). Manufacturers’ overtime climbed to 15.4 hours, a 1.6-hour increase from the previous year, marking continuous growth over four months and a return to 2021 levels. The average regular wage from January to October 2022 was NT$45,441, a 2.49% year-over-year increase. The total average salary within the same period was NT$59,270, up by 1.53%. However, when adjusted for inflation, the real average regular earnings only inched up 0.06%, and the real total earnings witnessed a slip of 0.87% year-over-year, the first negative growth in nearly seven years. This decline in total real wages is attributed to tepid exports and the rising cost of living. Employment in the industrial and service sectors stood at 8.19 million people as of October, with a slight increase compared to September 2021 and largely unchanged from October 2021. The service sector gained 41,000 employees in October, offsetting the decrease in the industrial sector. Throughout the first ten months of 2022, the average number of employed workers was 8.175 million, with the accommodation and food services and arts, entertainment, and recreational services sectors seeing new hires while the manufacturing sector lost jobs. In October 2022 alone, the average regular salary for employed workers was NT$45,564, a 2.31% annual rise, and the average total wage for the month was NT$51,143, a 1.35% increase from the previous year.
    2023/12/12 10:19
  • EBC addresses ’Tonight Like War’ show’s future amid rumors

    Tonight Like War is a popular entertainment show in Taiwan hosted by actress Karen Hu and singer Daniel Lo. The show, which launched in 2021, has gained a loyal following due to its unique concept that incorporates internet big data and viewer participation through online voting. However, recent rumors of the show’s cessation have caused concern among fans. The Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC), the show’s broadcaster, responded by stating that they are currently in the planning stages for the show’s future and will provide updates on any new format developments.
    2023/12/11 20:51
  • 安心亞戰南韓女籃隊 正妹球員認證美貌:是韓國人的菜!

    2023/12/11 18:45
  • 汪小菲手寫信曝!認曾陷低潮 「聽見手機震動」就狂吐冒汗

    2023/12/11 15:26
  • 小禎、羅時豐主持2年節目驚傳停播! 電視台發聲了

    2023/12/11 11:45
  • 他住破房「連手機都沒買」!死後竟擁4億遺產 全部捐出

    2023/12/11 10:58
  • 人氣手搖TOP20!五桐號掉到10名外 第一名近30年老牌

    2023/12/10 15:38
  • 母癌世2年「愛雅續用手機號碼」 吐洋蔥内幕:只是去旅遊

    2023/12/08 16:43
  • 酒駕三慣犯開BMW撞死妻 夫淚訴要不到賠償:像活在地獄

    2023/12/08 15:33
  • TSMC, AZBTC resolve dispute with training, safety deal

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and the Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council (AZBTC) have reached an agreement to resolve a labor dispute at TSMC’s Phoenix semiconductor manufacturing facility. The collaboration includes employee training programs and a commitment to transparency on workplace safety issues. This agreement is seen as a critical step for TSMC, which is expected to benefit from the US$100 billion in subsidies provided by the U.S. Chips Act. TSMC has agreed to prioritize local hiring but can employ foreign workers with "specialist experience" if needed. TSMC’s investment in Arizona amounts to US$40 billion, with construction starting in 2021. Mass production is now scheduled to begin in the first half of 2025. This resolution not only facilitates smoother progress in the construction of TSMC’s plant but also highlights the company’s role in increasing semiconductor production capabilities in the United States.
    2023/12/07 18:06
  • 國道巨輪突砸車頂!副駕媽媽頭遭重創亡 聯結車駕駛下場出爐

    2023/12/07 16:22
  • 李國毅正妹妻挺孕肚幫羅志祥伴舞!喜訊嚇歪同事 火辣身材不科學

    2023/12/07 15:36
  • 危機再起?大陸出口到南韓的尿素卡關

    2023/12/07 15:10
  • NSB warns against fake surveillance lists before elections

    Taiwan’s National Security Bureau (NSB) has denied the existence of online sales of illicit surveillance, which allegedly included sensitive information on political figures from both the ruling and opposition parties. Concerns have been raised as the nation approaches its upcoming elections, with officials warning of rampant disinformation on the internet. The false information, distributed anonymously on an online forum, claimed to reveal a list of monitored individuals, including legislators and high-ranking officials. The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) has stated that the true identities of those under surveillance would not be disclosed through the documents. Suspicions have been raised that the circulated documents were digitally altered, potentially as an attempt to influence the elections. National security officials have drawn parallels between this incident and previous accusations of unlawful surveillance spread on social media platforms in early 2021. They caution that the dissemination of false data may have political motives aimed at disrupting internal political stability and public order, particularly on the eve of elections. The public is urged not to be swayed by these falsehoods and to refrain from sharing misinformation.
    2023/12/07 11:06
  • 大阪環球影城任天堂新園區要來了 預計2024年春開放

    想去日本旅遊的國人又有新景點可以玩了!日本關西的熱門景點大阪環球影城「超級任天堂世界」2021年3月開放,成為到環球影城必玩的超人氣設施之一,而今年9月環球影城再度宣布將擴建任天堂世界的新園區,以經典遊戲角色「咚奇剛(Donkey Kong,也稱大金剛)」為主題,目標是在2024年春季開放,超級任天堂世界的園區面積也將增加到現在的1.7倍。
    2023/12/05 18:07
  • 輝達高層欲賣股套現1.8億美元 祖克柏也拋售Meta持股

    美國股市在今年11月展現出百年罕見的強勁表現,尤其科技股大放異彩。在這波行情中,Meta Platforms(臉書的母公司)執行長馬克·祖克伯(Mark Zuckerberg)自2021年以來首次出售個人持股,而根據Washington Service的數據,AI晶片製造巨頭輝達(NVIDIA)的高層管理人員亦於同月售出37萬股股票,市值高達1.8億美元(約新台幣56.4億元),創下近6年最大量的賣出紀錄。
    2023/12/05 13:05
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