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    Chen Chien-jen 結果共111筆

  • Premier Chen chairs last Cabinet meeting before resignation

    Premier Chen Chien-jen chaired his final Cabinet meeting, endorsing the resignation and reviewing the achievements under President Tsai Ing-wen’s leadership. The Action Innovation AI Cabinet is set to launch, aligning with new economic highs.
    2024/05/16 15:13
  • Premier calls for unity at presidential inauguration

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen calls for unity among political parties and local leaders to celebrate the presidential inauguration of Lai Ching-te, emphasizing democracy and freedom.
    2024/05/13 14:31
  • Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan

    Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of unity and constructive dialogue in Taiwan’s politics, warning against the dangers of political infighting. He advocates for a collaborative approach to governance, highlighting the need for effective communication and persuasion across party lines to implement policy changes. Chen also discusses the significance of respectful discourse in the legislative process and the focus on practical solutions over controversy.
    2024/05/10 15:59
  • Taiwan’s absence at WHA: A lost chance for global health

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses disappointment over Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly, emphasizing the loss to global health cooperation and urging for inclusion based on Taiwan’s healthcare achievements.
    2024/05/10 15:53
  • Expanding childcare aid: Taiwan’s to ease parental burdens

    Explore Taiwan’s new approach to supporting families: Premier Chen Chien-jen announces plans for more flexible unpaid parental leave, expanded childcare services, and increased subsidies to ease the childcare burden. With a focus on diverse family roles and improved work-life balance, these measures aim to reduce childcare costs and encourage shared parental responsibilities.
    2024/05/09 16:42
  • Taoyuan blackouts not caused by power shortage: Premier

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, clarifying they are not due to power shortages but external factors, equipment issues, and natural disasters. Over 100 staff from Taiwan Power Company are deployed for inspections and maintenance to mitigate future incidents.
    2024/05/08 15:54
  • Premier Chen visits Taiwan’s first offshore wind farm

    Discover how Taiwan is leading in green energy with Premier Chen Chien-jen’s visit to Formosa 1, the nation’s first offshore wind farm, emphasizing offshore wind power and the goal for net-zero emissions by 2050.
    2024/05/07 15:35
  • Premier criticizes legislator over leaked documents

    Discover how Premier Chen Chien-jen rebukes KMT legislator Hsu Chiao-hsin for leaking confidential documents and spreading misinformation about Taiwan’s Ukraine aid project, emphasizing the importance of unity in foreign relations to uphold Taiwan’s sovereignty and international diplomacy.
    2024/05/06 17:38
  • Premier vows to tackle wealth gap amid economic growth

    Explore how Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses Taiwan’s wealth gap, highlighting the disparity between the top and bottom income groups and the government’s commitment to narrowing this gap through economic and social welfare measures.
    2024/04/30 15:33
  • Premier Chen lauds workers at Taiwan’s Labor Day ceremony

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen honored workers at the "2024 Labor Day and National Model Worker Award Ceremony," emphasizing their role in the nation’s development and detailing government initiatives to improve worker welfare, including significant minimum wage increases and enhanced labor protections.
    2024/04/30 14:11
  • Premier: Respect for Judicial Yuan’s death penalty review

    Premier Ch’en Chien-jen highlights the importance of separation of powers in Taiwan, respecting the Judicial Yuan’s upcoming interpretation on the constitutionality of the death penalty. A ruling expected in July will determine its future.
    2024/04/22 17:54
  • Taipower president stays amid power outage controversy

    Premier Chen Chien-jen defends Taipower President Wang Yao-ting’s decision to stay on despite power supply issue accusations, highlighting Taiwan’s robust energy policy and the country’s praised power resilience, particularly after the April 3 earthquake. Chen cites significant improvements in reducing power outages, emphasizing the government’s commitment to renewable energy and power system enhancements.
    2024/04/22 17:53
  • Chen Chien-jen to return to Academia Sinica after May 20

    Here is a meta description for the story: Premier Ch’en Chien-jen respects cabinet appointments, believes future cabinet will make Taiwan better. President-elect Lai Ch’ing-te announces Cho Jung-t’ai as Premier, who reveals first wave of cabinet members. Ch’en to return to Academia Sinica after May 20.
    2024/04/15 17:39
  • Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes

    Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes zero tolerance for sexual harassment, assault, and child exploitation, warning of potential bans for foreign platforms not removing such content. This follows calls for a dedicated unit to combat digital sex crimes and revelations involving entertainer Mickey Huang. Amendments to gender equality laws and enhancements to the "113" reporting mechanism have been implemented, with substantial fines for non-compliance. TVBS advocates for public awareness and action against sexual misconduct.
    2024/04/08 14:52
  • Taiwan enhances food safety after poisoning incident

    Premier Chen Chien-jen reassures the public following a food poisoning scare at a local restaurant, emphasizing the incident’s isolated nature and the coordinated efforts of government agencies in the investigation. Chen highlights plans to strengthen the food poisoning reporting system, enhance specimen collection and testing techniques, and collaborate with frontline doctors to track and identify sources of contamination.
    2024/04/01 16:00
  • Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit sparks sovereignty debate

    Learn about the political tensions in Taiwan as Ma Ying-jeou faces pressure to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty during his upcoming delegation to China. Discover how Premier Chen Chien-jen’s call for Ma to declare Taiwan as an independent country challenges the ROC Constitution, as tensions rise over the DPP’s pro-independence stance. Stay updated on the uncertain prospects of a second meeting between Ma and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
    2024/03/28 17:52
  • Hsiao Hsu-tsen accuses Premier of pro-independence talk

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen, director of the Ma Ying-jeou Culture and Education Foundation, criticized former Vice President Chen Chien-jen for advocating Taiwan’s independence, citing violations of the Constitution of the Republic of China. This story highlights the ongoing debate surrounding Taiwan’s sovereignty and the implications of pro-independence rhetoric on the nation’s constitutional framework.
    2024/03/27 15:45
  • Premier: electricity price hike with considerate adjustments

    Premier Chen Chien-jen discusses the upcoming electricity price hike in Taipei, emphasizing the government’s efforts to accommodate various businesses and groups. He highlights the introduction of TPASS to alleviate transportation costs and enhance public transportation convenience and safety.
    2024/03/26 13:58
  • Premier affirms Taiwan’s sovereignty over Taiping Island

    Premier Chen Chien-jen asserts Taiwan’s sovereignty over Taiping Island amidst regional tensions. President Tsai Ing-wen’s absence at the inauguration of the "Taiping Island Harbor Renovation Project" raises eyebrows. Chen highlights recent turbulent waters and unilateral actions jeopardizing regional peace. Taiwan vows to collaborate internationally for stability in the South China Sea.
    2024/03/26 13:49
  • Premier urges Ma Ying-jeou to uphold democracy in China tour

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit to China from April 1 to 11, including stops in Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Beijing, is closely monitored by both sides amid heightened cross-strait tensions. Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of Ma upholding Taiwanese values during his trip, including sovereignty, democracy, and rule of law. Chen’s cautious approach underscores the delicate balance between cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s democratic principles.
    2024/03/26 11:10
  • Taiwan Premier advocates for peaceful cross-strait dialogue

    Premier Chen Chien-jen of Taiwan expresses willingness for peaceful democratic talks on equal terms in cross-strait exchanges during the Legislative Yuan’s general policy interpellation. Lawmaker Lin Te-fu from the Kuomintang (KMT) highlights tensions in cross-strait relations and calls for dialogue, citing the lack of official communication and progress in the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) since 2015. Premier Chen emphasizes Taiwan’s economic growth potential and expanding market reach in New Southbound, Western, and East Asian countries.
    2024/03/15 18:49
  • Taiwan premier apologizes for Sudan Red dye scandal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen issues a public apology on behalf of the FDA over Sudan Red dye in chili powder. Efforts to address the issue ongoing. Chen pledges to rectify the problem and improve sampling inspection methods.
    2024/03/15 18:19
  • Premier considers national Labor Day holiday amendment

    Premier Chen Chien-Jen addresses inquiries on the possibility of a unified Labor Day holiday on May 1 in Taiwan, pending a meeting with the Ministry of the Interior. Legislation amendments may be considered if a decision is reached before May 20, as discussed in response to concerns raised by KMT legislator Wang Hung-wei and the National Federation of Teachers Unions.
    2024/03/15 17:52
  • Taiwan’s Premier urges cross-party unity on national issues

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes bipartisan cooperation on key national issues, such as labor insurance and arms procurement, during a legislative inquiry. President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je highlights the importance of unity among political parties. Chen underscores the government’s commitment to cross-party dialogue, showcasing Taiwan’s democratic maturity.
    2024/03/15 17:28
  • Taiwan Premier mourns child abuse victim, vows policy review

    Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses deep sorrow over a recent child abuse case in Taipei, emphasizing the need for collaboration among central and local governments and civic groups to safeguard the rights of children and youth. He instructs government agencies to review response procedures and amend relevant laws for better protection.
    2024/03/15 16:50
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