
Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/08 14:52
Last update time:2024/04/08 14:52
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Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes (TVBS News) Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes
Premier Chen vows zero tolerance for digital sex crimes (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen declared on Monday (April 8), that the government has zero tolerance for sexual harassment, sexual assault, and child exploitation, warning that foreign platforms failing to promptly remove related content could face a ban.

Chen's remarks were in response to New Power Party Chairwoman Claire Wang's call for the establishment of a dedicated unit to combat digital sex crimes and prevent the dissemination of related content on overseas platforms.


The issue has been in the spotlight following revelations that entertainer Mickey Huang, embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal in 2023, was recently found to possess seven videos involving minors.

Chen noted that the government had already amended three gender equality laws last year and strengthened the "113" reporting mechanism. Relevant departments have also completed about 50 related law enforcement revisions, which took effect on March 8 this year, he added.

Websites failing to promptly remove related sexual content will face fines ranging from NT$60,000 to over NT$600,000, according to current laws, Chen emphasized.



TVBS reminds the public to respect bodily autonomy and stand up against sexual harassment. If you need help, please call 110 or 113.

Taiwan Affairs

#sexual harassment# child exploitation# digital sex crimes# Mickey Huang scandal# gender equality laws# Taiwan government policy# content removal fines# Taiwan sexual harassment prevention# foreign platforms content ban Taiwan
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