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    ������������2.0 結果共1,848筆

  • 聯電將攜手英特爾 共同開發12奈米製程技術

    2024/01/26 15:25
  • 《健康2.0》歲末健康開運大掃除 命理大師祭新年必勝功法

    《健康2.0》歲末健康開運大掃除 命理大師祭新年必勝功法
    2024/01/26 11:58
  • 尪下班不回家!硬不起來「包包藏威而鋼」 人妻1年沒壞壞崩潰

    2024/01/25 08:19
  • 張信哲成華人之光!受杜拜政府邀請做「這件事」:同等紅髮艾德

    張信哲「未來式2.0世界巡迴演唱會」今(22)日傳來開春好消息,海外場將正式啟動了,首場相當夢幻,將盛開於中東的杜拜,演唱會名稱也升級為「未來式∞」,象徵巡演飛向海外,有無垠遼闊之意,將在2月18日在杜拜媒體城圓形劇場 盛大演出,而張信哲也因此破了樂壇和個人記錄,將成為史上第1位在杜拜舉辦個人大型演唱會的華語歌手。
    2024/01/22 18:59
  • 「囤房稅2.0」自住稅率1%! 專家:北市不降反升

    2024/01/22 13:08
  • 文策院「國際合作投資方案2.0」出爐 國際合作方案大升級

    為匯聚更多臺流出海、增加更多臺灣與國際的合作機會,文策院「國際合作投資方案 2.0」(Taiwan’s International Co-funding Program, TICP 2.0)正式出爐,以更貼近國際市場投資樣態、接近業者實際需求的方向,希望促成更具規模的投資案、支持多元題材作品之產製,增加更多臺灣與國際合作的機會、推動臺灣人才及作品站上國際舞台。
    2024/01/19 22:24
  • 怪客掃空摩鐵備品!他進浴室驚「蓮蓬頭沒了」 全場笑翻:玩很大

    2024/01/18 09:15
  • 櫻花建設(2539)坐擁新光特區 鄰近百億醫療建設最具競爭力

    台中市人口持續穩定成長,位居全台人口第二大城市,房市表現持續亮眼,其中北屯區、太平區因年輕人口移入漸增,視為各大建商插旗之關鍵區域。因74快速道路環狀交通、五大商圈發展成熟以及中國醫BOT案動工等良好生活機能,加上新青安2.0的推動加持下,位處太平新光特區櫻花建設(2539)之建案,在早鳥初期,就以預約制的方式接應購屋族的洽訪,除了鞏固服務品質,也規劃提供首波優惠方案,讓購屋族提前布局安心成家。 櫻花昕光之櫻
    2024/01/17 11:03
  • 估蘋果今年實現尖端AI 大摩:將推Siri 2.0、AI iPhone

    近年全球興起人工智慧(AI)熱潮,應用範圍遍布更大領域,不再侷限於科幻電影裡互動的想像;投資銀行摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)相信,蘋果公司(Apple)正快速發展AI,預測今年將可實現尖端AI,在6月的WWDC(全球開發者大會)上發布Siri 2.0,並於9月推出AI iPhone。
    2024/01/16 11:52
  • 喝豆漿「1地雷習慣」慘罹食道癌 醫示警:現5症狀是前兆

    2024/01/13 22:52
  • 草莓季來了!超商草莓霜淇淋、思樂冰 限時第2杯半價

    草莓季來了!超商7-ELEVEN祭出一系列草莓新商品,霜淇淋推出新口味「草莓開運霜饗」霜淇淋,思樂冰也有新品「紅魔鬼草莓乳酸風味思樂冰」;而1月10日至2月6日霜淇淋每週五六日icash 2.0、icash Pay享第二件半價、1月19日至2月4日每週末五六日,思樂冰全品項大杯第2杯半價,讓民眾嚐鮮。
    2024/01/05 12:38
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils plan to combat school violence

    Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih presents a four-point plan to address school violence, criticizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration’s social safety net. The plan includes stricter regulations, preventive education, enhanced security checks, and tougher punishments for gang intrusions. Hou’s response comes after a high school student in New Taipei City was slashed in the neck, putting campus security under scrutiny. He questions the effectiveness of the government’s Social Safety Net 2.0 plan and calls for revisions to regulations. Tung Yao-tsung, president of the New Taipei City Parents’ Association, supports Hou’s stance and urges the Ministry of Education to focus on an intermediary education system to improve school security. Retired teacher Wang Chiung-yuan emphasizes the need for a balanced approach that considers the rights of all students.
    2024/01/04 18:20
  • 2024房市趨向平穩!消費者信心連40個月樂觀 觀察3重點曝

    2023/12/31 10:50
  • 廣播女神穩交幸福藏不住! 昔日戰友看傻狂嗆「最礙眼的情侶」

    電台節目《青春點點點》主持人歐馬克、瑪麗、強強(喬治)睽違10年合體,昨(29)日起一連2天在Zepp New Taipei舉辦「精神損害2.0演唱會」,吸引千位「青點教」點友朝聖。在安可環節時,舞台上出現神似五月天阿信的剪影,加上五月天的〈離開地球表面〉前奏一下,引發眾人驚呼,最終揭曉謎底,是在YouTube頻道擁有101萬訂閱的人氣圖文作家「微疼」,他笑說這次改當「微信」,讓眾人哭笑不得。
    2023/12/30 12:22
  • 影音/賴清德摸心悼割喉高中生 喊「積極落實社會安全網2.0」

    2023/12/29 19:43
  • 台北屋主慘了?囤房稅2.0恐釀1處大漲 這豪宅恐繳「八千萬」稅

    2023/12/29 12:09
  • 摸心臟哀悼新北割喉案 賴清德:落實社會安全網2.0

    2023/12/28 19:40
  • 童年換新裝!麥當勞全台首店改裝明天亮相 細節搶先看

    2023/12/27 14:37
  • Tax benefits for disabled, long-term care rise in Taiwan

    In 2021, approximately 664,000 Taiwanese taxpayers received disability deductions and 354,000 received long-term care deductions from their individual income tax, in accordance with the rules of the "Income Tax Act." The total deductions for disability and long-term care amounted to NT$137.4 billion and NT$42.5 billion, respectively. Since 2014, the number of households benefiting from disability deductions has exceeded 600,000, reaching 635,000 in 2021. The income tax reform in 2018 increased the disability deduction to NT$200,000, resulting in a rise from NT$89.1 billion in 2017 to NT$135.2 billion, with subsequent years remaining around NT$138 billion. Starting from 2019, individuals could deduct up to NT$120,000 for long-term care. By 2021, a total of NT$42.5 billion was deducted, benefiting 330,000 households, which accounted for 5.1% of all reporting households. Over the past five years, the number of individuals benefiting from disability deductions ranged from 664,000 to 698,000, representing 55.2% to 59.6% of all disabled Taiwanese. The number of individuals benefiting from long-term care deductions has been increasing annually for the past three years, with 336,000, 350,000, and 354,000 people, respectively. The beneficiaries of the long-term care 2.0 service also experienced an increase, from 389,000 in 2019 to 554,000 in 2021, indicating an improvement in the capabilities of the long-term care service.
    2023/12/26 21:34
  • NBA/熱火鬍子哥締新猷!新秀年比肩4神獸 飆分秀退無頭76人

    台灣時間26日,NBA迎來萬眾矚目的聖誕大戰,有別於湖人、塞爾提克的「老牌宿敵對決」以及勇士、金塊的「2屆MVP交鋒」,熱火與76人的對戰因為王牌球星恩比德(Joel Embiid)、巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)的雙雙缺陣而星度大減;熱火新秀「巴特勒2.0」小哈克斯(Jaime Jaquez Jr.)則是把握機會繳出生涯代表作,不僅比肩傳奇,更率隊以119比113擊退76人。
    2023/12/26 14:46
  • 超模歌手榮獲國際大獎!悲吐「悽慘歷史」:被笑像麻將桌

    2023/12/21 14:38
  • Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan amends new property tax law

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed a law amendment known as "Housing Tax 2.0," which will raise the residential property tax. The new tax will take effect on July 1, 2024, with taxation beginning in 2025. The Ministry of Finance estimates that around 4.45 million households will be affected by the revised tax, with approximately 3.1 million households benefiting from a preferential tax rate for single residency. This could potentially generate an additional revenue of NT$2.27 billion to NT$3.27 billion. Under the new system, residential properties will be categorized as "self-use" or "non-self-use," with a national limit of up to three properties classified as "self-use." The house tax will continue to be collected annually from May 1 to May 31, based on ownership from the prior year’s July 1 to the current year’s June 30. The amendment also requires that "self-use" residences meet household registration requirements in addition to the existing provisions regarding rental and occupancy by the owner, spouse, or direct relatives. The tax reform will have a significant impact on 10 municipalities that have not yet implemented the housing hoarding tax. To support the legislative changes, four supplementary regulations will be introduced, including differential tax rate modules, calculation formulas, principles for determining the number of household property holdings, and revisions to the organization of the Real Estate Evaluation Committees. All subsidiary regulations are scheduled to be amended by July 1, 2024.
    2023/12/20 18:10
  • 賴正鎰稱囤房稅2.0「七傷拳」釀物價漲 網酸:又在演

    2023/12/20 17:40
  • Legislative Yuan okays ’House Hoarding Tax 2.0’

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed an amendment to the House Tax Act, known as the "House Hoarding Tax 2.0," raising the tax rate for non-owner-occupied housing to a range of 2 to 4.8 percent, up from the current range of 1.5 to 3.6 percent. The tax rates will apply nationally to all properties owned by individuals and will be implemented by July 2025. Local governments will set their tax rate discrepancies based on the total number of residential properties owned nationwide. The amendment was approved in the Legislative Yuan session following negotiations among the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the Kuomintang (KMT), and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), with dissent from the New Power Party (NPP).
    2023/12/19 22:13
  • 囤房稅2.0三讀!稅率最高4.8% 房市恐有5大變化

    2023/12/19 14:45
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