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    ���FOOD 結果共229筆

  • 他山之石泰國篇!東華師生「新南向取經」 參訪4企業掌握台商創業心法

  • Athletes ill after hotel breakfast, investigation launched

    Discover the story of ten athletes at the National Intercollegiate Athletic Games in Taichung suffering from alleged food poisoning, with suspicions pointing to a hotel’s breakfast buffet. Follow the investigation led by the Taichung City Office of Food and Drug Safety into the cause, involving sample testing and preventive measures.
    2024/04/30 18:21
  • Taiwan’s diarrhea cases surge, norovirus blamed

    Explore the significant increase in diarrhea cases in Taiwan, with a notable rise in Norovirus infections within the food and hospitality sectors. Learn about the CDC’s recommendations for hygiene, food safety, and measures to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus.
    2024/04/30 18:15
  • 52 diners fall ill after eating at Kaohsiung buffet

    A food poisoning outbreak at Hi-Lai Harbour restaurant in Kaohsiung has led to 50 people seeking medical attention for symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain, following dining experiences on April 26 and 27. The Kaohsiung City Department of Health is investigating, conducting microbial tests, and has mandated an improvement plan for the restaurant.
    2024/04/29 15:46
  • Fatal food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam claims fourth victim

    Deputy Minister of Health Wang Pi-Sheng confirms a 40-year-old woman’s death due to food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, marking the fourth fatality linked to the tea house in Taipei’s Xinyi A13 branch. The outbreak has resulted in 35 cases, with two patients still hospitalized.
    2024/04/29 14:29
  • FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product

    Explore the ongoing controversy in Taiwan over Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s red yeast product, as the FDA investigates 58 cases of adverse reactions without confirmed causality, amidst reports of kidney disease and deaths in Japan. Taiwan responds with preventive recalls and consumer protection measures.
    2024/04/24 17:57
  • Intensive care continues for four from food poisoning

    Deputy Minister Victory Wang provides an update on the Polam Kopitam food poisoning outbreak in Taipei. Four patients remain in critical condition, with one undergoing a liver transplant and another needing ECMO treatment due to severe complications.
    2024/04/19 18:20
  • Taipei police near breakthrough in food poisoning mystery

    The Taipei City Police Department is close to a breakthrough in the Polam Kopitiam food poisoning case, with officials stating no poison was found in samples, and only a Vietnamese chef’s hands tested positive for Bongkrek acid. The case remains under investigation, with all possible leads being explored.
    2024/04/18 16:19
  • No bacteria found in Polam Kopitiam chefs’ homes

    Meta description (160 characters): Polam Kopitiam food poisoning case update: No Burkholderia gladioli found in chefs’ homes; 34 cases reported, including 2 deaths and 4 in intensive care.
    2024/04/15 17:31
  • Food vendors absorb electricity costs, fearing price hikes

    Lukang Old Street Business District chairperson Huang Shih-chieh expresses concern over rising electricity costs and their impact on food vendors, who may absorb cost increases to avoid raising prices due to declining consumer purchasing power, potentially leading to a vicious inflation cycle.
    2024/04/15 17:25
  • Taiwan Model: MOFA’s unique approach to overseas assistance

    Taiwan’s MOFA reports on international cooperation development, including overseas aid missions, agricultural assistance, medical teams, and plans to expand coordination across ministries and sectors to enhance aid capacity and address global issues such as food security, health, and environmental protection.
    2024/04/15 15:23
  • Taipei City Hall cafeteria fined due to food safety breaches

    A staff cafeteria in the basement of Taipei City Hall, named Fu-Yan, was fined over NT$2 million for food safety violations, including the use of expired ingredients. The contract was terminated, and the premises must be returned. Surprise inspections led to increased scrutiny, with plans for daily checks and expanded inspection areas. Temporary food options will be provided through food trucks, and assistance will be offered to affected employees. The public is urged to report any health issues after dining at the cafeteria.
    2024/04/12 15:23
  • Chiang unveils 4-point plan to tackle foodborne illnesses

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces four measures to address recent suspected food poisoning cases at popular restaurants, including establishing a dedicated team, increasing inspection efficiency, purchasing additional equipment, and launching a special inspection project for food monitoring.
    2024/04/11 18:09
  • Over 100 fall ill after dining at Wowprime Group eateries

    Taipei reports over 100 ill after dining at Truewow and Xiang La Spicy Hotpot restaurants. Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses food poisoning cases, including Polam Kopitiam, as food safety issues resurface in the city.
    2024/04/11 17:32
  • Bafang Yunji Beitou branch investigated for food poisoning

    Suspected food poisoning reported at Beitou Gongguan branch of Bafang Yunji in Taipei. Customers experienced vomiting and diarrhea after consuming corn soup and potstickers. Health department found unclean freezer fan and shelves, issued deadline for improvements. Restaurant cooperating with authorities, can continue normal operations pending investigation results.
    2024/04/09 11:32
  • Bongkrekic acid confirmed at Polam Kopitiam, probe continues

    Investigation into food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam’s Hsin-yi A13 branch in Taipei finds no Burkholderia gladioli bacteria on kitchen utensils or chef’s hands, despite bongkrekic acid detected in chef’s samples. Deputy Health Minister Wang Pi-sheng speculates on contamination scenarios as evidence points to branch’s responsibility.
    2024/04/08 13:46
  • 轉機別急著走!美媒評選全球最好吃機場 亞洲機場包辦前3

    美國餐飲月刊《Food & Wine(吃好喝好)》公布2024年全球「最好吃的機場」榜單,前3名都是亞洲機場,榜首為新加坡樟宜機場,第二名為日本成田機場,第三名則為杜拜國際機場。樟宜機場有超過100家餐廳、攤販,還有機器人調酒師的服務等;而日本成田機場能吃到壽司、天婦羅等經典日式料理;杜拜機場則以各種知名國際連鎖餐廳及閃電泡芙專賣店為賣點。
    2024/04/07 15:40
  • 超級加工食品致癌又吃了鬱卒! 美名醫:別吃唸不出名字的東西

    超級加工食品(ultra-processed food, UPF)充斥現代人的生活,一不注意就可能吃下肚,一篇發表在英國醫學期刊(The BMJ)的報告指出,超級加工食品與多達32種健康問題「直接相關」,包括癌症、心血管疾病、糖尿病等,美國知名醫生奧茲醫生(Dr. Oz)與克利夫蘭診所醫生羅伊森(Michael Roizen)指出,許多超級加工食品可能含有乳化劑、其他難以消化的添加物,將損害對健康有益的腸道細菌,並使致病的細菌大量繁殖。
    2024/04/07 08:00
  • Authors unveil essence of Taiwanese cuisine in new cookbook

    Explore the rich flavors and unique identity of Taiwanese cuisine with Clarissa Wei and Ivy in their new cookbook, "Made in Taiwan." This culinary journey offers a fresh perspective on the island’s diverse food culture, distinct from its neighbors.
    2024/04/05 08:00
  • Family of 6 hospitalized after dining at Taipei buffet

    The Taipei City Department of Health investigates a family’s hospitalization after dining at the Island Buffet Restaurant in Grand Hilai Taipei. Inspectors collect samples and find unclean conditions, ordering the restaurant to make improvements by April 8 or face fines up to NT$200 million.
    2024/04/01 17:46
  • Taiwan considers renaming bongkrek acid to avoid rice stigma

    Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Victor Wang addresses the rare occurrence of Bongkrek acid production in Taiwan, sparking public fear after a food poisoning incident. Wang discusses the conditions necessary for toxin production and potential changes to the Chinese translation to avoid stigmatizing rice products.
    2024/04/01 16:04
  • Taiwan enhances food safety after poisoning incident

    Premier Chen Chien-jen reassures the public following a food poisoning scare at a local restaurant, emphasizing the incident’s isolated nature and the coordinated efforts of government agencies in the investigation. Chen highlights plans to strengthen the food poisoning reporting system, enhance specimen collection and testing techniques, and collaborate with frontline doctors to track and identify sources of contamination.
    2024/04/01 16:00
  • Taipei food poisoning victims assured insurance coverage

    Victims of food poisoning at the A13 branch in Taipei will have insurance coverage by Far Eastern Department Stores, confirmed by the Department of Legal Affairs. Compensation for the incident at Polam Kopitiam will be covered by Cathay Century Insurance Co., with potential additional coverage from Tokio Marine Newa Insurance Co. Taipei City Government will penalize each case individually, with a maximum penalty of NT$3 million for uninsured product liability.
    2024/04/01 14:15
  • Taiwan assures safety of local pineapples and mushrooms

    Stay informed about the recent bongkrekic acid scare in Taipei involving pineapples and king oyster mushrooms. Learn how the Ministry of Agriculture reassures the public of the safety of locally grown produce and clarifies the bacteria responsible for the toxin. Understand the stringent conditions required for bongkrekic acid production and how to ensure food safety when consuming agricultural products.
    2024/04/01 14:09
  • Taipei health chief defends hospital’s response to crisis

    The head of Taipei’s health department, Chen Yen-yuan, commends the medical team’s swift response at a press conference regarding alleged medical negligence at a hospital treating victims of a suspected mass food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam in Xinyi District. Family members of the deceased are considering legal action, prompting immediate inter-departmental support for bereaved families. Mackay Memorial Hospital’s efforts to resuscitate a severely ill patient are defended by Chen and Dr. Yen Tzung-hai, who affirm the hospital’s diligent care and use of the best medication.
    2024/03/29 17:06
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