
FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product

Release time:2024/04/24 17:57
Last update time:2024/04/24 17:57
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 FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product (Shutterstock) FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product
FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The controversy surrounding Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red yeast product continues to ferment in Taiwan. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discussed 54 reported cases on Wednesday (April 24), but has yet to confirm a cause-and-effect relationship.

According to the latest statistics, 58 people have reported unexpected reactions after taking the Japanese company's red yeast product, with the majority having purchased the product directly from Japan. The FDA held a case analysis meeting on April 19 to review the data of 54 people, but the causality remains unconfirmed.


The FDA has transferred the 54 reported cases to the Executive Yuan Consumer Protection Committee for assistance with subsequent consumer compensation matters and will continue collecting reports of unexpected reactions.

In Japan, some people have developed kidney disease after taking Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red yeast health food. As of March 29, five people have died.

Taiwan has not imported the problematic health food, but two companies have imported the red yeast raw material from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical and have initiated a voluntary preventive recall.

The FDA reminds the public that if they have purchased Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's red yeast product, they can first request a refund from the manufacturer. If they do not receive appropriate treatment, they can file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Committee of the Executive Yuan, the Consumers' Foundation, or the Taiwan Consumer Association.

Taiwan Affairs

#Kobayashi Pharmaceutical# red yeast product# Taiwan FDA# health food recall# consumer compensation# kidney disease# product safety# Kobayashi red yeast reaction# Taiwan health food import# Japanese health products safety
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