
Intensive care continues for four from food poisoning

Reporter Amy Hsin-Hsiang Chen
Release time:2024/04/19 18:20
Last update time:2024/04/19 18:20
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Victory Wang provided updates on Thursday (April 19) on the conditions of the four people in intensive care following the Polam Kopitam food poisoning.

One patient completed his liver transplant on Monday, according to Wang. He is reportedly conscious, and his liver function is improving, he still requires dialysis and a respirator.


The other three patients remain critically ill, according to Wang. He said one of the patients will require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) as they battle multidrug resistance and infection, complications from using respirators and undergoing plasmapheresis.

As of Monday, 34 Polam food poisoning cases have been reported, with two fatalities, four people in intensive care, and the remaining 28 patients with minor illnesses having returned to normal life.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei#food poisoning#Polam Kopitam#intensive care#liver transplant#ECMO#multidrug resistance#infection#respirators#plasmapheresis
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