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    @All 結果共458筆

  • 隱形牙套到口腔護理 Zenyum綻雅推One for all微笑服務! 牙齒乾淨、整齊二選一?哪個才是楊謹華心中的理想型

  • 楊紫瓊獲「美國平民最高榮譽」! 拜登將於白宮親授自由勳章

    憑藉著《媽的多重宇宙》(Everything Everywhere All At Once)獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎的馬來西亞華裔女星楊紫瓊,5月3日將出席在美國白宮舉行的儀式。她將從美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)手上接過總統自由勳章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。
    2024/04/28 16:38
  • Lai praises national talent across eras for Taiwan security

    Lai Ching-te, the President-elect of Taiwan, announces the sixth wave of government appointments, emphasizing the importance of national talent across different eras for the development of democracy, peace, and prosperity. He draws parallels with U.S. administrations to highlight the continuity in national security teams and welcomes talents from all backgrounds to contribute to the nation’s future.
    2024/04/25 17:57
  • Taiwan experiences unusual surge in aftershocks

    Taiwan experienced a series of earthquakes on April 23, with magnitudes up to 6.3, linked to an earlier quake on April 3. Experts note an unusual increase in aftershocks, all originating from the same fault system in Hualien County. The public is urged to be prepared as Taiwan enters a period of frequent seismic activity.
    2024/04/23 10:55
  • Taipei police near breakthrough in food poisoning mystery

    The Taipei City Police Department is close to a breakthrough in the Polam Kopitiam food poisoning case, with officials stating no poison was found in samples, and only a Vietnamese chef’s hands tested positive for Bongkrek acid. The case remains under investigation, with all possible leads being explored.
    2024/04/18 16:19
  • NZ, Taiwan strengthen ties through parliamentary visit

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu meets with New Zealand’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Taiwan, expressing admiration for New Zealand and discussing the deepening of bilateral relations in trade, indigenous affairs, agriculture, and culture. The visit aims to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the two democracies.
    2024/04/18 15:47
  • 台股站回2萬!大盤漲逾300點 台積電返800元

    2024/04/17 12:55
  • 21 Taiwanese students safe in Israel amid Iranian attack

    The Ministry of Education confirmed all 21 Taiwanese students in Israel are safe amid the recent Iranian attack on the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) denounced Iran’s actions, claiming that they seriously jeopardize peace and stability in the region and around the world. MOFA asked everyone to remain calm, resolve their issues through dialogue, and stop the situation from worsening.
    2024/04/15 12:32
  • 超糗!男星池塘滑倒 褲子滑落「白皙屁股」露出畫面曝光

    男團始祖Energy大駕光臨《綜藝玩很大》,吳宗憲、KID、坤達帶領Energy團員阿弟、Toro、書偉、牛奶與新生代男團All in 5、FEniX和U:NUS進行PK生死鬥。為了熱烈歡迎天團,節目製作單位給予高規格的待遇,坤達表示團體中有3個人超過15年沒有上過綜藝節目,可以算是綜藝新手,請大家多包涵。並盡地主之誼跟團員們打包票說:「接下來交給我,聽我的就對了。」
    2024/04/12 14:00
  • 水原一平曾豪語「免擔心我還不出錢」 事跡敗露嘆:一切都完了

    大聯盟球星大谷翔平的前翻譯水原一平,3月因涉及非法賭博遭道奇隊開除。美國聯邦調查局今(12)日指出,大谷遭竊取1600萬美元(約5.1億新台幣),水原已被依詐欺罪起訴。水原與組頭的簡訊內容也遭到曝光。組頭曾為了威脅水原而跟蹤大谷。水原也親口承認從大谷的帳戶中竊取資金,在涉賭一事敗露後嘆「一切都完了」(it’s all over for me)。
    2024/04/12 10:27
  • Chiu Tai-san remains neutral about Ma’s visit to China

    Mainland Affairs Council Minister Chiu Tai-san comments on former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, noting the potential benefits of cross-strait communication and expressing hope for the safety of all Taiwanese in China. Chiu refrains from commenting on questions of national dignity regarding Ma’s visit, highlighting its private nature and the varied forms of address used for Ma in China.
    2024/04/08 16:10
  • 求婚大元成功!鼓鼓揭證婚人是他 訴感謝心聲:一直陪著我

    「鼓鼓」呂思緯和蕭秉治組成限定男團「GX」,近日帶著「大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY」巡迴演唱會前進上海、廣州、北京開唱,用心的他們,為3場歌迷準備不同歌單。前陣子向女友大元求婚成功的鼓鼓,也吐露對粉絲以及好兄弟蕭秉治的感謝,讓歌迷聽了忍不住鼻酸。
    2024/04/06 13:39
  • TSMC shuts construction sites after 7.2 magnitude quake

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) halted all construction work on Wednesday (April 3) due to the impact of a major 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien earlier that day.
    2024/04/03 17:59
  • Chef questioned in Taipei food poisoning deaths

    The investigation into a food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam in Taipei’s Xinyi District unfolds as a 25-year-old chef denies responsibility, citing that all ingredients were provided by the owner. Tragically, two individuals have died and five others have fallen severely ill. The presence of Bongkrek acid in the victims’ bodies, as confirmed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, has heightened concerns. The chef, surnamed Hsu, who was temporarily working at the Xinyi branch, faces suspicions of manslaughter and violations of food safety regulations.
    2024/03/29 16:35
  • Taiwan aims for global leadership in machine tool industry

    Vice President Lai Ching-te commends Taiwan’s machine tool industry for its technological innovation and commitment to net-zero and digital transformation at the 2024 Taiwan International Machine Tool Show. Taiwan stands out globally for its high-end machine tool production and comprehensive industry showcased at the annual event. The government aims to strengthen Taiwan’s position as a high-end machine tool manufacturing country and rebuild a reliable supply chain with democratic allies amidst global changes. Vice President Lai also advocates for AI industrialization to attract international investment and drive innovation across all industries in Taiwan.
    2024/03/28 16:55
  • Crackdown on Polam Kopitiam after food poisoning outbreak

    The food poisoning incident involving Malaysian restaurant Polam Kopitiam in Taipei escalates as health authorities order all branches to cease operations immediately due to violations of the Food Safety Act, including an unregistered establishment facing a potential NT$3 million fine. Customers who dined between March 17 and 24 are advised to seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms, with the case officially classified as food poisoning.
    2024/03/28 16:18
  • Tainan’s Tsengwen Reservoir dips below 50% capacity

    Stay updated on the latest water situation in Tainan as the Tsengwen Reservoir’s storage rate dips below 50%. Despite this, authorities assure a stable water supply for all usage targets before the plum rain season. Follow the city’s water-saving measures and reservoir data from the Southern Region Water Resources Branch.
    2024/03/25 15:21
  • New Taipei deputy mayor Liu undecided on election candidacy

    New Taipei City Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan remains noncommittal on potential 2026 election candidacy, focusing on current municipal duties. Liu’s career trajectory from science teacher to deputy mayor discussed in interview with journalist Huang Wei-han. Liu refrains from commenting on potential rivals and emphasizes importance of grassroots discussions in all 29 districts. No decisions made yet on future political plans.
    2024/03/25 12:52
  • Taiwan boosts meal allowance for army trainees in 2024

    Taipei’s Army Command Headquarters announced an increase in daily food allowance for reserve training soldiers in Taiwan. The allowance will rise from NT$95.7 to NT$97.6, aiming to meet the larger appetite of trainees due to high training volume. Ministry of National Defense will continue to adjust food allowances based on actual training needs.
    2024/03/25 11:23
  • 大元點頭嫁鼓鼓「預習準人妻生活」 還沒開始竟遭阿嬤批:不及格

    Popu Lady成員大元(林艾璇)與歌手鼓鼓(呂思緯)愛情長跑11年,鼓鼓本月17日在高雄的「大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY」演唱會中,無預警走到台下,向大元下跪求婚,哽咽唸出浪漫的誓詞,甜蜜現場讓全場的粉絲和親友一起見證這個幸福時刻,令人相當感動。大元18日發文貼出被求婚時親吻鼓鼓的照片和影片,感動告白:「謝謝你的疼愛,謝謝宇宙讓我遇到那麼好的男人,呂先生,我的老公。」近日,大元為了預習人妻生活,今(23)日也向阿嬤學習廚藝,不料才剛開始第一步就踩雷,讓她忍不住笑翻。
    2024/03/24 12:02
  • 2024智慧城市展「智匯桃園」3/19登場 AI科技解決城市大小事

    「2024智慧城市展」於今(3/19)日至22日在南港展覽館2館展出,桃園主題館今日舉辦開幕活動,市長張善政率各局處長參與,更邀請到ICF智慧城市論壇主席John Jung、國家發展委員會主委龔明鑫、HTC全球副總裁暨亞太區總經理黃昭穎、思科(CSCO-US)大中華區副總裁暨台灣總經理林岳田等貴賓親臨現場舉行開幕儀式。今年桃園市政府以「智匯桃園 AI FOR ALL」為主軸,呈現市府局處以AI科技與智慧創新解決城市問題、優化各項公共服務,展現「智慧桃園」的豐碩成果。
    2024/03/21 14:16
  • 智慧城市展桃園主題館開幕 AI實現科技治理

    2024智慧城市展熱鬧登場,其中桃園主題館舉辦開幕活動,這次桃園以「智匯桃園AI FOR ALL」為主軸,呈現各局處以AI科技和智慧創新解決城市問題,將AI技術應用在不同領域的市政服務,同時展示桃園推動智慧城市發展的成績。
    2024/03/19 22:11
  • Lai Ching-te to fast-track submarine fleet expansion

    President-elect Lai Ching-te shows strong support for Taiwan’s Indigenous Defence Submarine program, aiming to build all seven follow-up submarines simultaneously. Joining him on an inspection of the prototype submarine Narwhal at CSBC Corporation’s Hai Chang factory was current President Tsai Ing-wen. The transition of power between Tsai and Lai is set for May 20, with Lai emphasizing the need to complete the submarine project swiftly. The projected cost for each follow-up submarine is around NT$20 billion, with a total budget estimated between NT$150 billion and NT$200 billion.
    2024/03/18 14:26
  • 周興哲唱一半中斷演出!音響冒詭異怪聲 臨危反應曝光

    周興哲(Eric)於15日起一連兩天於澳門「銀河綜藝館」舉辦周興哲「Odyssey旅程RETURNS」世界巡迴演唱會,來到2024年開春的第一趟演出,周興哲一開口就用廣東話跟本地小興星(粉絲名)打招呼,字正腔圓說超想念大家,收穫全場巨大呼聲,一開場就是〈That’s All〉、〈說太多〉及〈Nobody But Me〉三首勁歌熱舞,賣力唱跳的他,更一度脫去上衣演唱,讓台下尖叫聲此起彼落。緊接他帶來〈想知道你在想什麼〉,但場館發生小插曲,一度傳出高分貝竄音聲響,但他處變不驚,不為所動,當樂隊因硬體突發狀況不得不停下,周興哲仍面不改色清唱,優美無差別的歌聲撥開刺耳響聲,當下讓全場小興星如沐春風,立刻投以無比欽慕的掌聲和歡呼,大大加分。
    2024/03/17 18:39
  • 才成團開唱!蕭秉治爆MP魔幻力量內幕 認和鼓鼓起爭執

    「鼓鼓」呂思緯與蕭秉治組成限定團體「GX」,昨(16)日一起連 2天在高雄流行音樂中心開唱,舉辦「大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY」演唱會,唱到〈Summer〉一曲時,2人虧歌迷合唱聲音太小,拿起水槍狂射粉絲,粉絲開心受罰,現場瞬間溼成一片。
    2024/03/17 07:01
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