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    prison 結果共19筆

  • Court finds Aaron Yan guilty in sexual content case

    Discover the details of Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan’s sentencing by the Shilin District Court for crimes involving a minor, including his probation terms and legal settlement.
    2024/05/30 14:12
  • Actor You Sheng sentenced to 8 months for indecent assault

    Discover the details of actor You Sheng’s sentencing to eight months in prison for indecent assault in Taipei, including his trial’s revelations and the court’s decision on bail.
    2024/05/24 11:14
  • Cambodia PM condemns Taiwanese YouTubers for kidnap stunt

    Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Manet condemns YouTubers "Good Night Chicken" and "Anow" for staging a fake kidnapping in Cambodia, leading to their imprisonment. Former Prime Minister Hun Sen calls for justice, urging the judiciary to deny clemency.
    2024/02/19 16:23
  • Vietnamese beautician illegally earns NT$1M in Taichung

    A Vietnamese woman in Taichung, Taiwan, was discovered by the National Immigration Agency to have operated an illegal aesthetic studio for six years, earning NT$1 million. The woman, known as Ms. Pei, learned the craft from a compatriot after departing from her employer seven years ago. She performed unlicensed procedures such as double eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty. Ms. Pei imported unverified cosmetic injections from Vietnam and advertised her services on social media platforms, attracting Vietnamese and Indonesian customers seeking affordable beauty treatments. She was sentenced to one year and two months in prison by the Taichung District Court, but has the right to appeal the verdict.
    2023/12/20 19:27
  • National Comics Museum to unveil first exhibit Dec. 23

    The National Comics Museum in Taipei is set to launch its inaugural exhibit on December 23, offering comic enthusiasts a new destination for artistic exploration. Situated in the former staff quarters of the Taichung Prison, the museum gained approval from the Executive Yuan in April. The eastern site of the museum, comprised of 15 Japanese-style buildings, currently features eight main themed exhibitions and three focal areas. One of the planned spaces, "Da Shu Jung Guang" ("Big Fig Tree Lights"), aims to create unique nocturnal landscapes using lighting, shadows, mist, and music. Another attraction is "Barkley The Cat," an area adorned with whimsically scattered kitten patterns. The museum also includes three reading areas, a bathhouse area called "Pao Man-hua" ("Soaking in Comics"), and a section for comic graffiti. Visitors can enjoy "Jia Ramen" at Dormitory No. 12, designed for dining while enjoying Taiwanese comics. The northern site of the museum, featuring a new main building, is scheduled to open in 2029. The museum is eagerly anticipated by comic lovers across Taiwan as a celebration of the vibrant world of comics and animation.
    2023/12/20 17:31
  • Taiwan passes gun control amendments, fines up to NT$15M

    The Legislative Yuan has passed amendments to the Controlling Guns, Ammunition and Knives Act, imposing stricter penalties for firearms offenses in public spaces. Offenders firing standard-issue firearms in or towards public areas could face a minimum of seven years in prison and fines of up to NT$15 million. Discharging non-standard firearms in public venues may result in sentences ranging from five to twelve years and fines of up to NT$10 million. The amendments also address loopholes by adjusting the terms for those confessing or turning themselves in, allowing judges to decide on leniency based on each case’s specifics. These revisions aim to combat gun-related crimes and strengthen social safety and order.
    2023/12/18 14:37
  • Election commission to challenge ’prisoner voting’ proposal

    Central Election Commission Chairperson Lee Chin-yung stated that the Public Officials Election and Recall Act does not accommodate absentee voting processes, and noted that voting in jails contains security issues. The Commission has decided to appeal to the Taipei High Administrative Court regarding the provisional injunction.
    2023/10/13 17:24
  • 巴拉圭大規模監獄暴動 囚犯縱火劫持11名獄警

    巴拉圭首都亞松森(Asunción)最大監獄「塔庫姆布監獄(Tacumbú prison)」裡關押著近4000名囚犯,該監獄週二(10日)發生大規模暴動,囚犯劫持11名獄警作為人質,甚至還在監獄內部縱火、焚燒建築物,引發騷亂。
    2023/10/11 16:06
  • Prison vest scam: CEO faces indictment for fraud

    The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has indicted Lin Sheng-che, head of Best Style Safety Industrial Co., for defrauding the Agency of Corrections. Lin presented false documents and unlawfully profited from a bulletproof vest contract, sparking an investigation into his actions.
    2023/08/13 13:53
  • Hou Yu-ih reacts to controversy on minimum-security prisons

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih lashed at the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Tuesday (July 11) for their alleged slow response in amending laws regarding the transfer of criminals to minimum-security prisons.
    2023/07/11 17:12
  • Pressure mounts for Tsai gov’t to tighten open prison rules

    President Tsai Ing-wen has been under public pressure to tighten laws for criminal transfer to open prisons, after the Agency of Corrections of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) agreed to transfer a police-killing criminal surnamed Yi, known as the son of a renowned female star in Taiwan, to a minimum-security facility. 
    2023/07/10 17:27
  • Infamous Internet celebrity heads to prison in Rolls-Royce

    Internet celebrity Lien Chien-i reported to prison on Thursday (June 1), drawing widespread attention due to his notorious behavior and raising concerns about the prevalence of gangster culture in Taiwan.
    2023/06/07 13:22
  • 美國「女版賈伯斯」監獄打工時薪僅3塊 獄友也是大咖

    有「女版賈伯斯」之稱的美國矽谷生技新創公司Theranos創辦人霍姆斯(Elizabeth Holmes)因詐欺等多項罪名,遭判刑入獄11年,在申請保釋失敗後,於30日正式前往安全級別最低的「布萊恩聯邦監獄營」(Bryan Federal Prison Camp)報到。據悉,霍姆斯服刑的監獄中大多都是「白領階級罪犯」,其中一人還是真人秀女星珍妮佛‧莎阿(Jennifer Shah)。
    2023/05/31 11:31
  • 英富豪求情也沒用! 46歲男走私一公斤大麻遭新加坡處決

    新加坡46歲男子譚加拉朱(Tangaraju Suppiah)2013年因走私約1公斤大麻,遭新國警方逮捕,由於走私量超過死刑門檻2倍,被判處死刑;儘管國際社會呼籲「重新考慮」行刑,新加坡監獄署(Singapore Prisons Service)發言人仍指出,已於今(26)日在樟宜監獄(Changi Prison)將他處決。
    2023/04/26 12:57
  • 英監獄傳女獄警與囚犯嘿咻、幫偷渡違禁品 下場慘了!

    位於雷克瑟姆縣自治市(Wrexham County Borough)的英國最大監獄伯溫監獄(HM Prison Berwyn),近日驚傳3名女獄警愛上囚犯,不但與嫌犯發生性行為,還因愛幫忙偷渡違禁品入監,3人皆因此被判刑入獄。警方正加強監獄安全管理,對全體500 多名工作人員進行「防貪培訓。」
    2023/01/04 16:10
  • 快訊/緬甸最大監獄驚傳「包裹炸彈」爆炸 至少8死

    位於緬甸仰光省(Yangon)、該國最大監獄「永盛監獄」(Insein prison),當地時間今(19)日上午9點40 分,驚傳發生「包裹炸彈」爆炸,造成至少8人死亡、13 人受傷。
    2022/10/19 17:01
  • 濃煙竄天!伊朗關押政治犯監獄發生火災 至少4死61傷

    伊朗22歲庫德族女子艾米尼(Mahsa Amini),9月疑因未戴好頭巾,遭宗教警察逮捕後意外身亡,引發全國性的反政府抗議浪潮。位於伊朗北部、專門關押政治犯的埃文監獄(Evin prison),15日晚間也發生火災、槍戰,現場濃煙滾滾、火焰竄天,衝突導致至少4死61傷,目前狀況已獲得控制。
    2022/10/17 10:22
  • 仿「刺激1995」!6囚犯湯匙挖地道 以色列警逮4人

    以色列吉爾波監獄(Gilboa Prison)被視作該國安全級別最高的監獄,不料在本週一(6)竟傳出6名巴勒斯坦囚犯疑似模仿好萊塢電影「刺激1995」,耗費數年挖出一條連接監獄內外的地道逃跑,讓以色列警方臉面全無。如今傳出繼日前捕獲2名逃獄犯後,今(11)日再度在一處停車場中逮補2人,仍有2名囚犯在逃中。
    2021/09/11 15:49
  • 越獄率零!全美最森嚴監獄 囚犯:這裡像墳墓

    位於加州新月市的鵜鶘灣監獄(Pelican Bay State Prison,PBSP),是全美最嚴厲險峻的監獄之一,這裡專門關押重刑犯,囚犯都是危險等級最高的黑幫暴徒,為了避免幫派結黨,一半的受刑人採取隔離監禁,對於刑期幾十年的囚犯來說,這裡就像個「活死人墓」。
    2018/02/22 14:23
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