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    beautiful 結果共46筆

  • 陸星材出道12年終於單獨見粉絲! 管不動小狗「竟靠隊友出聲喝斥」

    陸星材所屬的BTOB的自2012年出道以來,以〈Missing You〉、〈Beautiful Pain〉、〈Only one for me〉等夯曲深獲Kpop樂迷們的喜愛。除了團體活動外,他也以演員身份活躍於戲劇界,參與了《孤單又燦爛的神—鬼怪》、《雙甲路邊攤》、《金湯匙》等熱門劇集,展現了他的演技深度,他也將獻出出道以來的個人見面會初體驗!
    2024/05/07 13:24
  • 姜麗文香港補辦婚禮!大秀甜蜜結婚照 秦沛喜迎女婿 

    姜麗文與老公柏豪原定20年結婚,但婚禮因為疫情延後,至22年在美國洛杉磯簡約行禮,不過家人當時只能透過影片參與婚禮。而最近姜麗文與老公就在香港補辦婚禮,只邀家人出席。她今午(29日)在社交平台分享喜悅,寫下:「A beautiful tea ceremony with our family. What a wonderful way to celebrate our love」又向老公告白:「Hello, best friend. I love you.」
    2024/04/30 09:56
  • Hebe Tien’s enchanting Hokkaido getaway captivates fans

    Taiwanese pop singer Hebe Tien charms fans with frigidly beautiful photos from her Hokkaido vacation. Follow her frosty adventure in the snow-filled landscape as she captures the hearts of her followers with her delightful escapades.
    2024/03/14 11:29
  • 哭了!億萬票房宋芸樺被「鮮肉男星」打槍 直嗆:一點興趣都沒有

    創作才子SAM LIN(林中宣)展「全能絕技」為三月底的個人首次全台巡演做暖身,今(12)日舉辦個人記者會,使出「一人樂隊」絕活秀出小提琴、Keyboard、吉他、爵士鼓等四種樂器為現場添高潮,不僅如此,億萬票房女神宋芸樺驚喜站台,開金嗓合唱〈Beautiful Girl〉,宋芸樺自曝已經當了SAM LIN四年「月老」,但都沒有成功,不過被問兩人為何不來電?SAM LIN回應了。
    2024/03/12 13:57
  • 林襄唱歌「翻車」被罵翻!單曲製作人發聲了 「錄音內幕」曝

    阿沁宣布單飛推出新專輯跟個人巡迴演唱會,他這些年來,幫了多少天王天后寫歌,包含蔡健雅〈beautiful love〉、梁詠琪〈偏見〉、蔡依林〈妥協〉、動力火車〈我很好騙〉等,被譽為「天王天后製造機」,也有許多人看上他的才華,爭相來找他寫歌,連啦啦隊女神林襄也是其中之一,不過先前林襄在節目上開口翻車,被網友罵翻,對此,身為製作人的他,開口幫他講話了。
    2024/03/11 16:18
  • 男星陷低潮認了想退出 親揭「消失一整年」真實內幕

    歌手「Sam Lin」林中宣精通小提琴、鋼琴、吉他、爵士鼓等7種樂器,獲封「全才系唱作才子」,龍年開春宣告正式「揮單」,告別前東家華納音樂,以獨立音樂人的身份從零開始,更在白色情人節前夕推告白情歌〈Beautiful Girl〉,而他去年「消失」一整年,真實原因也曝光了。
    2024/03/08 06:35
  • 靠蔡健雅賺錢!43歲男星甩肉20公斤帥成這樣 超猛菜單曝光

    「F.I.R.飛兒樂團」吉他手阿沁(黃漢青)出道邁入20年之際,日前拋出宣告離開舊東家震撼彈,並宣布將推出紀念專輯《阿沁RE:TIME時空對話》,把過去自己寫給眾多歌王歌后膾炙人口的經典歌重新演繹,重磅企劃首發第一彈特別復刻了金曲歌后蔡健雅18年前的K歌神曲〈Beautiful Love〉,他還因此努力減肥瘦成一道閃電。
    2024/02/28 12:31
  • K-pop icon Yoona charms fans at Taipei fanmeet

    South Korean star Yoona from the popular K-pop group "Girls’ Generation" held a fan meet in Taipei, where she impressed the audience with her Mandarin-language performance. The event attracted 3,000 fans, and Yoona delighted them with her fluent Mandarin skills. She also sang the theme song from the popular Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day," receiving enthusiastic applause. Lucky fans had the opportunity to interact with Yoona and take photos with her. During the fan meet, Yoona expressed her desire to try different roles, including playing a "beautiful villain." Additionally, she enjoyed trying Taiwanese delicacies such as sausage with sticky rice and sweet potato balls.
    2024/02/05 11:56
  • Taipingshan visitors brave cold weather for winter thrills

    Visitors to Taipingshan mountain in Yilan braved the -3 degrees Celsius temperatures to frolic shirtless in the snow. Despite the cold, the atmosphere remained chilly enough for visitors to enjoy their winter sojourn. The popular mountain tram is back in operation after maintenance work, allowing visitors to enjoy the beautiful scenery again.
    2024/01/24 16:55
  • Ko envisions Taiwan as bridge, not pawn, in global politics

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je discusses his core policy on cross-strait relations, emphasizing preparedness for war but not seeking it. He advocates for autonomy and peaceful cross-strait relations. Ko expresses concern over Taiwanese unease with the Taiwan Strait status quo and questions if Taiwan desires secrecy, division, and animosity. He envisions Taiwan as a beautiful island and desires it to be a bridge for Sino-American communication. Ko acknowledges challenges such as the necessity of TSMC and cautiously approaches nuclear energy, considering the international trend towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. He aims to transcend traditional ideological division and promises fairness, inclusivity, and effective governance.
    2023/12/30 17:19
  • 2024 New Year’s sunrise to grace Sanxiantai, at 6:10 a.m.

    Witness the first rays of the New Year’s Day sunrise at the Sanxiantai Recreation Area in Cheng-kung Town, Taitung County. Join the sunrise walk event organized by the Chenggong Township Office or visit the Millennium Dawn Memorial Park in Taimali Township. Despite 23 years without a sunrise sighting, Taimali remains a popular destination for sunrise enthusiasts. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking natural views and welcome the new year in these beautiful locations.
    2023/12/26 17:46
  • DPP’s Lai promises High Speed Rail, expressways for Pingtung

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Presidential candidate, announced at a rally in Pingtung his plans to construct a Taiwan High-Speed Rail line and two expressways in the area. Lai aims to balance Taiwan’s national development projects and bring more support and assistance to Pingtung, transforming it into a "beautiful new homeland." His promises include extending the high-speed rail to Chaozhou Township, reducing travel time from Taipei to less than two hours. Lai also intends to attract high-tech industries, introduce agricultural technology, and enhance the export competitiveness of local farm produce. Additionally, he plans to uplift tourism service quality in Pingtung, transforming Kenting into a destination similar to Bali and developing Dapeng Bay into a Hawaii-like getaway. Lai emphasized Pingtung’s importance in the implementation of the New Southbound Policy, highlighting its potential contribution to Taiwan’s development in collaboration with other southern counties and cities. He credited his past contributions to Pingtung’s development, such as the Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, to the efforts of former Pingtung County Commissioner Pan Men-an, current commissioner Chou Chun-mi, and legislators. Lai seeks local residents’ support to make Pingtung glorious again.
    2023/12/22 11:00
  • Tai reflects on tough year, grateful despite setbacks

    Taiwanese badminton star Tai Tzu-ying reflects on her disappointing performance in the second half of 2023 but expresses gratitude towards her team and fans. Despite her struggles, Tai triumphed at the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, claiming the women’s singles title. This victory marked her fourth World Tour Finals title and served as a beautiful conclusion to a challenging year. Prior to the year-end event, Tai had only secured two titles out of the 18 matches she played in 2023. Concerns about her form were raised, but her win on Sunday dispelled any doubts. Tai also mentions the challenges she faced leading up to the championship, including injury and limited training.
    2023/12/18 10:55
  • 獲封義大利最帥男人 21歲鮮肉男模突退演藝圈「改當牧師」

    義大利21歲鮮肉帥哥愛德華多(Edoardo Santini)擁有俊俏臉蛋與媲美健美選手的壯碩身材,曾被評為「義大利最帥男人」(Italy’s most beautiful man),然而身為模特兒的他近日卻宣布辭去演藝圈工作,為信仰改當牧師,強調未來將以不同方式延續對生活的熱情。
    2023/12/05 16:31
  • Toxic blue sea slugs spotted at fishing pier near Keelung

    Discover the rare and beautiful yet highly poisonous blue dragon sea slugs, officially known as glaucus atlanticus, that recently washed up on the shores of Keelung, Taiwan. These striking creatures, seen at the Changtanli fishing pier, have fascinated locals and experts alike with their unique appearance and potent toxins.
    2023/11/23 18:51
  • 黃仁勳親替鴻海電動車簽名 樂喊「劉揚偉是我朋友、晚上夜市見」

    鴻海科技日今(18)日登場,重量級嘉賓輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳出席,並在台上與鴻海董事長劉揚偉對談。現場也展示鴻海一系列電動車,包括Model B以及在台灣以納智捷(LUXGEN)n7之名販售的Model C。有趣的是,黃仁勳今早也在劉揚偉陪同下,親自在納智捷n7車身上簽名,並讚嘆該款電動車令人驚艷,「To Young and my friend at Foxconn, beautiful and amazing EVs. Jensen Huang」,展現兩人的好交情。
    2023/10/18 10:40
  • 最美清潔工!她畫濃妝收垃圾辣翻 33萬粉絲朝聖追蹤

    泰國27歲女子帕塔拉蒙(Pattaramon Thocharoen)總是畫著濃妝,彷彿隨時準備好上鏡,亮眼外型讓她迅速走紅,在TikTok上擁有超過33萬粉絲。但和螢光幕前的亮麗外表不同的是,她私底下正職其實是清潔工,靠收垃圾、擦瀝青維持生計,被譽為「最美道路清潔工」(most beautiful street sweeper)。
    2023/08/23 12:32
  • Media columnist highlights Taiwan challenges, opportunities

    Foreigners who come to Taiwan for travel are usually struck by the people’s friendliness and the nation’s beautiful scenery. However, like any other democracy, societal issues persist underneath the currents. 
    2023/06/19 10:16
  • 同理、王淨《Beautiful Night》超夯!她錄音超害羞 最初飆嗓出道

    2023/06/06 20:28
  • 曹佑寧不要看!王淨當「他」謬思女神 搖擺火辣水蛇腰

    創作新人同理2021年在《聲林之王3》嶄露頭角,去(2022)年推出新EP《同理》後,校園演唱、活動邀約不斷,最近她將推出全新專輯,更以對唱情歌〈Beautiful Night〉先聲奪人,日前在社群網站搶先曝光對唱的女歌手,是破億國片女主角王淨。
    2023/04/14 18:38
  • 蔡依林「戀愛ing」?甜喊感受到極度幸福 想停留在永遠

    Jolin蔡依林今(6)日來到第四場「UGLY BEAUTY」巡演最終場台北小巨蛋,相隔16年再邀金曲歌王李玖哲「合體」,李玖哲相隔16年重逢第一件事「想跟Jolin要電話!」更自曝其實早在2007年得獎前就認識她,他透露當年錄SARS的公益歌曲〈手牽手〉的錄音現場看到蔡依林驚為天人,他更坦承當時想認識他,但礙於自己當時身材是「麻吉小胖子」,現場超級害羞又不好意思,結果後來竟在麻吉大哥黃立成的牽線下而跟蔡依林打到招呼,李玖哲更自招當時還對著蔡依林唱「You are so beautiful~」,結果沒想到換來蔡依林一臉尷尬!李玖哲笑說:「現在回想起來,覺得自己也太大膽!哈哈!」
    2023/01/06 22:42
  • 蔡健雅跨年收工狂奔去這裡 新年願望「疼愛自己多一些」

    金曲歌后蔡健雅去年以專輯《DEPART》破紀錄4度奪下金曲后冠,最近她擔任遠雄人壽品牌大使,創作品牌主題曲〈別讓愛停擺 Love Will Empower Your Life〉,浪漫的她表示:「我最愛做的就是鼓勵自己,也鼓勵別人,透過音樂散發正能量,每一個人都有一種影響的能力,但一切要先以自己為中心點出發,當自己能量好的時候,周遭的人和環境就會感受到,產生連鎖效應。所有的改變,好的壞的,起點都是來自個人。」
    2023/01/03 16:18
  • 23-year-old grad becomes most beautiful neighborhood chief

    The most beautiful neighborhood chief candidate won her election bid in the local elections on Saturday (Nov. 26). Chen Tzu-yu’s (陳紫渝) campaign was closely watched by her 140K followers on social media.
    2022/11/26 23:17
  • 陳奕迅還沒紅「搶張學友」這首歌!唱完知名度大開

    F.I.R.飛兒樂團出道至今,經典歌曲〈Lydia〉、〈我們的愛〉等代表作皆是一代人共同記憶,團長陳建寧深耕流行音樂圈30年,多次擔任金曲獎評審,是張惠妹、孫燕姿、陳奕迅等天王天后們背後的金牌製作人。吉他手阿沁從學生時期就為線上歌手寫歌,包括蔡健雅〈Beautiful Love〉、動力火車〈我很好騙〉、張韶涵〈遺失的美好〉等皆是出自他手,創作能量旺盛,他們進來接受台北流行音樂中心董事長黃韻玲邀請,將於明(13)日前往高雄衛武營,舉辦「美麗的創作」講唱會。
    2022/07/12 18:05
  • 昆凌生了!周杰倫曬「3寶正臉照」嗨喊:美好的禮物

    天王周杰倫和昆凌2014年婚後育有女兒小周周(Hathaway)和兒子小小周(Romeo),今(2022)年1月再宣布懷第3胎的喜訊,周杰倫稍早在Instagram嗨喊:「母女兩位都辛苦了!Thank God for this beautiful gift(感謝上帝帶來這個美好的禮物)。」
    2022/05/06 22:16
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