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    airline 結果共39筆

  • Cathay Pacific to hire 5,000 staff amidst travel surge

    Cathay Pacific plans to hire 5,000 additional employees in 2024 to address a staff shortage caused by a rapid rebound in travel demand. The airline’s Chief Financial Officer, Rebecca Sharpe, announced the plan during an analyst meeting, stating that the strong performance in the first half of the year is expected to continue. This comes after Cathay Pacific already expanded its workforce by 4,000 this year. The positions to be filled range from ground staff and cabin crew to pilots. The airline had to enact major staff reductions in 2019, cutting around 11,000 employees due to the impact of the pandemic. However, the resurgence of travel demand in 2023 led to severe staffing shortages. Despite this, Cathay Pacific achieved a net profit of HK$ 4.27 billion in the first half of 2023, a significant turnaround from a loss of HK$ 5 billion in the same period last year. Passenger numbers also soared to 14.57 million in the first 10 months of 2022, nearly ten times higher than the same period in 2021. This expansion reflects the recovery of the travel industry from the COVID-19 pandemic.
    2023/11/25 16:38
  • Tigerair Taiwan reports whopping 2,378% YoY revenue increase

    Tigerair Taiwan reported impressive third-quarter results, with revenues of nearly NT$3,600,000,000, representing a remarkable year-on-year increase of 2,378% and a 23.87% increase from the previous quarter. The airline attributed its Q3 performance to the summer vacation peak and a steady recovery in passenger movement following the Covid pandemic.
    2023/11/05 20:41
  • MOFA clarifies assistance efforts amid Israel-Hamas war

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan responds to allegations by a stranded Taiwanese traveler in Israel, expressing regret and countering the claims. The traveler accused the Ministry of providing insufficient assistance during violent clashes in Palestine. The Ministry clarifies that the traveler received no aid from his airline and sought help from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv, but found their advice unsympathetic. The Ministry expresses regret and disappointment towards the unverified statements, emphasizing their attempts to assist the traveler and the necessity of online booking for confidential information. They also highlight their commitment to helping travelers return home amidst the conflict and express regret over baseless allegations impacting their personnel’s morale.
    2023/10/11 11:11
  • 坐上大怒神!班機10分鐘內「驟降逾8500公尺」急返航

    美國「聯合航空」(United Airline)1架航班驚傳起飛後因系統異常,導致飛機在短短10分鐘內「急速下降」超過2萬8000英尺(約8500公尺),所幸機組人員和乘客全都安全無恙,這架飛機最終掉頭返回機場,旅客則由航空公司安排的另1架飛機載往目的地。
    2023/09/16 12:43
  • EVA Air union demands fair wages as company profits soar

    EVA Air union members stage a rainy protest over withheld bonuses despite the company’s record profits. Entry-level employees highlight disparities with other airlines’ pay raises. Learn more about the demand for fair wages.
    2023/08/16 17:55
  • 台灣唯一入榜!全球25大最佳航空 長榮航排名第8

    國際知名航空專業評鑑網站AirlineRatings.com昨天公布最佳航空公司大獎(Airline Excellence Awards)的評選結果,其中長榮航空排名第8,也是台灣唯一入榜的航空公司。
    2023/06/01 17:27
  • 搭機遭醉女「亂摸」投訴不理 美籍男留陰影怒告航空公司

    美國一名男子日前搭乘達美航空(Delta Airline)從希臘返回紐約的班機上,遭到鄰座喝醉的女乘客騷擾,對方不僅用言語調戲,稱讚他有「大肌肌」,還伸手撫摸他的大腿內側。男子指控,機組人員當時並未認真處理他的投訴,導致他現在搭乘飛機都「很焦慮」,憤而對達美航空提起訴訟。
    2023/02/12 10:53
  • Two injured after power bank catches fire on Scoot flight

    A Scoot airline plane was filled with smoke from a power bank that caught fire before take-off on Tuesday (Jan. 10). 
    2023/01/11 20:55
  • 住院貴!達美航空催員工打疫苗 未接種要月繳6000元

    美國達美航空(Delta Airline)日前宣布,將針對尚未接種新冠疫苗的員工收取每個月200美元(約6000新台幣)的費用,達美航空高層表示,這項政策為必要措施,因為染疫後的平均住院費用為5萬美元(約140萬新台幣),成為全美首家對旗下員工收取費用以促進員工接種意願的公司。
    2021/08/26 12:41
  • 「China吞台灣?」貨機塗裝惹議 綠委齊批華航

    2020/12/16 13:16
  • 飛機廁所詭異大團衛生紙 打開一看驚見死胎

    美國航空(American Airline)一架由美國北卡羅納州(North Carolina)夏洛特(Charlotte)飛往紐約編號1942號班機上,日前清潔人員在清掃機艙廁所時,發現一大團「詭異」的衛生紙,結果打開一看當場嚇傻,裡面包著的竟然是一具死胎。
    2018/08/09 11:22
  • 連5年七星! 長榮入選20大最安全航空公司

    國際知名航空專業評鑑網站Airline Ratings.com公布最新飛航安全評比結果,長榮航空連續5年獲七星評價,入選全球20大最安全航空公司。
    2018/01/04 17:48
  • 女子機上廁所抽菸被抓包 嗆:要殺了所有人

    美國西南航空(Southwest Airline)一架從波特蘭飛往沙加緬度的航班上,一名女子因在廁所抽菸被發現後,暴怒嗆聲「要殺死機上所有人」。
    2017/12/12 20:06
  • 林志玲「月戀」搭華航? 誤會一場

    富士電視台月之戀人完結篇,林志玲和木村拓哉上演分手戲,雖然收視率創下新低,不過林志玲表現還是相當搶眼,觀眾說林志玲很盡責最後還搭乘華航回上海,替華航打了廣告,不過劇組人員說是觀眾聽錯了,林志玲搭的不是China Airline而是China Airways,是編劇虛構的航空公司。
    2010/07/07 12:49
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