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    降雨退役車禍白冰冰氣象強陣風余祥銓林襄《青春18x2 通往有你的旅程》校園
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    Wall 結果共73筆

  • 唱紅《排球少年》!SPYAIR新主唱5月首登台 「場地升級」太寵粉

    日本動畫電影《排球少年!!垃圾場的決戰》明(12)起全台正式上映,為該系列演唱多首主題曲的日本超人氣樂團「SPYAIR」,睽違4年再度來台演出!來台多次的他們2月宣布舉辦亞洲巡演後,便有許多歌迷敲碗期待5月17日的台北站。在樂迷引頸期盼下,宣布場地將原本的The Wall Live House換到更寬敞的「花漾Hana展演空間」,門票13日中午12點正式開賣!
    2024/04/11 19:38
  • NBA/2次拿槍對準自己頭! 前狀元「牆哥」自曝差點做傻事

    NBA前明星後衛「牆哥」沃爾(John Wall)近年受到傷勢影響,再加上年齡漸大讓他身手不若以往,雖然尚未宣布推休的沃爾仍在尋求重返NBA的機會,但他近日接受訪問時透露自己面對心魔時曾「2度拿槍對準自己」,所幸最終沃爾為了自己深愛的2個孩子而振作。
    2024/03/13 12:36
  • Control Yuan probes construction for Building Act breach

    Control Yuan Commissioners Lin Kuo-ming and Chang Chu-fang are investigating the construction site collapse on Qingcheng Street in Taipei’s Songshan District, focusing on potential violations of the Building Act. The incident, which occurred on Feb. 23, resulted in a sinkhole and damage to nearby structures, prompting concerns about construction oversight by the Taipei City Government. The inquiry aims to determine if negligence was involved and if legal consequences may follow.
    2024/03/01 16:01
  • China refutes military link to Taiwan airspace incursions

    China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesperson, Wu Qian, dismisses the record number of balloons released into Taiwan’s airspace as meaningless hype and denies military involvement. Wu lambasts the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities as a tactic to provoke cross-strait confrontation, claiming it is destined to fail. He reiterates that Taiwan’s election is China’s local affairs and that the DPP cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Wu firmly asserts that Taiwan is a part of China and that the international community adheres to the one-China principle. He declares that the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and that Taiwan’s legal status as part of China’s territory has never changed. Wu emphasizes that Taiwan will never be a country, Taiwan independence is not possible, and external forces’ plot to split China will never succeed. He pledges that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity as a "Great Wall of Steel."
    2024/01/25 17:09
  • 陸電池公司「蜂巢能源」涉竊三星、SK On關鍵技術 遭南韓調查

    中國電池公司「蜂巢能源」(Svolt Energy Technology)及其母公司「長城汽車」(Great Wall Motor),被懷疑竊取韓國三星SDI與SK On的技術,目前在南韓接受警方調查。南韓國家警察廳的「國家安全調查局」,已於2022年1月10日將此案開案調查,要求對蜂巢能源與長城汽車,以及其在韓國的子公司提起訴訟,認為該公司侵犯「防止洩漏與保護工業技術」的法律條款。
    2024/01/17 17:25
  • 總統選戰最後倒數!華爾街日報分析:台灣政治風向「1改變」

    台灣選民將於下個月大選中選出新總統,在當前三方鼎立的競選態勢下,「華爾街日報」(The Wall Street Journal)報導認為,台灣政治風向已堅定且徹底轉為疏遠中國。
    2023/12/29 22:57
  • CWA reveals NYE sunset, Near Year’s Day sunrise times

    Discover the times for sunrise and sunset on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in Taiwan. The latest sunset on the main island will be at 5:24:49 p.m. at the "Chi-Ku" sea wall in Tainan City. On outlying islands, the latest sunset will occur at 5:29:16 p.m. on the L18 Stronghold beach on Lieyu island. As for the first glimmer of dawn’s light, it will appear at 6:32:32 a.m. on Taitung’s Orchid Island and at 6:35:02 a.m. at the Pingtung Hengchun Longkeng Ecological Reserve on the main island.
    2023/12/27 13:25
  • 遭魏如萱突襲手機!宋柏緯「私密訊息」全爆 被評像短毛地毯

    影視歌三棲的創作歌手宋柏緯,日前推出個人首張演唱專輯《一天的交界》,同時宣布即將在12月20日於 THE WALL 舉辦「一天的交界」發片專場,並邀請到夕陽音樂廠牌老闆、同時也是落日飛車主唱的國國擔任開場嘉賓,近期宋柏緯更公開驚喜嘉賓以新人創作歌手身分出道的鳳小岳,超強演出陣容讓樂迷留言直呼「太讚了瘋掉!」
    2023/12/13 17:06
  • Taipei Dome screens go dark during Asia baseball game

    During the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship game between Japan and South Korea at the Taipei Dome, technical difficulties caused the main and side screens to go black. The Farglory Group attributed this outage to an unexpected system crash. The interruption, which occurred in the top of the seventh inning, lasted for approximately ten minutes before the manufacturer resolved the issue. Earlier in the game, Japanese player Ryosuke Aizawa collided with the home run wall while catching a deep fly ball in the fourth inning, resulting in leg injuries. Deputy general manager Jacky Yang of the Farglory Group clarified that the impact did not break the wall, but rather Aizawa’s spike shoes accidentally cut through the padding at the bottom. The Farglory Group assured that the stadium’s design complied with safety standards and that subsequent games would proceed unaffected.
    2023/12/11 20:12
  • 美參議員:應從3層面嚇阻中國侵台 嘆拜登預算削弱威嚇

    美國聯邦參議員蘇利文(Dan Sullivan)4日投書「華爾街日報」(Wall Street Journal),提出應從3個層面來嚇阻中國侵台。
    2023/12/04 12:34
  • 紐時:以色列一年前就知突襲計畫 卻認為哈瑪斯做不到忽視

    哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日發動一系列對以色列突襲,造成兩邊爆發激烈戰鬥至今,《紐約時報》(The New York Times)最新報導指出,以色列高級官員收到一份名為「耶利哥之牆」(Jericho Wall)的機密文件,內容雖沒有提及明確日期,但卻提到哈瑪斯將發起一系列火箭與無人機突襲,第一波襲擊後,哈瑪斯還將使用滑翔傘、摩托車等工具闖入以色列,這些細節全部都實現。報導中指出,以軍之所以毫無準備,是認為這些行動難度過高,哈瑪斯不太可能執行成功而輕忽。
    2023/12/01 13:33
  • Chimei Museum honors late founder with memorial wall

    The Chimei Museum in Tainan recently unveiled a memorial wall for Shi Wen-long, the late founder of the Chimei Group. Within just 15 minutes of its opening, the wall attracted a flurry of tributes from citizens expressing their thanks, blessings, and regret at his passing. Located by the museum’s main entrance, the wall served as a platform for visitors to pay tribute to Shi’s contributions to various fields including culture, education, healthcare, and the arts. The heartfelt messages left by individuals reflect the public’s high regard for the late pioneer and the profound impact of his work.
    2023/11/20 19:55
  • Memorial to be held for Chimei Group founder Shi Wen-long

    A five-day memorial service for Shi Wen-long, the founder of Chimei Corporation, begins on November 22 in Kaohsiung’s Yancheng district. The Chimei Museum, home to Shi’s legacy, honors his life with a memorial wall and a private concert fulfilling his final wish.
    2023/11/20 18:02
  • 台啤雲豹網羅NBA球星「白邊」? 顏行書曝1因素簽約卡關

    網傳台啤雲豹要網羅大咖洋將、NBA球星「白邊」懷特塞德(Hassan Whiteside)。不過,台啤雲豹總經理顏行書13日受訪時透露,目前的合約已經談最後的階段,原本預計9月底就有機會簽約,但是懷特塞德因「家庭因素」,遲遲未簽約,但是目前也有鎖定一些球員。
    2023/11/13 21:07
  • 魚丁糸開唱「天選之人才能看」 男團助陣突認:告別舞台

    樂團魚丁糸(蘇打綠)睽違7年重返THE WALL LIVE HOUSE開唱,昨(26)晚舉辦「一起Wall Wall」演唱會,由於門票有限,僅限500名幸運觀眾入場,被戲稱只有「天選之人」才能搶到票,團長阿福跟粉絲搏感情:「很久沒有這麼近距離演出,很想念大家!」讓青峰忍不住吐槽:「又在那裡給我借花獻佛,明明是我說要來的!」
    2023/10/27 14:47
  • NBA/有實力卻沒被球隊青睞 自由市場的5大明珠

    2023/10/24 14:26
  • Taoyuan Metro unveils Double Tenth Day themed train

    Celebrate Taiwan’s Double Tenth National Day in style with Taoyuan Metro’s new themed train and Instagrammable wall. The initiative, led by the Taoyuan City Government, also features a six-meter-long national flag display at the MRT Laojie River Station and a special social media check-in wall at the A13 Airport Terminal 2 station.
    2023/10/09 17:04
  • 暈船仔必聽!韓裔R&B歌手slchld首登台 門票這時間開賣

    27歲的韓裔R&B歌手slchld,近期剛結束和韓國樂團「Wave To Earth」的北美巡演,無預警宣布將於11月28日首度來台,在The Wall舉辦「心碎節拍 slchld live in Taipei 2023」專場演唱會,引發大批歌迷熱議,門票將於6日早上10點開賣。
    2023/10/04 19:45
  • NBA/沒有要去歐洲打球!沃爾怒斥「假新聞」 仍盼重返賽場

    NBA前明星後衛「牆哥」沃爾(John Wall)近年受到傷勢影響,加上年齡漸大,身手不若以往犀利,本季被洛杉磯快艇交易至老東家休士頓火箭,隨即被裁掉,至今仍乏人問津,先前曾有消息傳出他有意轉戰歐洲籃壇,新賽季將加盟義大利甲級聯賽;對此,沃爾也親自在推特上駁斥「假新聞」。
    2023/08/04 18:59
  • NBA/待業3年拚復出!前球員陷憂鬱「想過離開」:盼能證明自己

    老驥伏櫪仍有再戰之意?以得分爆發力聞名,卻同時因諸多爭議屢遭禁賽的維特斯(Dion Waiters),在2020年隨著湖人拿下冠軍戒後乏人問津,轉眼就度過了3年無球可打的時光;如今維特斯也跟上沃爾(John Wall)、湯瑪斯(Isaiah Thomas)的腳步,在美國拉斯維加斯舉辦個人試訓,為了就是向聯盟證明自己仍能貢獻微薄之力,以及自己已經徹底改過。
    2023/07/14 14:16
  • NBA/油箱還沒空!沃爾、矮湯將「試訓多支球隊」 力拚重返賽場

    作為競技籃球的最高殿堂,NBA賽場無疑是殘酷的,就算身手仍在,在不符球隊籃圖、傷病隱憂,亦或是短板顯露的情況下,就算昔日成就再高也恐面臨無球可打的慘況;無論是明星中鋒卡珍斯(DeMarcus Cousins)、霍華德(Dwight Howard),又或者明星控衛沃爾(John Wall)、湯瑪斯(Isaiah Thomas)均仍在尋求重返NBA賽場的機會。
    2023/07/10 08:45
  • 愛爾蘭少年畢旅意外破頭摔死 摯友聞死訊「震驚過度」休克身亡

    悲劇!近日,一名愛爾蘭18歲少年奧唐納(Andrew O’Donnell)與朋友到希臘慶祝畢業,怎料在返回的途中與大家走散,疑似因跌倒頭部撞到岩石而死,後來在懸崖下方的水道找到他的屍體。沒想到,同行的好友沃爾(Max Wall)聽到消息後太過震驚,突然休克倒地,送醫不治身亡。
    2023/07/09 12:29
  • 畢業旅行遇劫!愛爾蘭少年命喪礁石 摯友聞死訊「崩潰休克」身亡

    希臘伊奧斯島(Ios Island)發生兩起意外命案,來自愛爾蘭的18歲少年唐納(Andrew O’Donnell)、沃爾(Max Wall)雙雙魂斷異鄉,不同的是,唐納是疑似失足滑落礁石、頭部受到重擊身亡,沃爾則是在得知好友的死訊後悲傷過度,導致休克猝逝;而兩名死者的親友也正從愛爾蘭趕往希臘,了解整個事發經過以及協助釐清案件原委。
    2023/07/04 17:56
  • 美國再出手!WSJ:拜登政府擬限制中企使用雲端運算服務

    「華爾街日報」(Wall Street Journal)今天援引熟悉內情的消息人士指出,拜登政府正準備出手限制中國企業存取美國雲端運算服務。
    2023/07/04 16:50
  • Lai’s campaign office dismisses talks about U.S. visit

    A campaign spokesperson of Vice President Lai Ching-te dismissed talks on Tuesday (June 27) about his alleged plans to visit the United States. Speaking at the launch event of Lai’s campaign merchandise, spokesperson Chen Shi-kai said: "If the visit is taking place, we will let you know in the same way as in the past. We have not received any information about visiting."
    2023/06/28 12:09
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