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    Voice 結果共49筆

  • AirPods超狂進化!新增頭部動作辨識 「點頭」秒接電話

    2024/06/11 09:35
  • NVIDIA founder to pitch at Taipei Dome baseball event

    Discover how NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang is connecting with the Taiwanese community through baseball, as he prepares to throw the first pitch at the Taipei Dome during the Dragon Stars Fun Days. Learn about his engagement with tech leaders and fans.
    2024/05/31 09:48
  • Protests against controversial reform bills continue

    Protests continued in Taiwan against controversial legislative reform bills led by the Kuomintang and Taiwan People’s Party. Over 20,000 people gathered in Taipei to voice their concerns about the bills, which could increase legislative power over the executive branch.
    2024/05/24 17:32
  • Taiwanese citizens voice expectations for new presidency

    Taiwanese citizens gather for the 16th presidential inauguration, voicing concerns and expectations on environmental issues, economic disparities, and social reforms, while calling for unity and effective governance.
    2024/05/20 20:09
  • 日女帶狗散步遇4醉漢搭訕 愛犬護主被打重傷瀕死

    日媒《まいどなニュース》報導,日本近日發生一起虐狗爭議事件,動物議題組織「Voice For Animals Japan」指出,某名女飼主獨自一人晚上牽著自家狗狗出門散步時,在路上遭到4名醉漢搭訕,女飼主感到十分害怕,狗狗察覺主人的不安後開始吠叫,卻遭到醉漢用腳踹、毆打,骨折重傷瀕死。消息曝光後,日本網友紛紛指責醉漢的暴力行為,更為狗狗的遭遇感到心痛,「絕對要抓到犯人」、「不可原諒」「太過分了,真的是魔鬼」。
    2024/04/18 14:19
  • 搶攻腐女市場 這款BL戀愛遊戲試玩首日破4千人

    瞄準龐大的腐女市場,大宇資訊首創BL戀愛模擬遊戲《Voice Love on Air》即將在3月14日白色情人節上市,2月29號開放下載試玩當日,即突破4000人次,且試玩版DEMO也很有誠意,釋出時長約一個小時,將引導玩家完成一部廣播劇的錄製。
    2024/03/03 17:37
  • 哈瑪斯武器上印韓文? 南韓國情院公布照片控北韓秘密軍援

    南韓國家情報院8日指控北韓援助巴勒斯坦激進份子「哈瑪斯」(Hamas),並公布1張北韓產的「F-7火箭推進式榴彈發射器」的照片,聲稱北韓向哈瑪斯提供這類能夠在與以色列的重途中派上用場的軍武,呼應「美國之音」(Voice of America)先前的報導。
    2024/01/09 12:13
  • Taiwan’s allies voice support as China ramps up intimidation

    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan ahead of the presidential election has been warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). A joint statement by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, Japanese Deputy Minister and Director-General, Kobe Yasuhiro, and Republic of Korea Deputy Minister, Chung Byung-won, expressed support for Taiwan during a three-way dialogue in Washington. China’s recent military threats towards Taiwan, including deploying balloons across the Taiwan strait, violating airspace, and suspending parts of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), have raised concerns among the international community. MOFA has raised suspicions of attempts to influence the election and emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to cooperation with the US, Japan, and South Korea to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/07 14:56
  • KMT calls for pre-Christmas rally against DPP government

    The Kuomintang (KMT) has called for a public rally in front of Taiwan’s Presidential Office Building on Saturday night, urging citizens to voice their dissatisfaction with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government. This is the KMT’s first large-scale rally organized by the central committee. The KMT Secretary-General, Justin Huang, expressed the intention to rally constituents against corruption and dual-standard governance, striving for Taiwan’s national security, social justice, and economic prosperity. Huang hopes this rally will bring down the incompetent government and emphasized the KMT’s commitment to a final election victory. Among the three sets of presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Huang highlighted the "Hou-Jaw ticket" as the nation’s best option for peace.
    2023/12/21 17:23
  • Beyoncé shouts out ’Taiwan’ in tour film promo

    Pop diva Beyoncé surprises fans with the release of a video promoting the cinematic debut of her concert tour movie, specifically mentioning "Taiwan" as one of the countries where the film will be shown. The clip quickly gains attention from a massive global audience of 21 million viewers. Beyoncé’s world tour, titled "Renaissance" after her album, has been captivating audiences worldwide and is now being brought to the big screen for those unable to attend the live performances. In the promotional video, Beyoncé’s powerful voice passionately announces "Taiwan," indicating her desire to share the exhilarating concert experience with audiences everywhere. The video concludes with an invitation for fans to watch the movie in the nearest cinema, promising a thrilling experience comparable to attending the live show. "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is set to premiere tomorrow, with ticket prices ranging from NT$500 to NT$600, ensuring accessibility for eager fans wanting to indulge in the Beyoncé experience on the big screen.
    2023/12/20 21:27
  • Greenpeace protests at Taiwan parties’ HQs for green energy

    Greenpeace stages dramatic protests at the national campaign headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party, Kuomintang, and Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidates, symbolizing Taiwan’s "lack of green electricity." Activists construct towering billboards to voice concerns about Taiwan’s environmental and economic crises due to inadequate green energy development. Greenpeace urges all candidates to commit to enhancing green energy targets for 2030. Lai Ching-te, the DPP candidate, references COP28’s decision and President Tsai Ing-wen’s efforts to complete the first phase of the energy transition. Taiwan’s green electricity supply now exceeds 10 percent, surpassing nuclear power generation.
    2023/12/20 19:03
  • EVA Air pilots consider strike over bonus, pay issues

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has announced that EVA Air pilots will hold a strike vote in response to the airline’s handling of end-of-year bonuses and salary raises. The TUP claims that EVA Air’s cost-cutting measures and talent loss have resulted in frequent safety incidents. The union plans to hold a press conference in front of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) to voice their demands. EVA Air has been accused of aggressively reducing costs, leading to a significant loss of national pilots and the hiring of foreign pilots through illegal brokers. The TUP believes the MOTC should take responsibility and has set a deadline for EVA Air to improve the situation, suggesting that flight rights be reduced if conditions are not met.
    2023/12/18 20:24
  • MOFA expresses regret over Wu’s UNFCCC comments, cites risks

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) expressed "confusion and regret" five times in a statement regarding comments made by Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu. The MOFA highlighted that Wu’s proactive analysis and attendance at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conferences could jeopardize Taiwan’s interests. Following her participation in the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP28) in Dubai, Wu criticized the event’s low standards, stating it was a disservice to taxpayers. MOFA responded to Wu’s criticism, indicating that her conspicuous announcement to attend COP28 provided China with an opportunity to repress Taiwan’s participation, hindering the entire delegation and damaging Taiwan’s future international engagement, as well as the nation’s dignity. Wu’s office released a statement asserting that MOFA had not informed her of the risks of Chinese suppression. When asked about MOFA’s response, Wu declined to comment further. The MOFA expressed regret over the limitations imposed on Wu’s candidacy due to Chinese pressure, directly countering her doubts. MOFA emphasized that condemnation should be directed at China for obstructing Taiwan’s participation. The MOFA expressed bewilderment and regret that Wu criticized domestic institutions but failed to condemn China, the true suppressor of Taiwan’s international voice.
    2023/12/18 19:45
  • Fans voice for Wu Bai: Sing-along concerts stir viral buzz

    Taiwanese rock icon Wu Bai captivates fans with his ’silent mic’ technique, as fans enthusiastically sing the lead or backing vocals at his concerts. This unique collaborative atmosphere has turned into a viral joke, highlighting their affection for Wu Bai’s unorthodox approach to live shows. The deep connection between Wu Bai and his audience is reflected in incidents where the crowd spontaneously burst into song, showcasing their shared appreciation for his music and stage charisma.
    2023/12/08 17:31
  • Taiwan mobile eyes full network integration by 2024 end

    Taiwan Mobile has announced its progress in completing a full network integration with Taiwan Star Telecom by the end of 2024. The company has responded to customer complaints regarding communication link quality and has initiated network integration operations since the merger. The efforts have resulted in enhanced 3G coverage by 40%, particularly in remote areas, and improvements in signal strength and internet speeds for former Taiwan Star Telecom customers. The expansion in the 2100MHz band has increased available bandwidth for 4G by 10%, benefiting both 4G and 5G users. Original Taiwan Star Telecom customers will enjoy higher-quality 5G mobile communication services without the need to swap SIM cards.
    2023/12/07 20:41
  • Taiwan eyes lead in global ICT, semiconductor markets

    Taiwan aims to leverage its information and communication technology (ICT) and semiconductor industries to gain a competitive advantage in international markets. The Ministry of Economic Affairs Minister, Wang Mei-hua, witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS) and the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA), signaling a new era of cooperation. With the global smart manufacturing market projected to reach US$140 billion by 2030, Wang believes Taiwan is well-positioned to integrate 5G into smart factories due to its existing experience and infrastructure. Taiwan aims to align its 5G application standards with global benchmarks and contribute its knowledge to international organizations. The Ministry of Economic Affairs is supporting the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in developing new technologies and collaborating with Taiwanese companies to establish a voice within the global 5G community through 5G-ACIA. This strategic partnership is expected to position Taiwan as a leader in next-generation industrial technology and solidify its role in the information and communication technology sector on the global stage.
    2023/12/06 20:44
  • Bikers rally at MOTC for heavy motorcycle highway access

    Scores of heavy motorcycles surrounded the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) in Taipei on Sunday afternoon, demanding the immediate implementation of laws allowing large motorcycles access to highways. The protest, organized by groups such as the Republic of China Motorcycle Industry Promotion Association and the Taiwan Motorcycle Riders Association (TMRA), aimed to voice discontent with current traffic regulations. The bikers’ demands included immediate access to highways, permission to park in designated spaces, and the abolition of Article 99 of the Road Traffic Safety Rules. The movement’s initiators criticized the MOTC for stalling, pointing out that laws permitting heavy motorcycles on national highways were passed over a decade ago. TMRA secretary-general Liu Cheng-chien expressed frustration at the Highways Bureau’s lackluster response, highlighting the discrepancy between government policies and the desires of the biking community. Protest leaders claimed that 70% of the populace is unaware that the regulation allowing motorbikes on highways has already passed the third reading. They argued that the department’s polling does not reflect public opinion and questioned the legitimacy of basing policies on a single survey. Traffic advocacy groups have long emphasized the need for large motorcycles to have the freedom to choose between car or motorcycle parking spots. Despite recent responses from the Highway Bureau considering trials with some local governments, groups argue that central government intervention is necessary for a uniform solution to parking regulations.
    2023/11/29 20:21
  • MOFA Minister Wu discusses Taiwan-China tensions on BBC

    In an exclusive interview with BBC World Service flagship program Newshour, Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, discussed the increasing disturbances in Taiwan-China relations. Minister Wu highlighted the significance of international support, citing the visit of then-US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a positive diplomatic move. He also drew attention to China’s efforts to hinder Taiwan’s participation in international events. Wu welcomed the wave of international visitors expressing support for Taiwan, including the Vice President of the European Parliament and legislative speakers from Czechia and Lithuania. He urged democratic countries to be vigilant against potential interference from China in the upcoming presidential election and to voice their discontent over sensitive issues. Minister Wu drew three valuable lessons from the Ukraine-Russia conflict, commending the Ukrainian people’s commitment to defending their homeland, acknowledging the effectiveness of asymmetric warfare tactics, and emphasizing the importance of global support for invaded nations.
    2023/11/02 21:26
  • 才爆骨折半殘廢!28歲女星提告下一步曝光 邀德籍愛妻做這事

    28歲女星鄭靚歆自《我愛黑澀會》出道,近年參與《全明星運動會》第4季受到關注,但她前陣子遭某知名整復師弄到肋骨骨折,一度處在半殘廢的狀態,讓她嚇得再也不敢整復,目前更提出告訴。不過今(24)日她又有新動作,是和德國籍老婆Aky將參與演出媲美演唱會規模的大秀「女人國貳拾。喉嚨夢 BITCH VOICE」。
    2023/10/24 12:41
  • 陳婉婷揪「台灣之光」合作舞台劇!真實身分超狂 曾登韓綜爆紅

    2023/10/10 12:43
  • President Tsai takes short break for health reasons

    The Presidential Office announced that President Tsai Ing-wen won’t attend planned events on Friday (July 28) due to health reasons. Reports suggest that Tsai had lost her voice, but Presidential Office Spokesperson Olivia Lin denied these allegations, saying she was just unwell.
    2023/07/28 13:16
  • EXO回歸!預售創新高 節目飆唱14首名曲「聽哭粉絲」

    南韓人氣團體EXO睽違3年8個月推出第7張正規專輯《EXIST》,預售量創下職涯新高。而Dingo Music的Youtube節目「Killing voice」昨(11日)上架EXO篇,影片中EXO飆唱19分鐘,包含〈咆哮〉、〈LOVE ME RIGHT〉等14首名曲,讓粉絲「聽到哭」。
    2023/07/12 16:02
  • Tsai-McCarthy meeting sparks protests between supporters

    Chinese protesters took to the skies with a banner attached to a plane to voice their displeasure with meeting of Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday (April 5).
    2023/04/06 18:51
  • 男版夜后剛征服韓綜奪優勝!爆「失聲1個月」就醫病況曝

    台灣假聲男高音朱育陞10年前憑藉《夜后》影片爆紅,有「男版夜后」之稱,大學畢業後前往英國皇家伯明罕音樂學院研究所攻讀聲樂,學成後獲邀至世界各地演唱,近期在韓國Mnet實境綜藝節目《看見你的聲音 I Can See Your Voice》第十季首集脫穎而出,成為台灣之光。今(27)日他出席記者會,現場演唱歌劇《茶花女》飲酒歌,天籟般嗓音令人驚艷,不過他也透露,曾經有一個月發不出聲音,讓他相當擔憂。
    2023/03/27 14:41
  • DPP’s supporters voice displeasure at Legislator Kao Chia-yu

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Kao Chia-yu encountered vocal dissent from within her own party on Thursday (Jan. 12) during a policy presentation.
    2023/01/13 18:49
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