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    Sale 結果共67筆

  • THSR adds 8 extra services for New Year

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will add eight additional train services from Dec. 29 to Jan. 2 and 12 additional train services from Jan. 5 to Jan. 7 to accommodate the anticipated surge in travelers during the New Year holiday. THSR will operate a total of 113 extra services, with 53 heading south and 60 going north. Passengers without reserved seats can access real-time updates on station crowd control indicators on THSR’s official website. The availability of non-reserved seats at each station will also be provided. THSR has urged travelers to make way for those disembarking and to be cautious of the gap between the train doors and the platform. Additional staff will be deployed to ensure smooth operations throughout the holiday period. Tickets for the additional services will go on sale on Saturday (Dec. 16) midnight.
    2023/12/16 12:27
  • ’2024 Yomiuri 90th Anniversary’ game tickets now on sale

    Tickets for the "Yomiuri 2024 TOYOTA 90th Anniversary Taiwan Trial" baseball game are now on sale through the UDN Ticketing Network. The network has implemented a queuing system to manage the high demand, with purchases starting at 12 p.m. Organizers recommend registering in advance and following the official fan page for instructions. The initial phase offers 26,000 seats, with the possibility of more being released later. The event will take place in March at the Taipei Dome, and fans are excited to secure their spot at this historic competition.
    2023/12/12 13:50
  • Ko Wen-je pledges AI revolution in Taiwan agriculture

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has unveiled a series of policy proposals to revolutionize Taiwan’s agricultural sector. These proposals include employing artificial intelligence (AI) to create a comprehensive agricultural database. Ko’s five-pronged approach aims to address challenges faced by Taiwanese farmers, such as fragmented landholdings and an oversaturated domestic market. He also highlights the need to modernize traditional poultry houses and the agricultural marketing system. One focal point of Ko’s agricultural policy is the establishment of a strategic food security plan with AI, aiming to enhance planning in agricultural production and ensure transparency in the sale of farm products through data analytics. Ko also emphasizes the importance of resilient infrastructure to protect the farming sector from extreme weather events and the formation of an agricultural carbon sink platform to promote sustainable and low-carbon development. By drawing on international models, Ko aims to transform rural architecture and farming practices for a more sustainable future in Taiwanese agriculture.
    2023/12/07 16:59
  • Taiwan monitors bulk drug buys amid China’s health crisis

    The Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations (FTPA) has implemented monitoring of drug purchase patterns, specifically focusing on individuals buying 10 to 20 boxes of cold and cough medicine in one visit. These purchases must now be reported. The FTPA has received reports of bulk purchases by spouses from China and Taiwanese businesspeople, who claim these medications can be sold for a higher price in China. The FTPA emphasizes that medications should not be sold without a prescription and any violations will be reported to authorities. Additionally, there has been a growing trend of spouses from China taking chronic disease medications back to their home country, despite the prohibition of private sale. This development coincides with China’s respiratory disease outbreaks, particularly with an increase in mycoplasma cases.
    2023/12/07 16:36
  • Asian Baseball Championship tickets sell out in seconds

    Priority tickets for the highly anticipated Chinese Taipei vs. Japan and Chinese Taipei vs. Philippines matches at the Asian Baseball Championship sold out within a minute of going on sale. CTBC Bank cardholders enjoyed an exclusive priority purchasing period, limited to 3,000 tickets per match. The rapid sellout, known as a "flash sale," sets the stage for an electrifying atmosphere at Taipei Dome. Ticket prices were raised for games featuring the Chinese Taipei team, highlighting the fervor surrounding their participation. Additional tickets were released for Chinese Taipei’s quarterfinal matches, but fans continued to rush to secure their spot in the stadium. The Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) disclosed ticket prices, with infield seats priced at NT$1,000 and outfield seats at NT$800 for Chinese Taipei’s games. For matches not involving the home team, only infield seats are offered at NT$600. The grand finale on Dec. 10 is expected to have an expanded crowd of 22,000 spectators at Farglory Dome Co., creating the ultimate showdown on the diamond.
    2023/12/07 11:09
  • ’Lai-Hsiao ticket’ sees badge sales surge as campaign begins

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan witnesses a surge in support with the sale of Lai-Hsiao ticket badges. Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and running mate Hsiao’s popularity are key factors in boosting the party’s morale and strategic electoral activities.
    2023/11/29 19:44
  • 4,000 seats added for Asian Baseball Championship

    The Farglory Dome Co., Ltd. announces the sale of nearly 4,000 additional outfield seats for the upcoming Asian Baseball Championship in Taipei. The outfield tickets are priced at NT$400 each, with 1,000 tickets available for on-site purchase. The tournament will be held at the Taipei Dome, starting with a match between the Taiwanese and Korean teams. Originally, only 13,000 infield seats were available, but they sold out quickly, leading to scalped tickets. The Farglory Dome warns fans to avoid unofficial websites to prevent financial losses and personal data breaches.
    2023/11/27 16:30
  • 年末感謝祭搶好康!UNIQLO「下殺99元起」滿額還贈禮

    2023/11/25 16:51
  • Chiu Kuo-cheng downplays U.S. arms sale concerns

    Taiwan’s Defense Minister, Chiu Kuo-cheng, has announced that the Ministry of National Defense (MND) is preparing to strengthen its military in order to prevent war. This comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed dissatisfaction with U.S. arms sales to Taiwan during his meeting with President Joe Biden. Chiu stated that Taiwanese military officers will continue to visit and learn from their U.S. counterparts, regardless of the circumstances. He downplayed concerns about the sale of ammunition, emphasizing that Taiwan is not intentionally arming itself but rather engaging in normal operations. Despite Xi’s denial of plans for military action against Taiwan in 2027 or 2035, Chiu emphasized that the Taiwanese military will not set a target year solely based on Xi’s statements. The MND will maintain a vigilant stance and be prepared for any situation without anticipating military conflicts in specific years.
    2023/11/20 18:36
  • Ruentex Development’s new property breaks records

    Ruentex Development Co.’s new real estate property, ’Ruentex Yangbei (潤泰央北),’ in New Taipei City attracted hundreds of buyers who queued up for up to two hours to view the three homes up for sale. The property, located in the readjustment Yangbei district, set a new record for the highest price per ping in the area, with homes selling for over NT$900,000 per ping after negotiations. Each Ruentex Yangbei property is priced between NT$25.92 million and NT$29.52 million, with an average unit price of around NT$720,000 per ping. Situated at the intersection of Sixin First Road and Yangbei Second Road in Xindian, the property consists of three underground floors and 20 above-ground floors, housing a total of 185 units. Despite concerns about a cooling property sector, the strong demand for these properties since their launch in 2021 has surprised many. One online user commented, "It is hard to believe the housing market is cooling, seeing people buying properties like buying vegetables."
    2023/11/07 16:05
  • Economic minister debunks rumors of TSMC share sale

    The Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, has refuted online rumors that the government plans to sell shares of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC). In fact, the government has been increasing its stake in TSMC, with the National Development Fund of the Executive Yuan owning major shares. The National Development Council (NDC) has also clarified the situation. Minister Wang emphasized the importance of TSMC in Taiwan’s economic development and the government’s continuous support for the tech giant.
    2023/10/31 15:40
  • Mayor Chiang praises sale of first Taipei’s Megacity Passes

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an dressed up as an MRT staff member to serve passengers on Thursday (June 15) to celebrate the sale of Megacity Passes. 
    2023/06/15 17:43
  • Explore Taiwan with new monthly public transportation passes

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) announced on Thursday (June 8) that the much-anticipated regional public transportation passes will be up for sale starting June 15, ahead of their official launch on July 1.
    2023/06/09 17:55
  • NT$1.2K monthly transit pass available for sale from June 15

    Taipei City Government announced on Saturday that the new NT$1,200 monthly public transport pass program will be available for sale from June 15, ahead of the originally planned start date of July 1. The new program is expected to attract approximately 420,000 commuters during the first wave of sales.
    2023/05/15 19:34
  • 紅襪最期待的男人!「拍賣哥」滿血復出 小老弟讚:他準備好了

    2023年MLB賽季即將於明(31)日開打,其中紅襪隊除了要看旅美好手張育成外,王牌左投「拍賣哥」塞爾(Chris Sale)傷癒復出的表現,更是一大觀察重點。針對塞爾春訓的投球,曾與他一起訓練的紅襪潛力新秀投手馬塔(Bryan Mata)就大讚:「他準備好了!」
    2023/03/30 15:54
  • U.S. approves US$619 million Taiwan arms sale

    The U.S. has approved a US$619M arms sale to Taiwan with munitions and equipment for F-16 fighter jets.
    2023/03/07 10:35
  • Minxiong Haunted House for sale in southwestern Taiwan

    The Minxiong Haunted House, a renowned abandoned mansion located in southern Taiwan, is available for purchase at a listing price of NT$68 million.
    2023/02/12 12:11
  • 《黑亞當》為何非限制級?剪輯師曝內幕:主因是巨石強森

    由好萊塢硬漢巨石強森(Dwayne Johnson)主演的DC全新反派英雄電影《黑亞當》,上映後已在全球吸金3.68億美金(約114億台幣)票房,片中不少黑暗暴力動作情節,讓這位在DC宇宙初登場的反派英雄霸氣亮相。該片剪接師麥可薩爾(Mike Sale)近來受訪時透露,《黑亞當》故事原本可能會以限制級尺度呈現暴力鏡頭,但最後以輔導級(PG-13)上映,主因是巨石強森有強大的家庭粉絲族群,劇組考量粉絲通常會攜家帶眷進戲院欣賞,因此該片前後經歷過4次剪輯,才避免被判定為限制級。
    2022/11/29 13:07
  • 打3折別亂買!專家授「識破網拍詐騙5招」下單前三思 

    2022/09/16 16:03
  • 嫌「燒金紙是陋習」!他崩潰想搬家 網教2時段看房秒解

    農曆七月已到下半段,日前《DailyView網路溫度計》才調查「鬼月看房購屋10大注意事項」之議題,針對大大小小的民間習俗來說,哪一項傳統是你最不能忍受呢?在PTT home-sale版就有網友發文問:「怎麼確保社區不會常燒金紙」引起熱議。
    2022/08/16 15:11
  • 紅襪王牌左投摔車骨折報銷 總管無奈:被詛咒了

    紅襪王牌左投塞爾(Chris Sale),近年飽受傷勢困擾,本季更是多災多難,7月只打了2場就進入傷兵名單;好不容易在日前進行了一次成功的訓練,眼看就即將再度重返投手丘,紅襪球團今(10)日卻宣布,塞爾因「騎腳踏車發生意外」導致右手腕骨折,宣告整季報銷,令球迷十分錯愕。
    2022/08/10 13:03
  • 百貨夏季折扣!服飾、家電下殺3.7折 首推滿額扣點折百元

    夏季折扣來了!百貨遠東SOGO百貨即日起至8月21日推出「夏末Final Sale」,精選男女服飾、流行鞋款、家電家用等,部分商品折扣最低3.7折起;統一時代百貨台北店即日起則推出「時代美妝學院」,找來保養品牌舉辦秋冬流行趨勢、保養課程,更首度推出超倍數點點成金活動,當日單筆滿3000元,扣會員點數30點即可現抵300元,點數價值放大10倍。
    2022/08/10 10:41
  • 買預售屋怎分辨建商好壞? 內行曝「4小撇步」

    買房有不少人會選擇買預售屋作為其中一項選擇,只不過買預售屋通常伴隨很多風險,網路上屢出現預售屋買賣的負面新聞,對此,在PTT home-sale版就有網友發文:「挑建商的方法」,引起網友熱議與回文分享。
    2022/06/18 22:44
  • 百貨特賣季買起來!家電現省近9千 夏季服飾下殺3折起

    百貨特賣季快看!新光三越台北南西店即日起至6月21日推出「PHILIPS飛利浦特賣會」,全面3折起;統一時代百貨台北店即日起到7月7日推出「Summer Sale」,全館指定櫃滿3000送200,服飾配件下殺3折起,618期間,線上購還有滿千結帳85折、不限金額免運活動。
    2022/06/18 16:00
  • 購屋2樓、頂樓大評比 網一面倒:「這層」最爛無誤!

    準備買房的你,在不考量價格的狀態下,會選擇買哪個樓層呢?過往有不少長輩會說四樓因為諧音關係,絕不能買,也有提到二樓問題很多不該考慮,或者頂樓容易悶熱不宜買等等,那麼隨著裝潢技術提升,這些過往的樓層迷思,是否還是對的呢?對此,就有網友在PTT home-sale版發表他自己的心得結論,引發熱烈討論。
    2022/06/09 11:51
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