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    Liquid 結果共17筆

  • Supermicro head touts green computing at COMPUTEX keynote

    Supermicro CEO Charles Liang unveils new AI tech and liquid cooling systems at COMPUTEX, highlighting significant savings, CO2 emissions cuts, and the potential for mainstream green computing.
    2024/06/05 11:40
  • 蓋茲喊6月在美建「新世代核電廠 」 採液態鈉冷卻成本砍半

    微軟(Microsoft)共同創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)成立的核反應爐設計公司「泰拉能源」(TerraPower),計劃6月起在美國興建首座新世代核電廠,加入俄羅斯和中國大陸開發和出口低價核電的競賽。有別於傳統核電廠,其核子反應爐將以液態鈉(liquid sodium)取代水來冷卻,成本有望砍半。
    2024/03/20 17:28
  • Taiwan’s Liquid Bread Co. to close after 6 flavorful years

    Liquid Bread Co. (LBC), renowned for its American-style sandwiches and named among the "50 Best Sandwiches in Asia," will close its doors by the end of March. Since its founding in 2017, LBC has been a beloved spot for its diverse sandwich offerings. The announcement of its closure has sparked a wave of disappointment among patrons, with messages of gratitude and nostalgia flooding social media. Established by the founder of Purebread Bakery, LBC leaves a lasting legacy in Taipei’s culinary scene.
    2024/02/29 15:37
  • 台灣最頂!美式三明治「LBC」無預警停業 老饕全哭了

    曾榮獲「亞洲50間最佳三明治店」中,拿到台灣第一名的「Liquid Bread Co.」(LBC)即將在3月底結束營業。該店自2017年開業以來,以美式三明治聞名,受到大批顧客的喜愛。然而,近日,LBC無預警宣布將結束營業,消息一出,讓許多顧客感到不捨。
    2024/02/29 12:38
  • AUO to close Singapore display production in December

    AU Optronics Corp. (AUO) plans to close its display production line in Singapore by the end of December, affecting around 500 employees. The company is moving its manufacturing equipment back to Taiwan and offering Taiwanese staff in Singapore the choice to relocate to Taiwan or transfer to Vietnam. AUO aims to expand its display module capacities in Vietnam. The company confirmed that its Singapore base will transform into a hub for providing smart solutions and will serve as its operations center in Southeast Asia. This move is in response to the growing preference for Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) technology in smartphones, tablets, and laptops, posing challenges to the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) industry. Most of the equipment will be relocated to AUO’s Longtan plant, which is actively developing microLED displays in line with Apple’s strategy.
    2023/12/20 10:47
  • Taiwan boosts avian flu checks amid regional outbreaks

    Taipei’s Acting Minister of Agriculture, Chen Junne-jih, announced the implementation of a specialized avian influenza prevention program in September, including increased testing frequency to monitor the disease. This comes in response to recent outbreaks in Japan and chicken farms in Yunlin County, raising concerns about egg price hikes and shortages. Chen warned that the situation may worsen with the expected drop in temperature next week. Taiwan has been conducting active and passive surveillance for avian influenza since September, focusing on high-risk areas near migratory bird paths and implementing biosecurity measures at poultry farms. Chen assured that the country’s egg production capability has recovered since the shortage earlier this year, with reserves of liquid eggs available for emergencies. Domestic egg reserves will be released first in the event of increased market demand, with the import of liquid eggs only considered if a severe outbreak leads to a supply shortage. Chen emphasized the importance of maintaining appropriate stock levels through the imported egg project to ensure a stable egg supply despite the challenges posed by avian influenza.
    2023/12/12 17:54
  • Cities end school liquid egg ban, set strict standards

    Multiple municipalities in Taiwan, including Taipei, New Taipei, Keelung, Taoyuan, and Taichung, have announced the lifting of the ban on imported liquid eggs in school lunches, following a controversy over their use. The ban will be lifted starting from December 11, with the condition that only liquid eggs produced in December and carrying the Certified Agricultural Standards (CAS) mark can be used. CAS-certified liquid eggs, priced at approximately NT$125 per kilogram, are 1.5 times more expensive than regular shell eggs but guarantee higher quality. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen cited the resolution of the "egg shortage crisis" and strengthened regulation on liquid egg production as reasons for lifting the ban. School meal providers can now gradually reintroduce egg dishes that were previously removed from students’ menus. Former Agriculture Minister Chen Chi-chung expressed his view on the ban lift, emphasizing the importance of food safety in a Facebook post.
    2023/12/09 15:37
  • DPP’s Wang Shih-chien shrugs off vote-buying claims

    Amidst escalating tensions regarding allegations of vote-buying in Taiwan’s political arena, Wang Shih-Chien, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate for Taipei City, dismissed the accusations against him as "boring" on Thursday (Dec. 7) without providing further details. The allegations surfaced when his opponent, Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Yu Shu-hui, shared a Facebook post revealing beer boxes featuring images of DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and Wang at a local banquet. This incident adds to a series of controversial campaign tactics in Taipei, including KMT candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin’s alleged distribution of noodles as a form of vote-buying. Hsu criticized the DPP for distributing lunch boxes and beer with Lai’s campaign slogans, suggesting a double standard. In response, Wang presented photos demonstrating that Yu had also distributed campaign items such as small bags, dishwashing liquid, and snacks. This exchange underscores the ongoing debate over what constitutes inappropriate campaign gifts, as both major parties scrutinize each other’s activities leading up to the elections.
    2023/12/07 19:51
  • Taiwan legislators urge clear labeling for ’fresh milk’

    Legislators at the Legislative Yuan are demanding that the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) clearly define "fresh milk" to differentiate between imported milk and domestically-produced fresh milk in order to protect local dairy farmers. This demand comes as the 10-year anniversary of the economic cooperation agreement known as ANZTEC between New Zealand and Taiwan approaches, which will bring about a zero-tariff policy by 2025. The MOA has committed to collaborating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to discuss the criteria for defining ’fresh milk.’ Proposals suggest establishing a clear distinction between domestic raw milk and imported liquid milk to ensure stability in contracts between dairy farmers and milk product manufacturers. It is argued that due to high-temperature sterilization and long-distance transportation, imported milk products should be categorized differently from fresh milk produced and stocked within Taiwan. The Acting Agriculture Minister Chen Junne-jih stated that the storage period and processing issues for ’fresh milk’ will be discussed in consultation with the MOHW, and milk labels will be revised to emphasize "Taiwan fresh milk" for market segmentation, preserving the label exclusively for domestically produced fresh milk. Currently, the national definition of "fresh milk" refers to raw cow’s milk processed with heating, sterilization, and refrigeration for consumption without specifying a shelf life.
    2023/11/29 14:17
  • Domestic egg supply stable: Minister of Agriculture

    Taiwan’s domestic egg production is currently sufficient to meet consumer demands, eliminating the need for imports, according to Acting Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih. Speaking at a joint meeting of the Legislative Yuan’s committees, Chen stated that the country produces around 24 million eggs per day, with approximately 34 million laying hens. While the domestic egg supply is stable, Chen highlighted that some schools’ ban on liquid eggs has weakened consumer demand, leading to increased stock and pressure on national egg production. Chen hopes that the ban can be reconsidered and lifted to maintain stable egg supplies. The potential decrease in egg prices depends on consumer demand, and Chen suggests that incorrect dietary restrictions could create market pressures.
    2023/11/20 16:28
  • Premier Chen denies violation of procurement laws

    Premier Chen Chien-jen defends the regular scheduling of Food Safety Meetings and dismisses allegations that the import of frozen egg liquid violates procurement laws. The Ministry of Agriculture and Public Construction Commission affirm their adherence to the law and pledge to perfect the import of eggs.
    2023/10/13 17:15
  • 何時輪到台灣? 日本FTX用戶有望2月拿回資金

    加密貨幣交易所FTX證實破產,不僅讓成千上萬名投資者哀鴻遍野,也讓創辦人班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)跌落神壇。由於涉及人數、居住地太過複雜,讓後續求償面臨諸多困難。《CNBC》報導,正當台灣和其他國家用戶處於求償無門時,FTX日本分公司卻在最新聲明中,給予用戶新的希望,要透過轉移資產至旗下子公司,讓其用戶能順利取回資金,新系統最快在2023年2月中旬就能上線使用。
    2022/12/31 17:27
  • 話題飲料「死亡之水」熱賣 靠創意行銷突圍

    2022/12/12 16:13
  • 不用錢包手機 日推吃喝玩樂一指搞定

    2016/09/02 09:57
  • 【蜷川實花展】繽紛華麗的6大指標

    蜷川實花於台北當代藝術館的個展,除了展出近20年來的靜態攝影代表作,包括《花系列(Flowers)》、《液態夢幻(Liquid Dreams)》、《櫻(SAKURA)》、《名人肖像(Portraits)》、《自拍像(Self-image)》、《種一棵樹(PLANT A TREE)》,及《暗黑(noir)》等系列,藝術家也特別規劃了一個裝置空間〈TAKE OVER THE WORLD〉,集結其歷年涉獵影像創作、商品企劃、及時尚設計等領域的過程軌跡和多樣成果,從中可以見識蜷川實花過人的創作精力,感受其多面的藝術才華。
    2016/03/18 22:29
  • 當口香糖遇上伏特加!調酒推本土化 芒果、烏龍茶入味

    炎炎夏日,想喝一杯消暑嗎?台北W飯店宣布,成立「調「癮」實驗室 Liquid Lab 」,推出擁有台北文化、在地特色的系列調酒,將台灣巨峰葡萄加入調酒;大倉久和珍珠酒吧則將在7至8月期間推出多款鮮果調酒,將經典雞尾酒融入香氣逼人的台灣特產愛文芒果,創出獨特風味。
    2015/06/27 23:15
  • 宏碁世代交替! 施振榮:培養陳俊聖接班

    宏碁中階手機Liquid E3發表,除了數位白板Live Screen可以8人同步塗鴉分享資訊外,還有多達9個浮動視窗功能,另外相機多達1300萬畫素,號稱中階最快0.3秒快速對焦,發表會上另一個亮點就是創辦人施振榮「寥落去」,裝可愛扮演「Stan哥」,笑稱自己是免錢的代言人老少咸宜,還在台上跟麻豆大玩自拍,發下豪語今年出貨量要5到10倍成長,同時這場記者會也是新任執行長陳俊聖首次處女秀,施振榮不諱言,正在培訓陳俊聖當下任董事長,完成世代交替,國內人才如果國際化、掌握機會就能發揮實力。
    2014/04/15 21:42
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