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    King 結果共345筆

  • 英國王室病號連連 查爾斯三世與凱特妃相繼動手術

    英國白金漢宮今天表示,國王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)因前列腺肥大接受治療,下週將住院進行手術。另一方面,威廉王子之妻凱特(Kate)才剛腹部開刀,將住院兩個禮拜。
    2024/01/18 06:15
  • Taiwan’s CEC fights back against election fraud rumors

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has called for a legal investigation into rumors of election fraud following the recent presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan. False messages about election corruption have been spreading online, with influencers like YouTuber Alisasa and Bit King being accused of defaming the CEC and election staff. The CEC has gathered evidence and held a press conference to address these rumors, emphasizing that the election had ended and that supervisors recommended by various parties oversaw the voting and counting process. The CEC urged the public not to spread rumors that could harm Taiwan’s democratic achievements and encouraged individuals with evidence to submit it to the relevant legal authorities. Fabricating and spreading false information carries legal consequences, and the CEC called on citizens to defend Taiwan’s democracy and resist election rumors.
    2024/01/17 17:59
  • Twinnen in Taiwan: Discovering Taiwan’s fast food culture

    Join American students on a unique culinary journey as they compare popular fast-food chains like Burger King, McDonald’s, KFC, Starbucks, and 7/11 in Taiwan to their US counterparts. Discover how these familiar brands adapt to Taiwan’s diverse food culture.
    2024/01/03 21:28
  • 女星下海陪睡成性工作者!浴室無助崩潰痛哭 窒息內幕曝

    由周湯豪所主理的廠牌「華興 Hua Xing」推出系列企劃,其中KING CHAIN金城推出全新單曲〈該怎麼愛〉,作品以「愛」為命題,寫下在感情中的無奈與遺憾,MV更邀請新銳女演員李亞臻飾演周旋在客人之間的性工作者,最後在混亂之下竟殺了所有人,在充滿鮮血的浴室中無助大哭,畫面寫實且充滿電影感,讓觀眾僅是透過螢幕就能感受故事中主角的無奈。
    2024/01/02 12:37
  • 韓國最帥男演員排行!「臉蛋天才」沒進前10 李敏鎬再度霸榜

    韓國演藝圈不僅美女如雲,帥哥更是一季比一季亮眼~近日,知名投票網站「King Choice」統計2023最帥韓國演員,再度掀起熱議!
    2023/12/23 11:38
  • King of Mandopop Jay Chou drops surprise Christmas single

    Taiwanese singer Jay Chou surprised fans with the release of his new song, "Christmas Star," during the holiday season. Chou revealed details about the song, including its three-character title and the inclusion of firewood crackling sounds, during a livestream. The music video was shot in a European town setting, featuring scenes inside a gingerbread-like house decorated for Christmas. Chou collaborated with Gary Yang on the song, who not only provided vocals but also appeared in the music video. "Christmas Star" is a unique holiday-themed song in Chou’s extensive repertoire. The song was originally scheduled to be released on Friday Taiwan time but was made available earlier for Taiwanese fans on December 21.
    2023/12/22 17:56
  • King Gnu夯翻日本「38萬張門票搶空」 亞巡首站明年4月在台北

    今年曾來台參與並擔任金曲獎表演嘉賓的日本高人氣樂團King Gnu,在典禮上帶來炫目炸裂的演出之後,引爆歌迷高度話題討論,敲碗來台演唱會的呼聲不斷。King Gnu今(22)天正式宣布以King Gnu Asia Tour「THE GREATEST UNKNOWN」為名,展開2024年亞洲巡迴演唱會,台灣站時間也確定了!
    2023/12/22 17:17
  • 不是車銀優!2023「韓國最帥男演員」 第一名67萬人公認帥

    近年來,不論是在電視還是串流平台上隨處都可見韓劇的蹤影,而幾部著名的韓劇像《愛的迫降》、《黑暗榮耀》、《財閥家的小兒子》也以驚人的速度將韓國影視帶到世界各地。不過,相信有些人觀賞韓劇時不單單只是為了劇情,也有部分人是衝著男女主角而來。而近日有網友就在PTT上發文詢問大家覺得哪位韓國演員最帥,不料貼文一出,便引起眾多網友熱烈討論,演員車銀優、玄彬、孔劉等人皆被頻頻指名,但其實根據知名投票網站「King Choice」統計,被選為最帥演員的則是李敏鎬。
    2023/12/20 15:30
  • 高橋海人、有村架純才撇交往! 狗仔擠牙膏「半同居鐵證照曝光」

    日本傑尼斯雖然改名成「STARTO娛樂」,但似乎改不了運,又有旗下藝人被爆戀愛ing!雙人男團King & Prince的24歲成員高橋海人,昨(18)日被日本狗仔爆出跟30歲女星有村架純因戲結緣,兩人交往中,只是雙方公司僅低調回答「只是關係很好」。不料今(19)天就有日本媒體「半同居直擊照」,還有娛樂圈人士透露這段頂級明星戀情會傳開,恐怕都是男方的鍋。
    2023/12/19 18:17
  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • 國民女神死會了? 傳拍戲煞到「小6歲鮮肉男星」秘戀3年

    女神死會了?日本30歲「國民女神」有村架純傳出與「King & Prince」男子組合成員、24歲鮮肉男星高橋海人熱戀中,且已談地下戀長達3年,為了方便約會,高橋海人也已經搬到女方住的同一棟大樓,對此,日媒詢問雙方經紀公司,都未否認緋聞,表示「一起演出電視劇後,兩人關係一直很好。」似乎戀情有譜。
    2023/12/18 12:35
  • Jay Chou named global brand ambassador for Dior

    Taiwanese Mandopop icon Jay Chou has been appointed as a global brand ambassador for French luxury fashion house Dior, becoming the first Taiwanese to hold such a position. Dior praised Chou for embodying the brand’s style and bringing a modern touch to its timeless emblem. He joins the ranks of other Dior ambassadors, including British actor Robert Pattinson and BTS member Jimin. Chou’s appointment highlights Taiwan’s visibility on the international stage and serves as a source of pride for the country.
    2023/12/12 19:15
  • 英王室曬耶誕賀卡罕呈黑白色 夏綠蒂公主佔C位神似已故女王

    英國王室每年耶誕節前夕都會公布賀卡,威廉王子(Prince William)與凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)一家、國王查爾斯三世(King Charles)和王后卡蜜拉(Queen Camilla)10日也都依循傳統,在社群公布今年的慶賀合照。有別與過往,今年威廉1家5口罕見以黑白照呈現,粉絲驚訝發現3個孩子明顯抽高,也認為佔「C位」的夏綠蒂公主神似已故女王伊莉莎白二世 (Queen Elizabeth)。
    2023/12/11 11:23
  • MLB/洋基幹大事!「5換2」喜迎索托 豪華外野陣成形

    今年MLB休賽季除了關注日籍二刀流巨星大谷翔平的去向外,教士25歲重砲外野手索托(Juan Soto)情歸何處也是一大熱門議題。根據《紐約郵報》記者薛曼(Joel Sherman)報導,洋基與教士確定完成一樁「5換2」交易案,條紋軍將獲得索托,讓他與賈吉(Aaron Judge)、韋杜戈(Alex Verdugo)組成豪華外野陣。
    2023/12/07 08:38
  • 挺韓大將倒戈挺柯 曝民眾黨「承諾讓韓國瑜當立法院長」

    藍白合破局,面臨藍綠夾殺的民眾黨總統參選人柯文哲,有意藉此祭出「分裂投票」策略,力阻選戰被打回藍綠對決格局。本刊調查,因前高雄市長韓國瑜名列國民黨不分區第一,韓粉社群挺韓依舊、並力拱他坐上立法院長大位,卻未在總統人選堅定支持國民黨提名的侯友宜,過去被視為挺韓大將的韓粉領袖及社群媒體直播主,包括「挺韓五虎將」之一的前高雄市鳥松里長陳清茂、「凍未條哥」、YouTuber「Bit King比特王出任務」,都已出現「倒侯、挺柯」的現象。
    2023/11/27 19:40
  • 4公主獲查爾斯讚揚 BlackPink合體出席白金漢宮晚宴

    南韓總統尹錫悅(Yoon Suk Yeol)出訪英國,受邀前往白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace)與英王查爾斯三世(King Charles)進行正式晚宴,沒想到這場宴會的鎂光燈焦點,卻遭到另一組「特別嘉賓」搶走,她們不是別人、就是紅遍全球的南韓女子團體BlackPink。《天空新聞》報導,同時獲得英王室邀請的4人,Lisa、Jisoo、Rose與Jennie合體穿著禮服走入白金漢宮,不只被眾多英媒稱為宛如4名公主蒞臨,她們也成功吸引查爾斯的注意,特別在晚宴上點名,並讚許BlackPink對世界的貢獻與付出。
    2023/11/22 11:23
  • 猛!館長率團赴日柔技賽「親征摘金」 網驚:以為又是p圖

    現年44歲的健身房業者「館長」陳之漢,除了經營健身房、賣些東西以及針貶時政外,在推廣技擊運動上也是不遺餘力。陳之漢今(18)日在社群分享照片,他率團到日本沖繩參與「THE KING OF THE ISLAND」柔技冠軍賽,獲得1金1銅,其中的金牌,便是由陳之漢親自參加「超重量級組」一舉奪下。
    2023/11/18 21:10
  • 加拿大推出英王查爾斯肖像硬幣 新版加幣12月起流通

    11月14日是英國國王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)的75歲生日,加拿大鑄幣廠(Royal Canadian Mint)公布印有他肖像的新版加元硬幣。少量新硬幣將在12月初開始流通。
    2023/11/15 11:04
  • 英王室撕破臉!哈利夫婦斥「拒赴查爾斯生日宴」:根本沒受邀

    英國國會7日展開新會期,英王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)在開幕大典中發表御座致辭(Speech from the throne),這也是繼已故女王伊莉莎白二世後,英國70多年來首度由國王發表御座致辭。而本月14日,查爾斯三世將迎來75歲生日,據悉與王室決裂的哈利王子(Prince Harry)並未受邀出席父親的生日宴。
    2023/11/08 20:28
  • 二度請吃閉門羹!哈利拒幫查爾斯慶生 傳因1事關係緊繃

    英國國王查爾斯(King Charles)將於14日歡慶75歲大壽,為期一周的慶祝活動預定於9日在倫敦(London)展開,然而與王室關係漸行漸遠的小兒子哈利王子(Prince Harry)卻婉拒邀約,是他自9月拒絕參加伊莉莎白女王(Queen Elizabeth)逝世週年紀念活動後,第二度請父親吃閉門羹。
    2023/11/06 18:08
  • 西班牙最美公主成年!準女王宣誓效忠憲法 父青澀照也曝光

    西班牙公主雷昂諾(Princess Leonor)是目前西班牙王位的第一繼承人。她不僅外型亮眼,還精通多國語言,會彈大提琴、打網球和體操。支持者將才華洋溢的她,視為西班牙王室重奪民心的希望。10月31日迎來18歲生日的她,前往位於馬德里的國會,宣誓效忠西班牙憲法,正式成為王室繼承人。許多網友也翻出她的父親國王菲利浦六世(King Felipe VI)37年前宣誓時的照片,拿兩人做比較。
    2023/11/01 16:14
  • 特稿/朱立倫搶當藍白King Maker 保黨權的續命符

    2023/10/30 16:07
  • 投奔北韓代價高 美士兵面臨逃兵、持有兒童色情影像罪起訴

    美軍年輕士兵金恩(Travis King)今年七月突然越過北韓38度線「投奔」北韓,在被遣返回國後,《美聯社》(AP)報導,軍方官員透露,已經決定對他提起訴訟,金恩不只面臨逃兵罪(desertion)指控,他同時也將面臨持有未成年兒童色情影像的罪名,一共多達8項罪名等著他。面對寶貝兒子即將被起訴,金恩母親克勞迪(Claudine Gates)對媒體表示,她絕對會提起上訴拯救金恩,要求外界以無罪推定看待自己的兒子。
    2023/10/20 16:41
  • King Pu-tsung optimistic about smooth talks between KMT, TPP

    King Pu-tsung expressed optimism for smooth talks between the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) in an upcoming meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to seek cooperation between the parties to remove the current Democratic Progressive Party from office in the upcoming election. King emphasized the importance of exchanging ideas and opinions to find shared values and political ideals.
    2023/10/14 17:05
  • TPP campaign director to discuss cooperation with KMT

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) is set to discuss cooperation with the Kuomintang (KMT) party on Oct. 14, ahead of the forthcoming 2024 presidential elections. The discussions will focus on the potential "Blue-White Cooperation" and will involve representatives from both parties.
    2023/10/12 15:37
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