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    Hotels 結果共19筆

  • Engineers rush to save 2 tilted Hualien hotels

    Early morning earthquake on April 23 in Hualien City leaves Hotel Fouquet at risk of collapse; stabilization efforts underway. Surrounding infrastructure to be removed for safety, with demolition planned. Nearby Tongshuai Building also at risk, showing further tilting from aftershocks.
    2024/04/23 15:35
  • Taiwan unveils NT$3B plan to revive tourism after quake

    Discover how Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kwo-tsai, unveils three comprehensive revitalization plans for Hualien following a devastating earthquake. These initiatives aim to support the local tourism industry, provide accommodations for victims, and offer subsidies to tourists, with an estimated budget of NT$3 billion. Learn more about the impact of the April 7.2 magnitude quake on Hualien’s tourism, including hotel closures and layoffs, and the government’s efforts to rejuvenate the area in the coming months.
    2024/04/17 13:19
  • 房間就能看東京鐵塔!日人氣2大光芒飯店開箱 爽泡露天浴場

    日本旅遊住宿體驗如何,是許多旅人最重視的一環,這次食尚小編前往東京,開箱2間日本光芒飯店(Candeo Hotels)旗下的新橋、六本木分店,主打距離車站近、都有溫泉可泡,房間比起一般商務飯店更寬敞、有設計感等特點,是近年許多人到日本住宿的首選之一。
    2024/03/25 12:10
  • 觀旅新體驗!「倫敦電視塔」將成精品飯店

    全球旅遊觀光從谷底回彈,新景點如雨後春筍冒出,埃及首次開放「開羅大城堡區」的一塊全新部分,包括兩座半圓形的塔樓,供旅客參觀;美國第三大飯店業者(MCR Hotels),買下英國知名地標「倫敦電視塔」,將打造精品旅宿體驗。至於中東的杜拜機場,去年遊客量則大增超過三成,推動國內經濟復甦。同樣吸引觀光客湧入的,還有哥倫比亞第二大城「麥德林」,但也傳出不少男性旅客,使用約會軟體,被捲入綁架下藥,甚至撕票事件,駐波哥大美國大使館一月已發布安全警示。
    2024/02/22 19:54
  • Palau president unveils China’s bid to buy diplomatic change

    Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr. revealed in a letter to U.S. senators that China had tried to convince Palau to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan in exchange for hotel bookings. The letter, made public by Cleo Paskal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, detailed China’s proposal to fill Palau’s hotels and operate a call center at an annual cost of US$20 million. Whipps Jr. warned that without immediate approval for COFA aid, pro-China factions in Palau could threaten its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.
    2024/02/16 11:11
  • Pet hotels in great demand during Lunar New Year holidays

    Amid Taiwan’s Lunar New Year, pet owners face booking difficulties and soaring prices at pet hotels. Tsen Chi-ying, a cat hotel manager, highlights the rising costs and limited capacity, prompting pet owners to seek alternative care solutions.
    2024/02/09 08:00
  • Taiwan to subsidize foreign business travelers in 2024

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Taiwan have announced a new "Subsidiary Tourism" program aimed at boosting business travel. Foreign business travelers will be eligible for a subsidy of up to NT$2,000 starting next year. The program has a budget of NT$10 million and aims to support foreign business visitors to Taiwan. Stocks of related hotels have surged in response to this policy push, with analysts predicting positive growth for the tourism industry. The reduction in extended public holidays next year is expected to favor domestic tourism momentum and improve hotel occupancy rates. Overall, businesses and investors anticipate a robust year ahead for the hotel industry in Taiwan.
    2023/12/20 17:27
  • Evergreen Marine offers crew hotel-level comfort

    Evergreen Marine Corporation has expanded its fleet with the commissioning of a new "A class" container ship, the EVER ALP, boasting a maximum capacity of 24,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU). This vessel, among 13 ordered by the company, brings luxury to the high seas with crew accommodations rivaling star-rated hotels. Constructed by South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries, the EVER ALP features nine decks and a range of leisure facilities, including a gym and social lounge. Crew quarters on the ship are designed to match that of star-rated hotel rooms, each spanning 16.53 to 46.28 square meters with private bathrooms. The working environment on board is notably comfortable, with third officers and engineers drawing an average monthly salary of about NT$170,000. For entertainment and relaxation, the ship is equipped with a library, karaoke facilities, treadmills, and dining options featuring a variety of international cuisines. These A-class container ships incorporate eco-friendly and energy-saving features, ensuring compliance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) emission standards. With the addition of the EVER ALP, Evergreen Marine’s current fleet totals 210 vessels with a combined capacity of approximately 1.66 million TEU, marking a significant increase in the company’s global shipping capabilities.
    2023/12/04 17:33
  • Tourism Administration to launch travel program for seniors

    The Tourism Administration plans to launch a new travel program called "Golden Years" (凰金遊程Golden Years) next year, targeting senior travelers in response to Taiwan’s aging population. With an estimated senior travel demographic of 4 million individuals, Taiwan sees a potential tourist value of up to NT$120 billion. Deputy Director-General Lin Hsin-Jen expects a 10% to 20% growth in output value, reaching NT$120 billion, with domestic tours for the elderly market accounting for approximately NT$40 billion and international travelers adding NT$60 billion. Travel agencies and hotels are now focusing on marketing efforts and introducing 11 Golden Years itineraries to cater to this demographic’s preferences. Discounts and leisurely itineraries are being offered to accommodate the spending power of senior travelers.
    2023/11/22 19:47
  • Tourism Administration orders hotel to adjust booking system

    Taiwan’s Tourism Administration has requested a hotel near Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County to adjust its reservation system. The hotel’s online reservation system was found to be in Simplified Chinese and listed the hotel’s address as "China Taiwan" instead of Taiwan. The Tourism Administration has instructed the hotel to ban the use of "China" and provide a Traditional Chinese interface. The hotel management clarified that it is 100% Taiwanese invested and partnered with Wyndham Hotels & Resorts to attract more tourists. The appearance of "China Taiwan" on the reservation system was due to linkages with the Wyndham booking site, which is overseen by China for the Asia Pacific region. The Nantou County Government Tourism Bureau has jurisdiction over the hotel, which began trial operations in August and is set to officially open in January next year.
    2023/11/22 19:41
  • Coldplay concert prompts unjustified hotel rate hikes

    The Kaohsiung City Tourism Bureau has fined four hotels in Taiwan between NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 for increasing room rates during Coldplay’s concerts on November 11 and 12 at the Kaohsiung National Stadium. To prevent the tourism and accommodation industry from exploiting such opportunities, the Tourism Bureau conducts proactive inspections of hotel room rates. Reports indicate that four hotels were found to have inflated their prices, with one hotel seeing a 60% increase, resulting in a fine of NT$50,000. The Kaohsiung City Government is making efforts to establish the city as a major global concert destination, with performances by international and domestic acts scheduled for 2023. While these events stimulate the tourism economy and increase demand for hotel accommodations, some operators take advantage of the situation by raising room prices. The director of the Tourism Bureau, Kao Min-Lin, has urged industry operators not to inflate prices during festivals, major events, or concerts. The Tourism Bureau will continue to inspect hotel room rates, maintain tourism and accommodation quality through strict supervision, inspections, and fines, and protect consumer rights and interests.
    2023/11/06 16:43
  • 飯店下午茶驚見「女體盛」 橫躺全身流黏液…當局震怒發聲

    近日有英國旅客投訴,日前到義大利薩丁尼亞島(Sardinia)的「佛伊飯店」(Voi Hotels)度假吃下午茶吃到飽時,竟發現飯店方準備「甜點女體盛」,女模不僅只遮住重點部位,還全身佈滿濃稠汁液流湯。該名旅客抱怨,不僅乍看之下就完全讓人沒有食欲,而且對旅客相當不尊重。
    2023/08/25 19:46
  • Luxury hotel industry sees resurgence in post-COVID Taiwan

    Hotels are experiencing an uptick in international and local customers as the tourism industry rebounds in post-pandemic Taiwan.
    2023/05/09 18:01
  • Taiwan hotels cost NT$4,195 on average per night last year

    Hotels in Taiwan are getting more expensive as Taiwan slowly opens after the pandemic hit. Still, it is a popular destination for hotel companies to invest in. 
    2023/02/16 19:03
  • Hotels in Taiwan aim to become more environmentally friendly

    Since July 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency has discouraged Taiwan’s hotel industry to provide one-time usage amenities and items.
    2023/01/17 19:18
  • Travelers at Taoyuan Airport cheer as Taiwan reopens borders

    Tourists from Thailand excitedly left their hotels on Thursday to begin their trip in Taiwan, as the country’s borders officially reopened.
    2022/10/13 18:00
  • 「AV帝王」導演新作 愛情賓館門內女人心事

    Love Hotels愛情賓館是日本的代表文化之一,全日本有將近四萬間愛情賓館,經濟價值高達400億美元。外國人通常帶著「獵奇」的眼光看待它,但是,日本女作家櫻木紫乃卻以出沒賓館的女人們為主角,寫下七篇愛情關係裡的女性故事,小說一舉獲得通俗文學最高榮耀「直木獎」,現在更被改編成電影,由《AV帝王》的導演武正晴執導,因NHK晨間劇《阿淺來了》而走紅的波瑠飾演賓館老闆的女兒,由她看著來來去去的客人在歡愉背後,努力為自己尋找出口與活著的價值。
    2021/02/10 19:56
  • 希爾頓酒店大砍2100人 員工休假再延長90天

    2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)大流行重創航空和旅宿業,休閒和商務旅行需求持續下滑,知名的希爾頓酒店(Hilton Hotels)宣布裁減2100名員工,約占總人力的22%。
    2020/06/17 14:33
  • 最難搞客人! 祕密客潛伏打分數

    要看飯店服務是否維持一定水準,台灣有群身分不能曝光的祕密客,不定時、不定期,為飯店設施、服務大體檢,以台北福華飯店來說,因為加入了World Hotels組織,總部定期會派來祕密客「潛伏」在客人裡,另外,台灣觀光局還有雜誌的服務調查,也都會安排素人或是旅遊達人,半夜換房以及提出難搞要求裝奧客打分數。
    2010/06/24 12:37
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