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    Eric 結果共269筆

  • 不見香港總裁老公!《紅人榜》女星曬絕美婚紗照 竟變落跑新娘

  • President-elect Lai open to historic legislative address

    President-elect Lai Ching-te expresses willingness to make a historic State of the Nation report at the Legislative Yuan, responding to KMT’s invitation, aiming to establish constitutional conventions amidst current chaos.
    2024/04/26 12:15
  • 不只林俊傑!周興哲受邀進入F1「絕對禁區」 驚見震撼畫面

    繼林俊傑後,周興哲(Eric)也二度受法拉利一級方程式賽車大賽之邀,首度前往上海賽區觀賽,雙方緣起於周興哲本身是狂熱的跑車迷,對於車子的構造、工藝和細節都知之甚詳。與林志穎兩人齊鑑賞賽車,交流了不少寶貴時光!周興哲不但正裝於法拉利F1 Night表演,演唱經典曲目〈永不失聯的愛〉,更與心目中的夢幻頂尖車手Carlos Sainz 和年僅18歲的天才儲備車手Oliver Bearman合影留念,相當開心。
    2024/04/23 19:56
  • Eric Chu urges amendments to Taiwan’s national security laws

    Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu warns against the misuse of Taiwan’s five national security laws for infringing human rights and manipulating elections. Amidst discussions on cross-strait relations and following Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to China, Chu calls for amendments to these laws, criticizing their use as tools for political suppression by the DPP. He advocates for dialogue and peace in cross-strait interactions, urging the DPP to prioritize human rights and constructive engagement over ideological rigidity.
    2024/04/16 17:51
  • Ma Ying-jeou to meet Xi Jinping in Beijing, KMT confirms

    Explore the upcoming significant event where former President Ma Ying-jeou is set to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing, as confirmed by Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu. This meeting aims to foster peaceful exchanges across the Taiwan Strait, reflecting KMT’s commitment to a "pro-American, friendly to Japan, and peaceful with the mainland" cross-strait policy. Additionally, KMT Vice Chairman Sean Lien’s participation in the Straits Forum is anticipated to further practical exchanges between the two sides, building on the foundation of the Singapore talks for future relations.
    2024/04/10 14:51
  • 恭喜!吳申梅嫁富豪尪2年終於「有喜」 甜喊:房事搞定了

    2024/04/07 14:48
  • 周興哲唱一半中斷演出!音響冒詭異怪聲 臨危反應曝光

    周興哲(Eric)於15日起一連兩天於澳門「銀河綜藝館」舉辦周興哲「Odyssey旅程RETURNS」世界巡迴演唱會,來到2024年開春的第一趟演出,周興哲一開口就用廣東話跟本地小興星(粉絲名)打招呼,字正腔圓說超想念大家,收穫全場巨大呼聲,一開場就是〈That’s All〉、〈說太多〉及〈Nobody But Me〉三首勁歌熱舞,賣力唱跳的他,更一度脫去上衣演唱,讓台下尖叫聲此起彼落。緊接他帶來〈想知道你在想什麼〉,但場館發生小插曲,一度傳出高分貝竄音聲響,但他處變不驚,不為所動,當樂隊因硬體突發狀況不得不停下,周興哲仍面不改色清唱,優美無差別的歌聲撥開刺耳響聲,當下讓全場小興星如沐春風,立刻投以無比欽慕的掌聲和歡呼,大大加分。
    2024/03/17 18:39
  • 唱紅《All By Myself》 74歲男歌手Eric Carmen「睡夢中逝 」

    美國男歌手艾瑞克·卡門(Eric Carmen)1970至80年代活躍於歌壇,創作出《All By Myself》等眾多經典歌曲,他的妻子艾米(Amy Carmen)今(12)日在他的網站上宣布,摯愛的丈夫已離世,享壽74歲。
    2024/03/12 11:42
  • KMT Chairman Eric Chu warns against early election talks

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu warns against premature discussions on local elections and presidential elections, emphasizing unity and public sentiment. Collaboration with the TPP and legislative operations are highlighted as priorities.
    2024/02/27 15:30
  • Eric Chu focuses on party unity ahead of KMT elections

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu dismisses rumors of successors as attempts to sow discord within the party and speculations on his re-election. Fu Kun-chi and Lu Shiow-yen are rumored to have leadership ambitions. Chu emphasizes party effectiveness in the legislature and addressing citizen concerns.
    2024/02/26 16:44
  • MLB/皇家奪冠功臣、4次金手套得主退休 教士還得付他8.2億

     生涯摘得4次金手套(Gold Glove)、2015年助堪薩斯城皇家隊奪冠的34歲MLB一壘手哈斯默(Eric Hosmer),去年季中被芝加哥小熊隊釋出後,21日於社群媒體上宣布退役,不再尋求比賽機會,結束13年大聯盟生涯。
    2024/02/22 09:46
  • 吳申梅嫁對人!老公大手筆包辦岳母香港過年 她加碼6位數紅包

    歌手吳申梅前年11月11日和香港科技旅遊業高層Eric結婚,今年是她第2次在香港過年,特別將媽媽和弟弟接來一同慶龍年,昨(9)日除夕夜,全家人到頗負盛名的「中國會」(China Club)圍爐。吳申梅說媽媽、弟弟首次來香港過年,當然會一起走春,「想帶家人上太平山登高望遠、也看看美麗的維多利亞港夜色」。
    2024/02/10 16:36
  • 94萬YTR宣布「分開」!坦言未來將各組家庭 認了:不合是一定有

    網紅團體「The DoDo Men嘟嘟人」發布新影片,坦言兩人已達成共識,未來頻道將有新走向,並直言「各自為了合體拍片犧牲掉了太多」,因此接下來將轉換成新模式繼續經營,Ian和Eric也嚴正表示「沒有解散或是拆夥」。
    2024/02/01 15:54
  • 《美味關係》製片執導首部長片 《我的G本教義》描述同志成長困境

    宗教與禁忌的題材普世皆準,關於猶太教的《我的G本教義》(Minyan)也是其中一部,本片是曾製作《美味關係》(Julie & Julia)等大片、製而優則導的艾瑞克史蒂爾(Eric Steel)的首部劇情長片,改編自亦為電影編導的大衛貝茲莫茲吉斯(David Bezmozgis)的獲獎同名短篇故事,原名意指必須由十名以上虔誠猶太教教徒組成的「祈禱班」。
    2024/01/31 16:53
  • KMT head demands party unity ahead of speaker vote

    As Taiwan prepares for the inauguration of its 11th Legislative Yuan, KMT chairman Eric Chu emphasizes the need for party unity and transparent elections. Chu critiques potential deceptive tactics by the DPP and advocates for significant parliamentary reforms and a collaborative effort to foster a renewed democratic atmosphere in Taiwan.
    2024/01/31 15:21
  • 男大方給9萬小費「秒反悔」想討回 美餐廳怒了:將提告

    美國賓州一名男子史密斯(Eric Smith)去(2023)年6月到咖啡館用餐,只花了13美元(約新台幣406元),卻給服務生蘭伯特(Mariana Lambert)3000美元(約新台幣9.3萬元)的小費,史密斯表示,他之所以會大方給小費,是因為受到了「耶穌的小費」(Tips for Jesus)運動的影響,然而史密斯事後卻反悔,並且要求討回,對此餐廳也表示會對男子提告。
    2024/01/29 11:56
  • Eric Chu unveils youth-focused political growth plans

    The Kuomintang (KMT) held a post-election gratitude tea ceremony in Yunlin County, where Chairman Eric Chu emphasized the party’s reform strategies and plans to nurture young members for political roles. Chu, along with New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih and Yunlin County Commissioner Chang Li-shan, announced the party’s commitment to increasing engagement with social and web media to appeal to younger voters. Chu highlighted the success of young KMT candidates in the recent legislative elections, with 10 out of 15 securing victory. Mayor Hou emphasized the need for unity and collaboration within the KMT caucus in the Legislative Yuan, particularly with proportional representation legislators from the south. He also urged the party to present facts, rectify misconceptions, and attract new voters while strengthening support from existing ones. The KMT has been actively nurturing young talent in its key structure in recent years.
    2024/01/22 11:28
  • Hou Yu-ih vows oversight for Taiwan Strait security

    New Taipei City mayor Hou Yu-Ih pledges to support Taiwan Strait security and reassure the U.S. as an opposition party member after his presidential election defeat. He emphasizes the need for the newly elected government to carefully address global difficulties and stresses that Taiwan’s unity is crucial in facing future challenges. Hou dismisses claims that alleged fake polls by the Taiwan People’s Party caused the Kuomintang’s electoral defeat and urges acceptance of voters’ decision. Sun Yat-sen School President Chang Ya-chung calls for KMT chairman Eric Chu to step down, but Hou takes responsibility for the election failure as the commander of the campaign.
    2024/01/16 15:16
  • 科技巨頭組織重整 Google傳裁撤數百名工程人員

    Google10日宣布,將裁減數百名屬於不同團隊的員工,包括語音助理、Pixel、Nest與Fitbit的硬體團隊等,同時Fitbit創辦人James Park與Eric Friedman亦將離開公司。此次裁員乃該科技巨頭,持續減縮成本策略的一部分。谷歌還會減少包括擴增實境(AR)在內的員工,並影響搜索巨擎工程團隊數百個職位。據此,Google所作的這項決策,強烈顯示該公司的組織結構正在進行重大調整。
    2024/01/11 15:42
  • KMT unveils secret weapon to win voters’ hearts

    As Taiwan’s 2024 elections near, the Kuomintang (KMT) introduces the "KMT girls" campaign group, spearheaded by Chairman Eric Chu. This strategic move, focusing on women’s empowerment and targeting diverse voter groups, signifies a fresh approach in the party’s bid for electoral success.
    2024/01/04 20:10
  • 周興哲好猛!合體《社內相親》金世正唱情歌 真實關係曝光

    2024/01/02 19:13
  • Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu accuses the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of smearing and attacking the presidential election through nationwide advertising campaigns. The KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong are losing swing voters, according to a public opinion poll published by the United Daily News. Chu criticizes the DPP for targeting Hou by drawing attention to the dormitory at Taipei’s Chinese Culture University (CCU), owned by Hou’s wife. He warns that if such smear tactics go unchecked, Taiwan risks becoming a society dominated by smear campaigns. Internal party polls show that the KMT’s support rates are within the margin of error compared to the DPP’s, leading by one percentage point in landline-based surveys. Taiwan’s 2024 presidential and legislative elections are due to take place next Saturday, and Chu emphasizes that the KMT will work harder despite alleged underhanded tactics and continuous smearing efforts by the DPP.
    2024/01/02 09:55
  • KMT unites behind Hou Yu-ih in final push for election

    As Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election approaches, the Kuomintang (KMT) unites under a group strategy to support Hou Yu-ih. Prominent KMT figures, including Ma Ying-jeou and Eric Chu, back Hou in a significant shift from past conflicts, highlighting the party’s unified front in the critical election.
    2023/12/30 17:51
  • KMT VP Jaw vows to expand Taiwan’s diplomacy

    KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong pledges to expand Taiwan’s diplomatic relations if the KMT wins the upcoming elections. He criticizes the ruling DPP for losing nine diplomatic allies during their eight-year tenure. Jaw’s remarks were made during a Constitution Day event organized by the KMT’s Department of International Affairs, attended by KMT Chairman Eric Chu and KMT Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia. Chu defends Hsia, stating that he is a valuable asset to the party and urges media outlets to avoid spreading misinformation. Hsia expresses regret that young people overlook the significance of Dec. 25 as Constitution Day in Taiwan and promises to restore the value of the Republic of China if the KMT wins the elections next year.
    2023/12/26 10:11
  • Masked palm civet killed by chimp in Taipei Zoo

    An adult masked palm civet tragically fell to its death after mistakenly entering a chimpanzee enclosure at the Taipei Zoo. The incident occurred on December 15 and was witnessed by onlookers. The civet was attacked and killed by a chimpanzee, leaving visitors shocked. Taipei Zoo spokesperson Eric Tsao explained that while precautions are taken to ensure animal safety, it is impossible to completely close off each area due to animal welfare considerations. Tsao emphasized that this event serves as a reminder that local wildlife species can occasionally wander into the zoo. Chimpanzees exhibit a group defense behavior pattern and will attack intruders until they show no signs of life. Upon being alerted about the incident, zoo staff followed the Standard Operating Procedure and managed to lure the chimpanzees inside before addressing the situation. However, the civet had already died. The deceased civet, considered a sensitive species in terms of communicable disease control, will be sent to a professional health institution for tests to determine if it carried any infectious diseases.
    2023/12/22 14:05
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