
Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/01/02 10:39
Last update time:2024/01/02 10:39
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Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections (Courtesy of KMT) Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections
Eric Chu accuses DPP of smear tactics in Taiwan elections (Courtesy of KMT)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu on Tuesday (Jan. 2) accused the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of smearing and attacking the presidential election through nationwide advertising campaigns. Chu exhorted swing voters to ponder over the issue at hand.

Chu's response followed an earlier public opinion poll published by the United Daily News on the same day. The poll revealed that the KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong are losing swing voters.


The KMT Chairman raised concerns about the DPP, accusing them of resorting to smear tactics in the election campaign. He specifically criticized the DPP for targeting Hou by drawing attention to the dormitory at Taipei's Chinese Culture University (CCU), which is owned by Hou's wife.

Chu called on the public to reflect on the DPP's actions, warning that if such tactics go unchecked, Taiwan risks becoming a society dominated by smear campaigns.

Chu further disclosed that, according to internal party polls, their support rates are within the margin of error when compared with the DPP's, leading by one percentage point in landline-based surveys.

Taiwan's 2024 presidential and legislative elections are due to take place next Saturday. Chu emphasized that the KMT would work harder than ever despite alleged underhanded tactics and continuous smearing efforts by the DPP. He expressed hope for staunch supporters to remain steadfast in their convictions.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#Kuomintang# Democratic Progressive Party# smear campaigns# presidential election# swing voters# public opinion poll# underhanded tactics# KMT Chairman Eric Chu# DPP nationwide advertising campaigns# KMT losing swing voters
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