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    Canada 結果共49筆

  • 有片/起飛途中引擎冒火光! 加拿大航空客機緊急迫降

    加拿大航空(Air Canada)有架班機5日驚傳起火事故,曝光的畫面顯示這架飛機在起飛途中突然閃出火光,位於地面的民眾一邊拍攝、一邊驚呼,所幸機組人員及時發現並緊急掉頭、返回機場,共計近400名乘客最終毫髮無傷。
    2024/06/08 11:15
  • President Tsai promises support for Taiwan’s industry growth

    President Tsai Ing-wen commits to supporting Taiwan’s industry development, highlighting the country’s export success and plans for post-pandemic recovery. Tsai vows to deepen global economic ties, recognizing the National Importers & Exporters Chamber of Commerce’s role in driving economic growth amidst challenges. Taiwan aims to enhance international competitiveness through agreements with the U.S., U.K., Canada, and others, promoting a prosperous future for Taiwanese industries.
    2024/05/06 17:18
  • Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation

    A rally in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square, organized by 25 overseas Chinese communities, supported Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly (WHA). The event featured a drum performance and speeches from TECO Director-General Chen Chin-ling, MPs Judy Sgro, Ali Ehsassi, and Michael Cooper, advocating for Taiwan’s advanced healthcare contributions and its participation in global health discussions.
    2024/05/06 16:40
  • MOFA: CPTPP a gateway to boost supply chain resilience

    Taiwan is actively pursuing membership in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to enhance supply chain resilience and global economic security, with efforts including hosting seminars in Canada and gaining support from Canadian officials amidst potential opposition from Beijing.
    2024/04/30 15:42
  • 網紅高價羽絨衣Canada Goose「加拿大鵝」全球裁員 約800人恐失業

    網紅羽絨服飾品牌「加拿大鵝」(Canada Goose)宣佈,該公司為了長遠更好的發展,決定裁減全球員工17%人力,雖然沒有明說實際影響人數,但從公開數據來看,加拿大鵝截至去年4月為止,旗下員工共有4760人,估計此波裁員至少將影響800名員工的生計。執行長丹尼瑞斯(Dani Reiss)在領英(LinkedIn)發表聲明指出,這次裁員已在26日啟動,是為了讓加拿大鵝未來有更好的發展空間。
    2024/03/28 09:35
  • Taiwan eyes membership in CPTPP with Canada’s support

    Learn about Taiwan’s bid to join the CPTPP and its potential impact on global trade and economic security. Taiwan’s efforts to strengthen supply chain cooperation with Canada and seek inclusion in the trade agreement are highlighted.
    2024/03/26 16:06
  • 加拿大航空班機孕婦早產 機長急降百慕達、熱心醫助機上產子

    加拿大航空公司(Air Canada)表示,上週一名孕婦在從加勒比海島國聖露西亞飛往多倫多的飛機上早產,航班不得不緊急改在英國自治海外領地百慕達(Bermuda)降落,幸運的是,飛機上恰好有兩名醫生,在他們的熱心幫助下,孕婦順利生下了孩子,且母親和新生兒的健康狀況均良好。
    2024/03/12 15:25
  • 公司網站「聊天機器人」誤導乘客買貴機票 法院判加航應賠錢

    加拿大航空(Air Canada)網站上的「聊天機器人」2022年因為誤導顧客以原價購票,令顧客錯過喪親優惠,使他損失金錢,被顧客告上法院,結果法院最後判決加拿大航空需向顧客支付賠償金。
    2024/02/17 12:14
  • Mediation efforts underway to avert EVA Air pilot strikes

    EVA Air faces the threat of strikes as pilots gain the right to strike over pay disputes. The airline’s management and workforce are willing to negotiate further. The strike, planned during the Lunar New Year holiday, may impact long-haul flights to and from the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Mediation efforts by the Taoyuan City government’s labor bureau are set for Wednesday. Negotiation is seen as the key to addressing the raised demands and reaching a consensus.
    2024/01/22 18:00
  • 加航乘客登機後「自己開艙門」 從兩層樓高一屁股跌坐停機坪

    加拿大航空(Air Canada)本周傳出1起離奇事件,有名乘客登機後沒有坐到自己的位置上,竟直接打開另1側的艙門並往外走,這讓他瞬間跌落到停機坪上,機場人員見狀趕緊暫停起飛程序,最終這班飛機延誤了近6個小時才升空,而打開艙門的男子是否被捕不得而知。
    2024/01/11 12:57
  • Taiwanese can travel to Cuba with valid documents, says MOFA

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has stated that Taiwanese citizens are allowed to enter Cuba with a passport valid for more than six months and a Cuban Tourist Card, according to Central News Agency (CNA). However, MOFA has urged the public to suspend travel to Cuba or check the official Cuban government website or airlines before departure due to unclear information. This response comes after a Taiwanese-Canadian and his family were denied entry into Cuba because "China doesn’t recognize Taiwan as a country." The family’s passports were confiscated, and they were sent back to Canada after ten hours at the airport. MOFA has instructed the Taiwanese representative office in Bogota, Colombia, to investigate the issue and protect the travel rights of Taiwanese citizens.
    2023/12/25 16:29
  • MOTC hosts cultural event at Toronto Eaton Center

    The Tourist Administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) organized a two-day event at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada, showcasing Taiwan’s attractions. The event featured various activities, including VR experiences, calligraphy bookmark crafting, pinball games, indigenous beadwork, and oil-paper umbrella painting workshops. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto reported a significant increase in Canadian visitors to Taiwan, with a 1366.17 percent rise compared to the previous year. However, the number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. In an effort to boost tourism, Taiwan has waived visa requirements for Canadians, positioning itself as an ideal winter getaway. Taiwan’s picturesque mountains, coastlines, and diverse urban and small-town landscapes make it a perfect destination for leisurely exploration.
    2023/12/11 20:32
  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
  • Bettii pauses studies for music, showcases strong skills

    Discover the story of 18-year-old rookie singer Bettii, who captivated audiences with her heartfelt rendition of "Seven" at a press conference. Inspired by her idol Jungkook from BTS, Bettii aims to evoke the same emotions in her music. After covering Jungkook’s song, she gained recognition from the K-pop star himself. Putting her education in Canada on hold, Bettii’s parents are supportive of her decision to pursue a singing career in Taiwan. The press conference showcased her multi-instrumental talents as she played the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and piano. While her company doesn’t impose a dating ban, finding time to socialize remains a challenge. Standing at 168 centimeters tall, Bettii hopes to find a taller and conceptually compatible partner. She also admires the members of the K-pop group TOMORROW X TOGETHER (TXT).
    2023/12/07 20:18
  • Tsai thanks overseas Chinese for backing Taiwan globally

    President Tsai Ing-wen expresses gratitude to the overseas Chinese community for their unwavering support and efforts in advocating for Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations and expanding its global presence. During a reception for the "2023 North American Taiwanese Associations Delegation," President Tsai acknowledges the vital role of Taiwanese compatriots in forging connections between Taiwan, the U.S., and Canada. Despite challenges such as the pandemic and shifts in the international landscape, Taiwan has persistently promoted its policies, overcoming obstacles and strengthening the nation. President Tsai encourages the visiting delegation to frequently return to Taiwan, share their experiences with friends and family abroad, and enhance their understanding and support for Taiwan. Vice President Lai Ching-te also attends the event, joining President Tsai in greeting the delegation team members.
    2023/12/07 10:50
  • Tsai Ing-wen hosts N. America Taiwan Centers in Taipei

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te welcomed the 2023 Taiwan Centers from North America delegation at the Presidential Office. They expressed gratitude for the expatriates’ support of Taiwan, particularly in its efforts to join international organizations and promote Taiwanese culture abroad. The delegation has played a vital role in fostering exchanges between Taiwan and countries like the United States and Canada. Despite challenges from the pandemic and international tensions, Tsai remarked that Taiwan’s steady policies have fortified its strength, with the island ranking sixth in global competitiveness and third for its entrepreneurial environment. The government remains committed to propelling industrial transformation and pursuing a net-zero transition. The visiting group’s agenda includes tours in Taipei, Changhua, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, with hopes that they will share Taiwan’s progress and achievements with their communities overseas. Notable invitees include Simon Lin, President of the Taiwan Center Foundation/Greater Los Angeles, Su Chun-hwai, President of the Taiwan Center NY, and Huang Mei-hsing, chief of staff of the Taiwanese American Center of Northern California.
    2023/12/06 14:51
  • 從專業服飾變奢華品牌 加拿大頂級羽絨下半年遇亂流

    2023/11/28 15:38
  • MOFA outlines 2024 strategies for Taiwan’s CPTPP bid

    Taiwan’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has been delayed since 2021, according to Kuomintang legislator Johnny Chiang. Chiang expressed concerns about the government’s progress in establishing a task force for the CPTPP and questioned the allocation of a NT$12 million budget for hosting discussion forums. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has proposed three strategies to take relevant action when Canada assumes leadership of the CPTPP Commission next year. These strategies include building informal communication channels with CPTPP attendees, facilitating effective communication teams with key opinion leaders, and engaging with members who hold unfavorable stances towards Taiwan’s CPTPP entry. The MOFA sees the year 2024 as a gateway for Taiwan to access international opportunities.
    2023/11/14 21:03
  • Taiwan Central Bank open to further interest rate hikes

    Taiwan Central Bank Governor Yang Chin-long addressed the Legislative Yuan’s Finance Committee, leaving open the possibility of further interest rate hikes. While rates in the U.S., U.K., Europe, Canada, and Australia are near their peak, Taiwan is approaching its high point. Previous inflation spikes were caused by typhoon impacts, leading to speculation about rate hikes. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 3% in October. The Central Bank’s council members unanimously decided to temporarily halt rate raises, but some members agreed to suspend hikes for only one quarter, suggesting aggressive responses to future inflation are possible. Market watchers are observing whether interest rate hikes might resume in December if inflation surpasses 3%. Yang attributed the current inflation to typhoon impacts, particularly rising vegetable and fruit prices, and promised close observation of rate raises in the fourth quarter. Economic growth is expected to remain above 2% this year, but the fourth quarter may see a downward revision to 1%.
    2023/11/09 15:56
  • 太可惡!稱沒時間準備輪椅 加航要腦麻乘客「自行下機」

    加拿大航空(Air Canada)一個錯誤判斷,讓公司遭輿論群起砲轟,綜合外媒報導,一名腦性麻痺患者霍金斯(Rodney Hodgins),與妻子搭機前往拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas)時,降落準備下機之際,機組人員卻告知,他們沒有時間提前準備或等待機場人員來協助,使用電動輪椅幫助霍金斯下機,要求他自行設法下機,讓他被迫在眾人面前艱難前進,經歷一段丟臉且毫無人性的糟糕體驗。
    2023/10/31 10:55
  • Taiwan tests pork for ractopamine after mislabeled incident

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered a food company in Taoyuan City that dishonestly labeled pork from the U.S. as being from Canada. The company claimed that an oversight in modifying shipping invoices led to the mistaken labeling.
    2023/10/16 10:53
  • 上街喊「以色列讓希特勒驕傲」 挺巴勒斯坦機師遭開除

    以色列與哈瑪斯(Hamas)在加薩的武裝衝突持續延燒,歐美各國也出現支持兩邊的群眾,但表達立場的同時,恐怕也得斟酌自己用詞,否則將讓自己陷入被開除的命運。綜合外媒報導,一名任職於加拿大航空(Air Canada)的副機師恩佐(Mustafa Ezzo),日前參與多倫多街頭示威,被拍到高舉一張寫著「以色列讓希特勒驕傲」(Israel, Hitler is proud of you)的海報,大批網友轉發照片向加航舉報。接獲大量投訴的加航,也緊急以違反公司規定開除恩佐。
    2023/10/13 14:55
  • 人設崩壞?自稱環保沒買車 加國副總理卻爆「超速挨罰」

    加拿大現任副總理兼財政部長方慧蘭(Chrystia Freeland),多年來一直以環保人士自居,經常對外強調名下沒有擁有車輛的她,近來卻遭到當地媒體爆料,方慧蘭日前在其家鄉亞伯達省(Alberta, Canada)公路上,飆車超速達132公里,被警察抓包並開出273加幣(約新台幣6440元)的罰單,此一傳聞稍早已由辦公室發言人證實,此事讓外界大感意外,也讓自己成為不少加拿大網友嘲諷對象。
    2023/08/23 10:48
  • 小隻女孩的福音!盤點今夏走跳必備「厚底球鞋」超百搭

    對嬌小的女生來說,一雙厚底鞋,就是出門走跳必備單品,在今年夏天,各品牌也出了增高厚底的鞋款,像是Converse經典的厚底帆布鞋,或是Canada Goose首度推出的運動鞋,現在就來看看~你鞋櫃還差哪雙吧!
    2023/07/17 11:40
  • President Tsai meets with Canadian delegation

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with a Canadian delegation on Thursday (July 6), expressing Taiwan’s readiness to join the CPTPP.
    2023/07/06 13:10
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