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    Boom Boom Boom 結果共45筆

  • Taiwan sees surge in pet numbers, cats lead the boom

    Discover the latest findings from the Ministry of Agriculture’s survey, revealing a significant rise in pet ownership in Taiwan, with pet cats seeing a 50% increase. Learn about the changes in survey methods and the potential for a new cat registration system.
  • Dance and drama lead in Taiwan’s performing arts boom

    Discover the highlights of Taiwan’s performing arts scene in 2023 with the National Theater and Concert Hall’s report, revealing record-breaking box office revenues of NT$1.57 billion and ticket sales of 2.05 million. Explore the success stories behind popular dance, drama, and music performances.
    2024/05/23 11:29
  • Tainan sees boom in deer velvet products amid health trend

    Discover how Tainan, Taiwan’s second-largest deer farming region, is revolutionizing the velvet antler industry with innovative health and skincare products. Learn about the city’s role in meeting the rising demand for deer-derived goods.
    2024/05/22 17:43
  • 才剛當《婆婆》!鍾欣凌無預警加入女團 站C位大跳機車舞

    2024/05/05 18:09
  • 曾是EXID師妹!女星遭爆「私下賣淫」 含淚發律師聲明

    曾為韓團EXID師妹的歌壇新人陳涵瑜(球球),歷經7年等待才發行出道單曲〈Boom!〉,無奈新歌發行後,卻遭黑粉爆料賣淫醜聞,後經球球本人提出當年律師聲明「兩年前已提告製造假影片的人」,才得以洗白不實傳言,球球雖為此感到難過,但更感謝忠誠粉絲支持,和經紀公司討論決定以現場粉絲音樂會回饋歌迷;上週Friday Night在台北信義區ATT 4 FUN 「sakura櫻」音樂餐廳,舉辦為夢想闖蕩7年來首場粉絲音樂會,原本限量150席座位擠進逾200位鐵粉支持,讓球球開心地說:「很有成就感也很感動!」
    2024/04/30 12:34
  • 吳宗憲爆節目上對來賓驚吐「要扒光衣物」! 女星慌亂中嚇瘋:快摔死

    《綜藝玩很大》本集祭出「搭檔生存挑戰賽」,由小隊長KID、坤達合體大戰睽違一年未上節目的最狂人夫威廉、小煜,帶著《炸裂吧!女孩》人氣啦啦隊女神草莓、珮含、「BOOM!怪物星人」小魏 、溫妮同台競賽闖關。
    2024/04/27 19:15
  • 明天攻雄蛋!動力火車突報喜「5月小巨蛋見」 同場阿信最愛女團

    「2024 hito流行音樂獎」頒獎典禮將在5月25日台北小巨蛋閃耀登場,今(19)日公布新一波卡司,是金曲搖滾天團「動力火車」確認出席,帶來「絕對音樂」特別表演。往年「絕對音樂」表演都是典禮最高潮,同時也事討論度最高、收視率亮點所在,動力火車表示特別打造了「絕對音樂」限定列車,打算火力全開,車拚全場。
    2024/04/19 16:31
  • 遭酸力捧怪物星人!五月天阿信首曝心聲 竟和任賢齊有關

    2024/04/16 09:35
  • 暴動!野生五月天阿信現蹤華山被拍 竟為了跟4個女生相會

    2024/04/14 18:55
  • 五月天高雄最終場!阿信突放話「乾女兒」飆舞 時間地點曝光

    2024/03/31 06:43
  • Ferrari’s sales soar in Taiwan amid chip boom

    Ferrari’s sales in Taiwan have surged in recent years, driven by the chip boom and global supply chain shifts. The luxury carmaker’s profits hit a record high, with Taiwan outpacing mainland China and Hong Kong in supercar sales growth. Despite Europe and the US being primary markets, Taiwan saw a significant rise in Ferrari sales, capturing 40% of the local two-door supercar market.
    2024/03/25 15:10
  • 23歲台灣正妹「竟是韓女團EXID師妹」 被爆賣淫難過回擊了

    2024/03/07 13:40
  • 五月天阿信快看!女團秀超狂矩陣手舞 她遭綑綁宣告重生

    由溫妮、小V、魏嘉瑩(小魏)及琳誼組成的創作女團「BOOM!怪物星人」,日前推出新歌〈ReBorn重生〉MV,加碼發行全新Remix「酷黑搖滾版」、「炙紅舞曲版」雙版本,MV動用多達30人打造「tutting 埃及矩陣手舞」,視覺效果相當震撼。很有舞蹈天分的溫妮,只花2天就練成,但團隊必須同心完成,只要一個錯拍就得重來。
    2024/03/02 11:54
  • 五月天阿信知道嗎?女團「怪物星人」鬧內鬨 琳誼不忍揭真相

    「小魏」魏嘉瑩、溫妮、琳誼及郁采真(小V)組成的女團「BOOM!怪物星人」,深獲五月天阿信力挺。日前4人來到POP Radio新春特別節目《新年歡樂星 - 大家龍Happy》作客,主持人Emily準備充滿年味的遊戲,要讓「怪物星人」體驗地球人的過年,不過小魏和琳誼火藥味十足、頻頻互嗆,被虧2人有特別氛圍,琳誼則開玩笑喊:「這個氛圍就是她暗戀我!」
    2024/02/10 12:11
  • 婆媽別心碎!許富凱想當「男公關」 夢幻親吻對象是金曲歌王

    POP Radio新春特別節目《新年歡樂星 - 大家龍Happy》,將從2月8日至2月14日天天播出,分別由DJ魏如昀、Emily、Eva、丹尼與哲緯,帶領孫淑媚、許富凱、李千娜、曾沛慈、林哲熹、「Boom!怪物星人」、AcQUA源少年、恐龍的皮、歐開合唱團、理想混蛋、廖文強等11組藝人在春節假期陪伴大家,小年夜由孫淑媚與許富凱共同擔任客座主持,許富凱不僅想和乱彈阿翔拍吻戲,更自爆想當男公關,讓孫淑媚興奮放話「天天捧場」。
    2024/02/01 16:47
  • 五月天阿信羨慕嗎?女團搶先朝聖黃色小鴨 還和霍夫曼合照

    五月天阿信擔任女團「BOOM!怪物星人」新輯音樂總監,自她們成軍以來,大力在社群宣傳力挺,也讓她們人氣飆升,明(28)日更將在高雄舉辦首場演唱會。今天彩排時,她們得知黃色小鴨睽違10年重返高雄,特地到場朝聖,更幸運和荷蘭藝術家霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)合照。
    2024/01/27 19:39
  • Giant rubber duck undergoes test inflation ahead of return

    The iconic giant rubber duck is set to make its return to Kaohsiung’s Love River Bay, promising a buoyant boost to local businesses and the opportunity for visitors to bask in its whimsical charm. The creation by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which captivated over 3.9 million people in its 2013 debut, is all set for its comeback tour from Jan. 27 to Feb. 25.
    2024/01/26 16:49
  • TSMC’s potential 1nm factory fuels Chiayi housing boom

    Housing prices in the Science Park in Taibao, Chiai County, have significantly increased due to the possibility of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) establishing a 1-nanometer factory in the area. Although the news is not confirmed, the anticipation has led to a surge in pre-sale housing prices, with pre-sale apartment buildings increasing by 8.8% and townhouses rising by 12.6% between 2019 and 2023. TSMC has expressed its land needs to the Southern Taiwan Science Park Management Office, but the final decision to set up the factory depends on various factors. According to the Ministry of the Interior’s statistics, the price per ping in Chiayi County has soared by 65% from NT$101,500 to NT$167,100 between the first quarter of 2018 and the third quarter of 2023. Analysts believe this trend could continue as Chiayi County actively promotes industrial transformation and has six emerging industrial parks, including the potential site for the TSMC factory, the Chiayi Science Park. With the addition of nearby Tai Sugar Corporation’s land, it may meet TSMC’s requirement for a 100-ping plant. Despite the migration issue in predominantly agricultural Chiayi County, TSMC’s factory has the potential to stimulate the housing market by attracting younger out-of-town individuals and influencing the county’s buying and leasing market.
    2024/01/23 16:17
  • 玖壹壹春風變迷弟!唱完尾牙追星伍佰 不敢合照「超暖原因曝」

    2024/01/18 07:09
  • 阿信力捧4正妹開唱!大咖歌后無預警衝上台 粉絲暴動了

    2024/01/08 16:21
  • EVA Air announces record 6-month year-end bonus

    EVA Air, a Taiwanese airline, has announced a record six-month year-end bonus, the highest since its establishment. The bonus will also be distributed to its subsidiaries, including airport services, sky kitchens, and aviation technologies. In addition, EVA Air plans to adjust salaries for employees in 2024, with ground and cabin crew members seeing an average adjustment of NT$5,000 and pilots receiving adjustments ranging from NT$11,000 to NT$20,000 based on their position. However, this announcement comes amidst potential strike action by EVA Air pilots, leading to concerns that the wage increase announcements are an attempt to pacify them. The Taoyuan Flight Attendants’ Union has emphasized the importance of fair distribution of year-end bonuses and salary increases regardless of the proposed pilot action. Rival airlines Starlux and China Airlines have also announced their year-end bonuses, with Starlux providing a one-month bonus and an approved salary increase of NT$2,000, and China Airlines reportedly planning to distribute a three-month bonus (although the union is demanding five months’ worth). In the marine transportation industry, YangMing Marine Transport Corporation has scaled down its year-end bonus from 13 months last year to two months this year due to a downturn in the shipping industry. The shipping corporations’ lower year-end bonuses are attributed to the "revenge-travel boom" post-pandemic. Other industries with high year-end bonuses include finance, semiconductor, and construction, with 1.83, 1.38, and 1.23 months respectively.
    2023/12/26 10:09
  • 阿信最愛女團開唱超猛 女星台上羞喊「這個硬硬的」粉絲嗨翻

    創作女團「BOOM!怪物星人」由溫妮、小V、小魏魏嘉瑩、琳誼所組成,是阿信力捧的師妹團,17日首度舉辦「Still Love You依然愛著」台北首場演唱會,她們熱唱〈BOOM!怪物星人〉引領齊跳怪星舞、〈我不知道你知不知道我知不知道你〉全場陶醉、〈748情人節〉大聲合唱,3首歌曲non-stop唱High氣氛掀到高點。結束後大屏幕出現喜訊「1/7台中見」驚喜字樣,相約粉絲們下一場演出再聚首。
    2023/12/18 14:05
  • 桃園跨年「演出全名單」公布!韓團壓軸倒數 13組輪番開唱

    「2024桃園星際城STAR UP」將於12月31日晚間7點在高鐵桃園站前廣場盛大開唱,跨年晚會由第3次主持的宇珊及歌手陳大天接下主持棒,今(13)日舉辦記者會,演出全名單正式公開,更宣布超人氣韓團「N.Flying」雙主唱李承協、柳會勝即將壓軸陪伴倒數,在燦爛煙火中與桃園一起迎接嶄新2024。此外,今日記者會還邀請到創作女團「Boom!怪物星人」獻唱新歌〈你會在〉,以及全能偶像黃偉晉獻唱〈唱歌的時候就變了一個人〉,為桃園跨年晚會預熱。
    2023/12/13 20:05
  • Hsiao: Taiwan’s growth not felt by all citizens

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s vice presidential candidate, Hsiao Bi-khim, has emphasized the need for improved governance and fairer distribution of resources in Taiwan. Despite the country’s impressive economic growth, many citizens have yet to benefit from this boom. Hsiao acknowledged the challenges faced by the youth, including education, employment, and rising housing prices, and stressed the importance of a multifaceted approach to address these issues and meet the aspirations of the younger population.
    2023/12/05 21:49
  • Side hustles gain popularity amid remote work boom

    Explore the growing trend of side hustles in Taiwan, where professionals like Mr. Wan balance their main jobs with personal ventures. Discover the challenges they face in maintaining work-life balance and health, and learn how they manage their time and set goals.
    2023/12/05 18:42
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