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    Asia 結果共337筆

  • 南韓爆紅廠牌DPR台北站秒殺! 「無預警爆大喜訊」粉絲嗨翻

    韓國獨立音樂及影像創作廠牌 DPR(DREAM PERFECT REGIME)睽違4年集結Ian、Live、Cream、Rem等4位主要成員展開世界巡演「The Regime World Tour」,27日將在新莊紅匯廣場的Zepp New Taipei舉辦演唱會,主辦單位 Wonderful Entertainment Asia 日前特別宣佈28日再加開一場,凡購買 VIP 鐵粉票券就與團員合影等福利,詳請請至官方社群查詢。
    2022/11/25 21:36
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang returns from APEC Summit

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) founder Morris Chang shared on Monday (Nov. 21) some highlights of his recent attendance in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
    2022/11/21 18:33
  • 拜習會前美艦靜靜穿越台海 分析:為避免摩擦未公布

    美軍太平洋艦隊發言人告訴「日經亞洲」(Nikkei Asia),美國海軍一艘軍艦11月5日通過台灣海峽。據分析,當時未公布此事,可能是為避免在美中元首峇里島峰會前惹惱中國。
    2022/11/21 10:25
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang in Bangkok for 2-day APEC Summit

    TSMC founder Morris Chang arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, on Thursday (Nov. 17) to attend this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.
    2022/11/18 20:59
  • TVBS總經理劉文硯掌舵媒體數位轉型 獲亞太傑出企業「卓越企業領袖獎」

    亞太地區最具企業經營影響力指標的「亞太傑出企業獎」(Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards, APEA),17日舉辦第16屆台灣區頒獎典禮,經過評審縝密嚴格的審查,選出該年度亞太地區具有卓越企業貢獻、不凡管理領導能力的企業領導者。TVBS聯利媒體總經理劉文硯受評審青睞肯定,獲頒「卓越企業領袖獎」(Master Entrepreneur Award)大獎。這項殊榮除了是對劉文硯帶領TVBS投身數位媒體轉型的成績肯定,同時更是本屆台灣區得獎者中唯一一位媒體產業企業領導者。
    2022/11/17 23:34
  • 不小心的?港出席橄欖球賽 中國國歌播成「願榮光歸香港」

    亞洲七人制橄欖球賽第二站香港對南韓的決賽,13日在南韓仁川舉行,未料主辦單位亞洲橄欖球總會(Asia Rugby)在賽前播放香港代表隊國歌時,竟將與2019年「黑暴」浪潮和「港獨」示威有關的歌曲《願榮光歸香港》,當成中國國歌播放,引起港府強烈抗議與不滿。對此,主辦機構已發出道歉聲明,承諾不會再發生類似事件。
    2022/11/14 10:10
  • U.S. military upgrades defense systems in Asia-Pacific

    Cross strait tensions have been on the rise in recent years. Now, with North Korea firing off missiles near Japan, the U.S. is stepping up to upgrade the defense in Asia-Pacific areas. 
    2022/11/10 18:16
  • HTC executive anticipates lighter, thinner VR headsets

    The global chip shortage affects everything from cars to consumer electronics as manufacturers vie for a slice of the silicon pie. Speaking at the annual convention of the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA) on Oct. 19, the HTC President for the Asia Pacific, Charles Huang, told TVBS that every company is impacted.
    2022/10/24 18:33
  • 魚丁糸首次敲響金鐘! 團員噴淚:真的超級爽

    樂團魚丁糸22日雙喜臨門,白天在新加坡擔任One Love Asia 音樂季的開場嘉賓,晚上則喜獲第57屆電視金鐘獎「戲劇類」頒獎典禮戲劇配樂獎,讓人在新加坡的團員們又驚又喜。
    2022/10/23 19:01
  • TSMC founder Morris Chang to represent Taiwan at APEC

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen named Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company founder Morris Chang as Taiwan’s representative to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit on Thursday (Oct. 20).
    2022/10/21 18:17
  • Cleverly says U.K.’s tilt toward Indo-Pacific here to stay

    The U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly spoke about the direction of the U.K.-China relations moving forward at the Asia summit held in Singapore.
    2022/10/04 08:17
  • U.S. ambassador to China: One China policy has not changed

    The U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, reiterated at the Asia Summit that the One China policy has not changed, and America will continue to adhere to it.
    2022/10/04 08:12
  • Taiwan & Hollywood celebrities attend Asia Summit

    “Hi TVBS, this is JJ Lin. Really good to be here,” said singer and entrepreneur JJ Lin.
    2022/10/04 08:00
  • Indonesia tourism minister confident about upcoming G20

    Indonesia’s tourism industry was hit hard by the pandemic, which significantly impacted the holiday island of Bali as the number of domestic and international tourist arrivals plummeted due to travel restrictions.
    2022/10/03 21:18
  • Cross: AIIB built for generational investment

    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) invests in infrastructure while promoting regional cooperation and partnership that help foster sustainable economic development, create wealth, and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia.
    2022/10/03 16:18
  • 米爾肯峰會落幕 商界聚焦台海風險管理

    在新加坡舉行的2022年米爾肯亞洲高峰會(Milken Asia Summit 2022)落幕,會議中探討未來經濟發展,參與者也對全球最關注的台灣問題有所著墨。哈佛甘迺迪學院學者余文琦今(3日)於《FOCUS國際話題》中,接受主持人黃怡文線上訪問表示「米爾肯高峰會的主要參與者是投資界與商界領袖,因此會議著重世界未來走向,隨著近年政治經濟風險不斷攀升,大家對風險認知和管理也特別關注。值得注意的是會議在新加坡舉行,著重的是亞州觀點,與平常在美國聽到的風險也有所不同。台灣是目前世界公認的風險之一,尤其在美國的裴洛西議長訪台、大陸圍台軍演和烏俄戰爭後,普遍擔心的第一是中國是否會入侵台灣,第二美國將如何反應,會不會軍事參與?若不參與,那麼將怎麼樣進行經濟制裁?無論如何,台海開戰對世界經濟都有巨大影響,也是大家不樂見的。雖然大陸入侵台灣的話題比1年前多很多,大多數人還是認為中國不會輕易動武,不過由於動武機會並非0,投資者也會要求做風險管理。據我瞭解,投資者現在都會要求公司提出風險管理方案,尤其針對若美國對中國進行類似於俄羅斯的經濟制裁,不管能源、金融交易體系、貨幣到網路管理都必須有全面方案。」
    2022/10/03 15:11
  • Chin: Asia Summit connects people with capital, great ideas

    The Milken Institute is one of the world’s leading think tanks regarding free market solutions. Its ninth Asia Summit again showcases how private capital and the private sector can help solve the world’s problems.
    2022/10/03 01:47
  • Julia Gillard wants to boost female workforce participation

    The Milken Institute invited the former prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, to share her take on women in leadership on the last day of the Asia Summit. The 27th prime minister, who is currently the chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, explained on Thursday (Sept. 30) how leaders need to re-align values with strategies in these changing times.
    2022/10/02 21:07
  • 米爾肯亞洲高峰會TVBS首次跨域報導 詹怡宜「跟著世界同步調整」

    甫推出國際新聞 IP《TVBS國際+》的TVBS,持續專注國際新聞發展,今年更首次組成專題報導團隊,全程採訪9月28日在新加坡登場的第九屆「米爾肯亞洲高峰會」(Milken Asia Summit),和包括CNBC、Bloomberg,和 BBC等國際重要媒體在內,成為米爾肯亞洲高峰會國際會議的媒體夥伴,挑戰跨語言、跨媒體等多方嘗試,製作「聚焦世界轉型---TVBS米爾肯亞洲高峰會」特別報導。TVBS新聞部副總經理詹怡宜對此表示,「TVBS新聞已不只是你所熟悉的55新聞台而已,正跨平台、跨語言、跨受眾持續學習轉型,跟著世界同步調整中」。
    2022/10/01 18:00
  • Jonathan Kaplan says peace will not be ubiquitous, cost-free

    U.S. Ambassador to Singapore Jonathan Kaplan wondered on Thursday whether many have forgotten what it took to get to a stable world, despite improvements in “human collective knowledge” and “resources to develop.”
    2022/09/30 00:50
  • Burns: America does not seek economic decoupling from China

    The U.S. ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, said on Thursday (Sept. 29) that the United States is not seeking to decouple its economic ties from China.
    2022/09/30 00:38
  • UK foreign secretary unveils strategic shift to Indo-Pacific

    U.K. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly announced Thursday (Sept. 29) the United Kingdom’s “tilt” toward the Indo-Pacific, including further cooperation on economic issues, security matters, and “shared values.”
    2022/09/30 00:23
  • 美國駐華大使出席米爾肯高峰會 TVBS現場直擊

    2022年米爾肯亞洲高峰會(Milken Asia Summit 2022)28日至30日在新加坡舉行,今年是峰會舉辦的第九年,包括22國政要和企業代表共1200人匯聚,共同討論聚世界轉型,以推動正面改革,而美國駐華大使伯恩斯也在米爾肯高峰會發表演講。哈佛甘迺迪學院學者、TVBS國際新聞評論員余文琦今(29日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人游皓婷線上訪問表示,「美國駐華大使伯恩斯在米爾肯亞洲高峰會的談話態度出乎意料的強硬,談話一開始就提到非常多關於台灣的事情,並表明美國的一中政策完全沒有改變也不會改變,是大陸單方面改變,且在台灣問題上更加挑釁,這也讓與會者對於伯恩斯的談話抱持著突兀的態度,似乎跟大會氣氛不契合,畢竟與會者大多是投資者和科技界的精英,對大陸的態度不像政治界那麼強硬,反而比較希望大陸能盡快重新開放市場,但同時也了解到中美關係不好,做生意時還是要非常注意。」
    2022/09/29 16:48
  • TVBS新聞團隊前進新加坡 參與米爾肯亞洲高峰會

    TVBS首次直接參與國際重要會議!TVBS採訪團隊前進新加坡,不但參與28日到30日米爾肯亞洲高峰會Milken Asia Summit 2022 的全程採訪,並第一次和包括CNBC、Bloomberg,和 BBC等國際重要媒體在內,成為米爾肯亞洲高峰會國際會議的媒體夥伴,將製作「聚焦世界轉型---TVBS米爾肯亞洲高峰會」特別報導,完整介紹與世界各地政治和財經領袖的看法和分析,以瞭解未來亞洲和世界趨勢 ,展現TVBS新聞品牌的全球影響力。 
    2022/09/28 17:43
  • Milken Institute ready for Asia Summit in Singapore

    The Milken Institute is set to host its Asia Summit in Singapore from Sept. 28 to 30. The three-day event will bring together policymakers, business leaders and financiers to discuss the most pressing issues in the region. 
    2022/09/27 23:17
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