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    Air 結果共582筆

  • 正副機長同時打瞌睡 印尼航班無人駕駛飛28分鐘

    印尼今年初傳出1起離譜的飛安事件,有架馬來西亞峇迪航空(Batik Air)班機的機長和副機長竟在飛行途中「打瞌睡」,導致飛機有將近30分鐘處於無人駕駛的狀態,塔台試圖提醒偏離航道也無人回應,所幸最終機長驚醒並順利讓飛機降落在目的地。
    2024/03/09 10:17
  • Taiwan faces frigid weather in 8 regions: CWA

    Stay informed about the impact of a continental cold wave hitting Taiwan, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. Expect temperatures to drop significantly, with some areas potentially reaching below 10 degrees Celsius. Weather expert Lin Te-en warns of a possible transformation of the cold air mass into a cold stream, affecting various regions. Keep an eye on the north, northeast, and east for temperatures not exceeding 18 degrees Celsius, while the south and central regions may experience slightly warmer weather. Prepare for the strongest impact tonight until Saturday morning, with temperatures possibly plummeting further. Stay updated as temperatures are forecasted to rise temporarily on Sunday before declining again on Monday.
    2024/03/08 11:58
  • Black Eagles wow fans at Kaohsiung Airport stopover

    The South Korean Air Force Black Eagles Aerobatic Team captivated aviation enthusiasts with a stopover at Kaohsiung International Airport, showcasing their precision flying and promoting military aircraft technology.
    2024/03/07 17:23
  • 蘋果再更新iPhone官方回收價 1平價機型逆勢上漲

    蘋果日前突襲線上發表全新M3版MacBook Air,隨後就調整了Mac舊換新的價格,近日官方則是針對iPhone舊機回收價格進行調整,是今年第2次調整iPhone舊換新的換購價格,其中iPhone 13 Pro Max的價格大跳水,一口氣被調降3000元。
    2024/03/07 13:26
  • 抓猴神器「冰棒」沒了改用AirTag?律師提醒這樣做恐觸法

    台中一名李姓男子日前假借送女友乳膠枕頭為由,暗中在裡面裝設Apple Air Tag「定位追蹤器」為了監視女友「是否有回家睡」,直到某日女友換洗枕頭套時才驚見追蹤器,當場嚇壞報警,李男遭檢方起訴,不過事後雙方達成和解,女方撤告。現代人行動裝置幾乎人手一台,甚至許多情侶、夫妻都會互相綁定「定位追蹤APP」來關心彼此的生活,不過享受它的便利時,也可能不小心觸犯相關法規。
    2024/03/06 17:20
  • 男友送禮意圖竟然是Air Tag!追蹤女友行蹤

    日前台中一名李姓男子突發奇想,想確認另一半有沒有回家,送給女友的生日禮物,乳膠枕內塞入Air Tag定位追蹤器,只要裝置偵測到,女友的手機就會發出訊號,再回傳到伺服器上並傳送給擁有者,就能得知對方已經回到住處,整件事情持續2個月,女友要換洗枕頭套才發現,雖然事後雙方決定和解,但這名男子還是很生氣,直接傳訊息恐嚇,最後遭法院判拘役20天。
    2024/03/06 14:56
  • Taiwan weather: cold front causes major temperature plunge

    Stay updated on the latest weather changes in Taiwan as a cold front sweeps across the region, bringing a significant temperature drop. Follow WeatherRisk analyst Ke Yu-ning’s insights as the country braces for overcast skies and chilly conditions, with the cold air mass expected to linger until Saturday.
    2024/03/06 14:44
  • 恐怖情人?枕頭裝Air Tag假送禮 監視女友作息還傳訊恐嚇

    日前台中一名李姓男子為了要監視女友,買了一顆乳膠枕頭,暗中在裡面裝設Apple Air Tag「定位追蹤器」,以生日禮物之名寄給住在新竹的女友,女子某日要換洗枕頭套時,驚見該追蹤器,當場嚇壞並報警,被檢警提起公訴,之後李男和女子達成和解,此案不受理。
    2024/03/06 12:55
  • Northern Taiwan braces for chilly weather and rainfall

    Stay informed about the upcoming weather changes in northern Taiwan as temperatures are set to drop to as low as 14 degrees Celsius. Expect rainy conditions throughout the island, with the north experiencing more significant rainfall. Be prepared for cooler temperatures and potential thunderstorms in the north and northeast. Stay updated on the latest forecasts from the Central Weather Administration.
    2024/03/06 11:01
  • Taoyuan Airport completes runway fix ahead of schedule

    Taoyuan International Airport completes southern runway maintenance ahead of schedule, allowing both airport runways to resume operations. President Fan Hsiao-lun emphasizes continued monitoring and focus on inspections. First flight post-maintenance was EVA Air’s BR18 to San Francisco. Passengers relieved as airport resumes double runway operations, confident in travel plans.
    2024/03/05 10:49
  • Taiwan braces for sudden heatwave before chilly plunge

    Stay informed about the fluctuating weather in Taiwan this week. A heatwave is expected on Tuesday, with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius before plummeting to as low as 10 degrees in some areas by the weekend. Meteorologist Wu Der-rong warns of a cold air mass from China bringing rain and significantly colder temperatures. Keep an eye on the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts for the latest updates.
    2024/03/05 10:47
  • 蘋果突發表M3晶片MacBook Air 台灣售價3萬5900起

    蘋果公司(Apple)今天無預警在官網發表配備M3晶片的13吋與15吋MacBook Air筆記型電腦,搭載更快的Wi-Fi連線能力、可支援最多2部外接顯示器,電池續航力長達18小時,售價新台幣3萬5900元起,將於日後在台灣開放訂購。
    2024/03/04 23:00
  • 傳蘋果本周推新品 MacBook Air晶片升級、OLED版iPad Pro問世

    消息指出,蘋果公司(Apple)本周將發布新產品,具體內容不得而知,很可能是新iPad、Mac或配件產品。《彭博社》科技記者葛曼(Mark Gurman)則認為,蘋果不打算舉辦傳統發布會來推出這些產品,而是計劃在「網站上」透過「一系列線上影片和行銷活動」推出,時間點是3月或4月。
    2024/03/04 10:49
  • Sunny skies ahead: Taiwan’s weather forecast reveals warmth

    Stay updated on the latest weather forecast in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts sunny and stable conditions today and tomorrow. Expect temperatures around 22 to 31 degrees Celsius across different regions, with a shift to a southwesterly wind on Tuesday bringing mostly sunny skies but possible scattered showers in the south. By Thursday, a cold air mass from China will bring colder temperatures, especially in the northern and northeastern regions. Stay informed with expert Daniel Wu’s model simulation hinting at the possibility of brief showers in northern regions by Sunday.
    2024/03/04 10:00
  • 搶攻腐女市場 這款BL戀愛遊戲試玩首日破4千人

    瞄準龐大的腐女市場,大宇資訊首創BL戀愛模擬遊戲《Voice Love on Air》即將在3月14日白色情人節上市,2月29號開放下載試玩當日,即突破4000人次,且試玩版DEMO也很有誠意,釋出時長約一個小時,將引導玩家完成一部廣播劇的錄製。
    2024/03/03 17:37
  • Taipei shivers as cold front brings 11.5°C chill

    Stay updated on Taipei’s weather as a strong cold air mass from China brings chilly temperatures and rainy conditions across the island. Expect lows of 10-11 degrees in the north and highs of 25-27 degrees in the south. Weather forecasters predict a shift in conditions with temperatures possibly reaching 30-31 degrees by Tuesday, before a potential cold air mass brings a drop in temperatures by Wednesday.
    2024/03/01 10:38
  • Cold snap hits northern Taiwan with 10°C temperatures

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as a strong continental cold air mass brings chilly temperatures to northern regions. Find out how the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts are impacting areas like Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan, with temperatures possibly dropping below 10 degrees Celsius. Stay informed about the persistent influence of the cold air mass and how it’s affecting different parts of the island.
    2024/02/27 10:41
  • Taiwan braces for persistent cold wave through Feb 28

    Stay updated on the cold surge advisory affecting New Taipei City, Keelung City, Taoyuan City, and Hsinchu County in Taiwan. Meteorologist Lin Te-en forecasts the cold wave to persist until Feb. 28, with temperatures possibly remaining around or below 10 degrees Celsius.
    2024/02/26 11:23
  • 蘋果控快看!喝飲料抽iPad Air 還送限量折價券

    看準台灣人愛喝手搖杯,手搖飲品牌紛紛推出新口味和優惠搶客,像是南部知名連鎖手搖飲業者配合春季檔期,推出4款青蘋果新品,還加碼送出飲料折價券跟抽獎,最大獎為原價24290元的蘋果10.9吋iPad Air 與Apple Pencil。
    2024/02/23 16:52
  • Hou Yu-ih confirms no toxic chemicals in air after fire

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih assures public safety following a warehouse fire in Shenkeng District. Air quality tests show no hydrogen fluoride or heavy metals. Environmental agencies monitor PM2.5, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide levels. Safety measures include avoiding the area, keeping doors and windows shut, wearing masks, and seeking medical advice if needed. Shenkeng District’s Health Center prepares for potential medical demands, while hospitals provide emergency treatment and care for respiratory symptoms. The city government continues to oversee air and water quality examinations to ensure public safety.
    2024/02/22 10:38
  • Chiang Wan-an responds to factory fire fallout

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses public concerns over a fire’s cause and environmental effects at an electronics factory in Shenkeng, leading to thick smoke blanketing Taipei and New Taipei. Public outcry on Facebook prompts Mayor Chiang to propose measures to manage the crisis, including monitoring air quality, providing real-time updates, and advising citizens in affected areas to take precautions.
    2024/02/21 13:38
  • Taiwanese airlines add more flights to Kyushu region

    Explore the economic ripple effects of TSMC’s new fab in Kumamoto, Japan, on local markets and Taiwan’s airline industry, with increased flights and market potential for business and tourism.
    2024/02/20 16:39
  • Japan Airlines resumes dedicated cargo flights to Taiwan

    Japan Airlines re-launches freighter cargo service to Taiwan after 14 years, marking a significant milestone in air transport between Japan and Taiwan. Witnessed by key personnel, the company’s strategic move aims to bolster cargo transport and enhance aircraft utilization in anticipation of long-term growth in the market.
    2024/02/20 14:19
  • MND tracks 7 PLA planes, 7 naval ships near Taiwan Strait

    Stay informed about the latest developments in the Taiwan Strait as Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reports seven Chinese military planes and naval vessels detected in the region. Learn more about the heightened tensions between China and Taiwan.
    2024/02/19 11:05
  • 公司網站「聊天機器人」誤導乘客買貴機票 法院判加航應賠錢

    加拿大航空(Air Canada)網站上的「聊天機器人」2022年因為誤導顧客以原價購票,令顧客錯過喪親優惠,使他損失金錢,被顧客告上法院,結果法院最後判決加拿大航空需向顧客支付賠償金。
    2024/02/17 12:14
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