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    A-TEAM 結果共107筆

  • National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
    2023/11/13 15:03
  • Taiwan-U.S. marine ties strengthened as 155 ships join AMVER

    The Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) has announced the establishment of a national rescue team in Taiwan, with 155 local crews from the nation’s flagged vessels joining the U.S. Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) program. This worldwide reporting system, run by the U.S. Coast Guard, aims to initiate swift rescue missions upon detecting ships in distress. The move represents a crucial step in deepening marine affairs cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. The AMVER program allows governments worldwide to respond efficiently to maritime emergencies, boosting mutual cooperation levels among neighboring countries. Since its inception in 2001, the program has successfully rescued 4593 vessels and 25,319 people. The establishment of a national AMVER rescue team signifies strengthened cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. on international maritime safety.
    2023/11/10 20:44
  • Lin brothers to lead the team in EASL pit against SK Knights

    The East Asia Super League (EASL) has begun with the Taipei Fubon Braves and the New Taipei Kings participating in the second regular season. The Kings are set to face the Seoul SK Knights in their inaugural match, featuring the highly anticipated Lin brothers, Jeremy and Joseph. Jeremy Lin, a former NBA star, has expressed his goals of winning both the P. LEAGUE+ (PLG) and the EASL championships. The Kings’ manager, James Mao, is confident in the team’s readiness and has set his sights on the championship. To strengthen the team, they have recently signed 23-year-old Christian Anigwe, who is expected to bring vitality to their performance.
    2023/11/07 12:56
  • P. LEAGUE+ names Richard Chang as new president

    Richard Chang, a prominent figure in Taiwanese basketball, has been appointed as the inaugural president of the P. LEAGUE+. This restructuring marks a new era for the league, which aims to elevate its status with Chang’s extensive experience and business acumen. Chang, who has a background in national player experience and commercial governance, is expected to lead the league into version 2.0. He played for McDonald’s in Taiwan and represented the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team in the 1980s. Additionally, Chang has worked for over 30 years at Costco Wholesale Inc., where he currently serves as the president of its Asian division.
    2023/11/06 20:46
  • MND responds to call for arming Taiwanese citizens

    The All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency, in collaboration with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of the Interior, is working to enhance citizens’ defense capability in response to a legislator’s proposal to arm every citizen in Taiwan. This comes as the Republic of China faces frequent military exercises from mainland China, leading to increased tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Authorities pledge to adjust civil defense team grouping to achieve the concept of all-out defense.
    2023/11/05 20:53
  • 獨/他邊哭邊走忠孝東路被發現 驚人身分曝光竟是前男團成員

    成晞從選秀節目出道,再以男團「A-TEAM」發行專輯,不過後來團體解散,他單飛後除了拍戲外,也推出個人單曲,近來他推出新歌〈Never Know〉接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪,他坦言這首是去年分手寫下的歌,「我很脆弱,外表看不出來很難受,就是反應慢半拍,我沒有意識到原來這麼難過,習慣性告訴自己,我OK,時間過了一下,才發現原來會難過」,他也把這感覺記錄下來,只是這樣的慢半拍,也讓自己罹患憂鬱症,對這世界毫無情緒。
    2023/11/05 11:25
  • Shin Kong Hospital raises salaries to address nurse shortage

    Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei will raise salaries for nursing staff starting in November. Salaries for nurses on the three-shift rotation will increase by NT$1,680, and the monthly salary for new nurses will be raised to NT$43,680. The salary increase is in response to concerns over nurse departures and a shortage of staff, which has led to a reduction in the number of beds in many hospitals. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) reported a drop in the number of nurses in the country from 187,519 to 185,901 from January through May. As a result, larger hospitals have been forced to close an average of 8% to 10% of beds. Shin Kong Hospital has hired 74 nurses but lost 125 as of September, leading to a decrease in the number of available beds. In addition to the salary increase, the hospital is implementing other incentives such as retention bonuses, team performance bonuses, special allowances, signing bonuses for new hires, and up to four years of free accommodation. The hospital also plans to increase all staff salaries next year in line with a government wage adjustment policy to attract and retain talent.
    2023/10/28 14:42
  • Ko Wen-je’s campaign director announces resignation from DPP

    The campaign office director for Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, Chou Yu-hsiu, has officially resigned from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) after being a member for 20 years. Chou joined Ko’s team in 2017 and was influenced by their spirit, leading to his decision to stay. Despite leaving the DPP, Chou remains committed to Taiwan and plans to join the TPP soon.
    2023/10/19 15:41
  • KMT submits meeting plan to TPP for potential collaboration

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s campaign team has submitted a meeting plan to the campaign office of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) hopeful Ko Wen-je, following their first potential collaboration talk.
    2023/10/17 16:24
  • Hospital stops visits as fireman recovers from blast

    Pingtung Christian Hospital has temporarily suspended visits for Chen Wen-chuan, the squad leader of Pingtung’s second team, who sustained severe injuries and fell into a coma after the fatal explosion at Pingtung Launch Technologies factory. Chen, who woke up from his coma, tearfully revealed that he was the only survivor from his squad.
    2023/09/25 18:47
  • Taiwan aims for success at Chengdu 2023 FISU Games

    The Chinese Taipei delegation aims to succeed in the Chengdu 2023 FISU World University Games from Friday (July 28) to Aug. 8. This year, our country has assembled a 319-member delegation, including 212 athletes, 55 coaches, 4 team doctors, and 21 sports trainers.
    2023/07/28 17:51
  • Infection suspected in sudden death of Malayan tapir Moke

    In a heart-wrenching incident at Taipei Zoo, the beloved Malayan tapir "Moke" breathed his last on the afternoon of the 18th of July. The 7-year and 9-month-old creature’s sudden demise raised questions among the public, speculating whether the recent scorching weather played a role. To shed light on the tragedy, a veterinary team from National Taiwan University went to the zoo for a thorough autopsy on Thursday morning (July 20).
    2023/07/20 19:21
  • 要回台了?魔獸穿阿巴西球衣曝「想當老闆」:考慮買球隊

    「魔獸」霍華德(Dwight Howard)在5月31日返回美國,他在今(14)日於IG上傳一支影片,片中也感謝台灣成為他生命中重要的一部分,文末更自爆:「In fact I’m thinking about buying a team(我正在想買一支球隊)。」
    2023/06/14 14:22
  • 洗澡暈倒送醫!男星驚罹「橫紋肌溶解症」入院險死現況曝

    2023/04/06 14:31
  • 不用被擋!男偶像被BLACKPINK翻牌2次 超神視角曝光

    南韓女子天團BLACKPINK於18日、19日連兩天在高雄世運主場館舞台展開「BORN PINK」世界巡迴演唱會,不少粉絲跟藝人都搶票想要去現場朝聖舞台魅力,而開唱首日在下午彩排期間開放票價8千8百元粉絲入場觀看,可以看到彩排的狀況,前男團成員A-TEAM的高興在IG上分享位置是在海景第一排,他興奮的趕緊跟舞台拍照,他和同行友人還被BLACKPINK多次翻牌,幸運程度爆表。
    2023/03/19 12:10
  • 觀點/以敬禮和火力響徹世界 張育成回到紅襪後能就此站穩先發?

    Team Taiwan雖然在今年的WBC預賽出局,但是陣中第四棒「國防部長」張育成表現優異,在預賽敲出7支安打,包含對戰義大利、荷蘭的全壘打幫助台灣隊奠定勝基,打擊率破4成,攻擊指數破1的打擊表現,讓他獲得A組的MVP,近日他也即將返美向紅襪隊報到備戰新賽季,在Trevor Story手肘手術會缺席開季的情況下,張育成非常有機會能擠進開季名單,甚至扛下先發,但是紅襪隊中工具人眾多,到底張育成還有哪些競爭對手呢?
    2023/03/18 10:20
  • Team Taiwan’s secret training device: smart pitching machine

    The Chinese Taipei national baseball team, also called Team Taiwan, has a secret weapon in their training arsenal: a state-of-the-art smart pitching machine.
    2023/03/16 20:00
  • Taiwan celebrates Yu Chang’s exceptional showing at WBC

    Taiwanese baseball sensation, Yu Chang, has become a rising star after his standout performance for the Chinese Taipei national baseball team at the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC). 
    2023/03/15 15:32
  • Team Taiwan’s fans show unwavering support for players

    Team Taiwan took on Cuba in the World Baseball Classic (WBC) on Sunday, resulting in a loss for the Taiwanese team, also called Chinese Taipei. 
    2023/03/13 17:53
  • Taiwan’s emergency team rescues woman from rubble in Turkey

    Taiwan’s search and rescue team successfully rescued a woman stuck beneath the rubbles of a building in Turkey on Wednesday, after digging for 5 hours.
    2023/02/12 10:26
  • Taiwan President checks on search and rescue team in Turkey

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen hopped on a video call on Wednesday (Feb. 8) to check in on the search and rescue team dispatched to assist in Turkey following a massive earthquake led to thousands of deaths
    2023/02/12 10:18
  • 「正」天龍特攻隊麵包車即將開賣 資深影迷快存錢準備出任務囉!

    「泥巴、怪頭、小白、哮狼,這一群從越戰退伍的英雄,他們嚮往自由自在的冒險生涯,不願意受到拘束。他們冒險犯難解決困難,只要價錢合適,誰都可以請他們去賣命,但他們也常毫無代價地為正義而戰鬥,所以他們組成了-天龍特攻隊!」 是的,這段話深深烙印在許多五、六年級生的腦海之中,畫面裡有著他們美好的共同記憶:每個週末晚上8點正準時坐在電視機前等待著與「天龍特攻隊」一起出任務,再沒有比這更重要更令人值得期待的事了!
    2021/10/18 14:05
  • 「天龍特攻隊」座駕拍賣在即 A-Team Van竟配備武器?

    A-Team(天龍特攻隊)是80年代家喻戶曉的電視影集,在影集中主角們搭乘由「怪頭」所駕駛的廂型車四處征戰。隨著影集爆紅,這款由Chevrolet所打造的A-Team Van也具有相當高的人氣。
    2020/12/19 07:41
  • 媽媽「頭痛到吐」腦癌末病逝 男星悲慟:最怕過母親節

    2020/05/11 09:19
  • 不怕砍掉重練 台男團成員赴陸拚選秀

    2019/03/03 18:04
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