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  • NBA/「奪命書生」紀錄夜!飆分秀超越Kobe 布克成隊史第一人

    坐擁英格拉姆(Brandon Ingram)、威廉森(Zion Williamson)兩大巨頭的鵜鶘,在傷兵潮的陸續回歸後繳出亮眼戰績,以25勝17負的成績暫列西區前段班、並於台灣時間20日坐陣主場迎戰「宇宙太陽」的踢館,本以為會是場廝殺到最後關頭的精采對決,沒想到鵜鶘卻被「奪命書生」布克(Devin Booker)領軍徹底掀翻,終場更以109比123敗給太陽。
    2024/01/20 15:49
  • 新正能量詞!抖音爆紅的「Delulu」 Z世代在追求什麼?

    2024/01/19 22:55
  • 激戰5女通通中獎!美男星「秒變5寶爸」 爽拍超狂全家福

    無論是國內還是國外,部分饒舌歌手私生活之精彩令人驚嘆,美國知名創作者威爾(Zeddy Will)日前被「妻子」公開喜訊,包含女音樂人阿希莉格(Lizzy Ashli​​egh)在內的5名女子全都懷上他的孩子,瞬間升格5寶爸的同時,也維持了孩子媽媽們的友好關係,甚至還一同舉辦了產前的寶寶派對,千萬網友爭相傻眼朝聖,笑稱威爾堪稱近代最瘋狂的新手爸。
    2024/01/19 17:10
  • Zooey Wonder sets Taipei ablaze with 2024 concert tour

    Get ready for Zooey Wonder’s "2024 See You Down The Road" concert in Taipei on Jan. 22. After being chosen by Golden Melody Award-winning singer Wu Qing-feng for a duet, Zooey Wonder has been thrust into the limelight. She recently kicked off her tour in Shanghai, performing meticulously prepared songs such as "Nomadland" and "Me Time". Throughout the year, Zooey Wonder plans to visit more places and meet more fans with her new songs. Don’t miss out on surprises and a concert-exclusive beautifully designed commemorative card at her Taipei concert. Grab your tickets now through KKTIX.
    2024/01/18 15:42
  • Executive Yuan pledges to stabilize market amid fluctuations

    The Taiwanese Executive Yuan vows to stabilize the stock market amidst recent fluctuations, according to Cabinet Spokesman Lin Tze-luen. Lin reiterates the commitment to policy implementation during the caretaker period after the cabinet’s resignation. The government remains focused on achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and will continue discussions on energy issues. The upcoming electricity tariff review meeting will maintain established adjustment mechanisms. Despite recent downturns, Taiwan’s economic fundamentals are solid, expressing confidence in economic recovery.
    2024/01/18 14:20
  • 吳青峰欽點!她獲封「最美合聲」開唱 暴雷台北場藏神秘驚喜

    創作歌手黃玠瑋有著溫暖嗓音及創作,在新的一年,她帶來歌迷期待許久的「黃玠瑋 Zooey Wonder 2024《See You Down The Road》」專場演唱會,1月初率先在上海開唱,感動表示,「謝謝台上台下,我們一起創造的夜晚!這一趟旅程感受到許多許多的愛,被大家暖暖輕柔地環繞著,內心滿溢的感謝難以言喻!」
    2024/01/18 13:15
  • 曾被譽為臉書「二把手」 桑伯格宣布5月離開Meta董事會

    曾擔任社群平台臉書(Facebook)營運長14年的桑伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)過去被視為僅次於創辦人祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)的「二把手」,她在2022年卸下職位後仍以董事會成員留在Meta公司,不過她18日宣布自己計劃在今年5月離開董事會。
    2024/01/18 12:21
  • DPP win may prompt escalated activities from Beijing

    Following the victory of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taiwan’s presidential election, a report by the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) suggests that Beijing might escalate activities in gray zone areas. The report highlights Taiwan’s increased geopolitical prominence and its pivotal role in semiconductor manufacturing, making the stability of the Taiwan Strait a key concern for the U.S. and other Western nations. The report also notes that Vice President Lai Ching-te won the election by over 40% of votes, breaking the trend of switching ruling parties every eight years since direct presidential elections were implemented in 1996. The victorious DPP aims to strengthen Taiwan’s defenses and relations with like-minded nations while resisting negotiations with Beijing. Additionally, the party seeks to reduce Taiwan’s trade dependency on China and strengthen ties with significant partners such as Australia, Europe, and Japan. With no party securing a majority in the legislative assembly, the DPP faces a "minority government and majority opposition" scenario, which could hinder the government’s legislative and budgeting process and impact Taiwan-U.S. ties. Despite the election, cross-strait relations and regional tensions are unlikely to undergo fundamental changes. Taiwan’s vital position in semiconductor manufacturing and geopolitics ensures its continued rise in importance, with the U.S. and Western nations playing a crucial role in maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. The upcoming U.S. presidential election in November is expected to significantly impact the U.S.-China-Taiwan triangle, and a potential return of former President Trump to the White House might please Beijing, according to the report.
    2024/01/18 10:27
  • Giant panda Yuan Zai passes health check with flying colors

    Yuan Zai, the beloved giant panda, has been deemed to be in good health after undergoing a comprehensive medical examination at the Taipei Zoo. The examination, conducted by a team of experts in anesthesiology, dentistry, and radiology, included various tests such as ophthalmology, hematology, and a full-body CT scan. Results showed that Yuan Zai is normal and weighs 114 kilograms. However, zoo officials have highlighted the need for caution regarding her previously broken incisor, which has undergone a root canal treatment. Despite some loss of filling material, the root of the incisor remains healthy. The zoo has also announced plans for a health check for another giant panda, Yuan Bao, in February. As a reminder, the public, particularly panda enthusiasts, are encouraged to prioritize their own health checks and regular dental visits.
    2024/01/17 14:41
  • 才剛退團!中島健人爆與女偶像甜遊歐洲 「密切連結」鐵證曝光了

    日本經濟公司傑尼斯事務所去(2023)年因創辦人喜多川強尼的性侵案而改名為「STARTO娛樂」,傳統的「偶像禁愛令」似乎也跟著鬆綁,年初開始就傳來KinKi Kids堂本剛、KAT-TUN中丸雄一喜訊,今(17)天再爆才剛退出Sexy Zone的中島健人與前女團成員交往3年,兩人還甜蜜同遊歐洲。
    2024/01/17 12:39
  • NBA/快艇大麻煩!祖巴茨小腿拉傷至少缺陣4週 禁區防線拉警報

    快艇在季初交易獲得哈登(James Harden)後,雖吞下一波6連敗,但隨著球員們磨合漸入佳境,如今反而是以25勝14負暫列西區第4。不過,快艇當家中鋒祖巴茨(Ivica Zubac)卻在此時遭遇右小腿扭傷,預計至少會缺席4週的時間,不排除會一路休養至明星週結束後再回歸。
    2024/01/17 10:50
  • 紐西蘭議員被控二度高檔精品店偷竊 難民出身議員本人認了

    紐西蘭綠黨國會議員格若曼(Golriz Ghahraman),這位逃離伊朗、在紐西蘭取得難民身份的議員,被指控從兩家高檔服裝店偷竊,已立即辭職表示對自己的行為負「完全責任」。這起指控始於1月10日,由新聞媒體ZB Plus首次發布,報導指格若曼在節慶期間,從奥克蘭專門經營奢侈品牌的「Scotties Boutique」店鋪中行竊。
    2024/01/17 10:01
  • 2024全球最安全航空公司出爐!這家奪冠長榮14、國泰排第9衰被大韓撞

    澳洲航空評比網站AirlineRatings.com每年都會做出「全球最安全航空公司」排名,今年同樣以飛行記錄、墜機和嚴重事故記錄、安全措施、飛行員培訓、機隊年齡等,對385家航空公司做出評比,結果由紐西蘭航空(Air New Zealand)獲得冠軍,台灣的長榮航空(EVA Air)排第14,近期「高空破洞」的阿拉斯加航空(Alaska Airlines)排第10,奪第九的國泰航空則是在16日在北海道新千歲機場遭大韓航空撞上尾翼。
    2024/01/17 09:09
  • 韓國同志天菜榜!最幼齒才16歲 丁海寅重返榮耀「2台星成遺珠」

    2024/01/16 16:06
  • MAC slams Beijing for ’dollar diplomacy’ to sway Nauru

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) strongly condemns Beijing’s attempt to lure the Republic of Nauru into resuming diplomatic relations, accusing China of disrupting international order through "dollar diplomacy." The MAC criticizes China’s actions as an attempt to suppress Taiwan’s international status and sovereignty, despite its successful presidential election. Beijing’s attempts to snatch away Taiwan’s diplomatic allies will not earn it respect from the international community but will instead highlight Taiwan’s democratic achievements and contributions. The MAC calls on Beijing to stop this zero-sum thinking and emphasizes that the ROC government will continue to strengthen Taiwan’s resilience, unite society, and safeguard its international status and rights.
    2024/01/16 12:29
  • 韓興起「乞丐群聊」!薪資跟不上物價 東北亞Z世代都有感

    2024/01/15 23:03
  • 壓線到最後一刻!堂本剛才向公司認愛 交往近1年「女方傳懷孕」

    日本男團KinKi Kids成員堂本剛11日宣布與女團桃色幸運草Z隊長百田夏菜子結婚,也成了目前日本演藝圈最頂的偶像CP。由於雙方從未被拍過約會照或任何消息,因此喜訊一出可說是震撼日本演藝圈,就連隊友堂本光一都不敢置信。日本狗仔立刻採訪周遭友人,原來就連兩人的公司也不知情,直到宣布前才報告,甚至還傳出百田夏菜子可能是未婚懷孕!
    2024/01/13 14:03
  • 聽聞堂本剛結婚 堂本光一第一反應:蛤?是開玩笑嗎

    日本雙人偶像組合KinKi Kids成員堂本剛本月11日宣布與女團桃色幸運草Z的百田夏菜子結婚,兩人相差15歲,婚訊震撼各界;日媒《體育報知》報導,KinKi Kids另一位成員堂本光一昨(12日)在社群發文祝賀堂本剛,更談及自己聽聞婚訊時,甚至反問堂本剛:「蛤?是在開玩笑嗎?」他也祝福堂本剛接下來的人生更加美好。
    2024/01/13 11:02
  • BE’O來台喝手搖飲「蘆薈勝珍珠」 初見Zico害怕極了:又高又凶

    韓國嘻哈歌手BE’O參加《Show Me The Money 10》爆紅,沒想到他竟選在台灣舉辦人生首場專場演唱會,今(12)天受訪時就透露原因。BE’O飛來前已經先查好寶島美食清單,然而比起台灣最招牌的「珍珠奶茶」中的珍珠,竟覺得蘆薈更美味!充滿創作能量的他,這次也分享與大前輩ZICO合作的祕辛。
    2024/01/12 19:48
  • 百田夏菜子早預告「結婚不遠了」 堂本剛聽她想分房睡:好冷淡喔

    KinKi Kids成員堂本剛與桃色幸運草Z百田夏菜子今(11)天宣布結婚,由於事前完全沒有徵兆,也讓外界好奇到底是從何搭上線。現在有日本網友翻出,其實今(2023)年29歲的百田夏菜子早就預告「離結婚越來越近」,兩人過去在節目上的超閃互動也被翻出。
    2024/01/11 13:26
  • 震撼彈!KinKi Kids堂本剛宣布結婚 對象是小15歲女偶像百田夏菜子

    2024/01/11 12:19
  • 臉書創辦人祖克柏夏威夷「啤酒養和牛」 他轟:億萬富豪耍猴戲

    Meta執行長祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)近日透過IG分享照片,聲稱他開始在夏威夷牧場,用夏威夷果粉和啤酒養牛,受到外界關注。他的行為也引發部分專家與民眾不滿,怒批是「億萬富翁在耍猴戲」
    2024/01/11 10:08
  • 卡莉怪妞、寶兒加盟高雄櫻花季!售票結果出爐 再加碼金鐘影后

    最浪漫的音樂節「7-ELEVEN 高雄櫻花季」,活動將於3月22日到3月24日高雄夢時代正對面廣場舉辦,邀請到3組韓星BoA、SUPER JUNIOR-D&E、華莎以及3組日星FRUITS ZIPPER、中孝介、卡莉怪妞等共超過30組卡司的豪華演出陣容,繼昨日先開賣OPEN PINT會員限定四人套票秒殺完售後,今日中午12點全面販售再度開出紅盤。超級搖滾座位區、搖滾區3分鐘完售。
    2024/01/10 18:42
  • 中島健人退Sexy Zone「親自道歉了」 日媒驚爆菊池風磨1事逼走他

    日本傑尼斯去(2023)年因創辦人喜多川強尼一系列的性侵案,導致公司大震盪,不僅公司改名為STARTO娛樂,旗下許多團體也跟著改名,徹底切割「Johnny’s」。4人男團Sexy Zone除了4月起將改為新團名以外,成員中島健人日前也宣布退團,然而外界不免好奇他退團的真實原因,今(10)天就有日媒爆料,居然跟隊友菊池風磨有關!
    2024/01/10 11:58
  • 不只寶兒、卡莉怪妞!高雄櫻花季「重磅卡司」還有他們 藏性感女神

    統一超商於2024年打造全新品牌「7-ELEVEN 高雄櫻花季」,活動將於3月22日到3月24日於高雄夢時代正對面廣場舉辦,大手筆邀請了包括3組韓星BoA、SUPER JUNIOR-D&E、華莎以及3組日星FRUITS ZIPPER、中孝介、卡莉怪妞,共超過30組卡司的豪華演出陣容,Kimberley陳芳語、邱鋒澤、陳零九、陳勢安、U:NUS等知名藝人將浪漫開唱,嗨翻高雄櫻花季。1月9日起OPEN POINT APP搶先開賣「3/22 OPENPOINT會員四人好友分享票」,ibon售票系統於1月10日中午起全面販售。
    2024/01/09 16:25
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