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    truth 結果共41筆

  • Taiwan denies restricting Chinese artist’s speech at event

    Discover the truth behind the rumors about Chinese artist Hu Ge’s restrictions during a Taipei event. The Mainland Affairs Council clarifies the situation, emphasizing support for cross-strait cultural exchanges.
    2024/06/13 11:09
  • MOFA clarifies Katharine Chang’s Italy visit was personal

    Discover the truth behind allegations of Katharine Chang, Taiwan’s representative to Austria, misusing her official trip for personal leisure in Italy. MOFA clarifies the situation, emphasizing the importance of separating personal and official activities.
    2024/05/21 13:48
  • 川普:日圓重貶、美元走強是大災難 批拜登置之不理

    日幣匯價近期愈發疲軟,創下34年來新低紀錄,今(24日)美元兌日圓匯率盤中一度來到1美元兌154.89日圓,距離日本央行(日銀,BOJ)可能出手干預的155日圓大關愈來愈近。前美國總統川普23日在他自己創辦的社群媒體平台「真實社群(Truth Social)」發文表示,日圓疲軟、美元走強,「對美國來說,這是一場大災難」,更批評現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)對此置之不理。
    2024/04/24 15:21
  • 才掛牌就大跌21% 川普社媒公司財報揭露年虧18億

    美國前總統、共和黨總統候選人川普(Donald Trump)的自家社群平台「真實社群」(Truth Social)上周掛牌上市,沒想到看似前途無量的表現在不到1周後出現反轉,「真實社群」1日公布的財報顯示該公司去年虧損近5820萬美元(約新台幣18.6億)、導致股價暴跌超過21%,川普本人的財產也瞬間失去10億美元(約新台幣320億)。
    2024/04/02 15:07
  • 拉仇恨!川普轉發綁架拜登哏圖 挨批煽動暴力

    2024/04/01 22:05
  • 綁架總統?川普轉發「五花大綁拜登」圖案片 被轟煽動政治暴力

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)29日在自家社群平台「真實社群」(Truth Social)轉發現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)「手腳被捆綁」影片,雖然貼文並未說明圖片含意,但遭拜登競選團隊痛批「煽動政治暴力。」
    2024/03/31 09:59
  • 旗下媒體公司上市 川普身價飆漲擠進500大富豪

    在遭到推特列入黑名單之後,美國前總統川普自行創立社群平台Truth Social,社群媒體公司股票週二在紐約那斯達克股市交易,開盤後股價飆漲將近50%。
    2024/03/27 13:04
  • 另類選舉募資? 川普曾希望馬斯克買下他的社群平台

    根據《華盛頓郵報》的報導,前美國總統川普(Donald Trump)曾經想過,將他創立的社群平台「Truth Social」賣給億萬富翁馬斯克(Elon Musk)。這項提議是在去年夏天提出,當時馬斯克剛買下接管推特、現在已經變更名稱為X。報導透露,其實川普和馬斯克私下的接觸,比外界知道的頻率更多,而且即便首次推銷無果,川普仍持續對他好友們表示,他仍堅持認為、這位特斯拉執行長應該買下這個平台。此外川普近期也在訪談中證實與馬斯克見面,但他無法確定、馬斯克「是否會支持他」。
    2024/03/13 11:20
  • Chinese families demand truth in coast guard clash

    The controversy surrounding the death of Chinese fishermen in a Taiwan Coast Guard Administration operation intensifies as family representatives demand truth and accountability. Negotiations hinge on Taiwan’s sincerity, with demands for an apology, accountability, and compensation remaining non-negotiable. Accusations of Taiwan’s inconsistent narrative and lack of consensus on basic facts hinder effective negotiations.
    2024/03/06 11:22
  • China demands answers after fatal fishing boat incident

    The Taiwan Affairs Office urges Taiwan to reveal the truth behind a capsized Chinese fishing boat incident, demanding severe punishment for those involved. The boat breached Taiwan’s maritime boundaries, resulting in a pursuit by Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration. Beijing accused Taiwan of using "brutal" force, leading to the deaths of two on board. The TAO called for Taiwan to promptly publish the truth, reprimand personnel, and explain to the victims’ families and citizens on both sides of the Strait. Taiwan’s Ocean Affairs Council Chairman stated there is no intention to conceal any aspect of the incident and emphasized that third-party liability insurance has covered the incident.
    2024/02/22 10:40
  • 稱任內法案讓泰勒絲發大財 川普求支持:別挺拜登對我不忠

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)正積極爭取共和黨總統提名,尋求回鍋白宮,他今(12)日在自家社群平台「真實社群」(Truth Social)發文聲稱,自己任內批准的音樂相關法案讓美國流行音樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)賺得盆滿缽滿,嗆拜登(Joe Biden)「什麼都沒做」,相信泰勒絲不會對他不忠(支持拜登)。
    2024/02/12 14:27
  • Tina Chou acquitted in defamation suit by Taipei Court

    Taiwanese entertainer Tina Chou, also known as "Da Ya," has been acquitted of defamation charges by the Taipei District Court. Chou had accused her former boss, Chen Chien-chou, of attempting to assault her years ago, leading to Chen filing a defamation suit against her. The court sessions involved testimonies from both parties, ultimately resulting in the prosecutor’s decision not to pursue charges against Chou. Chou expressed gratitude to the judiciary and hoped her experience would encourage other victims of sexual harassment or assault to come forward. Witnesses, including actress Julie Tsai, supported Chou’s claims. Chen, seeking to clear his name, stated his desire to reveal the truth and prove his innocence through legal means. This case highlights the ongoing conversation about sexual misconduct in Taiwan’s entertainment industry and the challenges faced by those who speak out.
    2023/12/19 15:14
  • Control Yuan exposes truth of Taiwan’s missing migrants

    The Control Yuan revealed that Taiwan has approximately 82,000 missing migrant workers, a result of low wages and labor abuse. Out of the 740,000 migrant workers in Taiwan, over 200,000 have gone missing in the last decade. Contrary to public perception, these missing workers arrived in Taiwan seeking employment opportunities but chose to disappear due to mistreatment and excessive control by their employers. A new book highlights 33 documented cases of migrant workers facing improper treatment, including threats from debt collectors and spouses remarrying due to their prolonged absence. Control Yuan members involved in the investigation emphasized the systemic issues underlying these personal struggles and questioned the government and society’s understanding of the situation. They hope the book will resonate with all sectors and prompt the government to reform the current system, protecting the rights of foreign workers and ending their suffering.
    2023/12/11 20:25
  • Premier Chen slams fake news in agricultural hoax case

    Premier Chen Chien-jen criticizes political parties for spreading fake news in the wake of a political hoax orchestrated by agricultural blogger Lin Yu-hung. Lin initially claimed that his family received threats after exposing issues with imported eggs, but it was later revealed that he colluded with a former Kuomintang worker to stage the entire scandal. Premier Chen condemned the incident, stating that it caused public panic and market instability. He called for the truth to be revealed promptly and urged individuals and political parties to respect the law. The case is still under investigation by judicial authorities.
    2023/12/11 12:10
  • MOI warns against ’cognitive warfare’ ahead of elections

    The Minister of the Interior in Taiwan warns of the prevalence of "cognitive warfare" tactics ahead of the upcoming election, describing the misleading information as a mixture of truth and falsehoods that are difficult to distinguish. He urges the public to exercise discernment and caution, emphasizing the importance of smooth elections. The warning follows reports that surveillance data from Taiwanese intelligence agencies is being sold on the dark web, potentially compromising the privacy of political figures and foreign personnel in Taiwan. The Minister assures that relevant departments are addressing the breach in surveillance data.
    2023/12/07 18:45
  • Former President Ma backs public polling for KMT-TPP ticket

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s support for nationwide polling in the selection of a joint party candidate for the upcoming presidential election has been clarified by Ma Ying-jeou Foundation spokesperson Xiao Xucen. This method, which was used in the KMT primary elections in 2019, was also used to nominate candidates for the presidency. Xiao emphasized that Ma’s stance remains unwavering and there is no truth to allegations that he has changed his attitude towards the polling of the prospective KMT-TPP ticket. Ma believes that public polling is the ultimate method to select a strong candidate who can compete against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s nominee, Lai Ching-te. Xiao further commented that public polling is a powerful tactic to unite non-ruling parties and challenge the "corrupted" DPP. He expressed optimism that public polling will continue to be embraced by KMT-TPP supporters, as well as moderate and young voters.
    2023/11/13 18:16
  • TVBS以「ESG轉譯機」為己任 宣布成立【ESG永續發展部】

    2023/11/03 13:00
  • Cheng files lawsuit against social media page over video

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan has denied rumors circulating on social media about a video allegedly showing him in a secret hotel meeting with a woman. He took legal action against the social media page responsible for spreading the video in order to uncover its origin and establish the truth. Cheng stated that the video clips were recorded at different times and had been edited together to create a misleading narrative. He emphasized that the purpose of distributing the video was to deceive, and he affirmed that he is not the person shown in the footage.
    2023/10/25 18:03
  • Agriculture Ministry seeks investigation into egg rumors

    The Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture has requested an official investigation into rumors of spoiled green eggs sold at a supermarket, even though they were still within their expiration date. Reports were filed with the Taipei City Police Department on Sept. 27, with the aim of uncovering the truth behind these allegations.
    2023/09/27 19:54
  • 遭控謀推翻大選結果!川普申請「換法官」 怒轟對方不公正

    2023/08/07 08:31
  • 馬斯克幫忙「重啟帳號」也不用? 川普嫌:推特問題一堆

    全球首富馬斯克(Elon Musk)在今天上午正式宣布,早前由他舉辦的線上投票中,1500多萬名推特用戶裡,有51.8%贊成讓美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)「重返推特」,因此恢復川普在2021年1月,因涉嫌發布煽動暴力內容,遭到永久停權的帳號。不過,川普卻公開潑了馬斯克一桶冷水,表示自己「沒有興趣」重返推特,還批評推特現在假帳號一堆,還是由他創辦的新平台「真實社群」(Truth Social)表現比較好。
    2022/11/20 15:53
  • 推特民調過半支持恢復帳號 川普:沒興趣

    2022/11/20 15:35
  • 川普自創社群平台面臨財務危機 遭爆欠款4868萬

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)先前因屢次發表爭議言論,遭到臉書、推特等主要社群平台封殺禁言,他為此於今年大動作推出自創的全新社群平台「Truth social」,希望持續維持個人影響力;不過近來Truth social卻被爆出拖欠網路託管公司「Right Force」共160萬美金(約4864萬台幣)費用,引起外界懷疑是否陷入財務危機。
    2022/08/29 17:39
  • 讚安倍是「美國真正好朋友」! 川普喊話:嚴懲凶手

    日本前首相安倍晉三遇刺,美國前總統川普最初在自創社群平台Truth Social留言表達震驚,稱安倍是「真正了不起的人和領袖」以及「我個人、更重要是美國的真正好朋友」。
    2022/07/08 21:57
  • 不甩推特是否恢復帳號 川普自創社群首發文「我回來了」

    世界首富馬斯克(Elon Musk)收購推特後,也讓各界開始關注,推特是否會恢復前美國總統川普的帳號。然而川普日前鄭重宣告「不會回推特」,並於美國時間4月28日,在自己創建的社群平台「真實社群」(Truth Social)發出首則文章「我回來了」,這是他睽違1年多來首度在社群媒體上發表文章。
    2022/05/01 17:09
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