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  • Taiwan High Speed Rail to add 21 weekly services in 2024

    Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) will be adding 21 weekly train services, with 11 heading southbound and 10 going northbound, starting on January 3, 2024. This expansion plan will bring the total number of weekly train services to 1,060 for passengers. Tickets for these additional services can be purchased starting from midnight on December 6. The aim of this service enhancement is to improve the travel experience for passengers north of Taichung, especially during peak commute hours and tourist seasons. The additional train services primarily target business commuters during weekdays. THSRC has previously executed two "regular service increase" plans in July and October, raising the fixed weekly services from 1,016 to 1,025 and then further to 1,039. In addition, a "short-term service increase" plan was implemented in November and December. THSRC intends to monitor the outcomes of this short-term increase to guide future adjustments in long-term service offerings. This initiative reflects THSRC’s commitment to adapting its services to the evolving travel patterns and needs of the public, aiming for greater convenience and efficiency for its users.
    2023/12/04 20:37
  • Tsai inaugurates advanced military medical facility

    President Tsai Ing-wen attended the inauguration ceremony for the National Defense Medical Center’s new Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Disaster Medical Assistance Training Building, highlighting the government’s commitment to improving military capabilities. The state-of-the-art facility integrates virtual and augmented reality technologies for realistic battlefield medical scenarios and has trained nearly 3,800 medical personnel this year. The building also aims to enhance medical skills and advance national defense education through collaborations with various institutions.
    2023/12/04 20:33
  • Turkish influencer pixelates daughter’s face for privacy

    Turkish social media influencer Rifat shared a photo of his daughter practicing gymnastics, with her face pixelated at her request, emphasizing the importance of internet privacy and consent. Wu, a famous actor in Taiwan, explained that he respected his 8-year-old daughter’s privacy and choice by mosaic-ing her face. He highlighted the need for obtaining a child’s consent before sharing their images online and hoped that his actions would set a positive example for society. Social media users praised Rifat’s approach, considering him a role model for respecting family and children’s privacy in the age of social media. His commitment to his daughters’ rights and his visibility as a public figure could potentially influence widespread social attitudes towards online sharing and privacy, especially for young children. This act of shielding his daughter’s identity while sharing a family moment reflects the ongoing conversation about privacy in the digital era, particularly regarding young children and the implications of internet exposure.
    2023/11/29 14:22
  • Tsai likens her tenure’s end to ’waiting to graduate’

    President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan humorously compares her current state to ’waiting to graduate’ while emphasizing the significance of supporting the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for its commitment to defense reform. Tsai highlights the party’s vital role in legislative support for key defense initiatives and endorses DPP candidate Lai Ching-te.
    2023/11/28 17:25
  • Ko blames KMT for failed alliance, eyes strong opposition

    Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate, criticized the Kuomintang (KMT) for prioritizing the presidency and failing to consider alternative options. He expressed his willingness to compromise but emphasized the need for a strong alliance among opposition parties. Ko cited an experts’ meeting that favored his ticket over the KMT’s. He accused the KMT of misrepresenting his intentions and failing to reflect public opinion. Despite the temporary split between the KMT and TPP, Ko remains confident that the 2024 political turnover can be achieved. He thanked Terry Gou for withdrawing from the presidential race and acknowledged his running mate Cynthia Wu’s commitment to charitable work. Ko pledged to stay steadfast in the face of challenges and believed in the power of the people to deepen democratic reform.
    2023/11/26 14:36
  • Hsiao confident in U.S. trust, backs Tsai’s policies

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expresses confidence in the trust the U.S. places in President Tsai Ing-wen and assures that her running mate, presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, will continue Tsai’s diplomatic policies if elected. Hsiao addresses concerns about the perception of the "Lai-Hsiao ticket" as strongly pro-Taiwan independence, emphasizing the focus should be on actions rather than political labels. She believes Taiwan’s consensus is to maintain the status quo and desires sustainable and healthy exchanges with China. Hsiao describes herself as a "cat warrior" and emphasizes the need for diplomacy to strike a balance that maximizes Taiwan’s international support and participation. She expresses a desire to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping face-to-face, urging him to empathize with the aspirations of the Taiwanese people. Hsiao also mentions her intention to recommend Taiwan’s delicious agricultural products, such as Taiwanese mangoes, to Xi. This interview reaffirms the DPP’s commitment to Taiwan’s autonomy and the desire for friendly and reciprocal relations with neighboring countries, including China, based on compassion and mutual respect.
    2023/11/26 13:54
  • Yu Tzu-hsiang eyes new political terrain with KMT-TPP split

    The Kuomintang (KMT) has formally ended its partnership with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), leading to the formation of the "Hou-Jaw ticket" with candidates Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong running for president and vice president. Shih Hsin University Associate Professor Yu Tzu-hsiang praised Jaw’s commitment and enthusiasm, recalling their encounters 36 years ago when Jaw was a star host. Despite Jaw no longer being the youthful "golden boy," Yu noted his unwavering dedication. With Hou’s presidential candidacy and Jaw serving as the chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC), a new phase in Taiwan’s political contest has begun.
    2023/11/25 14:25
  • ’Gou-Lai ticket’ ends bid, aiming to unify Taiwan further

    Independent candidate Terry Gou and running mate Lai Pei-hsia have withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race, expressing gratitude to supporters and emphasizing their commitment to unifying Taiwan and improving living standards. Lai’s heartfelt message conveyed disappointment over failed attempts to unify opposition parties, highlighting their dedication to the Republic of China. Lai praised Gou’s vision and affirmed her determination to protect the nation. The withdrawal occurred on the deadline for registration, leaving the race between Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party, Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party, and Hou Yu-ih from the Kuomintang, setting the stage for a three-cornered fight in the upcoming elections.
    2023/11/24 18:24
  • Hsiao cautious about ’dark political vortex’ in Taiwan

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expresses concerns about Taiwan’s political climate and her hesitation to return to the country for public office. She describes a "dark political vortex" and emphasizes the need to defend democracy, freedom, and basic rights. Despite the challenges, Hsiao pledges steadfast efforts alongside presidential candidate Lai Ching-te to guide Taiwan and offer its people more opportunities. She aims to concentrate on state affairs and constructive national debates, avoiding distractions and external disturbances. Hsiao’s commitment reflects the underlying tensions in Taiwan’s political landscape and her determination to maintain stability and progress for the country.
    2023/11/24 18:13
  • KMT candidate Hou exposes Ko’s message on Gou’s race exit

    During a three-way election talk in Taipei, Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih revealed a private message sent by independent candidate Ko Wen-je, implying that Terry Gou, another independent candidate, needs a reason to withdraw from the race. The gathering, attended by Gou, Hou, Ko, former president Ma Ying-jeou, and KMT chairman Eric Chu, has been seen as a classic pre-election scene. Hou accidentally disclosed Ko’s comments about Gou needing an excuse to step down. Ko had intended to hold a meeting among the three parties to demonstrate their commitment to Taiwan’s future. By giving Gou a chance to host the meeting and act as a driving force behind the KMT-TPP ticket, Ko believed Gou could withdraw from the race without embarrassment. Gou was reportedly shocked by this revelation, as he was unaware of the messages exchanged. Wu Tzu-chia, president of Formosa Online, commented on the incident, highlighting Gou’s surprise and his initial intention to promote opposition unity. However, Ko’s reaction to the leaked message was ironic, as he criticized Hou and exposed his own pretense, adding further controversy to the already heated election atmosphere.
    2023/11/24 18:00
  • Rapid decision-making for Jaw Shaw-kong on ’Hou-Jaw ticket’

    Discover the latest turn in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential race as Jaw Shaw-kong accepts Hou Yu-ih’s invitation to be his vice-presidential candidate. This pivotal move comes hours before the registration deadline, marking a strategic shift in KMT’s campaign and impacting Jaw’s media career.
    2023/11/24 17:26
  • DPP stresses peace in cross-strait relations amid criticism

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and President Tsai Ing-wen maintain a non-provocative stance toward cross-strait relations, committed to pursuing peace. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) criticized DPP’s presidential candidate Lai Ching-te for downplaying the dangers of Taiwan independence activities. Lai’s running mate, Hsiao Bi-khim, is known for supporting independence, which has further displeased the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) due to the DPP’s pro-independence stance. The DPP accused the CCP of interfering in Taiwan’s elections and fostering fear of war, while emphasizing their commitment to defending Taiwan’s democracy and interests.
    2023/11/22 20:03
  • Lai Ching-te rebuffs China’s criticism in Time interview

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te emphasizes his political standpoint in a Time magazine interview after registering with the Central Election Commission (CEC) alongside running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, becoming the first confirmed party pair for the 2024 presidential election. The interview coincided with the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) of China’s Central Committee harshly criticizing the DPP candidates, accusing them of advocating for "independence upon independence." Lai dismisses China’s criticisms, highlighting that Chinese officials lack experience with a national transition to democracy. He underscores the differing national visions of the opposition party Kuomintang (KMT) and the DPP, asserting the DPP’s firm commitment to safeguarding Taiwan’s sovereignty and rejecting China’s attempts at unification. During the registration, Lai and Hsiao, who have differing preferences for pets, wear badges featuring painted animal figures, symbolizing their unique cooperation. Supporters enthusiastically witness this exciting moment, demonstrating their enthusiasm for the upcoming election race.
    2023/11/22 20:02
  • President Tsai thanks Morris Chang for attending APEC

    President Tsai Ing-wen expresses gratitude to Taiwan’s APEC delegation led by Morris Chang for conveying her four critical messages to all APEC member participants. Tsai emphasizes the government’s commitment to adjusting Taiwan’s industrial structure and leveraging its advantages for regional development. She thanks Chang for attending the economic and trade cooperation forum, enabling Taiwan to play a vital role internationally. Tsai highlights Chang’s conversations with foreign dignitaries, including U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, which will strengthen future bilateral cooperation. Chang reports that this year’s APEC economic leaders’ meeting covered technology-related topics and expresses gratitude for the opportunity to represent Taiwan at the conference.
    2023/11/22 19:46
  • DPP candidates register for 2024 presidential election

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim registered for Taiwan’s 2024 national election with the Central Election Commission. They wore badges featuring cartoon depictions of a cat and a dog, symbolizing their representative animals. Lai’s campaign design incorporates a baseball theme and an animation series featuring his dog, while Hsiao, a well-known "cat person," often compares her diplomatic skills to a cat’s charm. The slogan "pick the right people, follow the right path" emphasizes their commitment to jointly shaping Taiwan’s future.
    2023/11/22 19:43
  • Hsiao returns to Taiwan politics, embraces new challenges

    Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s former representative to the U.S., has accepted the role of running mate to Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. In her acceptance speech, Hsiao emphasized her responsibility to stand for Taiwan and her commitment to maintaining and improving the Taiwan-U.S. relationship. She highlighted the importance of Taiwan’s democratic values and its international participation. Hsiao has resigned from her U.S. representative role to run for the elections, bringing her political credentials and experience to serve Taiwan and its people.
    2023/11/22 19:38
  • TPP announces candidates for Taiwan’s 2024 legislative race

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has announced its list of 34 candidates for the legislator-at-large positions for the 2024 elections. Former Taipei Deputy Mayor Vivian Huang and former lawmaker Huang Kuo-chang are the top candidates on the list. Notably, the candidates recommended by independent presidential hopeful Terry Gou were not included. TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je clarified that Gou declined the invitation to provide recommended names. Ko highlighted the growth of TPP, which he founded four years ago, and emphasized the party’s commitment to recruiting competent individuals dedicated to serving Taiwan’s interests in the legislature.
    2023/11/22 18:08
  • New Taipei allocates NT$17M yearly for school volunteers

    The New Taipei City Education Department has been allocating an annual budget of NT$17 million to subsidize volunteer activities at schools, including the purchase of guide and protective equipment. The department also ensures the safety of school volunteers by coordinating the procurement of insurance for them every year. This response comes after concerns were raised by New Taipei City Councilor Huang Shu-chun about the discrepancy between the budget for volunteer equipment and the actual number of volunteers. Huang pointed out that the current budget provides equipment for over 5,000 volunteers, despite an estimated 32,000 volunteers on the roster. Huang also compared the benefits granted to school social workers with those provided for police civil defense, neighborhood chiefs, and patrol teams. While school social workers receive an average of NT$495, the others receive a volunteer reward of NT$3,840. Huang emphasized the need to review and improve the system in order to address concerns about a potential reduction in volunteers and difficulties in recruitment and retention.
    2023/11/22 17:06
  • Ko Wen-je pledges unwavering commitment to his supporters

    Taiwan People’s Party’s Ko Wen-je pledges to unite efforts for the country’s progress and emphasizes democracy’s significance in his campaign, speaking to a large crowd in New Taipei.
    2023/11/19 17:27
  • Ko’s wife reveals reasons behind his alliance decision

    Peggy Chen, wife of Ko Wen-je, shared on Facebook his reasons for supporting the Blue-White agreement, reflecting his commitment to addressing public discontent with the DPP and his vision for a Taiwan governed by integrity and professionalism.
    2023/11/19 15:57
  • China takes note of Blue-White coalition: TAO spokesperson

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokesperson, Zhu Fenglian, has called on the people of Taiwan and China to support the 1992 Consensus and oppose Taiwanese independence in order to restore peaceful development in cross-Strait relations. This statement was made during a regular press conference on Wednesday morning. Zhu also mentioned the potential Blue-White Coalition in the upcoming Taiwanese presidential election, emphasizing that peace, development, and cooperation represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Zhu further stated that mainland residents will only be able to travel to Taiwan when cross-Strait relations are on the correct track of peaceful development. This communication reflects China’s consistent stance on Taiwan, reaffirming its commitment to the 1992 Consensus and strong opposition to Taiwan’s independence. It is evident that China is closely monitoring Taiwan’s political dynamics in light of the upcoming election.
    2023/11/16 21:06
  • Xi denies China’s invasion plans against Taiwan in 2027

    Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden met in San Francisco, where Xi denied plans for military action against Taiwan in 2027 or 2035. The leaders discussed the significance of Taiwan in U.S.-China relations, with Biden emphasizing the U.S.’s commitment to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Xi stated the importance of seeking broader solutions while dispelling speculations of military action, asserting that there is no such plan.
    2023/11/16 15:22
  • Terry Gou remains open to cooperation with TPP’s Ko

    Independent presidential candidate Terry Gou’s campaign office spokesperson, Chen Chia-yi, confirmed that the election coalition between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) does not prevent the TPP from forming an alliance with Gou. Chen emphasized that Gou’s commitment to a political turnover in 2024 remains unwavering and stated that discussions can take place between Gou and TPP’s presidential contender Ko Wen-je, as the two are not mutually exclusive. Gou’s campaign team aims to bring all parties to the table to communicate their goals without any preconditions, highlighting that unity is the key to winning the presidential election. Chen mentioned that Gou’s direction aligns with the 65% mainstream public opinion, which desires the removal of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Cooperation among opposition presidential candidates is seen as the ongoing effort leading up to candidate registration at the Central Election Commission from November 20 to November 24.
    2023/11/16 15:20
  • Three military vessels showcase Taiwan’s defense power

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Kaohsiung City’s Gushan District, showcasing Taiwan’s defense capabilities. The Yushan-class ship, with a displacement of 10,000 tons, demonstrated its ability to carry fully armed Marines and featured a spacious command center and medical facilities. The ROCS Ta Chiang, a 732-ton vessel, displayed impressive stealth characteristics and a powerful arsenal. The Min Jiang-class minelayer showcased its accurate navigation and mine-laying capabilities. This event provided insight into Taiwan’s contemporary naval capabilities and its commitment to strengthening national defense.
    2023/11/13 11:42
  • U.K., Japan urge peaceful solutions in Taiwan Strait

    The "2+2" meeting in Tokyo between the U.K. and Japan focused on maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Both parties expressed opposition to any attempt to alter the status quo by force or coercion and called for peaceful solutions to the long-running dispute between Taiwan and China. They also expressed concerns over tensions in the South China Sea and East China Sea. The ministers urged China to act responsibly and cease aiding Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. The political situations in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong were also discussed, with a commitment to establishing stable and constructive relations through dialogue. The joint statement supported Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, advocating for official membership where statehood is not required and observer status where it is. The U.K. and Japan reaffirmed their strong position and called for international support as the situation with Taiwan and China appears to worsen.
    2023/11/10 21:48
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