
Tsai inaugurates advanced military medical facility

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/04 20:33
Last update time:2023/12/04 20:33
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Tsai inaugurates advanced military medical facility (TVBS News) Tsai inaugurates advanced military medical facility
Tsai inaugurates advanced military medical facility (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen attended the inauguration ceremony for the National Defense Medical Center's new Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Disaster Medical Assistance Training Building on Monday (Dec. 4), underscoring the government's commitment to enhancing the nation's military capabilities.

The state-of-the-art building officially opened Monday morning, with Tsai present alongside Minister of National Defense Chiu Kuo-cheng and Secretary-General of the National Security Council Wellington Koo.


In her address, Tsai highlighted the facility's comprehensive training environment, integrating virtual and augmented reality technologies for realistic battlefield medical scenarios.

Tsai emphasized the significant upgrade in technology and training, noting that nearly 3,800 medical personnel have undergone training this year.

The Medical Affairs Bureau announced the new training building's integration of military and civilian medical services. Future collaborations are planned with various institutions, including the National Police Agency, National Fire Agency, Ministry of Education, medical universities, and healthcare organizations.

These partnerships aim to enhance medical skills and advance national defense education among the population.

Taiwan Affairs

#President Tsai Ing-wen# National Defense Medical Center# Tactical Combat Casualty Care# Disaster Medical Assistance Training Building# military capabilities# virtual reality technologies# battlefield medical scenarios# enhancing national defense education


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