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    New Taipei 結果共492筆

  • KMT Chairman Eric Chu warns against early election talks

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu warns against premature discussions on local elections and presidential elections, emphasizing unity and public sentiment. Collaboration with the TPP and legislative operations are highlighted as priorities.
    2024/02/27 15:30
  • Free YouBike rides return: Ko Wen-je shares insights

    Former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, now chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), discusses the new policy of free YouBike use for 30 minutes, emphasizing the need for policy discourse. Taipei City Government’s Department of Transportation announced the change effective Feb. 28. Ko highlights the shift from completely free to charging NT$5 due to recreational rather than commuting use. He stresses the original purpose of YouBike for transportation, not leisure. Ko dismisses DPP’s criticism of TPP as a "parasite" in parliament as aggressive and unworthy of attention.
    2024/02/27 13:41
  • President Tsai Ing-wen’s asset declaration revealed

    Discover President Tsai Ing-wen’s financial holdings unveiled by the Control Yuan in its latest asset declaration, including her deposits, properties in Taipei and New Taipei City, and entrusted assets. Learn about her copyright holdings and management of campaign subsidies in this detailed report.
    2024/02/27 13:38
  • Cold snap hits northern Taiwan with 10°C temperatures

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as a strong continental cold air mass brings chilly temperatures to northern regions. Find out how the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts are impacting areas like Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan, with temperatures possibly dropping below 10 degrees Celsius. Stay informed about the persistent influence of the cold air mass and how it’s affecting different parts of the island.
    2024/02/27 10:41
  • New Taipei allocates NT$50M for school security

    New Taipei City intensifies efforts to enhance school safety in Taiwan, allocating NT$50 million for security upgrades and implementing collaborative measures with various agencies. The government aims to foster a safer learning environment through collective action and proactive initiatives.
    2024/02/26 17:03
  • Eric Chu focuses on party unity ahead of KMT elections

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu dismisses rumors of successors as attempts to sow discord within the party and speculations on his re-election. Fu Kun-chi and Lu Shiow-yen are rumored to have leadership ambitions. Chu emphasizes party effectiveness in the legislature and addressing citizen concerns.
    2024/02/26 16:44
  • Huang Kuo-chang backs Huang Shan-shan for Taipei mayor race

    Legislator Huang Kuo-chang reveals his considerations for Taipei mayor in an exclusive radio interview, hinting at potential mayoral roles in New Taipei City, Taoyuan, or Hsinchu. Party chairman Ko Wen-je’s plans for the 2026 local elections and Huang’s "responsible district" in New Taipei City are also discussed.
    2024/02/26 14:15
  • Taiwan braces for persistent cold wave through Feb 28

    Stay updated on the cold surge advisory affecting New Taipei City, Keelung City, Taoyuan City, and Hsinchu County in Taiwan. Meteorologist Lin Te-en forecasts the cold wave to persist until Feb. 28, with temperatures possibly remaining around or below 10 degrees Celsius.
    2024/02/26 11:23
  • New Taipei collects 160kg of litter post-Lantern Festival

    Join over a hundred volunteers in New Taipei City as they collaborate to clean up mountains, removing 160 kilograms of litter, including sky lanterns. Demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection, these efforts aim to balance tourism and natural preservation.
    2024/02/26 11:19
  • Dazzling New Taipei Lantern Festival draws record crowds

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, featuring a stunning 12-meter-high dragon lantern, international and indigenous art displays, and diverse activities for attendees. Join in the celebration of the Year of the Dragon and the Spring Lantern Festival at New Taipei Metropolitan Park.
    2024/02/24 17:00
  • 備戰演唱會!樂團JADE暴雷「音浪很強」 要粉絲做這事再進場

    成軍5年的雙人搖滾樂團「JADE」,3月22日將在Zepp New Taipei舉辦「萬物皆玉」演唱會,他們前置籌備將近3個月,為節目概念、音樂製作絞盡腦汁,預告演唱會針對歌曲編排設計4種沉浸情境,提醒樂迷:「音浪會很強,不戴墨鏡入場眼睛會睜不開。」屆時也將展現成團5年來累積的能量,「想用最直接的方式在台上炸一波,肯定值回票價」。
    2024/02/23 17:56
  • ZUTOMAYO海外首唱在台灣! 中文竟學「想殺粉刺」要吃排骨麵

    充滿神秘感的覆面系日本音樂組合ZUTOMAYO「永遠是深夜有多好。」將在2月25日來台參加浮現祭EMERGE FEST 2024,緊接著更將於2月27日在Zepp New Taipei舉行首次海外演唱會「ZUTOMAYO INTENSE IN TAIPEI」,門票甫開賣就秒殺一空,展現超高人氣。為了拉近跟台灣粉絲之間的距離,主唱ACA-Ne(ACAね)特別錄製近1分鐘的中文影片,還點名想吃排骨麵!
    2024/02/22 19:34
  • Taipei mayor demands accountability for Shenkeng fire

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an vows accountability and punishment following a major fire in Shenkeng District of New Taipei City. Chiang emphasizes the need for a comprehensive review involving multiple government agencies. Stay updated on the unfolding investigation and potential repercussions.
    2024/02/22 11:51
  • Hou Yu-ih confirms no toxic chemicals in air after fire

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih assures public safety following a warehouse fire in Shenkeng District. Air quality tests show no hydrogen fluoride or heavy metals. Environmental agencies monitor PM2.5, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide levels. Safety measures include avoiding the area, keeping doors and windows shut, wearing masks, and seeking medical advice if needed. Shenkeng District’s Health Center prepares for potential medical demands, while hospitals provide emergency treatment and care for respiratory symptoms. The city government continues to oversee air and water quality examinations to ensure public safety.
    2024/02/22 10:38
  • Chiang Wan-an responds to factory fire fallout

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses public concerns over a fire’s cause and environmental effects at an electronics factory in Shenkeng, leading to thick smoke blanketing Taipei and New Taipei. Public outcry on Facebook prompts Mayor Chiang to propose measures to manage the crisis, including monitoring air quality, providing real-time updates, and advising citizens in affected areas to take precautions.
    2024/02/21 13:38
  • New Taipei mayor recall effort hits 20,000 signatures mark

    Efforts to recall New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih gain momentum as group collects over 20,000 signatures, halfway to required 40,000. Stay updated on the ongoing recall campaign and upcoming signature drive at Taipei Metro’s Haishan Station on Feb. 24. Learn about the two-phase process under the Public Officials Election and Recall Act.
    2024/02/21 13:38
  • 雙北世壯運吉祥物正式Q萌亮相 官方臉書創意徵名活動即起開跑

    2025雙北世界壯年運動會(World Masters Games 2025 Taipei & New Taipei City)將於今(113)年2月17日報名起跑,而搶在報名前夕,賽事吉祥物也正式亮相,靈感取自本次雙主辦城市臺北市與新北市,以「北」字為意象,誕生藍色、粉紅色交織的可愛活力吉祥物,自即日起至3月7日舉辦徵名活動,歡迎民眾踴躍至雙北世壯運臉書粉專發想創意,命名獲選者將可獲臺北市蔣萬安市長贈送一台iPad 10(256G)大禮。
    2024/02/21 08:00
  • New Taipei mayor recall effort hits 20,000 signatures

    A civic group in New Taipei City has gathered over 20,000 signatures in the first stage of the recall campaign against Mayor Hou Yu-ih. The effort, aiming for 40,000 signatures, follows the Public Officials Election And Recall Act, with the second stage requiring 10% of electors to endorse the recall. Hou, who served as mayor and later ran for president, faces potential recall pending a vote.
    2024/02/20 18:13
  • NYCU launches innovative Chinese medicine department

    National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) is set to debut its Traditional Chinese Medicine department at a college fair on Feb. 24. The new department integrates artificial intelligence and information technology in its curriculum, aiming to cultivate "new traditional Chinese physicians" with interdisciplinary characteristics. The university seeks to enhance Taiwan’s traditional Chinese medicine industry by training talents for hospital clinics, scientific research, and the biotech industry.
    2024/02/20 11:49
  • Taipei expands free health checks for 66K seniors

    Stay updated on the latest news from Taipei City Government’s Department of Health regarding the expansion of free senior health checks in 2024. Online registration for special groups of elderly citizens begins on Feb. 22, with additional scheduling available on March 4. Director Chen Yen-yuan introduces a redesigned health check-up regimen, including new packages for bone density and muscle strength. Take advantage of services offered by 61 health care institutions and subsidized preventive health services for citizens aged 65 and over.
    2024/02/19 15:20
  • Wang Cheng-hsu takes oath as Taiwan’s new legislator

    Wang Cheng-hsu, successor to former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, was sworn in as a legislator in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, pledging to enhance public health. Wang, a healthcare expert, aims to fulfill President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for better health care. His appointment was celebrated by former Legislator Chiu Tai-yuan, who believes Wang’s expertise will benefit Taiwan’s medical community.
    2024/02/19 12:33
  • 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival: tradition meets innovation

    Experience the magic of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, where tradition meets innovation with captivating displays, cultural performances, and a 12-meter dragon lantern. Explore themed zones, enjoy VR/AR experiences, and indulge in a diverse food market until March 3!
    2024/02/17 18:09
  • Taiwan faces critical blood shortage, O-type at alarming low

    Taiwan Blood Service Foundation reports critical shortage of O-type blood, with only 3.7 days’ worth in stock. Decreased donations due to Lunar New Year holiday impact blood supply, with Taipei Blood Center urging public to donate after work to alleviate crisis. Blood bank stocks at only 4.5 days, far below optimal level of 7-10 days. A, B, and AB blood types also facing shortages.
    2024/02/17 13:29
  • New Taipei City launches dazzling 2024 Lantern Festival

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Lantern Festival in New Taipei City, featuring a 12-meter high dragon palace lantern, mythical beasts, AR technology, and interactive art. Join Mayor Hou Yu-ih and officials at the festival until March 3 for a visual feast and cultural celebration.
    2024/02/17 12:56
  • Legislative speaker Han Kuo-yu meets AIT director

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu and Deputy Speaker Johnny Chiang meet with AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk, presenting a New Year couplet to enhance Taiwan-U.S. relations. Oudkirk, the first ambassador Han has met since taking office, showed proficiency in Chinese during the meeting. The event included a public reception and a private discussion lasting about 50 minutes.
    2024/02/17 11:27
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